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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. Nebula is the most amazing person on the server to me. I have great deal of RP with her characters: Echo, DragonSnap, Scarlet(antag), all kinds of Mo'Taki(s). +1
  2. I haven't RPed with her character a lot, but first-hand experience was good. Reading first sentence about being grow up on military base makes me think that it is another snowflake, but as I read further and knowing Unathi lore it is perfectly normal history for average Unathi. +1. P.S. Just don't make same mistake as most of new unathi players do - they usually are hyper-honor they take any offense as challenge of their honor)
  3. PoZe

    Old-old saves

    Me too!
  4. No, because this is a corporate station, not a navy outpost. Yea right, attacking the major profitable-scientific mining station of the biggest corporation in the human world, it is like trying to attack Microsoft, the SWAT and military would already have been called from Microsoft. Because even if Microsoft is a private corporation it is involved into country's security and software, and attack on that corporation is a national threat. The heister shuttle has a cloaking mechanism anyways. It's not exactly a difficult concept to fathom that they use it when their shuttle is moving. Nobody asks to make decloacking device. Just allow ERT shuttle move too, to try catch them.
  5. Because why not?
  6. This about sums up my opinion on this whole thing. Well... Lets see. Have you ever seen Somali pirates raiding some top outpost of navy? The answer is no, because it is suicide. Luckly in ss13 mechanics shuttles are structures or sets of objects so moving them would require special function that basically teleport stuff from one location to another saving properties. Now implementing that is not hard, buT ERT are literally stuck because of the mechanics. In real life that wouldn't happened, they would fly their shuttle seeking for raider's vessel or asking navy's help.
  7. Self criticism, nursie.
  8. Do you like goat Simulator? Smashing people, cars, licking somebody and doing some insane shit in Goat simulator?! And do you like SPESS? Well, now you have chance to mix both SPESS and Goat Simulator into Goat Simulator: Waste of Space!!!!
  9. Oh Common, the idea is shit. It is better when navy-based guys cannot kill some poor shamcks from space piracy who look for small loots. Like Really, big corporation that has Icarus with drones cannot ask for support such as radar or even small gunship?
  10. Oh! Thank you for the reminder of the events that happened that time. I remember that. Yes, I was doing it because I thought that AI(XanderDox) was not rpying as malf, at least as ghost entire round I saw that AI was not communicating with crew and just hacking stuff, killing staff. But as I remember talking after that with Tablespoon I cleared out that I had complete misunderstanding of what is going on, and frankly I shouldn't get involved into that and let the events go their way. I apologize for what I have done, and If any of you know I really like to be helpful AI, and not being able to do so just because I have made the wrong decision that time make me sad a bit.
  11. So The text above is a copy of year old appeal. I do not rely on it at all, just as source of facts, not opinions. It has been I year I haven't played this game, now I am back for a bit and want to play my favorite role: Artificial Intelligence. So I do not remember any details or what even happened and why I was banned.
  12. BYOND Key: PoZe Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Tablespoon Reason of Ban: Synth ban for powergaming as drone. Dismantling drone consoles to prevent malf AI from blowing them up. Calling the shuttle as a drone. Reason for Appeal: Why not? TishinaStalker wrote: Tell us why we should unban you Because I start to play not to often now, but sometimes I want to play as AI or cyborg, which is easier then sometimes playing as captain. Or to be small drone and be by myself bust still be part of the round. That is why. What I have learned: Admins doesn't solve all problems, even after you ahelp them several times about powergaming Malf, they can ingore this and decide who can powergame who not. I still not agree that malf was doing:He was quiet for 30 minutes, nothing at all, no announcement like "Hello, I am your AI today, have a good shift.." or even at the radio he was silenced. Then after 30 minutes he start to act really quickly without providing any RP he has blowed up Crygenics, 2 communication consoles, cap ID, then he killed the only Head and crew couldn't do anything because he has blocked everything. Then he has gathered crew at the Holodeck and ignite it. And what is really matters in that case: I have ahelped about this 1-2 times. And If it was some new player from Low RP server I would just watch, but It was WHITELISTED players that is playing here more then me even, that is nasty.
  13. PoZe

    Planetside 2

    Well, for me it works absolutely badass, as heavy can kill 3-4 people and still survive with minimum HP.
  14. PoZe

    Planetside 2

    Lasers rule, no recoil. [attachment=0]C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_vanu_sovereignty_by_ziliran-d4uokt1.jpg[/attachment]
  15. Well my doctors have told me I was particularly fat so I had to inject insulin anyway. I got fat from eating while playing SS13 btw. Fat? Well then your picture that you sent me your ago was fake.
  16. PoZe


    If only the population(online) were good. I haven't seen anyone there(
  17. When you are an IPC and you are ready for Halloween. [attachment=0]scrnshot1.png[/attachment]
  18. DEAD: CAC whines, "Someone smack a spam filter on those chickens." chicken (follow) croons, "BWAAAAARK BWAK BWAK BWAK!" [attachment=0]scrnshot1.png[/attachment]
  19. This was on the Secret gamemode(traitor). While captain and security were dealing with tator who were borgifying crew forcefully(It was me:D) Cargo has made something that I saw only when I was already dead and ghost. [attachment=0]scrnshot1.png[/attachment]
  20. Well, try to read it several times. It literally says "Admins did nothing, I decided to rush and try to fix it, but because I am not an admin I cannot fix it. So I broke several rules during this, I am guilty and I realise it. But still point remain about admin ignoring of what was going on that round, like they were putting attention to small drone that were not a main role in Malf round then Antag itself who did messed up pretty bad."
  21. I didn't died as drone, I have spawned once as drone and maded it all in one row. I have disabled drone consoles after I have spawned as drone. So I didn't died. I have realize my mistake and already made an answer cofirming that. Please read full confession before answering.
  22. I will write all answers in next week. Some real life issues.
  23. I have metioned it multiple times: 2 years ago Ninja gamemode was an admin event button in which you press it, write a ckey of player and his objective after which system randomly spawns a ninja with player ckey 2 titles from station hull. After some forum arguiming ninja have become a gamemode and people were saying like "It's not a gamemode, I think we should live it as an EVENT", but it still happens. I don't see the different for realizing assassin event into actually gamemode, since we have not to much gamemoded for really long time. I am playing this game what? 5 and half years and I have seen every of this gamemode(except mutiny) 3 years ago, nothing is changing. People are still sitting with their things, waiting when weekened will become, admins will come from their school/work and start to entertain players with events that can be added into code as an actual gamemode.
  24. I would like to ask staffs to pay attention to this thread. It's been 2 weeks since I have made thread and no progress.
  25. I have already proposed viruses for IPC http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=2494 But nobody where interesting in that. We have 547 topics with suggestions and only few of them are realized. This shows that people don't actually like changes or changing something. Lol. And it's being caused by different reasons: Maybe someone has better idea, but they just criticize someone's original idea, instead of helping. Anyway, I support idea to bring modifications to IPC and balance them with weaknesses/viruses.
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