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Everything posted by LordFowl

  1. Name: Mundlichar the Magnificent Age: Untold aeons, he would say. In fact, when not saying this, he would say that he was an old man when the bombs first fell. In truth, he does look very old. You might guess seventy? Physical Description: A frail and old man. His grey-white beard reaches down to his stomach, and his bushy eyebros dominate his forehead. A long crooked nose shoots out, shadowing a mouth of crooked and yellowed teeth, and dressed with a dirty moustache. His skin is wrinkly and unwashed. He wears a dirty robe with many pockets on the inside, and a wide-brimmed conical hat that ends in a point. Both are a dirty grey, although look brown by virtue of their dirtiness. Seriously, he could at least touch the river once in a while! He is rarely seen without a book written in a strange language that he refers to as "The Sacred Word of the Great Conjuror" and a long staff that is tipped with a cross. His legs and arms are long and frail, and his fingers are crooked. His voice is deep, but often cracks or whines at the most inopportune moments, his larynx betrayed by his age. Racked by wheezes and coughs, he is lucky to get a word out anyways. Home Fiefdom: Russia Profession: Court Wizard Backstory: On the twenty fifth day came into the valley Mundlichar, herald of the Great Conjuror, Emerging from the Wastes, he set out to declare the glorious power of the Conjuror, and to establish the world to His might. Part missionary, part conjuror, he claims to be the messenger of his Order, who are numerous in the Wastes. He claims to be the least, that his overseers are infinitely more powerful than him, capable of both devastating life and providing this. The lords of Russia were highly amused, and he often frequents each of their courts as more or less an entertainer. Despite this somewhat demeaning role, he still attempts to whisper in their ears as much as he can. Heavily advocating the deployment of scouts to the Wastes, he advised the lesser Lords of the existence of an artefact of great power that lay within the Wastes. These Lords then advised the Tsar of this possibility. He sometimes accompanies the scouts, and surprisingly usually manages to survive. His old age tells that he is not as witless as he seems, for few live to be so elderly in the Valley, and even fewer in the Wastes. He claims that his life and his might is provided by the Great Conjuror Corpus Christi, who's immortal powers let him step down from the cross of the demons, and to slay the world thrice over. He regales many with the tales of how Corpus Christi consorted with Daemons, drawing them from their prisons, which often assumed the form of crazed humans, so that they may assist him in the final battle. Indeed, on the day of the final battle, he brought down the stars, and gave forth the plague of Radiation, and he called forth the Daemons, the principle generals being the four horsemen. And why, did the Conjuror Corpus Christi do so? To collect the souls of man, so that his power might be infinitely powerful. However, it was through Corpus Christi's grand benediction that the men of the Valley might persist, and the Tribes of the Waste, and it is the Ordo Christum that ensures the continuation of this benevolence, convincing their lord ever hundred years to persist his Divine Covenant with the Earth, so that it may grow again. Mundlichar claims that it is this Divine Covenant that grants him the divided power of the Conjuror, and indeed anyone can operate His divine power, provided artefacts of the Time Before the Valley, and great learning. Mundlichar himself is naturally highly learned in the operation of the Conjuror's benediction, and even professes the ability to translate the tongue of the Firstborn, the creators of the artefacts, which allows him to read their codices. He claims that the Great Book of Corpus Christi is written in this selfsame language, proving its power, and indeed was written by a King, namely King James, who ruled over the Firstborn.
  2. Looking closely at the Syndicate bags, it appears that Syndicates are either British or German. . .
  3. But really should each and every crew member come into contact with the AI, according to NanoTrasen's intended use for the AI? I mean, for most AIs the only contact the crew has with the AI is "AI, open dis door naow!" Unless they're in a command position, or if a danger comes to the station, and since NanoTrasen does not train their crew canonically with how to deal with a wizard invasion, I don't think they'd train their crew how to train their AI to deal with a wizard invasion. That's like an MMO company teaching each of its employees how to interact with the massive server mainframes. (A poor example, but I'm having trouble conjuring up a real world metaphor for an AI).
