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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. Seriously, I would Like a confirmation from one or both players)
  2. I have a question does Moewyness is the same Meowykinss? It looks like, because Lily was moewy's character.
  3. PoZe

    Help Intent

    Jesus, Hackie. I purpose make HELP INTENT to be a lock for any harm actions, I don't purpose to make magical lasers going throught your teammates or recognize who is enemy who is not.
  4. Thaaaat is incorrect. Every big people of big society/community are playing their own performance and drama for holding viewers to still watch it. Partly you are doing some"political" job. I can sur you, that if majority of players were on Cassies side and they will protest/leave do shit - then you will unban her or not eve ban in first place, even if she was right or wrong, but people were still on her side. Edited:Otherwise you cannot make everyone happy if they have personal reason to break people from the community. And don't try to say that you are not involving yourself into it, you do have shifts for controlling community, otherwise how you can hold it for so long.
  5. BYOND Key: PoZe Player Byond Key: I SURE HOPE VOLTAGE ISNT HERE Staff involved: TishinaStalker and ME! Reason for complaint: Why Voltage were not there, why someone were insulting him by having multikey account? Approximate Date/Time: Everytime!
  6. PoZe

    Help Intent

    Exactly. Carrying a gun with help intent is normal, unless you are using it. If you want handle this gun to someone you still carry it. We all knows common problem with handling gun from warden table to officer and back, few years ago you couldn't place gun on the table, which makes it fire.
  7. If you want to solve this conflict you cannot just replace players - you need to replace staffs involved to. Because you now are pissed off, you have negative opinion to any person that will remind you about Cassie and you will prejudge them by that fact. You need to retire and fill your team with new staffs, that think more opened, that were not influenced by this conflict.
  8. Lets replace everyone, humans are just miserable resource that was is and will be wasted all humanity history. Staffs are being replaced, players are being replaced. Who are whiteliayed players? I would tell you - whitelisted players are player that approve their level of RP by other players and admins, that means that admins have accepted them and now they are denying them. If you think that loosing old whitelisted players by accidents is normal, then why you have a whitelist. If staffs think that people can be replaced easily, even old one that were approved by these staffs personally - then they are not different from Politicians that are making wars, social problems, etc.
  9. I would agree with thism this is useful feature. I was surprised to find out, that on Aurora Agent ID is useful: it can rename itself in single time, it has maintenance access by default, it can scan other real ID for stealing their access.
  10. PoZe

    Help Intent

    Guuys, this is not matter about careless with GUNS. I am purposing to impelement LOGIC. YOu do not to stab people with help intentions in reality, you do not want to fire at people with Help intentions. You do not want to hit shit out of Nuke op with Help intent, you are not helping - you are killing and this is interfiring with Purpose of Help intent to help to the people.
  11. PoZe

    Help Intent

    Delta, I am good at robust and I can play with gun as ever I want to. And yes Frances, I use this feature for all my 5 years. I don't think someone want to help by shooting with help intentions, heh.
  12. PoZe

    Help Intent

    I have played on other server few days ago and I have seen on ineresting feature: while you have help intent you cannot hurt people or shoot wiht a gun it does not do it with saying "You don't want to shoot with laser rifle with help intentions" We should have that.
  13. Well, I like Phoebe as rude persons, it gives some different look on the crew, that not all people are pink-polite cutties. Phoebe couldn't be CMO in my opinion, on the other hand, cold minds are useful for ERT, HoS. But I think that Garvan Harper could be a head indeed.
  14. That will be compensate by their speed already. Amount of armour doesn't care if Diona is alone and surrounded by enemies, be are they are not maneuverable for avoiding shots of security lasers.
  15. PoZe: America, Washington State.
  16. you know... this man will make justise for you!
  17. I can tell, Tau scum. Might need to have another Kamais. Do I smell... HERESY? In all honesty, it's really interesting to see some of this stuff.
  18. Jackboot. This idea has one little thing - making mind control implant into spying implant means that any implanted Head will not have their private and intim life to be their own secret. If you will say, that implant works only when they are onboard or they eject that each shift - I don't think someone, even with good carrier will accept to give their life to the NT access. As we know, most of the Heads are aristocrats or some big people and they doesn't like when their private things are spied by NT. I think that spying idea will not make Captain/HoS/IAA to flirt on the work.
  19. I have got my Ukrainian driving license this winter. I have read almost all Washington State driving rules, planing to get license here, but I need to get student id for getting driving license here, so I am waiting till September. But I was learning it at 17. I have yacht sailing license - I have got it at 15.5 .
  20. But what about this particular problem? Well, my thought is that you are both wrong: Doomberg and Cassie. I advice to you to take a step back, deep breath and think about this problem at least one day - it's not something that can be solved just right now. You should really stop, before you will write aggressive posts to each other.
  21. I doesn't know the situation, but Cassie is right about medbay lesbians that doesn't do their work, because they are doing their lesbian things. It's called fashion - when everyone goes Into catbeasts because it's fashion, when every Aurora female are a lesbian, because everybody are. I can see a lot of clone characters on the server. People - are you individuals or not? Stop massively copy/paste others.
  22. I can tell, Tau scum. Might need to have another Kamais. My favorite races are: Tau, Necrons and Imperial guard.
  23. It's hacking time!
  24. Hello, I am PoZe or Michael. I am 18-th years old ukrainian that just moved in USA and I am going to stay here. Bokaza, cres and rectum like to call me as slav(well I am: mix of ukrainian, russian and belarus). I like sailing, mostly competitions after which I have nice rewards for 1-t place, medals and cups. My qualification in sailing called "Day Skipper" - basically it's jus an official paper allowing you to use coast-middle sea yachts. I am palying computer games since 6 years old. I like everything that is connected to the SPACE or Future or Robots or Humanity progress. I am studying IT. I start to look at this since 6 years old, trying to fix hardware, improving other OS shit, helping to friend with device problems or software. I have lovely black cat left in Ukraine( ) she is about 8.5 years old. She is angry and doesn't like when something goes not what she expected, most her gesture is to scratch your foot if she is hungry(because she likes to eat). I would really like to move her to the US too, because she doesn't approve any other master - she likes only me, not even my relatives. But unfortunately she will not handle with 14-th hours flight... I LIKE horror games/films. It's rare for me to found proper one, that is actually scared and interesting. I am fan of: Warhammer 40k, Dead Space(1-3), Supreme Commander, Castle Crasher, CoH(1-2), Crysis, Star wars(all of them), Stardrive, Starmade, Planetside 1-2, Mechwarrior online, Hawken, Rust, FTL, Magicka, Robocraft, Planet Explorers, Factorio, H&H, Kerbal Space Program and other Indie or etc games. EDIT: I think that Heroes of Might and Magic 4 are the best series, and 3-rd one are not better then 4-th.
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