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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. So, this is going too far I think. I was jobbaned from synthetics 1 week ago and after I had my Real things stocked out and back here after 1.5 week Now I am jobbaned from synth and Banned too. Because AI was a dick, I heard his talking on the borgs channel as a drone and he want to kill me, so I have decontruct the consoles and called the emergecny shuttle. For this reason I am jobbaned AND banned for week. Thank you very much, I think that admins just doesn't want to see me on the server, otherwise how to explain this line bans. From this moment I will leave Aurora and SS13, I wish you guys good luck, you were the best server that I have met for my 5 years of playing. I wish I could stay, but someone doesn't like me so. Bye.
  2. Guyys. I have an idea! Make cargo pods, replace cargo shuttle that is static and make it movable as a pod, that will make cargo to move to CC and load the cargo, then get it and unload it back.
  3. Well, we can make pods expensive, that will make them not OP. I think we can make them useful for clearing drones/carps. +mining, +engineering for repairing, +exploring pods. We can use this z levels or from the stargate maps. Making new space levels is not that hard. I can help you with mapping too.
  4. You know... Having a flaying pods on the space station is normal, it's even required to have that for any emergency. So I suggest to add some pods like from GOON station. I have seen the other servers have them to, so. We can rebalace it if you think that they will be OP during Nuke ops, but we can add nuke ops pods too.
  5. PoZe

    Stun Batons Removal

    People. Just think what are you purposing "lets take off high-tech electronic batons and reverse into 21-th century resin batons or something else..."... Like, common, stop reducing future things into our time. If you want to change it, then replace it with something that should be used in that age. For example: Mining /still/ have a pickaxe.... Like, am I some slave from 17-18th century??? We have big drills, why I should make my hands dirty and have muscle pain. Drills will improve the efficiency.
  6. Guuys. There is no need to pardon anything. You can pay fine or have your time - simple. If people disagree to pay fine for minor issue that they did knowing that, then they are to be forced to serve their time. Making pardon will eventually result for more insults and other conflicts. P.S. Start to learn department payment system and don't forget that you have right to pay for minor charges, but it doesn't says that you are not being forced to serve the time in case of refusing to pay the fine.
  7. The other point of device is means that it's a 3d printer. So every assistant can use it, because it's 2457 with good interface, that will kill the purpose for calling the engineer if you need something build make. We need to make this tool more complicated, so it will require specialist knowledge's, skills. Maybe add some lore and description like you need to draw the material, choose their molecular structure on the device screen, etc.
  8. I like Cassy's flavor text. Her Rp is on the highest level. That can be noticable on each server where you can find Cassy. She can play multiple characters with complitely different behaviour(what I cannot do:D). I am sure she is an excellent candidate for Head Of Staff role!
  9. I like the skull's respond. It was clear and with any specific issues. I want to note that I have seen scenario when XanderDox where a captain, he has requested a medical ERT and he started to order to them. L/Tpr[commans] " Arrest X for neglect of duty. And raise code to red" Captain[command ] "You have no authority here to give command to us, we have requested a medical ERT, not security. Please deal with our medical issue and don't bother us about security issues." Captain were lucky that Leading trooper were a new player, seems to be. So he obeyed to that ridiculous statement from the captain. However, even if ERT is a medical it doesn't mean that they cannot do security job or make orders/advise about so. They have basic training in every department and specific in one with more deep knowledge.
  10. So Well... mhmh I think that I imagine Skyline movement when this song is on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sr9RMfK5tww And I have found randomely, but I like it too Leonardo Mull... Well, that character were totally brought from Colonial Marines, that is why he has army service backstory. So I think this song suits to him mostly In additional, assuming how much shit and bloodbath I goes with him as an ERT or a security officer, this music(not the song directly) Is goes for actions(because I like to listen to the rush music, even when playing, that sometimes make SS13 into First person shooter:DD)
  11. Nanda? I have interact only with one of their character, It was Aquila, but that was really enought. It was first IPCs that were in love and at the same department at the same time: Aquila and Helligan(not me), I liked to see their lovely monitors that were always with cute smile when they are together, how they cares about each other in every major and minor situation... those couple were like a symbol for me.