  4. I'm just not good at presenting points. As such, we have declared exterminatus upon my post for the crime of heresy, and it is now that we perform our charge. In fealty to the God-Emperor (our undying Lord) and by the Grace of the Golden Throne, I declare Exterminatus upon the Auroran Public Uplink Post of Security SOP/Law Change #39. I hereby sign the death warrant of an entire post, and consign a few paltry and irritating words to oblivion. May Imperial Justice account in all balance. The Emperor Protect EDIT: To anybody who saw what was written here before, recall that there is nothing here now.
  5. OVERWATCH, Station AI: SOLO, Station AI: Radigan Connelly:
  6. Realism and roleplay go hand in hand, furry. Furthermore, even if I were to play your "support" game, and to me it truly is a game because you insist that your flimsy points are made valid by the flimsiest of sources, surely I would pick a better source than wikipedia. (See "flimsy"). A reward is merely recognition of effort; your cooperation (effort) is recognized, and thus you do not receive a heftier punishment. Raven, and now my own, idea works with the exact same concept as yours. By saying that our idea is not compliant with your narrow approach on your "reward" system is by extent saying that yours is not either, thus making the point moot. By offering the threat of an increased sentence for noncompliance, it handles the same issue of rewarding compliance, without reducing prison sentences to laughable seconds, less than the slaps on the wrist they are now. And, trying to wrap my head around your logic with the drug dealer hurts me. See above "realism and roleplay go hand in hand". Roleplay is not escapist fantasy, unless defined by its rules as such. In this case, this roleplay server is not an escapist fantasy. If you're looking to become almost totally detached from logic and realism, then perhaps this roleplay server (And really roleplay at all) is not meant for you. To put it succinctly; REALISM IS IMPORTANT.
  7. As I said, Tishina, I find your point on that matter to be quite valid.
  8. While I suppose your quest could be considered noble ("Knowledge is power, guard it well", as the misguided Diomedes said) I am still of the opinion that it is at the very least futile, if not unnecessary as a whole. Futile because if people want to find something truly devastating, they can easily do it with just a bit of research. Futile because ss13 as a system presents many other and intuitive means of these things that encourage "powergaming", as you declare them. (Which is a fair accusation, since they're being listed on a thread called "Most meta/powergame things".) However, the basic assumption that no one but the people that already know it are responsible enough to know it is by its very self elitist. Finally, your declaration that this thread specifically should not exist because it might leak "powerful" information I don't really get. Really, the only possible thing that could even be considered "powerful" is the throw baton. . . Which I'm pretty sure is somewhat common knowledge, anyways. The statistics of what powerful information has been "leaked" and what has not are in favour of not. However, you could then retort that even one powerful datum being released is one too many, which I will be honest I don't really know what to say to that. I really just don't see where you're coming from, as you're saying you're not elitist, yet are assuming that nobody is responsible enough to know the things being posted. Sorry. In an attempt to veil this post with a modicum of on-topicness, I will pretty much just say Telescience. All of it.
  9. The reason being to promote elitism? Its only coincidental anyways that most of this meta/power game items of interest are lesser known game mechanics. My complaint, for example, was no such thing. However, needless separation of what can and can't be talked about is, to be redundant, needless. "Lesser known game mechanics" strike me as trivial things to horde.
  10. The main problem, furry, with your suggestion is that it is too lenient. I agree actually more with Ravens. If we can't be a totalitarian dictatorship and just execute people for stealing bread, then we might as well go with the more logical idea of that if you do a crime and refuse to co-operate, you get a longer sentence, while if you do co-operate you get a regular sentence. To me, this makes a lot more sense than just letting people go because they were nice to the police officer. Most of the sentences in this game really aren't that long, even when not compared to real life sentences. Thus, doubling them for un-cooperative prisoners (Or increasing them by some other multiplier, doubling them might be a bit too harsh) is really quite valid. Reducing a five minutes sentence to one minute and twenty five seconds (Most sentences tend to be between five and ten minutes) just means that you'll be in and out before the Warden even gets back to his desk (Provided he is walking, like a good Warden should). Operating under the idea that rewards reinforce good behavior, the reward to being cooperative is to avoid the threat of an extended sentence, not to embrace the gift of a minuscule sentence.
  11. Everybody having intricate knowledge on how to interact with a cyborg or artificial intelligence. See an issue? Well, mister Chaplain, merely tell the synthetic to state its laws, just like a good counselor would. Also, don't forget that the only reason that NanoTrasen installed this amazingly powerful supercomputer is to act as your personal doorman, and don't forget that you have ultimate power over it, so just tell it anything you want!
