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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. That is not long to code new item. It's even faster to place already exist thing on the map)
  2. You know that Diona is slow, but it can walk in the space without any internal equipment or EVA equipment. But Nuke Ops hardsuit slow you down, but gives you EVA and plus not bad armour points. So at this point Nuke ops diona should walk naked, that is not fair comapred to other nuke ops, Becase she will be slower then nuke op that is wearing a hardsuit plus diona will not have armour points. So my suggestion is to add some armour like security standart chest on the NUKE OPS shuttle, so Diona will have armour points to.
  3. More catbeasts, Alberyk? He is an excellent player, I assume everybody knows his best character - Aaron Hawkins. Amazing role play, what I mostly like in alberyk is that he can surprise you in moment when you will not expect to see this. He is very clever. We all have seen his Unathi role play, I am sure that he will be excellent catbeast))
  4. Of course it's you!! Keek.
  5. Play Colonial Marines on the big screen. [attachment=0]WP_20150701_001.jpg[/attachment]
  6. Stare, walk, play, talk with these two wonderful Labradors
  7. I always were curious of what people think about my characters. But I rarely asked such a question by regarding my edgy-style playing and not popularity...Well, I want to try. Here is my List: Leonardo Mull(Security officer) Dmytro Koschoviy(Chief engineer, Engineer. First my character on the Aurora) Skyline(AI/IPC/borg.) Alfred Ewing(Captain/HoS/HoP. Rarely seen.) Fernando Williams(Crazy scientist, RD. He has messi hair and beard.) Johnny Metzer(Mostly were played as a medical doctor or at the cargo.)
  8. Chriiis, Will you IPC make the same weirdo noizes as you at Teamspeak?)) That would be amazing, make that feature!
  9. Keek, after reading such thread I realise that my characters are not unique... doesn't have anything strange/unusual...
  10. Yes, yes. By all means Yes. Command staff need to be more filled with responsible and creative people - Crescentise is one of them!
  11. As for if this ban was the right call? That would depend on your notes previously(which I currently don't have access to), and your attitude during the round(again haven't checked), and what you did(that we know). I am not saying that this ban should stick, but I want to know that you're not considering Drones to be little captains rather than repair Drones. I am not considering them as a little captain, therefore even captain cannot do almost everything due to his skills limit. About notes: I had warning from you as a drone before, I had a jobban from drone by skull, which was not about breaking laws, I was bothering adminhelp. About my attitude - You can check it in logs. As I wrote here in my post. I was Pmed by tablespoon, we had some conversation - he told me that I am not to call shuttle as a drone. Then I told him that I need to go afk for 10 minutes. When I came I have Ahelped him that I am ready to continue our conversation and after that I have recived jobban and ban. And you better cut drone access to the communication console - because there is nothing that drones can do with it.
  12. No, and what would that do with your IC actions? If you were acting off of things in deadchat then that's metagaming, if you are talking about people bitching in deadchat then that doesn't matter as they weren't the ones involved. People have done that to me, I have joined to die immediately, I have been ganked unfairly. Please don't tell me how I would feel if it were to happen to me. And I know that too for my 5 years experience in SS13. I was on the worst servers too, but that is not important right now. I have ahelped about the powergame of AI. No response as I said. About drone that tried to point at the AI by shocking airlocks - well that was not me and you cannot see the VV logs. I assume you are waiting for me to write "I did wrong, you are fully right for jobbaning me permanent and applying ban for one week"? - You will not see this untill I will get proper explanetions. This thread were made with purpose of "Maybe permanent jobban for ALL synthetics and additional ban for one week is more then it's the punishment?" - I can make you example of my previous perma jobban it's this thread http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=1318. You see, permanent jobban will be applied if I killed/destroyed/tortured AI or a cyborg or any other human. At my previous jobban I have blowed up medical/science at the end of the round just for FUN. - did it intetionally and I have payed for it some cost. Now I have recieved perma jobban + one week ban for making less shit in the round, because we can count only decostructing consoles and calling shuttle for attracting HOP's attention.