  12. Uh... I like loow as a player and his characters mostly!! Great roleplay were made when we first met in IC and in futher situations. But we have a lot of Tajaran today... More then Humans, they are assimilating US, it's damn plan of their damn goverment that runs by Monarch Scopes(or as he knows right now as Bluespace Cat).
  13. I like his characters Morgana Static a lot of and Dorothy Sublett. His behaviour at OOC and in other chat are very calm, never had any issue. As so, I like this character background, would like to see his new Diona that he can bring to us. +1
  14. Good luck with treatmemt! I wish you to have as less pain as it could be!
  15. PoZe

    IPC sounds

    I agree with that. In additional need to change IPC movement sound for mechanical
  16. Yes, but they still need to be affected by Ion Storm. Because it will be more interesting to have any malfunctions after that, so you need to visit robotist not only when some Vendomat throw fork at you.
  17. I assume everyone knows Luna Fountain, she is cute nurse character as it says her flavor text, picture and her behaviour. Well, I didn't had much intercation as my characters with Luna except some medica emergency when all the time were brought to heal my character, but I saw her before and as observing to. Luna is that character that you can say "kawaii" I like Luna as charcater and I like Crescenyise as player. I would like to see Unathi that Crew will brign to us. +1
  18. I didn't had any conflicts with Aqy or their characters. What can I say? Well, Nan and Emmy Gray are those characters with whom I have intercated mostly. Well, Nan is cute IPC that is a good conversation buddy to speak with her fellow IPCs, she is competent to be Chief Medical Officer as I haven't seen her not saving lifes. Emmy Gray? - Well I still didn't understand is she a cool security officer that is baddas or she is just female officer(I mean type of character: Srong as fuck or just normal), but I have seen her as actually good officer.
  19. If there is no CE you are still not allowed to break into areas, even if it's part of your department, if you get caught you can be arrested for it. You do not need a CE to open secure storage, I have setup the power plenty of times without opening storage as an assistant or an engineer. Atmos isn't an urgent requirement for the station, it will survive without being altered. First of All, do your remeber that some of Devs said that if plasma tanks are not fully filled then Engine SMES will not get some energy(which I don't belive, but still it could be possible). The second thing is If you will not set up the atmos then in Case of breaches your pump would be empty and filling with vents would take a /long/ time. In Additional I want to add that air on the station is still limited(yes it has giant amount, but it's compasates by mixing O2 and N2) So you must activate and omptimize the mixing chambers so the AIR will not loose, but will increase in the air storage chamber.
  20. Josh, First of all, my Creaming in LOOC about Soap were nothing but hust fucking sarcasm(that was not connected to the game to much). Second part is that I was screaming corporate regulations over LOOC, why? Because I thought that Security will read it and make some conclusions from that(LOOC was the only part when I could explain them that it's wrong, because My IC tries failed, they were not answering to it). Third Part about OOC screaming was because LOOC has limted range, I was not there where was your aghost, so I have decided to tell that over OOC without /ANY/ details(Ahelping didn't makes sense, cuz you were busy and my statement were nothing but pointing oout my opinion). P.S Honestly I was mad that security permabrigged me without searching, with falsa crimes, not listening to me(As player who is playing mostly security officer). But did I tried to kill everyone after that? Take a revenge? - No, because I was not concerned about that, I was more concerned about telling to the Security player that what they did were complitely Wrong. I can agree at some point that engineering provokate them, but on the other hand, Watching for Cult from the begining of the round is NO NO. Because you should consider that as cusual shift from which you are getting money, you are lazy(or not) security officer. Your Job is to grab equipment, hide it inside the backpack and patrol and watch for something that is usually happening like: Chef want to gib pun pun, QM tresspassing into the bar for getting some booze. You cannot expect anything more then that because as NT worker and from news AURORA is operating for a long time and there was no cases more that traitors(because syndicate is operating against NT a long time). When I am playing as security officer(Mostly evertime) I am trying to not think that round type is something big, I am trying to take my attention from other stuffs and trust me at the end when the actions begin only then I think "Damn, this round was X, I forgot about it". As player with 5 years experience of playing in SS13 I am recognizing round type(on the secret) with 85% chance, there are a lot of things that you can notice on the antag behavior, but I still trying to forget about round typed and acts as it's Extended. If this round has Nuke/Wizard/Ninja/Cult/VOX then this should be consider as FIRST case of that kind of the situation. From that point, as i said before, you are just patrolling the station and maintaining the justice from Pun Pun and some minor stuffs
