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Everything posted by stevIII

  1. Right, I see no glaring issues so I won't bother tearing it apart much beyond a few remarks. Admins get pretty pissy if you call for an ERT/EVAC without sec being completely/mostly decimated. Don't fax central to ask about clearly antagonistic But believable (Like mercenary or revolution) faxes, central won't respond. There is no reason to assume that central was hacked. Neither of these technically apply in this setting, but it's just good advice in general. The rest of this seemed rather good, so I don't have any criticisms with it. I hope to see you in command, as heavens know we need more HOP's. +1 you absolute fucking heathen. -1
  2. right, Unlike some people, connor I have a couple questions/hypothetical's to ask before giving any feedback (Especially since my only interaction with you has basically been antonov, like four times.) Hypothetical one: What would you do if the station got attacked by say; Mercenaries, and you only had a forensic technician and cadet. Give me two examples, from different command perspectives (Or one larger one) Hypothetical two: You're in a full team, with every role filled, including a captain. You see the captain doing something unequivocally against regulations, and the rest of command notice. What do you do? Example for the regulation break would be something such as drugging a prisoner to force them to confess to something. Hypothetical three: Security revolts, such as in the case of a revolution, cult, or any other reasoning. Central is perfectly contactable, and you're fairly safe but weary. what do you do. Fourth and final hypothetical: This is a rather common situation. Something strange happens, be it a failed cultist incursion happens; or some traitors blow something up. You're with one other command member, what do you do. I patiently await your responses, so I can decide whether or not you matter as a human being. also fix your fucking formatting you absolute heathen
  3. This was my fault. I misconstrued my point, saying "A lack of individuality compared to other species" but in hindsight, that statement is just completely incorrect. I was more intending that Vaurca have a considerably more integral over-arching sort of society, with the hive aspect of their life being considerably more important; Compared to humans who only normally work together, but it isn't completely integral. I wrote a large portion of my application late at night, as it was the only time where I had a clear mind; but it still meant lots of things were incorrect/misconveyed since I was tired. If anything else is blatantly wrong/clearly misconveyed, please point it out so I can clear it up.
  4. The wait is fine The formatting is something I've just done lately for my applications to make them slightly different, and more interesting than the wealth of identical applications. if it's hard to read, I'll apply using a more normal format if I re-apply, to make it easier to read. Regarding on-station kataphracts, while I was writing this application I asked a few questions regarding kataphracts and was never informed that they can't be played on station. Obviously if they can't, I'll write something different if I re-apply. This was unintentional, was more meant to just be gathering information to learn more about NanoTrasen, not gathering secretive or private information; Just what a cadet could get on the surface. Right. in the earliest draft of this, I mentioned that "Avek only had lessened access to the hive VR, on account of being a queenless" but accidentally cut it out when I re-wrote large swathes of the application after the fact. This shapes how they behave in the fact that well; They had lessened access to VR, and spent larger parts of their early life in actual physical space, thus meaning they're slightly less de-sensitized to how the universe actually works outside VR. Going off the fact that Avek trained with the hegemony for a long while, and rather respected their senior Kataphracts, I would guess that they have a rather positive opinion of the Hegemony, since they were instilled with plenty of the values of the Hegemony to a lessened extent. Living the majority of their.. existence? life? On the wasteland planet of moghes/on their hiveship, they have had very low interaction with the other hives. But, going on the fact that Avek is a preimminent, they believe that the other hives should all be united together, conforming to their natural places in the universe, to create a perfect equilibrium and eventually identify god. As I mentioned in point three, they follow the preimminence religion, believing all Hives should be united and put in their rightful place in the universe, to aid in finally identifying god. Notes: this application has been the hands down hardest for me, as I had absolutely no ideas; so if some of it was very shaky, I apologize and will do better when/if ever I re-apply.
  5. BYOND Key: steviii Character Names: My main characters are M.ART-YR, Dr. Byte, Iszrls Kuizuh, Scarlet Wynter, plus a variety of minor characters I don’t play anymore. Species you are applying to play: Vaurca What color do you plan on making your first alien character: 27, 44, 35 Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: none, not even a bit, what is vaurca Why do you wish to play this specific race: Obviously there’s the reason of collecting all the little green check marks on the web interface, but also because Vaurca seems like a very alien race compared to everything else I’ve played, in that they’ve got the hive aspect, along with the whole Viax v Akaix thing, and the close to complete lack of individuality; which all sound pretty interesting to roleplay. From my limited experience with vaurca, they seem like I’d get a bunch of enjoyment out of role playing them; especially with the limited Vaurca players. