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Everything posted by HighAdmiral

  1. Jaxon Williams is an Engineering legend. This is the only person I’ve ever seen since I started to play SS13 choose to learn TCOMMs willingly. Jaxon filled a niche in engineering and the roleplay seen by his characters is 10/10. This is a command application I’ve been waiting for for well over a month and I really hope he’s given a trial.
  2. You're right. I didn't realize how improper the original message was. I agree with the original warning, however I'm still quite annoyed by Sonics inability to create a forum warning properly. This could've been clarified a long time ago if he'd been even a fraction more communicative.
  3. I didn't "just call them names". My comment had much more than "borya shitter" in it. Borya and I have not had good experiences, him and I have both blocked each other on Discord over past events. Is the issue me not going into depth enough? Or is this just staff clique because Borya is friend of all staff? My review of his application was neither a shitpost nor meant to be insulting. It was an honest review of my opinion of him.
  4. Since when has evidence ever been required of a personal review of an application? My opinion of them is low, and that was communicated. That was the point.
  5. That "changing it later" is every indication needed. It was non edited for maybe five minutes. Literally just long enough for Shadow to see it. So no, that's him knowingly prosecuting a clear and obvious joke. As for Borya, as I've said I have very mixed feelings about him. I stand by my review of him being toxic, but good in this community. The fact it's acceptable for that opinion to be removed simply because it's "calling someone shitler" is honestly pretty sad. It's not trashtalking if it's truth, which is apparent from your response to my complaint. Regardless, it's been made clear my opinion or humor is not wanted on staff applications. I will not be responding to them in the future.
  6. BYOND Key: James View Staff BYOND Key: SonicGotNuked Game ID: Forum related complaint Reason for complaint: Unjust forum ban, silencing my voice on the forum, and presenting incorrect evidence in administrative action. Evidence/logs/etc: - Additional remarks: Sonic warned me for a post I had made on the forum, a single point post marked as "spamming." (picture 1) This was not pointed as toward any specific post, and I had posted on two different moderator applications that day. I had posted a joke response on Shadows application, as he was literally begging for -1s in OOC. I let him see it, then edited to a serious response. I checked his profile and saw he and Borya were friends. I assumed he'd gotten offended by my comment on Boryas applications. The comment was paraphrasing "Borya is a shitty person, probably fits SS13 tho +1" What I should've said, is I personally have had bad experiences with Borya. I think he's a shitter. He is really in with this community though, everyone loves and respects him as he does it. I think he'd be a fine moderator here but not anywhere else. When I contacted Sonic to explain that I wasn't joking or spamming, he sent me one line "Oh so you're just toxic" and added an additional two points, making for a total of three which banned me from the forum. In this second staff action, he posted evidence pointing towards Shadows application which was a clear and obvious joke. I assumed this was a misunderstanding and tried to communicate via discord clarification. He didn't respond either time. I now feel Sonic has maliciously made this a confusing situation, refused clarification on the offending post, and just in general been toxic in retaliation to what he percieved as toxicity. For five days I have been unable to even file a complaint.
  7. +1, awesome captain. Pretty invested in good RP and with his past experience I'm sure he'll make a fine mod again too.
  8. He called me a nerd because I didn't respond fast enough :< Henry is a good rper, I've enjoyed having him in rounds the past few days I've seen him. +1
  9. A couple days ago this AI loving skrell gave Aurora the finest traitor round I've ever seen. Their skill and attention to detail when it came to involving as many people as possible in a fun way was awesome, and while I personally haven't seen them around much, I do look forward to this trial.
  10. I'm changing to a +1, I haven't been around for a couple weeks but the past few rounds I've seen Peppermints characters they've been amazing. I think they're going to be good for Aurora as a whole in the future as command. The effort she now puts into running good characters is noticeable.
  11. Rakt is a staple of the Engineering department. Easily one of the most respected Atmos Techs we have. He'd make an awesome CE and I look forward to his trial.
  12. This sounds like an awesome change.
  13. My question is has this price change been shown in supply and demand in other ways, or has this change only effected the market price of cigs. To state my question another way, can players use this to benefit themselves by growing tobacco and exporting it or was this change just "haha cigs are expensive also fuck you"?
  14. The lack of reinforced walling leaves the same weakness though. Unreinforced walls are insanely easy to get through, this does not live up to secure area standards.
  15. I feel like removing malf as a solo mode, and allowing malfunctioning AI to interact without everyone just going "oh malf time to metagame" will allow for actual gimmicks.
