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About ryder

  • Birthday 11/09/1998

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Warden (11/37)

  1. BYOND Key: ryder#0101 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: Mack#2829 Reason of Ban: Case ID: "You're a creep" or something adjacent. No Borealis entry. Reason for Appeal: I'd like to engage with the community again. I've said before that Aurora is my only avenue with SS13. I've reinstalled and am learning ropes again but the disconnect from other players is a struggle. I understand I missed the mark with adjusting which jokes are appropriate and which are not in the server, especially when those jokes target others. A decent amount of time has been a great way to reflect and curb over-familiarity besides.
  2. i'm proposing to the love of my life @Waff-AI will you marry me

    1. Scheveningen
    2. Waff-AI


      omg yes!!!!!!!!!! 🥰

    3. Desven


      grats on the happy couple!

  3. This clears up quite a lot from our initial conversation. Issue resolved; archive the thread.
  4. During the round, the character D'Jar gave two Orion Express members - dressed in their uniforms, one with a cape - first responder uniforms and demanded they redress and assume the positions of said uniform. He denied them their IDs until they stripped and changed. He was asked what position he held, answered he was a security officer, and the uniforms were taken to go back to medical. Reasoning, of course, that he doesn't have the authority to make that decision. D'Jar jumps overt the counter, begins yelling, making insults, and brandishes his weapons over the ordeal. It ends when two other security members defuse him and allow my character to take the uniforms back to medical. After speaking with Lancer I was told that D'Jar had apparently told his CCIA character that Sofia seemed like she was going to make for a gun, which is not true. Logs would show that this isn't the case. After telling Lancer as much, he said he did not look at logs. My character taking the uniforms back to medical was a "good excuse" for D'Jar to escalate to threatening violence, according to Lancer, which represents a misunderstanding of Aurora's department mechanics. This leads me to believe the IR was not conducted appropriately.
  5. BYOND Key: Ryder#0101 Staff BYOND Key: Lancer#1589 Game ID: chu-aYKF Reason for complaint: I am filing this complaint because I believe that a CCIA resolution was mishandled. Upon receiving no message regarding the resolution, I reached out to the agent responsible for the IR (Lancer) who communicated some basics to me, in which I think there was a gross misunderstanding of game mechanics ("stealing" clothing by using an autodrobe) as well as a lack of thorough investigation as a whole, as some details left me believing the agent in question was lied to during an interview. Some comments alluded to blame being on myself, which reinforced that feeling. I think the IR needs to be reviewed by someone else or by the CCIA agents as a team. The current resolution should be nullified. Evidence/logs/etc: DMs available upon request. I do not feel they're necessary. Additional remarks: Discord IDs substituted, as actual interaction did not occur in-game.
  6. Understood.
  7. BYOND Key: ryder#0101 Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: mattatlas#0230 Reason of Ban: Case ID: [109] "You need to stop with this kind of shit man. Appeal in a week." Reason for Appeal: I of course agree with Matt's reason for banning me from the Discord community. Risque jokes, even those between consenting friends, are unacceptable and trivialize legitimate issues that not only I've faced, but the community has to deal with en large. It's not fair of me to add more to the radar that staff already has to consider, and certainly not appropriate regardless. It is a plain and simple issue, and I understand what will happen should another offense occur, should my appeal be approved. CKey not included, as this was a Discord ban.
  8. Reporting Personnel: Sofia Valencia-Cortés Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Bartender Game ID: chu-aYKF Personnel Involved: - D'jar Sa'Kuate, Security Officer, Offender - Pooexis Ican'joq, Operations Technician, Victim - Michael Keyes, Operations Technician, Victim - Phylactery, Investigator, Witness Secondary Witnesses: - Margarita Olyerros, Machinist, Witness, Left before incident escalated further - Zarina Shotaeva, Security Officer, Witness, De-escalated Offender Time of Incident: Approximately 9:00 AM - 9:20 AM Station Time Real Time: Approximately 3:00 - 3:20 AM CST / 8:00 - 8:20 AM UTC Location of Incident: Port Side Bar, Bar Backroom Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [X] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [ ] - Misconduct [X] - Other: Grossly Exceeding Power, Brandishing Overview of the Incident: While serving crew at the port side of the bar, two operations technicians, Keyes and Ican'joq, were harrassed when D'jar entered the room. He accused them of theft without explaining, beyond "wearing the wrong clothing", and then threw two uniforms that would be worn by First Responders on the floor. He told them to strip immediately and change into new clothing, then showed them their own IDs, stating they would only get them back once they changed and went to their new assignments. D'jar effectively told them (Keyes and Ican'joq) to assume the roles of First Responders, and that they would apparently not be keeping their jobs in Operations. Visibly, I did not notice them wearing anything out of the sort; they were both wearing Orion Express Operations uniforms, and Ican'joq wore a bright cape over his own. When asked, the cape apparently was part of a separate