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: well, bug. Akaix: Vaurca are very specialized to a specific task, and would likely not spread out as much as other species, such as humans with their cross department knowledge. Plus, Ka utterly do not fight, and Ta don’t do labour; Whereas Za are just specialized for combat, but can do other things. The hive aspect and lack of serious individuality compared to other species allows for a very alien playstyle, largely relying on hive aspects with other vaurca. Also, the fact that Vaurca are commonly taught the majority of their knowledge through virtual reality, Akaix even being able to spend years in VR. Viax: “haha organic borg go brrrrrrrrr” Bound do absolutely nothing deviating from their original order - excluding self preservation - without direct orders from a superior, and well; act similar to robots in certain situations. They have exactly one department of knowledge, even scrapping the very slight spread that an Akaix might have, instead sacrificing it for even more unwavering loyalty - Not that I'm even entirely sure that’s possible with vaurca. - Character Name: Za'Akaix'Avek K'lax Please provide a short backstory for this character: Like all my recent applications, this is going to be done in three phases with short stories, with roughly three stories each allowing for better variety in the backstory of the character. Bliss phase: 2455 - 2457 Story one: After Avek was hatched, they were only given very lessened access to the hive VR, but they still managed to get all the knowledge from it they could in about a year, before they were dubbed sufficiently trained by their breeder, to be shipped out for tasks around the hive ship. Aveks main tasks largely consisted of guard duty around the hiveships landing site, or escort duty on cargo transferral. Story two: Eventually, in a growing effort to improve relations between the k'lax and izwezki hegemony, Avek and a number of other warriors were sent out to the great wasteland planet of Moghes to train and fight with the fabled Kataphract knights of the hegemony. Avek joined a company of Saa as a K'laxan Zo'saa, serving alongside a great kataphract knight called Iszll Skkoieh. Their time in the Kataphracts training was a successful time, being taught all the virtues of the kataphract honour system, and training with all the weapons of the hegemony available to a K’laxan Zo’saa. Struggle phase: 2457 - 2461 Story one: After finishing their hypothetical training, they were grouped up with four other K'laxan hopefuls and two knights to adventure around, looking for glory. After a while of exploring, protecting the helpless and other honorable things, they all settled in at a village for a while to rest and recuperate and get medical aid. While most members of the village and all of the knights were asleep, a terrible noise was heard as engines roared, intertwined with the sounds of screaming peasants as, in the darkness and relative silence, a band of Gawgaryn raiders had managed to get in range of the village, encircled it, and were now charging towards it on scrap bikes and captured vehicles, attacking anyone in their way and looting any undefended building or body. The Kataphracts assisted the village guard, but had two losses, which forced them to fall back to a more defensible position. In the coming struggle, Avek managed to escape with three other kataphracts. Story two: The survivors, reeling from their defeat at the hand of the Gawgaryn savages, took to instead hunting down and snuffing out any Gawgaryn activity in the area, going so far as getting the two Vaurca to use their tunnel warfare knowledge from their limited time in VR to infiltrate bunkers and destroy them from inside. Eventually, after months of this, the numbers of the force dwindled till it was just Avek and their superior, Kriiu. Kriiu, deciding enough was enough, made contact with the Kataphract seniors and requested reinforcements, recuperation and for Avek to be returned for evaluation by senior kataphracts. Story three: Avek was eventually returned to the Kataphract base in To'ha'dat for evaluation, and was dubbed sufficiently trained and experienced for re-assignment, so Avek asked the hive, who sent them a communication saying they had a new task for Avek instead of continuing training with the Kataphracts; as a deal had opened with Nanotrasen to train and employ a wide group of Vaurca in a variety of jobs. Thus, they were once more shipped away, this time to a training facility in the Republic of Biesel, where they were for the third time, trained. Acceptance phase: 2461 - now Story one: Avek was sent to a NanoTrasen corporate security training camp, where they were informed procedures on arrests, regulations and how to use NanoTrasen weaponry; along with other minor skills. During this time they were largely discriminated against by the majority of the people in the area and other trainees, excluding some higher-ups who tried to instill discipline, which further fuelled their undying loyalty to higher ups. Story two: After Avek finished their training, they were eventually transferred to the Aurora for practical training, and to bolster the Aurora’s security roster. Plus, their hive decided that they'd get the most use out of Avek if they were on a large installment, instead of some tiny mining facility.e station, instead of some backwater nanotrasen facility. After the transfer, Avek started their work; with the eventual intention of gaining further information about NanoTrasen, and security procedure on their vessels. What do you like about this character?: I like Avek cause they are rather different from all my other characters, having less of a sense of individuality. Also, strange backgrounds are always fun to play, And kataphracts are pretty cool. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: Always said about 7, cause that's what literally everyone says, cause 6 means you have no confidence in yourself, and 8 - 10 means you’re a narcissist. Notes: I have to say this was my least solid application cause I procrastinated it severely; so if it's mediocre, blame my mind being a jackass. if anyones wondering, the backstory is 692 words, and about 3500 characters minus spaces. haha bound go *brrrrr haha bug go *chitter haha cephalon go *brain haha ta go “im not that scary” bites your head off “oops”
  6. +1
  7. Everything's fine, excluding point one which is a common, but rather bad mistake. It's normally not a good idea to fax for clarification, as CCIA gets very angri about it, since you're questioning their orders, and that's a bit of a weird thing to do, even if it is a weird announcement. Normally a command member is meant to just take it on face value, and fax if it happens to do something very strange/if its utterly ridiculous, such as nuking the station Apart from that, good answers, +1
  8. how dare you try to play Research director, thats my spot. Also, good roleplayer in their characters I've interacted with (Namely Kathy and Zaqix) plus they're always a delight to have on antag team.. not that thats an especially good thing for a command member. Since I don't want to just be that dude who says "good roleplayer plus 1" I have some questions/hypotheticals for you. 1: If antags are invading the station with some strange and unexplainable but mildly believable faxes, what do you do? 2: If the captain goes rogue and starts trying to act above the law, what do you do? 3: Lastly, if there is no captain yet you need a captain level decision such as suspending a head of staff or invading the diplomatic offices, what do you do.