  13. Scopes, have you seen Deadchat that round. Just lets do some experiment. You will play as a drone on Aurora one round, I will be malf AI that will blow you up and will blown other departments. I will look after which respawn you will stop to join the round and be pissed off by unabling to participate in the round. You don't think about the players, you think about the laws of the drone or other jaz
  14. Drones do not have self preservation, if they die it's no problem, they should care or not if people are going to get hurt by something. Which law states that? They are not to interact with crew. I didn't interacted with something that is Sapience or could be, unless you think that console is a smart thing and doors are to. I have fixed, I have done my purpose. About "drones are wasting material" - that doesn't gives right to an antag make FUN only for himown by destroying all drones, people are jumping in the round to get second chance and not to be offened and what they feel when the have got blowed up or destroyed immediately?
  15. Thaaaat's a horribly flawed question. Simply because you can do it doesn't mean you shouldn't stop and think "Should I really be doing it?" It's like Captain. Has access to the armory whenever he gosh darn pleases because it's a function of his. Should he be entering it to get guns on code green? We expect players to have common sense so that we don't have to needlessly waste time coding in things to stop them. Do we really need to spend additional time in making drones unable to interface with all computers? It's easier and better to trust our players to think "Wait, that seems stupid for me to do, and could be against my laws." Also, uhhhh, just to clarify the bit where you included me: You asked me how long your job ban was. I looked at your notes, accidentally read your server ban, and I thought it was a timed job ban. Then I corrected myself by telling you that your SERVER ban was one week and that the job ban was permanent. Yes Tish, that is how I have included you. Nothing more.
  16. You see "Interacting with AI" Means that I pull out my wrench and smack the core. "fixing bridge and communication console, deconstructing drone console" doesn't interact with AI at all. About shuttle two questions. 1- why I have such functions then? 2 - How I can maintain station at all const if AI is blowing the shit up and his cyborg /are/ interacting with me by flashing me and smaking with welder?
  17. BYOND Key: PoZe Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Tablespoon Reason of Ban: Synth ban for powergaming as drone. Dismantling drone consoles to prevent malf AI from blowing them up. Calling the shuttle as a drone. Reason for Appeal: Idk... Maybe because permament jobban for All synthetics is too much in additional tablespoon permajobbaned me and he banned me for one week. I think he should took my IPC whitelist too with Head and bann me on the Forums. I had a lot of disscussion about this situation with other people from Aurora and from some moderator staff. Drone laws are stupid, yes they are wastefull, but still you can manipulate them and Not calling shuttle while having malf AI(because you can HEAR binar channel) is against your law to maintain and upgrade your station at all cost. Second part is about AI: it was powergaming - from the beginning of the round it start hacking hidden area(It was a sign that player is not new or he is just powergame asshole), second thing is that he have blowed up cryogenic freezer, then when CMO(the only head) tries to do something with communication console AI blowed it up, then he blowed up Captain's ID and other console. There was not engineers at this round and CMO were dying. So he left station from any chance to win: No captain ID, the onle head is dying, no communication console, no cryo freezer, all light were blown up. I have ahelped about this AI that round and didn't received anything. Some drone tries to betray AI and shocked doors so people will notice that AI did it, not drone. Then AI have blowed up all two drones there were at this round. All people that were dead have joined as a drone and eventually were blowned up by AI. I have joined as a drone and heard at binary channel "From this moment you will destroy any drone on sigh". Drones are not that stupid as you can tell me, it's still a machined based on logical code. Even so with 0 and 1 you can make "IF" and with "IF" you can make a new more complex analyse understanding of what is wrong and right. Anyway, I have deconstructed all the drone consoles and I have fixed bridge with Communication console(that was hard), then I have called shuttle. Not with intention to actually evacuate, mostly to get to HOP(that just arrived and were not aware of anything) that console is fixed, Becuase HOPD didn't do anything and I didn't want to blow up the final circuit for Communication console. After that Tablespoon have Pmed me, we had some arguiming. THen I goes to have some breakfast for 10 minutes(I have warned him), when I came and ahelped that I am ready to continue I have received message "I am giving you a ban for 1 week and as I know you have jobban for synthetic". I said "My synthetic ban expire due to the time" were some pause and boom "You have been jobbaned for(haven't seen the time, I thought it's a week - it's a permanent ban as Tish said now)" then other message "You were banned for one week".
