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Everything posted by PoZe

  1. is probably going to be the main proof of why your demotion was justified or not. Do you have logs of what you said beforehand? I don't have Logs of that right now, but it was just about "There is some thing that is looks like a water tank with light at the Gravity generator and it's not blinking" and "Where is briefing room?" or "How to interrogate someone?" Nothing serious.
  2. I don't like to make a complaint. I Just want to Point out the Problem. You should thing about that)
  3. Alright. I have made some experiment about How people react on Baldie non-flavor text characters. What have I figure out: I am Whitelisted player, with Head Acceess, but seems that people are perfer to interact with only chars whome the knew. I was Insulted by my own team(I was security officer). After some silly answer that I made to look for the Reaction I was force-demoted for no Reason By HOS Marco Farerra. When I was talking with him about reasons why and trying to prove that Security were insulting: Attimus Vin'Drahl [security] says, "You're jussst a fesstering pile of incompetence, aren't you, Bennett." Marco Farerra [security] says, "Rocco Bennett, we don't need you acting a fool." Marco Farerra [security] asks, "Do you understand me?" Rocco Bennett [security] asks, "Gravity Genetrator SMES thing is not blinking, it should blink, yes?" Attimus Vin'Drahl [security] says, "At thisss point, I conssider everything coming out of Bennett'sss mouth horsse shit." Marco Farerra [security] says, "Rocco report to the Head of Personnel desk." I am Rocco Bennett, by the way. HOS refused to listed and just said: Rocco Bennett says, "Here, sir" Marco Farerra says, "We can't handle this, what you're doing." Rocco Bennett says, "I was looking at the cameras" Marco Farerra says, "You're taunting and bothering your squadmates." Marco Farerra says, "Hand over your ID." Rocco Bennett asks, "YOu cannot handle with looking at the cameras?" Rocco Bennett asks, "Me?" Marco Farerra says, "Furthermore, turn in your gear at the front desk in security." Marco Farerra says, "Yes." Rocco Bennett exclaims, "What?!" Rocco Bennett step back Rocco Bennett asks, "Are you kidding me?" Marco Farerra asks, "Do I look like I'm kidding, son?" Rocco Bennett asks, "Saying that infront of IAA office?" Marco Farerra says, "Yeah. Hand over your ID or I take it from you." Rocco Bennett says, "State the reason" Rocco Bennett says, "Or i will write teh fucking report" Marco Farerra says, "You're acting unbecoming of an officer whilst we have a duty officer on station. We need prime professionalism and you're not showing it." Rocco Bennett says, "Demoting without the reason is not what NT offered me at my Contract" Rocco Bennett says, "That Unathi start to insult me first" Marco Farerra [security] says, "Fuck it. Set Rocco to arrest." Marco Farerra [security] says, "He's refusing to comply with a direct order." After that I though to came to IAA for that. But as I assume he will refuse for making a report from the Baldie and here it is: Rocco Bennett asks, "Do you have some time?" M'rychny Lyar says, "Not forrr you." Rocco Bennett asks, "..Why?" M'rychny Lyar says, "Yourrr currrent issue with the Commanderrr isn't something I can help with." Rocco Bennett says, "Hello" Rocco Bennett says, "I want to write a report" Rocco Bennett asks, "Do you have some time?" M'rychny Lyar says, "Not forrr you." Rocco Bennett asks, "..Why?" M'rychny Lyar says, "Yourrr currrent issue with the Commanderrr isn't something I can help with."
  4. Well, basicly Virus that based on organic hallucation virus that will cause sensors errors with hallucation and malfunctions. So the IPC will see something that is not happening. List of Viruses: 1 That will cause sensor malfunction causing hallucations. 2 Virus that will cause them to make strange sounds(like humans giggles at the virus outbreak) IPC will beep or boop or make Loud Siren sounds 3 Limb malfunction(like human black out) they will lost contact with limbs for a moment or two. 4 Limbs-positrinic conntection malfunction(basicly like when organics are drunk)
  5. Do you Like MECHS in SS13?! I am sure you would like to Kill the damn Nuke Ops using Gygax/Durand/Mauler! - Well then this game is for you. You have your Mech and you can customizate their systems as you wish and made a baddas light mech that can kill everything or to fail with optimization and make useless Heavy Mech that is overheating every shot - all depends on you!
  6. I can bother you with Bugs questions and IC in OOC on the teamspeak if you want.
  7. Wrong Communism while not the most successful type of way to run a country isn't exactly Nationalistic. I do not however agree that you should put 'Commie' as the shirt it should be soviet, since it clearly is a soviet sickle not just a red shirt. Well in Ukraine any Communist/socialist/USSR Swastica is not allowed by law finaly and I am happy with that. I cannot understand People who weren't lived in USSR and they are trying to be their fans still.. like.. You weren't live there, you cannot know how horrible it was.
  8. Swat they will be like that
  9. I am fully agree with Nursie suggestion. But please no Communist or other shirts, with that we can Ask for Nazi Swastika to.
  10. I haven't treat to someone or anything Else. I have just note that there is not point for me to play on this server if it will remove big feature. And as you can see here we are not care if someone leave the server if he wasn't so popular. Yes it's my problem that I want to have cloning, that IS why I am willing to leave the server if that will happenes.
  11. If you are confused by the progress then read news: Japan planing to make an orbita Elevator at 2050. In 2014 UK scientis in cybernetics were implanted with first nervous implan that can remotely control electronics and share nervous feeling between humas that has that implant(as his experiment with his Wife), NASA is planing to shot orbital trash with Laser Cannon from International Space Station in 2016, First real holograms are exist. It's a progress and we have made great step for this 15 years from 2000. How do you think will be a progress after 400 years?
  12. If you made this thread just to look what people think then it's fine, France. But if you think to remove it seriously I would ask to leave that though. I swear if that will be involved I will quit from Aurora forver, because there is not place for those insane ideas.
  13. Well, apologise. But I think that idea absolutely stupid from the begining.
  14. GUY GUYS! You are just comlitely silly in that Way. This is 2457 years... common! We cannot have such things as: Cloning, Blue-space, Space stations, IPC, AI. We need to remove then Singulo, cloning, Gravity generator, Telecoms with Odin, Shuttles, Telescience, teleports, Pun Pun, Hologramms, AI's, Beepsky. We are so stupid race, we wouldn't have Cloning in 2457, even if we can change DNA right now in 2015, we have first Cyborg human in UK who can control things from his nervous sytem, we have first AI in Japan and we have space station that is huge as a Stadium and in 2016 this station will be equiped with High-Voltage Laser to shot space trash. But who cares that it's 2457 year, that our lore says that it's Research Station with MEDICAL/Plasma researchs. Frances we need to remove Mouse and Maint Drones to And make rounds for 8 hours so if you are dead you are dead Permanently so you can watch how everyone Enjoy the round while you are waiting. Good Idea Frances.
  15. I don't want you to go, but real life need more then SPESS man. I know what is that, ss13 takes a lot of time and other things, that is why I left it for 2 years... Take Care Nebula!
  16. Holopads are missing at most of the new areas. Please Add them. I will edit this post if I will find more Added: Lights at the Maintenance are missing, additional is Air alarms at some maintenance should be. Air Pipes could be there to and I think you should make an emergency Air Tanks at the security maintenance that are at the arrival! Starboard Emergency Storage are missing lights to --added --Lack of lights in maint is intentional
  17. As it /is/ cahracter complaint that give to me right talk about all the situations. What can I say about that character? Well, mostly he is racist, everyone knews that. As I was watching for him a lot of time I have noticed that he hates Tajaran most of all, that cause the situation whe he is trying to make something bad to them. Another thing is that as security officer I have notice that he like to command to the security when there is not HOS/HOP/Captain. I want to admit that he is true racist, however he seems to like IPCs which were suprising to discover for me. Clearly, my point to the palyer who is playing Terrence Frank is: please decrease your character racist level. What I mean? I mean that for me it's an interesting to have such character onboard, it make game much interesting with having a problems about race, however, sometimes he is crossing the line of racism.
  18. Shadow, I will not call it loos of RP. Because Enkas did something seriosuly surprising and unexpectable - his character is Old insane man. So there is not "Loose of RP or LRP". I would say that he provided us with RP and some Interest and I a sure most of the people can confirm that and admit a compimentls to that actions. P.S. I were one of the OP in that round nickname PASTOR. I saw how you were just standig for 10-15 seconds while he was beating you.
  19. PoZe