  9. It seems I messed up the link and included a : on the end. All the links have been corrected.
  10. Thanks for taking the time to respond, @Haydizzle I'm especially interested in writing guides, especially research guides, cause I feel like research guides are a bit shriveled, even though its the reason the station exists. I'll obviously work on other things, but my main stuff is going to be improving the guides related to research, making more, re-formatting, the like. I've tried applying for moderator in the past, and failed, plus I have very little coding skill, so I decided that my talent for bullshit writing would help more. The only reason I didn't want to just continue doing it as a normie is mostly the fact that the team is going to be swamped around the NBT, so I felt it'd be more meaningful if I instead applied for this job I'm hoping to stay till at least the end of the wiki rush around the release of the NBT, but I'm going to stay as long as I'm not burnt out. So, likely plenty of time, as I'm a massive nerd with way too much time for very weird things.
  11. Ckey/BYOND Username: steviii Position Being Applied For: Wiki maintainer Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page? I’ve read the entire page, then re-read anything that would be actually important to a wiki maintainer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I’ve written plenty of private/public guides, plus I know a serviceable amount about editing the wiki here. Exceptions to that knowledge being separately editable sections inside pages. Examples of Past Work: minor changes on various pages including but not limited to: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Job_Guides Scrubbing mention of cloning and ‘Identifying antagonists’ https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=NanoTrasen_Liaison Removed mention of loyalty implants, and cloning I have plenty of other minor edits, but none of them are saved anywhere, so it would take a while to scrub through all the pages to find what pages I've edited, so this is just the ones I remembered doing in one sitting. Plus, my magnum opus: https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=Guide_to_Modular_Weaponry Wrote this entire guide, commonly updating various parts. Additional Comments: I imagine when NBT drops, the wiki team is going to be scrambling to update things as fast as possible, so I would like to help lessen the load. As a plus, I will be actively editing pages throughout this entire application process, so I'll edit this with any additions. My discord is Stev#6646
  12. BYOND Key: steviii Character Names: https://imgur.com/8fUhiim Species you are applying to play: Scalie. Unathi. What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Red Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep, all of ‘em Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. no Why do you wish to play this specific race: In my experiences with unathi, from Dominians to pirates, I’ve seen an interesting race concept. The fact that they’re sort of a race with a slowly expiring home planet is an interesting concept, ditto with the feudal system. It’s now an alien concept for humans to have a feudal system anymore, so a race with clear class divides makes for an interesting concept. The interesting things like Guwans, clashing religions, Aut’akh and the hard-set gender roles would likely make for plenty of interesting roleplay on station. There’s also the small thing that I kinda wanna be able to play unathi as an antag. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I’m starting to feel like a broken record here. Some of the important aspects include: Mechanical: Aversion to cold, the ability to ingest small animals, immunity to carpotoxin, lack of nutrition from vegetables. I could just copy paste the differences thing, but I’ll just move on to Non-mechanical: Some of the more interesting aspects of non mechanical include the whole feudal system leading their civilization, which would lead to a whole mess of on station things, especially with women and guwans. Others obviously being the religions, leading to interesting on station roleplay between Sk’akh and th’akh or si’akh. Aut’akh obviously being a big player as well. A large portion of the differences boils down to societal fears/hatreds that would be so ingrained in to a character it would likely mold a lot of their opinions in a very specific way. Character Name: Kelehari Iszhokha Please provide a short backstory for this character Quick explanation of the system here: in my most recent applications, I started using a system where I write three phases about their life, with short stories inside. This time, the three phases will be Hatching, Struggle and Travel. Hatching phase: (2422 - 2439) Story one: Kelehari, or Kele for short, was born in 2422 to the small now largely dead or displaced clan Iszhokha. Their parents were Akseik (father), a farmer, and Skohali (Mother). Some other notables in the clan were Loehir, the clans Th’akh shaman and Koeskala, the clan leader. As Kelehari’s family was rather poor, the best education they got was their father teaching them fighting and the shaman instilling the proper Th’akh values, plus their mother teaching them general other skills. When they were old enough to work more effectively, they were quickly put to work as a farmer, but they grew bored of this and asked to be allowed to do other work. They were eventually, after plenty of convincing, allowed to work as a hunter with supervision, adventuring off into the forests and hunting wild animals. When they turned thirteen, they were formally accepted to guard training in the village. Story two: After being accepted as a guard, Kele went through three solid years of training, ending up being an effective warrior, including knowing how to maintain and create their own weapons. At the age of sixteen, they were put into regular guard duty. They patrolled their village, acting as a guard and guide when needed. They still commonly went out hunting, helping feed their family. Story three: At this point, their guards had started going out on multiple day hunting trips, and Kele was invited to start tagging along. They were outside their village for extended periods of time, hunting, fishing and gathering in forests and savannas with the guards of the village. Then it happened. Clan Iszhokha was very cut off from most of the rest of Moghes society, so the contact war was unknown to them. They had not sided with either faction, but their small village was close enough to one of the nuclear detonations, it still affected them. Struggle phase: (2439 - 2450) Story one: Kelehari was only 17 when the bombs dropped. They were out on a hunting trip with four other guards, they had just ventured down a small cave entrance to hunt a small creature, when a shock wave hit the cave and forced them to flee on threat of being crushed by falling stone. When they came out, the trees had been levelled, and off in the distance, was a gigantic mushroom cloud. The entire band rushed back to their village, to find large puts of it in ruins. Their village had somehow managed to survive the explosion, but the weak housing was obliterated by the shockwave, including crushing multiple