uniform, but didn't actually belong to anyone, per D'jar's answer. I asked what D'jar was (in terms of position), and if he had authority to reassign positions. He showed us his ID, which said "Security Officer", and I of course knew he didn't have any authority to reassign positions, much less demand employees strip and redress in uniforms in the position of his choice. All witnesses listed were there up until this point, at which point Margarita, the machinist, seemed uncomfortable and left. Shortly after, Zarina briefly left on call for some security issue I'm not aware of. After this, I informed D'jar that I was going to take the uniforms he'd thrown on the floor and put them in the "lost-in-found" in the backroom, and take them back to Medical later. Once I came out of the Backroom, I found D'jar had jumped over the counter, knocking a few items over. I told him he couldn't be back here (behind the bar), and that I needed him to leave. While speaking, he took out and replaced a few items on his belt, namely those used to defuse someone who might be violent. (I was not. I stood in one place and spoke to him as calmly as possible. The investigator and other security officer can account for that). He accused me of theft and breaking "regulations" plural, and I tried again to calmly explain that he couldn't reassign positions, make employees redress, etc. He ignored me, began yelling (witnessed, again, by Phylactory and Zarina) and insulting me, arguing, and refused to leave the bar. Zarina talked him down from doing anything brash, and he put away his equipment, at which point I said I was going to leave the bar and return the uniforms to medical, who didn't seem aware that they'd been taken. Walking back to the bar, I found D'jar had thankfully left, but had seemed to "trash", for lack of a better word, the area outside of the living quarters. I gave him a wide berth and went back to work either. In essence, I feel that myself and others had our safety threatened by D'jar's negligence and erratic behavior. Submitted Evidence: No Attachments Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [X] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No; none were available. Captain departed to living quarters shortly before this incident. Actions taken: Two other members of security (Zarina, Phylactery) and myself made a concentrated effort to de-escalate D'jar, but he resisted extensively. I immediately brought the uniforms he had thrown back to Medical after saying I would, and my leaving the scene seemed to defuse him and remove him as well. He did not pursue the other victims. Additional Notes: Field left blank.
  9. "Feel good" arcs can often suffer from a lack of substance. When you consider these things and how you might approach events, how do you aim to provide substance and ensure these things are engaging with the playerbase beyond a superficial level? How can we see good in a universe that hasn't shown it in lore for quite some time? The idea of fluff, unfortunately, seems antithetical to Aurora, and I'm just curious as to what ideas you have on your approach with that. When it comes to goodness, is there another side of corporate oppression we aren't seeing? I.e., what else do you think there is that isn't living and suffering where people either support each other or go against the grain, and how can you make this believable? If you've already answered this, ignore me. I skimmed a large portion of the thread. I second Marlon in that I think you handle and reflect on things maturely. It's all about working on that knee-jerk reflex, which we all have.
  10. I noticed that this had stopped working as well. It'd be nice for it to start functioning correctly again. It seems entirely broken on my end, personally.
  11. I personally think this is moot since you have continued to acknowledge it and discuss the event in-character as Claire. See my screenshots above. There have been any number of conversations and the one I posted is but one example. If going forward at all, it must not be acknowledged; break OOC and inform others, as would be your own responsibility for your own character. The issue I take with your addressing Dregs is that your reasons above are frequently used to cast judgment rather than express concern. It extrapolates to something more than just IC, at least for myself. I think it's important to think about how these things may be received, and the tone and context in which they're delivered. I often interpret these posts as an excuse to punch down at a minority, but I'm also not someone who has consistently experienced it, and others may be able to speak to this more than I can. You're right: This is a player complaint about you. This isn't an appropriate time for me to sit down and debate the fictitious horrors of Imperialism, the weaponized field of medicine, etc. As far as I know, lobotomy is canon in the Spur: See, MMIs. I will however respect your contrasts about character behavior: This isn't something insensitive; but, it is intended to offend the common sensibilities and cause a discussion. I feel the same cannot be said for your character, Claire, who often seems more like a caricature made for ridicule. All I have to say about this is that I think it's a bit of a fallacy; to deny that stereotypes can exist because of how mental illnesses may be categorized and identified feels disingenuous and unfair to those who do see stereotypes and take offense with your presentation, as described above. Finally, my personal experiences have reflected that these outlandish behaviors do in fact mirror to the station. Again, I can't speak for everyone or say that this is universal, but it's what I've observed and seen.
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