  12. I think at the very most this would better serve as suggestion; stating that Telescience should have more crystals at the start of the game. As Tishina said, the primary issue with this application is that the custom item gives you an edge. If you really want telescience to be expanded in this manner, I would create a suggestion. However, I think you'll need to expand on the point a bit more, because Tishina's other point, telescience being restricted to the science department by design, makes a lot of sense.
  13. I see personally no problem on any level. The complaint of metagame is pretty much impossible, if not unlikely. To specifically KNOW they were going to break into the vault specifically would take some pretty serious metagame. To say "You two had better not do anything illegal." would be more believeable. The complaint of draining Travis' enjoyment is an iffy one (In a way killing his character, roleplay-wise). While I will agree that its a bit harsh to be sentenced to permabrig for minor crimes (I've been sent to permabrig, although its usually because I escalate the situation accidentally), its really not worth whining about. In this case, I agree with Susan: Can't take the time, don't do crime. Any crime. At all. You are subject to the whims of security if you do a crime. While I understand, Furry, you're all about "we should be lenient, man", while I will make no particular statement on that in this thread, I will say that currently your change has not been implemented. Security has every right to be as harsh as they wish, most of their sentences are ridiculously short by real life standards. (You got three hours of jail at most for assisting in theft of a nuclear fission device, a bomb that kills millions.) Finally, the complaint of the HoS locking down Telescience is the one that catches the most ground, because it could be qualified as metagrudging. I will say that the HoS really should never do this, even if its potentially dangerous. Locking down departments is the opposite of fun, and the excuse that "It could possibly be somewhat dangerous" on a highly experimental research station just doesn't really fly. Don't lock it down; post guards. If this is deemed metagrudging though, perhaps it is best we give your ideology a try Furry; that is absurd leniency.
  14. Table, is it okay if I ask whether its okay for me to possibly ask a question? Yeah, it is? Okay, here goes: Can I ask you a question?
  15. At first I thought Nursie played as a bluespace cat, which had me confused. While I can understand complaint against it, I agree in the fact that you can't really demand of it. Even if Thundy was using the name as an insult, ICly insults are perfectly alright. As are compliments, as are naming things whatever you please (To a certain anti immersion breaking-extent)
  16. And you expect me to trust psychologists on the matter? AMERICAN psychologists to boot? Pah, pussyfooters! What we need is a strong central security, one that can give the boot to the forces of chaos wherever they may lurk, that can exterminate the weed by its very roots.
  17. I'd really like to hear your complaints fleshed out, Jennalele. I'd really appreciate if you'd send me a PM on the matter, because I more than anybody else would like to see my roleplay improve. I'd really appreciate case examples as well. As to you, Tishina, I can see where you're coming from. It will however require some thought, because the name is highly linked with the backstory, as it is a Diona. So if it takes a while, its not because I'm ignoring the complaint, but because I'm trying to think of a suitable replacement name. EDIT: While I'm editing, I might as well change "forelegs" to "hindlegs". THAT sure must've been an awkward embrace >,> EDIT2: I figure just changing it from "bear" to some other animal will probably obfuscate the chain of thought leading some to believe it to be referential, thus obviating the need to modify the backstory to some great extent. While I feel this bastardizes the name to some lesser extent, I am willing to make the sacrifice on account of it being perhaps referential. EDIT3: I decided that as Farwa were in essence a mythical creature, it became rather hard to associate with them, or to apply to them any sense of pity or human qualities. The bears proved a much more suitable animal. However, I have changed "palms" to "arms", as "palms together" isn't really an embrace.
  18. ICly, the brig times are ridiculously short. Most sentences are either permanent, or less than an hour. You've spent less than an hour in jail for committing a crime. I personally think harsh punishment is the only way to deter crime; merely that our punishment is not harsh enough. At the very least, we should include torture for even minor crimes, like the Romans did. I personally propose a high risk of death sentence, preferably by firing squad and highly visible and ceremonious. Of course, this would entail some modification of the legality of what a company can and cannot do, but I am sure that the government forces that NanoTrasen and to an extent the NSS Aurora operates under would probably tolerate this kind of behavior.