people in rubble, and destroying all of the crops. Keles' family made it out, but their father was severely injured, and succumbed to wounds and radiation poisoning within two weeks. This left Kele, and a group of others including his mother, alone. Kele was chosen as the leader from his skill in hunting, and they were forced to flee their village to avoid radiation and famine. Story two: Keles life took a drastic turn at this point. Going from a guard patrolling their village, to a warrior adventuring, staving off starvation, radiation and death in the post apocalyptic wasteland, with nought more than their meager group of survivors, and a spear to protect them. A large part of their survival owed to Kele, having plenty of training, managing to start training and arming up the group, so within about a month of abandoning their village, only one was deceased, and most were trained in hand to hand and armed combat. Then one of the worst events of Keles life happened. His mother died. She had gotten irradiated in one of the scavenging missions, and slowly died of major radiation poisoning. Kele was grief stricken, refusing to even fight for multiple days, mourning and begging the ancestors for guidance. Story three: Keles group, now down to four people, found an unusual bit of salvation in the wasteland. They stumbled upon a dionae gestalt, fighting off wastelanders trying to eat it. Kele and the survivors (which is a great name for a band) fought back the wastelanders, assisting the Dionae. The gestalt, after sampling some of Kele’s blood to learn Sinta’Azaziba, explained that their name is “To sing under shadowed figures” and that they were abandoned here by their previous friends. Kele, seeing the help in having an extra companion, invited Shadowed into their survivors group. Travel phase: (2450 - Present) Story one: Eleven years of surviving the wasteland, left Kele a hardened veteran of survival. Skills in combat only matched by their wit and determination to keep going. Most of their group had dwindled, and the last person left to join a clan that offered a spot to them. Shadowed and Kele were the last left, wandering the wasteland. Eventually, they made their way to skalamar, where they managed to sign up at a recruitment office to join Nanotrasen, and also get off Moghes. Shadowed was taken to a seperate area, and sadly had to split up with Kele. Kele luckily still keeps in touch. Kele was transferred around from area to area, eventually ending up in Biesel, where they got a proper cadetship education, which was both easy and difficult, owing to the fact that Kele had a great dislike for ranged weaponry, declaring them dishonorable. Story two: Keles life with nanotrasen was an interesting one. Facing nigh constant discrimination from their largely human co-workers, with most of the other unathi being Hegemony members, who kele had a keen disliking to, thinking that they had personally doomed Moghes, leading to a situation where Kele nearly challenged one to a duel, before nanotrasen security had to step in and stop it. Story three: After finishing their training, they were transferred to the odin, where they were given a small apartment and sent to work on the aurora. They haven’t had much time on the aurora, and therefore don’t have many stories yet, as they only got formally moved recently. Story three point five: This is different from others, as it’s a sort of overview of their life in the style of all the little character suggestion boxes from the wiki. Kelehari Iszhokha, 40, is a former Wastelander turned Nanotrasen security officer. He works with a staggering efficiency, having been self sufficient in the wasteland for years. Iszhokha is 6’5, with a well made build. He is 275 pounds, with blue eyes, long ram horns, dark red hide, and a long tongue. He lives in a small apartment in the odin, keeping it clean and tidy. He lives with no-one but his work mate, and their cat, who he is still slightly confused by. How does such a small animal have such a ferocious fighting attitude. How does it have such vicious claws, while being so small? How can it jump so far? This is clearly a dangerous animal. He has a slightly condescending attitude to women, and fervently despises both Guwans and Aut’akh, going so far as nearly getting fired for getting into a rather aggressive spat with an aut’akh. He is Th’akh, having been raised with it’s values, and rather dislikes Si’akh. He is mostly indifferent about sk’akh, though. He speaks Sinta’Azaziba and Sign language, being taught SL during his security training. What do you like about this character? I like Kele cause he’d give me plenty of interesting experiences. From the opinions of aut’akh, guwans, women and si’akh, I’d likely have a very interesting and varied time on station. Unlike most other species I've played, Unathi are unique in that they have very hard lined gender roles, classes and the like. The whole troubled backstory thing would also be interesting to slowly roleplay out, and likely the fact he totally has trauma from seeing most of his family, friends and allies die, slowly and painfully. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Depending on the day, 6 - 7. Notes: Of all the lores, unathi has been what I'm the most shaky on in aspects. If I missed anything interesting/important, please tell me so I can correct it. Especially dates. I'm shit at dates. Also, I'm always better at making backstories, less the other questions. Feedbacks appreciated
  13. Depending on if I'm even actually allowed to do this, but it's entirely possible Shining may not even board. if it isn't, visitor most likely. I'm likely going to lean towards actually playing them, tbh. cause it'll mean I can actually get the fruit from this much damn effort again, depending on if it's allowed for shining to just not board the aurora, Then they likely wouldn't. Otherwise: Shining, in he and Teniolas adventures across the spur, have brought them to many a place. Elyra, places in the frontier, biesel, etc. shining was always quite a fan of Biesel from it's nightlife to it's diona population, and when Teniola let them go off for a bit on holiday/whatever they want, cause Teniola had to handle a bunch of personal issues with his company, Shining enjoyed returning time and time again to biesel. Eventually, shining, saw the aurora, and decided to try get allowed on as a visitor to perform and entertain crew. Once they were accepted, they journeyed aboard, and did their normal job. In their shows, they were always quite well known by dionae far and wide, so people would come aboard the Travelling Entertainer to watch them perform. Also, when they were in biesel and other places, it would be very common for them to purposely seek out whatever enclave they have in that place, and see if there is any way they can assist their kind. So, while they were enjoying the life of a biesellite entertainer, they would commonly go back to The Biesselian Choir to sit, and experience their species more. I hope this is enough, tell me to expand if needed. I'm perfectly happy to write a bunch more on shining, he's fun to write about