  21. As I was involved in that in future I want to add. I was playing as Dmytro Koschoviy this round. I have joined after the power goes out, Ana was cuffed and Lauren were converted. I Doesn't have any logs but you can check them. So I have arrived as an engineer on the station, I was heading to the engineering to fix the power(because hallway power were already off) when Lauren requested help at the Tech Storage. So I came inside and we start to Convert-RP, no force were invovled, I have joined to the cult with RPing part(not just "join", lol I am cult now!). That was only 10 minutes as I joined the round, then cyborg came to the Tech Storage and saw us with Rune seems that AI warned him and called the security to. Lauren start to flash borg and says me to hit it, I start to hit it with a wrench(5-6 hits), after which security came inside with Anna that was cuffed and they arrested us. After that the brought us to the brig and putted into Permabrig, I asked them from crimes, theys said "Mutiny(Mutiny, what?), sabotage of power(I wasn't connected to), Resisting arrest, attacking secrity officers(I was not, because only Lauren tried to get baton from officer, I was just Running) With those crimes they said that I am going to the Permabrig as everyone. But as I know(because I am playing security officer everytime) those crimes are not connected to me and even if they were that doesn't punished to Premabrig the person.
  22. Meowy if you have never seen those people it doesn't mean they never exists. We have different timeline I am seen you before i am going to sleep, most of the time I am playing dead hour because I have GMT+2 a d I cannot play in midnight 3am when you are up. However my action were nothing serious: Was I running with taser, helmet or did I insulted HoS, unathi, anyone. Did is abused my power, did I resist to arrest, did I said "screw it". My behavior were completely normal. If you think that asking for reason of demotion or talk about that is chucklefuckin then you have wrong definition and you shouldn't play IAA. What I needed from you were /just/ to explain why and I would fuck off. This conversation is completely pointless, people here are interacting /only/ with their metafriends. I will ask to close this thread I have seen enough.
  23. Skull, I can agree with that. But the point was that normally I am friendly, I am rather lien to others then myself executing an orders, asking for help, etc. In that particular case I tried to behave the opposite side: Not Bing to much communicating, being stupid at some point, etc. What I was expecting to see? "LOOC X: You need to stop argue with HOS. Try to listen to the others" Or something else, it doesn't matter what phrase, point is to start talking not just Marco Farerra[security] says "Fuck it. Rocco is under arrest now" Meowy I said literally " the huge thing that is look like a water thank with lights is not blinking, it should blink, right?"
  24. I don't know who you were Meowy. But that is typical problem that I have seen with new player: they cannot do shit, nobody tried to help to them, they start to arguiming with everyone because of that. What was the arguiming by the way? About SMES? I asked why the fuck it's not switched to charge but I just rephrase that I don't even know what in that room is a SMES. Give me the example of other arguiming please.
  25. Well look at this, there was only 2 respond when I posted that and went to sleep, when I Waked up there seems that meowy wrote something disregarding me and the others agreed without being involed. Alrigth I will make it clearly. I was Bladie security officer that were behaving like a NEW player, as stereotyped. When I was noticed by my team? - When We had an explosion at the bar, we went to look at it, Unathi asked some people about who the last were there and he has found out that it was an assistant and Cook. Of course after they heard about it they start to run throught hallwyas trying to find them, what I did? - Just like... slowpoke were still standing at the bar and eventually assistant and Cook came by themselfs to me. I have reported their location and asked what to do. Hos Told me to make them a question on which I asked How to ask the question(which seems to be normal for player who doesn't know game to much) - From that phrase all begun: Unathi start to insult me on being new I was answering to him back. So my POINT is that if I were new guy that seriously doesn't know what to do you would rather just demoted me or get me into cell, ect.. But not try to help with.
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