  19. More than once I've just stood in front of the radiation emitter for the Singularity Engine while it is on. Doesn't usually kill me, but certainly deserves the Darwin award. Once as an engineering Cyborg I went near the Singularity, not knowing it literally was constantly sending out EMPs. I was knocked out, lifted from the ground, and hurtled at light speeds into space, where I hit the asteroid and immediately nearly died. Fortunately Cyborgs are boss. Finally, as Cyborg once I went EVA with an Android to collect a combat drone for the roboticist. Needless to say, the Combat drone did not submit easily. I thought that a flash on it might be as effective as a flash on a cyborg. . . "Asimov hits the Combat Drone with its flash". Asimov then nobly sacrificed himself so that his Android companion might escape, leading the combat drone away from the station. (Mainly fire extinguisher spam in fright trying to get the hell out of Dodge.)
  20. I'm not sure if this should go in suggestions, since it technically is a suggestion, but not one I'd like to see implemented on the server. However, for now I'll nestle it in General, since it certainly applies to ss13. Basically, following the trend of porting themes to Space Station 13 (Archangel Station, Colonial Marines) a potentially simple (As simple as these edits can be) port would be Fallout in ss13. Now, not the open world wasteland, but rather constricted to a Vault. Vault (Not)13. Basically, instead of space, the map would be a mountain, and inside of the mountain the Vault. I suppose there would be some outside bits, but instead of them being oxygenless, they're highly toxic and radioactive. The vault itself could operate much like a space station, since it has to be a functional, self-sufficient home for generations. Cyborgs would be Mister Gutsy's/Protectrons/Mister Handy's. Maybe even Eyebots. Security would work much the same, so too Engineering, and Medical and Research. The assistant role and civilian roles might become more emphasized. The only one that might need a drastic change is Mining, because nobody leaves the vault. Perhaps there would be resource dispensers. The Captain would become the Overseer, and to spice things up every round he would get a special directive (Since all Vaults are social experiments) and act upon this directives; sometimes serving as an antagonist, sometimes not. Syndicate would be replaced with Brotherhood of Steel. Vox would be replaced with Raiders. Wizard would be replaced with an Enclave operative. (Replacing magic abilities with science abilities) Xenomorphs would become Super Mutants (Dragging innocent vault-dwellers to your FEV vats.) The remaining antagonists would probably remain the same. There would be no Crew Transfer, for obvious reasons. Instead the round just ends, or perhaps everyone heads to cryo. Instead of an escape shuttle, the Vault Doors are forced open. The Heads should NEVER do this, it would be the oppressed Vault Dwellers who break in and do this, optimally. Just wanted to write the idea down; I personally lack any of the know-how, resources, or drive to make a regular ss13 server, let alone a unique one. Will be updating with new ideas as they come. EDIT 1: Instead of Industrious Maintenance Drones, you can become a child when you die. Pretty much the same thing.
  21. Is the prison meant to be open to the pitiless extent of the darkest void? Or are there meant to be windows there? Also, in the maintenance tunnels to the left of the brig there is meant to be an airlock. (That strangely enough wasn't bolted and didn't cycle, so you could just open both of them at the same time. it was right next to the prison infirmary on our current map). Otherwise, communal brig is pretty rad. It means its not a death sentence for anyone that is sent to the brig that didn't shove a pickaxe up their arse beforehand, because now you can arpee with others. EDIT: Your brig also appears to be missing a solitary confinement cell, although I do suppose that is somewhat counter to the point.
  22. If this is a success, be sure to run another one! I've always wanted to do some DnD, but never found the people for it.
  23. Lie? On an application? Why, I never! Except that one time. . .
  24. No, it does exist. As I said, it's very obscure. However, I did mix up the terms. What I am referring to is a "Dead squirrel". A vibrating blue squirrel has some useful side effects. It all comes from this book: http://www.amazon.com/Swords-Circuitry-Designers-Role-Playing-Development/dp/0761532994 EDIT: Just so you don't have to buy the book, in this comments section is a reference to it: http://www.gamedev.net/topic/398572-a-rant-about-metroid-style-games-long/
  25. LordFowl

    Aurora Wrasslin'

    Doctor Maximus Crane, with his ultra move being "Wheelchair Slam".
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