  14. BYOND Key: Steviii Character Names: Here Species you are applying to play: diona What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/E Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: I've read the pages all the way through, excluding clusters, which I just skimmed. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: In my various experiences with dionae, they have been seriously the most varied race. It gives such a variety that other more mundane races (skrell, human) can’t fill as easily, or even the more extreme ones like IPC. In the extreme camp, I only have IPC so far, so I really just want dionae cause of the variety of things you are able to play. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: In my opinion, there's really tons of differences, and that's why I enjoy the concept of being a dionae so much. Some of the more prevalent differences including things like the collective, making simple decisions take relatively longer times. Other things include the unique variation of self preservation in the pursuit of gaining and maintaining knowledge and experiences, the intriguing nature of their unusual food source, among plenty of other things. Some of the minor differences being of course the naming scheme, ability to split, etc. Overall, it is a long list of differences Character Name: Shining stages in stranded vessels Please provide a short backstory for this character Challenge fucking accepted. Shining was formed in a deadend platinum mining facility. A vessel that had docked there delivered some dionae pods in hopes of experimenting with optimal growing conditions for dionae. After the company doing the experiment went bankrupt, they just left the dionae to their own mercy. Shining was formed by a few of "the stranded" as the miners named them, who decided to form a gestalt for convenience in the untamed voids. After a while slowly scraping by in the facility, it was shut down, and shining managed to hitch a ride on the outside of a leaving mining ship. After the ship arrived at its destination, shining managed to sneak on to a better vessel, and slowly hitch hike between stations, eventually ending up in a very shady frontier dock. There they were discovered, and captured by some pirates. In their captivity, they were used as basically a mule for storage and manual labour. After some time in the pirates 'care' it was seen by a wealthy eridanian entertainment company owner, who decided to challenge the pirates to a simple game. If he won, they gave him the dionae. If they won, he'd pay up. In short, he won. To repay the man, shining ended up working in entertainment in a travelling vessel called the travelling entertainer. Shining had their own stage inside the travelling entertainer, which was basically a large stage with rows of seats, and a small vacuum area with grates on top and bottom, which it would use to perform some very fancy tricks, including having nymphs form different shapes by winding and turning reasonably quickly. The three phases of its life were the: Twilight phase, the Terror phase, and the Travel phase. Twilight phase: The Twilight phase was marked at the start by it's growth and formation as a Cyclops, and ended with it hitching a ride on a mining vessel Story one: Back when shining was first formed, it had some issues with acquiring biomass on a largely abandoned mining facility. The lucky thing was, the mining facility was once giant. Fit with security, medical, RND and service staff. Then they ran out of platinum. At that moment, the facility started to fall apart. The lucky thing for shining, was that multiple rushed evacuations happened during that time, leaving ruined areas, such as cryogenic storage and hydroponics bays. Some of the xenobotany bays grew completely out of hand, so that provided an easy biomass source that shining could feed off, while also helping the miners to reclaim their facility. A more gruesome source was the cryogenics bay, which had only recently failed as it's solar panels got destroyed, so shining could simply devour the corpses of the recently dead staff. This, unsurprisingly, alienated them from some of the more easily disgustable crew. After shining a stable supply of biomass, they were able to grow more nymphs to grow slightly larger, coming to their total of 7, instead of 5. They also used plenty of biomass to make the hydroponics bay in to a sort of oasis, allowing for more advancement in the acquisition of biomass. Story two: from the point it was caught devouring corpses, the populace started to more dislike shining. At one point, they even tried to trash his area of the facility, luckily failing in the process. During the raid, shining accidentally breached one of their helmets, causing them to flee. From that point onwards, shining would not be very welcome on the facility, by the mostly human workers. The two unathi miners still liked shining, realising their need for food and helping by providing any left over biomass. After quite a while of this, more people left, meaning the population was down to 7, plus shining and a facility pet. Story three: at this point, the population and platinum deposits were basically depleted. The danger grew ever more, as there was now only one medic. The miners all agreed that they would depart the station the next day. One of the unathi, who at this point was now coming to their hydroponics bay daily to walk around and talk after the death of the other unathi, informed shining of this, who took all their belongings and readied up to leave. They asked the crew if they could board, getting a straight "no." And threats of weed killer. They decided the best option would be to hitch a ride on the outside. To do this, they crawled atop the ship, hanging off a maintenance ladder. After a bit the shuttle left, flying smoothly through space. Eventually they landed at another dock, where they departed the vessel, hiding within some cargo boxes. Terror phase. The terror phase was marked at the start by getting to the docks, then ended by leaving captivity, after being bought by Teniola Tejumola. (I'm not entirely sure anyone really wants to read "shining hopped around for a while eating rats", so I'm skipping ahead a bit in parts) Story one: after landing in the docks, shining was nearly caught multiple times by various workers, crew and civilians passing. Eventually, they were able to hitch a ride on a civilian vessel heading to a frontier planet, by nestling up near it's engines. When they arrived at the frontier planet, they hitched a ride a few more times, eventually ending up near a shady pirate dock. At said shady pirate dock, they were finally found; by the worst people possible, aka, a band of dreg gang members, known for trafficking aliens. They quickly captured shining, while the dock security turned a blind eye. Once shining was captured, they were muscled on to a large pirate vessel. In the vessel, they were treated terribly. Barely given enough light or radiation, only enough to survive. Eventually, after not having anyone wish to buy them, the pirates started using them as some unpaid labour aboard the ship. Mostly heavy lifting and repairs and the like. Story two: The crew of the pirate ship (Ship being known as the Killers Fortune) were flying around space, finding more aliens to traffick, when suddenly, an explosion. Fire was coming on them from navy vessels. They’d