    I'm le

    Speaking about prices. Just look at this screenshot. I know that you cannot understand anything except that it's Macbook Pro that costs 72000 UAH. But Belive me when we had 1 dollar for 40 UAH(it's 22 UAH right now) this price were 127000 UAH. [attachment=0]price.png[/attachment]
  20. NAME: Alfred Ewing DATE OF BIRTH: 08/03/2416 AGE: 41 SPECIES: Human SEX: Male CITIZENSHIP: Sol Alliance, Luna, Harmony City. CLEARANCE LEVEL: Command staff(Captain, Head Of Security, Head Of Personal) HEIGHT: 184 cm(6'0) WEIGHT: 65.73 Kg SKIN COLOUR: brightly white EYES: Aqua PICTURES: Millitary: 9 years Captain: 4 years Emergency Response Team: 1 year FORMAL EDUCATION HISTORY: 2437 - Enrolled in Naval Academy Theresia, Mars, Sol Alliance 2449 - Graduates Naval Academy Theresia, Mars Sol Alliance 2453 - Enrolled in NanoTrasen Security Academy. 2456 - Graduates NanoTrasen Security Academy. NANOTRASEN EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: 2437 - Enrolled in Naval Academy Theresia, Mars, Sol Alliance 2439 - Promoted to Cadet Second Class. 2441 - Promoted to Cadet First Class. 2431 - Started additional Interplanetary Warfare (Warfare Officer Phase 1 Training) Lieutenant 2443 - Finished Orbital Warfare (Warfare Officer Phase 2 Training) with promotion to Lieutenant Commander 2446 - Started Initial Flight Training (Pilot Officer Phase 1 Training) 2449 - Finished Initial Flight Training(Pilot Officer Phase 1 Training) with promotion to Commander 2449 - Started Naval Service as Commander of Border Patrol Corvette SAMV Consiquence(SAV-403). 2453 - Sign up resignation application. 2453 - Enrolled in NanoTrasen Security Academy 2454 - Finished Courses and stated with Cadetship 2456 - Promoted to Officer rank, Graduated Nanotrasen security Academy 2456 - Applied for Promotion to Head Of Security 2456 - Finished Command test. Got Head/Captain position access. TRAINED IN THE FOLLOWING: Command Close combat Piloting. Weaponry NT Law First Aid. EVA SECURITY MEDICAL
  21. I like anime, but I don't like that most of them are making Boobs and Butt on the first place. For example I personally like everything what is connected with space (that is why I am playing ss13). But every space anime has school boy/girl relationship drama and boobs with butts, space is only like a background.
  22. I don't want Stop the Wheel i want to BREAK the wheel!
  23. I don't like Blue security, i hate that colour, cuz i like red. Why i am saying that?! Because i am playing security most of the time and because of that colour a lot of people left security and now we got Guys like "OI! it's so cute, i would play security cuz it's so cute!"
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