  16. Aside from how awful the back door idea as a whole is, I'll focus more on the lobby. I really like that you've gotten rid of the space hallway, I much prefer the warmer "welcome to AI Upload" look it has now. That said, I dislike the internal AI Upload changes you've made. The decentralization of the front turret makes the turret much less effective, as it now has line of sight blocked by a corner. This change, in addition to the loss of the shield generators is massive to what already few tools an AI has for direct self defense. Lawset doesn't allow for lethals against a member of the crew, and in order to install the generators you either need a compliant engineering/research cyborg, or command to authorize an engineer into AI Upload. Both of which are honestly pretty uncommon during lowpop, or just not needed during highpop when 99% of antags don't even look at AI Upload. By removing that wall/door with it's glass component you've both left a large open space that just doesn't look good, and taken away 25% of the frontal protection AI Upload has. While I don't necessarily think this is game ending for an AI, it is a very serious nerf that should be considered carefully. Every single time AI Upload has been invaded by anyone with a shred of competence, they've won. All you need is one ion rifle and some patience, which any antag that makes subverting the AI a priority does have, or which Security usually has during malf. A suggestion for improvement, I do think there needs to be more ways to combat an AI. I don't think that should be done through adding a backdoor, or nerfing the entrance. Think about other methods that can be introduced. Increase the power use of AI Upload by a great deal, make that power wire when cut mean something to the AI. Add ways for the AI to reduce power usage. For instance make turrets use a great deal more power when set to lethal, or give it a complex cooling system that requires power to keep cool, requiring less activated features when there is a potential loss of power.
  17. This is a very fair compromise that I find acceptable. How do you propose nerfing electrocution?
  18. Antags already have access to tools that make them impossible to track, if they choose not to use them that is their choice. This only hurts the actual purpose of the AI, which is to help the crew.
  19. This is incredible. Rather than listen to literally every single person here we would rather just remove the ability for AI's to have an antag slot period? The reason no one likes malf is because the AI's that take the role are often not in the AI mindset. Every time I, an AI main, have tried to take the malf slot for gimmicks I have spent DAYS thinking out, it's taken by someone who has every antag slot set to "on". Here's a picture of two AI mains complaining about never getting to have good malf gimmicks because the slot is always full, from a discussion a few days ago. So seriously, we're just going to move towards removing both a very enjoyable gamemode when done right because no one wants to take the time to completely redo the AI, and staff is too busy to implement a whitelist? Shit, let's just remove all the gamemodes and have extended running 100% of the time, instead of pretending every gamemode doesn't have its generic ending. After constant discussion about how to improve AI as a whole through mechanic changes, it's become pretty clear we can't fix the AI in it's current state. Too much of what makes a good AI comes from the actual skill of the AI itself, not the tools it's given. A whitelist makes FAR more sense than just saying "ok too many bad ais ruined malf, time to yeet it"
  20. +1 Jake Jarvis is one of the best roleplayers on the station imo, he'll do great with any whitelist.
  21. No worries, I don't often pay attention to OOC either. I'm simply clarifying a fact here. My lack of communication skill/explaination is intentional. You knowing what happened, and still complaining about me not telling you is literally the definition of entitlement, by being OOC upset with me for not sharing information I didn't intend for you to have.
  22. I'm fine at taking feedback, which is why every time I play Binary I ask for feedback in OOC after every round. I'm quite new to AI. This isn't constructive criticism, this is you taking an issue you know I've already acknowledged and won't repeat and putting it on display in the only forum that matters. I'm not hostile because I don't care what you say. I don't care what you say because you're telling me something I already know, and acting like it's big new news. I both apologized to him in the library over holopad, and in OOC after round end. I don't give a shit what role you've chosen for a round, when the captain tells me to do something in a discreet way, and asks I perform said duty discreetly, I won't explain it to anyone below the captain lest it violate laws. Which it very clearly didn't. That sense of entitlement is honestly sad. I'll explain it again though. The Detective had argued that because AI Upload is such a secure area, he should've known even with permission that he shouldn't have been there. The captain asked me to order the detective to Telecommunications, in hopes of proving said point the other way around. Unfortunately the HoS was too competent, and the plan failed.
  23. Frankly I don't give a shit about your opinion, that was a great round. You want to nail me for a mistake I immediately accepted responsibility and apologized for you're welcome to continue.
  24. You didn't "chase" the librarian. He went straight back to the library because he didn't do anything wrong. Clarification was immediate whenever I was asked, you did not play a head of staff and could not see the command channel. You didn't trust your HoS to do his job, and now you're saltily -1ing me over a single event. Thank you for your feedback, it will be noted in my future roleplay scenarios.
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