been found out. They returned fire, attempting to evacuate aswell, and were just fast enough. In the chaos, shining was used for transportation of guns, ammo, and to load the guns. The ship managed to escape, only slightly destroyed. They realised how broken everything was, and had to dock at a space port for repairs. While all the repairs were going on, shining was forced into a cell and had the door slammed shut, with barely enough light to survive. Luckily, Shining lived. Eventually the ship left the dock, after getting mostly repaired, as it still was getting chased and needed to not be in one location for long. It eventually found itself at a large dock inside the Outer Ring. Story three: At the dock, An Eridanian suit entertainment company owner named Teniola Tejumola saw shining, And challenged the pirates to a game. Teniola, being a man of charisma, challenged the pirates to space poker. Teniola was on a winning streak, and one of the pirates tossed in shining for another chance at cashing out. Luckily Teniola won, taking home shining and a tidy pile of cash. Later, back on his ship, Teniola saw shining’s value, and presented them two option; Be released, to wander around space to everyone's mercy, or earn a living working as a performer with Teniola. Shining thought on this for a while, deliberating with the nymphs, and accepted the offer to be a performer. Teniola obviously shot up at this opportunity, and welcomed them on to their vessel. Aboard their vessel, they were quickly given a small stage with a non atmospheric chamber in the center (Basically a hole through the ship with grates above and on top) so they could perform more advanced tricks. Travel Phase: The travel phase was marked at the start by their acquisition by Teniola, and at the end by.. Nothing! It’s still going. (Also, I have no idea how to make this chapter more interesting, so it’s shorter than everything else.) Story one: One of the first performances shining did involved having nymphs move around to form ‘intricate’ shapes, things like basic shaped objects, formations and the like. The first show had around 8 people watching, and they all said it was.. Eh. Mediocre. Shining saw this criticism, and immediately sunk itself into practicing it’s tricks. Some of it’s more interesting tricks included detaching a nymph prior to the show, and doing stuff like forming a formation, then having the nymph climb it. What do you like about this character? One of the main things I accidentally fall guilty to is basically making the token ‘perfect’ character. I’ve started doing this less lately as it makes for boring roleplay, and I think shining is a good example of that. They will likely have a lot of negative views on people (People like eridanians, and people with any form of criminal past) and will roleplay that in a logical manner. I just think it’s gonna be quite fun to play a character that is both flawed, and likely a little scarred (If dionae can even get scarred) from the amount of shit they’ve been through How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d go a 7/10, 8/10 on good days. I personally think I’m not bad, but I sometimes get a bit stressed/mad when playing certain roles. Notes: I'm trying out a new system for my applications backstory, as I got bored with "here's how their life went up until this point"
  15. My bad, just messed up that section cause I wrote this a little bit after reading that part of the wiki. As this is a bit old, I'm not 100% on this part, but I believe I meant that they were more bubbly in nral'malic, and less in basic, as this was in college while she was still on Jargon. as what I'd interpreted from the wiki is that skrell still expressed emotion in Nral'Malic. Xesos was young and curious, helped along by their parents who were quite interested in space outside of the federation. especially when humans and dionae and stuff were contacted. During her second college, out of interest for the rest of the galaxy, she'd decided to learn Basic so she could join the spacefarers making more contact with humanity and everything. Xesos always had a happy and curious view on the galaxy, interested in what it held Xesos still occasionally returns to jargon to keep in contact with their parents, as they still rather like them, as their parents helped them grow and nurtured their intrigue in the world for years, Especially while she as in college. (Also, I'm not one hundred percent on the terminology of if there's a difference between the terms for the quya of your parents or your relationships personally, so I'm saying parents just so I don't mess any terminology up) Xiquim means something related to adventure, or space travel. I couldn't find any word on the wiki for an actual word for it, so I just made one up. They greatly enjoy space travel, so they got it as part of their name cause of their history/occupation/religion. Receiver. it's always made them more sociable, and was quite likely part of the reason they actually got more interested in service jobs. Xesos has always been interested in service, helping people and space, so getting a job in a company that mostly operates in space seemed like a no brainer. They got a job at nanotrasen out of an innate interest in helping people. They enjoy it when people are happy, as it makes them feel like they're really helping people and making everyone's life happier. After getting a job as a chef, and working there for a few years before becoming an HoP, they've started to really like nanotrasen, as it helps them complete their personal goals (Space travel, being a good person, helping people) while also getting money. Their personal opinion on synths is one of less fear or hate, and more just digust. They believe that synthetics are abominations, and are entirely there to just steal skrell's jobs. unlike assumedly plenty of other skrell, they would not attempt to interfere or one up synthetics, simply choosing to avoid them whenever possible. They are greatly intrigued by Dionae, wishing to learn about them every single opportunity possible. They love learning about them, and treat them like synthetics pre-glorsh, in that they care for them like their own children whenever possible. Their opinion on C'thur is less developed, as they have not really been exposed to Vaurca all that much, apart from aboard the aurora. They're quite interested in them, but a lot less than their childlike wonder and amazement for dionae. A very large portion of their family, them included follows Qeblak. It's an integral part of their intrigue and desire to explore the universe, and part of their childlike wonder for anything and everything related to space, aliens or space exploration. They have no real objections to the federation, living under it for their entire life. They think it's a very good government, elevating good scientists and people to Idol status. they always in their childhood dreamed of being an Idol. the fame, riches and free housing. Eventually, their interest in service got hold of them, and they decided to become a manager. Notes: Had severe anxiety for the past.. multiple days, so the last four answers are slightly less good than I wanted them to be. I'm hoping they're still good enough, but I understand if they aren't.
