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About Haydizzle

  • Birthday 23/08/2020

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Art, boys, cooking, D&D, and extended rounds.
  • Occupation
    Part time commission artist and D&D homebrewer, full time social mediaholic.
  • Location
    West Coast best coast!

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  • Byond CKey

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Haydizzle's Achievements

Head of Security

Head of Security (25/37)

  1. Your application is solid, the backstory is good, and your answers to La Villa and Trio were excellent. Application accepted! Feel free to message my deputies and I with any questions you may have.
  2. I got a message from Hepatica out of the blue the other day. By no means do I know Hepatica well as a friend, nor are we enemies (unless...?), but we had a friendly chat about the lore among other minor topics. Overall, I'd say they have a sort of joy about them that feels earnest and familiar, so if they told me they used to be a bitter and angry person and have changed, I would be inclined to believe them. There is a quality about Hep now that feels more honest than they did before, when they left the community. Good luck with the whitelist app, and while you might not see me in game, you still have my support.
  3. Hello, and thanks for applying! I had one question I wanted to ask, but your answer to that is largely covered by your answer to La Villa's third question. I'm liking the development you've had between this app and your last, and I'm proud of you for sticking with it. Application accepted. Feel free to send any questions to my deputies and I.
  4. Hello, and thanks for putting the time into applying! The improvement here is very palpable, and I'm proud of you for committing and reapplying. I don't really see any reason to deny your app this time around, and I'm looking forward to hearing about Sskedi. Application accepted. Feel free to send any questions you have to my deputies and I.
  5. Hello, and thanks for applying. There are a few things of concern here, most notably that the application is not complete (as the replies to questions asking for a paragraph or more are really brief) and there are inconsistencies of concern (like spelling the character's name wrong at least three times, along with misspelling important lore groups relevant to Rahkushk) which make me feel not much effort was put into this draft before submitting. Additionally, some themes seem to be mentioned, but there is not much explanation of their importance in regard to your character, and other themes of the species are not talked about at all— the exploration into your knowledge of unathi and how creative you can be with it is not showcased as effectively as it could be. I'm denying this application. You can reapply in two weeks, on January 3rd.
  6. I like the answers to your questions, your application is solid, and you have a good repertoire of characters. Application accepted! Feel free to send my deputies and I any questions you may have.
  7. While there has been improvement regarding your administrative history, I'm still worried about this application. I don't feel the themes are completely understood still, but I'm also concerned about your roleplaying and how this character might end up being portrayed as a stereotypical unathi. I'm denying this application. You can reapply in one month's time, on December 14th.
  8. Thank you for showing interest in unathi! I like your character as well as the answers to the questions, in addition to Gecko's question as well. I'm accepting this application. Feel free to DM my deputies and I here or on Discord with any questions you may have. Happy hunting!
  9. Hello, and thank you for your interest in Unathi! I really like your answers for your questions, but I feel the backstory is somewhat lackluster. Normally this isn't a huge issue; however, the lack of any feedback on your roleplay, I would be hard pressed to accept this application. I'll be denying this application, and you can reapply in two weeks. You are allowed to reuse this application as a base when you reapply, just make sure to expand on your backstory and change any answers to your questions if you feel your responses to them have changed. I have a couple of tips for you as well for reapplying to ensure success. Doing both are not required for success, but doing at least one of these will greatly improve your chances: - Ask people post-round to give you feedback on your application. Positive endorsements about your ability to roleplay show me that you can be trusted to represent the species in a meaningful way; or - Incorporate the themes of the species into Kzeskis's backstory. You touch on the themes of the species in responses to the questions as well as your backstory, but you do not explain a lot of them and how they affected her growing up. Approving a whitelist means giving you the capacity to make any Unathi character, so I want to see how you handle using more of the themes of the species! - Making a new application from the ground up. This can be a lot of work, but making an entirely different character can show me how well you can flex your creative muscles. You can reapply on November 27th your time. Thanks again for applying, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you reapplying! Feel free to DM my deputies or myself either here or on Discord if you have any questions.
  10. I'm processing this application and should have a reply by tomorrow night. Apologies for the delays.
  11. Hello, and thank you for your interest in Unathi! I really like your answers for your questions, but I feel the backstory is somewhat lackluster. Normally this isn't a huge issue; however, the lack of any feedback on your roleplay, I would be hard pressed to accept this application. I'll be denying this application, and you can reapply in two weeks. You are allowed to reuse this application as a base when you reapply, just make sure to expand on your backstory and change any answers to your questions if you feel your responses to them have changed. I have a couple of tips for you as well for reapplying to ensure success. Doing both are not required for success, but doing at least one of these will greatly improve your chances: - Ask people post-round to give you feedback on your application. Positive endorsements about your ability to roleplay show me that you can be trusted to represent the species in a meaningful way; or - Incorporate the themes of the species into Sskedi's backstory. You touch on the themes of the species in responses to the questions as well as your backstory, but you do not explain a lot of them and how they affected her growing up. Approving a whitelist means giving you the capacity to make any Unathi character, so I want to see how you handle using more of the themes of the species! - Making a new application from the ground up. This can be a lot of work, but making an entirely different character can show me how well you can flex your creative muscles. You can reapply on November 27th your time. Thanks again for applying, and I'm very much looking forward to seeing you reapplying! EDIT: I forgot to say, but feel free to DM my deputies or myself either here or on Discord if you have any questions.
  12. I'm terribly sorry about the delay! For anyone seeing this, feel free to Discord message me if the time on the app exceeds 3 days. Your knowledge of the lore is wonderful and I've had excellent experiences roleplaying with you. I'm looking forward to hearing about your unathi characters on station! Application accepted, feel free to DM my deputies and I with any questions you have.
  13. It's very nice to see you apply! And another recipe to add under my belt is always appreciated. I have a couple of questions for you. How does Gukuzan's faith in Sk'akh affect his struggles? How did he feel about the civil war between the Church of Sk'akh and the Hegemon?
  14. Hello! Thank you for taking the time to apply. My team and I discussed your application, and a couple of worries came up. I'm going to try to keep this brief as I can tend to talk a lot. The first worth talking about is your grasp on the lore; looking past some minor discrepancies that can be found or implied, we do not feel you have a solid grasp on the themes of the species and what elements should be woven into a Unathi. This is not to say that you missed every theme— the strong sense of honor and courage that most Unathi aspire to have for example is still something notable to them. We are looking however for coverage of all of them, as we are not giving you just permission to play this one warrior character, but any other characters that may come up in the future, such as a Dominian or Mictlani or pirate. Showing us that you know the species' themes also shows us you would be ready to tackle other character concepts like these once you have a whitelist. The second is your administrative history. I'm not going to go in-depth on it here, but to summarize, we do feel that with the strong sense of honor and warrior culture Unathi have, it can lend itself easily to powergaming. There is concern that playing a strong warrior character will lead to poor play as a result. The whitelist is a show of trust that we not only believe you know the lore, but can represent it meaningfully. As per the lore team rules and regulations, I'm outlining a period of one month until you can reapply again, which will end November 8th. The purpose for this is to both look for any improvement in behavior regarding powergaming, but to also give you time to identify the themes of the species and weave them into your character's backstory, as well as update other parts of the application if your feelings change on any of the questions. You're welcome to reapply with the same character or make a new one, and bring any questions you have to the lore discord. Application denied.
  15. Great job on the application. I'm accepting it! Feel free to message my deputies and I with any questions you may have.
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