  18. Keek... where is here banana peel and fire extinguisher?)
  19. Damn clowns, son. They are trying to damn stole our damn princess.
  20. Images are big.. so it's better to open them in new tab
  21. First Princess Second Princess Third Princess Final Princess It was all normal, I brought her to her Home. And when Finally I had opportunity to kiss final princess, it turns out that she is a CLOWN
  22. PoZe

    Pods and podcargo.

    Alright, thanks. I hope someone will finally /pay/ attention to this.
  23. I will just copy/paste my suggestion here You know... Having a flaying pods on the space station is normal, it's even required to have that for any emergency. So I suggest to add some pods like from GOON station. I have seen the other servers have them to, so. We can rebalace it if you think that they will be OP during Nuke ops, but we can add nuke ops pods too. So I suggest to add additional area called "podbay" here is some picture Basically we have pods... but they are used for only escaping... and they are not technically moving, they are just entering to the other Z level that has space moving sprites... Engineering pods So we can make space pods for engineers with some cargo Storage, so you can put stacks of metal+glass+plasteel+etc and that will make repairing more interesting. Maybe add some RCD or universal tools(not good idea). Security pods Adding security pods is normal for station safety and for clearing station from the carps/drones. You can say "PoZe, security is OP for nuke Ops with their LWAP snipers and jetpacks and shotguns" - Well... Ops are OP to with their projectile, but we can add Syndicate pods to for them. Syndi shuttle with pods and Syndu pods Security pod Mining Pods Well, we all knows that there are a lot of small asteroids with cool stuffs. I am personally asking for mobile drill and jetpack as a miner at the beginning, so I can dig those sweeties. But mining pod will give you that opportunity and besides, It will be made only for that Purpose. Cargo Pods That idea came to me randomely, but I like it. I am suggesting to replace cargo shuttle and make cargo pods with hyperdrive engine, so cargo technicians needed to fly to the Odin - Dock and load to crates inside the Pod. That will give to them more fun job to do and balance AI/borgs from ordering something. ERT Pods I don't know will it fit, but ERT pods could have hyperdrive engine as cargo one. That will give them some interest too. To conclude I want to say how we can balance that things. Hyperdrive engine will have this pods: Cargo ERT Mining(maybe) Pods should be expensive for producing, involving personnel as: Engineers: to build up the chassis, weld up parts, screw the curcuits, wire all the electronics Command: approve for builing new pods with paperwork and signature from RD, CE or Captain. QM singature for cargo pod Scientists: they will make circuits, advanced sensors or other details. Security: to control the process of creating a new pod or to protect podbay and have checkpoint for it for authorized personnel only. For Balancing pods first of all we will make hyperdrive only for ERT and cargo plus mining, maybe. for moving they will use propellent as jetpacks or Shuttles in real life. The consumption of propellent will be in 3 times more then in the jetpack(for cargo/mining/engineering even more). Pods will have not that much armour... depends on which type is. Weapon? Well they should have some weapon for OPs/ERT/security. Maybe Laser gun from mechs. But I really hope that we will at least make cargo have a pod. P.S. If you haven't seen pods on the other servers or are interested on what they have and how that works then go to that Link bellow http://wiki.ss13.co/Space_Pod
  24. I don't know. I was thinking about that issue and about quiting a past 3 days. First thing is: I cannot quit because there are people with whom I was playing here... I don't agree with ban +jobban. Don't agree with one of them either, but I didn't had time to expalin to the tablespoon, because I was afk for 5 minutes and when I came back and ahelp that I am back and we can continue our conversation he wrote that he will ban me. And notice that I had jobban before for drone reason. I told him that jobban is over after which I have received jobban(haven't seen time) and a ban for 1 week. EDIT: I don't know is jobban permanent or not, but I will wait until the ban will expire, no appeal as I am not agree with jobbaning and binning. Neither with reason and time.
  25. I don't know you very well personally, nor do I have close ties with any of the current staff. However, looking at this as another player, isn't it possible you were simply jobbanned because you broke your synthetic laws to dish out street justice, instead of forwarding the issue to an admin? I doubt anyone actually hates you. I have deconstruct the console because I have heard that AI is killing my fellow drones. I have ahelped about that at the beginning of the shit and no reaction no answer. I have repaired the console for the command and they didn't react to so I have called shuttle just to show that it works.
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