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Head Admins / Devs
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Everything posted by Melariara

  1. Honestly, not my choice but it probably won't happen. Try connecting again now.
  2. Sure. Just remember to read the rules. They all apply at all times, regardless of ghost roles or round state (example being we don't allow EORG.) Otherwise, sure, ban lifted.
  3. THe same PR that brought in morphine and tramarine also brought in heroin and cocaine, maybe others.
  4. A few years ago, we redid the entire chemistry database so it would not have real names at all. If we're changing the above, is there a chance we can change the names of all the newly added drugs in, if they must stay in? That way, it keeps with the setting and also avoids any horrible connotations with real life drugs.
  5. On trial 22/11/2023 - 22/12/2023
  6. Try connecting without a VPN.
  7. Oh wow I'm so sorry I didn't see this. You should be unbanned now. I'll leave this open until you successfully connect!
  8. Interview: https://pastebin.com/33Lb70QN
  9. Another new sheet is up friends. Make sure you get into contact with me if thou dost desires in (???)
  10. 22/10/23: Added recommended temps for cryopods and edited in multisurgery being gone.
  11. Hi. Apologies for the delay on this. I have spoken to the player in game and thus, I will leave this open at this time if you wish to say anything else on it, otherwise, I'll close it in a day. Thank you.
  12. No need because I got some time to read this post. From your last unban to this one was two months. I don't feel comfortable unbanning you, as I do believe you will go back into your old ways, and I would rather not have that attitude on the server. Apologies for the delay on denying this.
  13. Sorry, I'm not available for another twenty four hours as I am currently on vacation.
  14. Appeal accepted.
  15. Agreeing with Kermit and Rooster. We don't need this changed. -1
  16. Locking and Archiving.
  17. Hi there, sorry for the delay. After reviewing everything available to me at this time, I've decided that this ban was justified. Do keep in mind in future that there is always escalation needed for things, and escalation does not include your antag buddy being kidnapped. As the ban was only for three days, there is no further action needed as the ban is already over. Also keep in mind your knowledge of OOC (Out of character) knowledge in IC (in character) situations. If there are no further issues, I will lock and archive this in twenty four hours.
  18. This is a fantastic post. I'm just coming in here to drop links for Australian's that may be having mental health issues as well. Beyond Blue - Mental Health Free Hotline, depression and anxiety. Blue Knot Foundation - Trauma and abuse hotline Kids Helpline - For children aged 5-25. Lifeline - Crisis Counseling. More places can be found at the Australian Government's Mental Health Hotline, I merely linked a few.
  19. I will be denying this, as this essence of metagaming is inexcusable. Feel free to appeal in a month.
  20. Hello. Apologies for the delay on this one. Give us a bit to go through all the logs and we'll get back to you soon!
  21. Hyezzz. New sheet is up. Contact me over discord if you want in.
  22. Srom also looks kinda funny.
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