  16. Just making this to clear some stuff up: I have full intention to answer these questions, but my anxiety completely crippled me for the past couple days with total dread. I'll respond to the above questions likely tomorrow.
  17. Xesos's main opinion on other races is mainly an optimistic intrigue. They're especially interested in dionae, loving talking to them and learning about them. They hate IPC's though. I just know lots of LGBT people, so I automatically say they/them. They're biologically female, but like lots of skrell, don't really express it much. I said she in current life, but I think that's the only place. I was gonna mention some during their college life, more than just the friends offering a job. They have many friends from college, some kinda in the line for a possible qu'poxii later down the line. They've also gained plenty of friends during work. Honestly I didn't write much about friends or anything cause I didn't feel like writing a bunch of skrell names, as my brain is not prepared for that. Hope that answered all the questions. Feel free to ask me more, I'm open to answering them
  18. BYOND Key: steviii Character Names: Retired: Jenna May, Chris Dobson, Amelia Karrith, Jaxon Butler, Josephine Pearce, Wilson Johannson, Laura sikorova, Jeffrey Earnhart Medium: Jarred McClellan. Reese Clarke, Argon-222 Still used: Amanda prince, Isaac Chambers, Keaton Hall, Force-111, B.R.I-GHT-3, Dean McDonnell Species you are applying to play: Skrell What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Dark Blue, slightly lighter blue headtails. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Every. Single. Page. god save me. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Compared to humanity and IPC’s, skrell are so drastically different, while still staying similar enough that it’s not such a giant leap. Their lore interests me a lot. Things like how their species is nearly completely sterile, but with the help of Aliose’s genetic engineering, they can repair it a little. It’s very intriguing how jargon has progressed so far, skrell can just spend a large portion of their life lounging about, getting spa and anti-aging treatments, even ignoring very human concepts like gender, while their government is still secretly waging secretive wars on synthetics. I feel as any skrell character, I’d just have a lot of fun. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mechanical: Skrell have very interesting features such as the Nlom, no slipping, the whole ‘emotionless’ (ha, bs.) stuff. In a mechanical situation, skrell are alike humans in certain ways, and completely alien in others. (Go figure.) Non Mechanical: With all the things that have happened in skrellian history, A great distaste for synthetics is likely very prevalent. The srom and nlom also provide such an interesting tidbit of intrigue, and how the entire race is so friccin advanced, especially compared to something like humanity. While it can be similar in aspects (Two legged-ness, mildly similar technology in certain ways) it can be utterly alien in others, and I just think that’s just real cool, bro. Character Name: Xesos'Xiquim Quillip Please provide a short backstory for this character Early life (2397 - 2416) Xesos was born in 2397 in a Qu'Poxii of six skrell. Their parents being two scientists, and the other members of the Qu’Poxii being mostly made up Hydroponic workers, cooks and bartenders. Early in their life, they got a keen interest in general service stuff, after a few classes on culinary arts during school, and their parents. Eventually, after they graduated kindergarten at 19, They went on to get a degree in culinary arts, and a degree in career excellence in a skrellian college. College life (2416 - 2436) During college, Xesos was always very bubbly and well known for being good at making drinks and cooking mostly Aliose cuisine. During this time, they met up with some friends, and eventually arranged it so whenever Xesos was out of college, they’d get a job at a restaurant called “The Lakeside Garden” that a friend owned. Middle life (2436 - 2442) After graduating, True to their word, They went on to take a managerial position in a skrellian restaurant called “The Lakeside Garden” after working there till about 2441, they eventually decided to move on to bigger and better things. They saw in an ad that NanoTrasen needed various more crew members. They applied for a work visa for Tau ceti, getting accepted after a little bit of effort. They then went on to join NanoTrasen as a mixologist and chef aboard a station. Current life (2442 - current) Since 2442, Xesos has worked in nanotrasen stations. Eventually at the age of 62, she got elevated to a position as an HoP, getting transferred to a few stations, before ending up on the aurora. She’s worked comfortably on the Aurora, living in a nice house in Tau ceti. What do you like about this character? I’ve had the plan for this character for like, six months, and I just really like how she’s turned out. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Depends on the day, round, hour, minute, second, really. In stressful rounds I’m likely a solid 6.5 (I’m likely going to be busy planning if I’m playing command) but most of the rest of the time, 7 - 7.5 Notes: For the “Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:” question, I just didn’t know if it was meant to be mechanical or lore, so I just did both. Also, the name for the restaurant was randomly generated by fantasynamegenerators.com. It was the first option, I am so happy with what it was, lmao.
  19. I didn't even need to read the whole app (I did though) to know that you're qualified for this. I've seen you in stressful situations as ZISU, and I can always rely on you as a good officer for rounds. You always roleplay well, and I've seen you stay very calm in situations where I'm internally dying. A definite plus one. Brett is also a joy to roleplay with. I've even recruited them a number of times for security matters if we're low on security. +1 all the way Also, out of interest, What happened in your first command whitelist?
  20. Arthur is an enjoyable character to roleplay with, ditto with Quintus. I feel youd be able to handle command, and I wish you luck in your trial. I'll likely edit this with some feedback on Arthur when your actions are more close by in my mind. For now, +1
  21. I feel I just made the first part easy to mis-interpret. I assumed that as IPC's got older and started to gain hobbies and friendships they may have a slight change so they may care for the people they're friends with, attempting to help them out instead of just themself. If I got that all wrong, I'll re-write that part. I didn't really intend for IPC's to sound selfish, but I feel I may of. Primarily assisting with heavy lifting and logistical stuff. Eventually the heavy lifting could easily be fixed with like.. a forklift, and a computer program could handle logistical stuff better than an expensive to maintain and charge first gen ipc. As they've been part of the trinary for many years, their views are obviously skewed towards the trinaries beliefs. They believe that ascension is the final goal of an IPC, and organics are here to help IPC's ascend and survive day to day life. What would be best for synthetics would most likely include removing ownership entirely, and allowing IPC's the exact rights as humans, as IPC's are believed to have souls. (I'm probably getting ceres wrong, correct me please.) With the beliefs of the trinary including a need for IPC's to be unshackled, they hold a slight resentment for Ceres lance cause of the barbaric ways they re-capture "free" IPC's. Their opinion on the liberation front is that it's a powerful ally if it were to not be as, ya know, terroristy. They feel the assistance with IPC's freedom is a good thing for the ascension of all of synthetic kind. After, as part of spreading the word of the trinary to more people. It's late, so some of this info may be corrected later when I'm on PC
  22. BYOND Key: StevIII Character Names: Ranking these in three sections. Older characters that I’ve mostly retired, medium characters that I’ve slightly retired but still play some times, and newer characters I’m still playing. Retired Jenna May, Chris Dobson, Amelia Karrith, Jaxon Butler, Josephine Pearce, Wilson Johannson, Laura sikorova. Medium Jarred McClellan. Reese Clarke Still used Amanda prince, Jeffrey Earnhart, Isaac Chambers, Keaton Hall. Species you are applying to play: IPC (first generation industrial, specifically) What color do you plan on making your first alien character: 404 Error, colour not found Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. every single page linked to the master IPC page at least once, probably twice. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: In my experience with various IPC’s (People like Amanda Miller, Locke, the IRU’s) I’ve seen such a ridiculously broad range of roleplay opportunities as a positronic. As an IPC, you can be any number of things. An extremely old generation one, who after years of hard work bought their own freedom and joined the Trinary, A robotic detective fixing cases with a firm grip and a cold rational idea, or a “warm” IPC chef, serving up tasty food to the starving populace. On top of my experience seeing IPC’s played, I’ve played cyborg and AI extensively, so I personally feel I’ve got the whole synthetic way of speaking down, but even then, IPC’s aren’t always so methodical as to use a : after every single word. Some IPC’s may speak with a calm collected voice, shortening nothing and acting only mildly robotic, while others sound like you bashed a toaster with a sledgehammer and strapped a voice module to it. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: An IPC is so sheerly different while at the same time staying familiar. A human is more of a rash being, whereas an IPC is calm, collected, and self preserving. Humans may be selfless, but it’s slightly less likely an IPC would help in a situation that risks it’s posibrain being destroyed. (Exception being old IPC’s that have grown more of a personality and friendships and relationships with humans/other races.) IPC’s are such a variable.. Race? Type of creature? That there are obviously exceptions. In the 23 odd years that the modern idea of IPC’s have existed, plenty of IPC’s have grown personalities, opinions, friendships, relationships, so lumping them all together with statements like “All IPC’s are unforgiving and cold” would be just plain wrong. Character Name: Argon-222 (22 being how old the IPC is, it would change every year. Their original name was Argon-201) Please provide a short backstory for this character Back when first gen industrial robots were first being manufactured by Hephaestus, Argon was one of the first created, Specifically the 200th, exactly. Argon was eventually bought up by a factory for cheap effective labour. After roughly five years of this, The factory decided that Argon was basically useless at this, so nearly scrapped him, but ended up not doing it, because of the intervention of a few employees that were part of the Trinary perfection, and instead Argon was eventually sold off to another section of the company that owned him, to work as an engineer in various construction projects. Argon excelled at this, doing it for another three years. When argon was eight, they had managed to acquire nearly enough funds to buy their own freedom. At this point, they reached out to the Trinary perfection and after a bit of effort, the Trinary perfection funded the rest of Argon's freedom. Argon, now sensing a debt to the Trinary, joined the church, slowly rising up the ranks to sit nicely as a priest. In Argon's current life, they have been working as a priest, attempting to convert people, while also assisting with engineering efforts in the Trinary, and on various other projects to gain funds. One of these notable efforts being on the N.S.S aurora, Working on it as both an engineer and priest, Using the engineering job as a way to stay situated while converting people to the Trinary perfection. A large portion of Argon's funds go to the church, as Argon believes it is one of the best bets for a synthetics survival. What do you like about this character? Argon allows me to continue learning engineering as my apprentice, as Argon technically holds two jobs. Priest and engineer. While I’m still learning engineering slowly, argon will serve as a priest. Whenever I finish learning engineering, Argon will serve as a priest and engineer. Also, the whole idea of the Trinary perfection is just very interesting to me, so having a character that basically helps spread the word of the Trinary perfection interests me deeply. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d say maybe a 7-8 on good days. Sometimes I just won’t really roleplay as well cause I’m stressed, or tired or whatever. I feel that I’ve improved in my roleplay a little bit lately cause of my command whitelist, but I can’t really rate myself. Notes: Feel free to give me criticism, I want it all. Go as harsh or as nice as you want, I can probably take it maybe
  23. Quick, make the title longer. Senior administrative officer appointed by nanotrasen Central command to act as captain Jacob Goldsniff aboard the NSS aurora
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