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Everything posted by Gr33d

  1. Nik here I feel deserves a trial personally. They are a good RPer and I can see them playing a decent head.
  2. The attending physician idea is genuis! Currently I have always felt physicians are in a weird place. It's really nice to have them around, but without them, sadly, a first responder can just do their job passively as long as theirs not much else going on. Having a single role based on watching patients and making sure they are all not dying however, sounds genuinely wonderful. I do have concerns about how surgery would be treated however after a split. People who wish to still do no surgery, how will they differ from the AP? It seems like they would have less authority and not much to do unless the AP is not working, or there's a whole station of people in the medbay. Still, I think the change would be for the best as atm physicians are in a weird place.
  3. I very much second this option on adding a warppack and beacon to mining. Not only would this make mining more fun but also makes more sense. On station you could go mining for like 5 mins, go in grab the upgrades and leave for your usual shift but thats not only harder, but more painful to do on the shuttle. That said, mining with the shuttle is a ton of fun. Also, the mining shuttle can actually reach a really good speed without having to spam the button, you just need to get a good fuel mix with Co2 (Just spreading this knowledge because that thing zooms with Co2 in it), although this is not always an option and when its not driving it can be a massive pain. Spawning with a small Co2 tank or something could be a good compromise, as just hydrogen feels like something is broken with how slow it is to move.
  4. that would be correct yes, by shuttle I was referring to a pod or something along those lines as I've heard people call the mining pod a shuttle, myself included. Sorry for the confusion.
  5. Fair enough then. only thing I can think of is having first responders having easier access to teleporters, but I imagine that is not an option. If there's nothing else to add I imagine the thread can be closed.
  6. A few moments ago I was talking in Dchat and someone asked if there was an ambulance for first responders to save miners if they get stuck out there. While it does seem like a bit much for a rare situation, I feel its an important feature never the less. Adding this shuttle, that would be rather tiny I imagine, would add a way for First responders to assist people who are EVA without needing to use the giant intrepid shuttle, usually requiring setup and at least a bridge crew member to work. If for some reason the intrepid also left without a medic and was found needing one the ambulance could be used there as well. I imagine the ambulance would be absolutely tiny and fast with very limited fuel to start out with. Two seats, an airlock and an area for the injured party to lay. Would hopefully be enough.
  7. I love the idea of this item. Personally Ive been using taffy as a way to socially eat with other xenos as a vaurca so im glad to hear im not the only one! +1. Hopefully as well these flavors of taffy (not the shaped ones you have of course) Could be added as other food items for vaurca to share as not everyone likes the taste of bittersweet insect meat and regret.
  8. Yes!! More titan prime dionae! I loved the backstory personally. This gets a nice cool plus one from me. Also, Holy moly that donner looks cool.
  9. In 2440CE, A gross hairless being, no older than one years old, was dropped off in the cold snow on the side of a road on the outskirts of Shastar City in a raggedy grey blanket. For a good half hour, they laid there, crying in pain, before they were found by a young Mistling and ran with haste to their chapel. The scrawny, near dead looking baby cries out with hushed, ever quieter screams as they are placed on the table for the sun sisters to look over. All watching expect the child to be dead soon, and some try to tend to it, warming up this scraggly creature with extra robes and blankets, along with trying to find food for the critter until medical personnel could arrive. At this point it was found that the child, named Geall'adh Mor by the Mistling that found them had a case of dornskhy. His body lacking any fur and being sensitive to the sun and cold both, the Mistling, named Tan'ja Mor would try their best to keep them alive as long as they could. Expecting that to only be a few years or so, based on the poor treatment they seemingly received before they were found. This was not a selfless act however, Tan'ja Mor expected to only be burdened by the creature for only a few years, and while she planned to care for Geall'adh like a son for those years, she selfishly hoped that soon, she could move on from him. Once taken to the nearest clinic the young boy, now around eight years old, removes their bandages from their arm. The doctor looks them over and finds their skin is cracking much less than normal. "The treatment is working just fine." The doctor says, looking over the boy once more checking their breathing. "The breathing is better too! You are free to walk home now, just be quick! We don't want another burn like last time." The doctor jokes, applying fresh bandages to their skin. The boy hops off the table and walks into the lobby to find Tan'ja, now a Sun Sister that accompanies them to their appointments. She pulls up his hood on his jacket and give him a warm smile, before taking his hand and leaving out the door. While the condition was better than it was in the past, due to the constant treatment after the year of near neglect they had as an infant, this was about as good as it was going to get. Dornskhy was not known for getting better with age, and needed constant treatment to be in any way manageable. Soon after the revolution however, the treatment would slowly get more and more rare, cheaper, and sometimes skipped, although, never for too long. They arrive home, and the boy walks to their room, closing and locking the door. It is the boys eleventh birthday today, yet they arrive home to no fanfare or cake, the revolution has left the temple with no money for things like that, and even less time. They were hardly able to afford the skin treatment this year, and they get the feeling they won't be able to in the future. The war only just started, and already they were hardly able to afford the care they needed. The boy pouts in their dim room, they lay on their bare bed, and wait for the day to end. They lay, nightmares swim around the young boys mind, like fish, gnawing at his every thought. The temple had far more responsibilities in this new, revolting world. New orphans, less donations, less doctors close by, and the hospitals and clinics were full. The boy lay, consumed with the thoughts that they only burdened the temple, and they would be far better off without him. The dornskhy was treated with the same quality one would need to allow for a reasonable quality of life for about a year after the second revolution had started, however, as more mouths to feed showed up, and less money was being donated, the treatment became a more stale, type of treatment. One that allowed the patient to live, but deteriorate over time, getting worse, and worse. They awake to a wheezing noise, and a pain in their lungs. The peel themselves out of bed and go to the bathroom to cough up what they can only assume is whatever mucus has built up in their lungs last night. Them and their friends were out, celebrating his 16th birthday. Whatever they did is now a fog of drinking, yelling, and excitement. In their enjoyment, they must have forgotten to take their medication. They wobble back to their bedroom take their tray of medicine, change their bandages, and walk to their window to shut their blinds so the sun wont burn them as they sleep. Crawling back into bed, they lay there for what feels like hours, before falling asleep, into a deep slumber. His dreams are filled with memories of his friends, he really only had three, but they meant the world to him. They would often wheel him out to hang out with them at night, when the sun would not dare kiss his skin. Often, the rabble rousers would be simply talking, or getting some food during times where it was safe to, but they always looked out for their ugly little friend. Maybe they pity them, maybe they just enjoyed their conversations, but regardless, he did not feel like a burden around his friends, who, at least, always seemed happy to see them, and visited often. They are 17 now, and air raid sirens begin to wail out their sinister scream. Its a bombing run. The temple is in a frenzy, making sure everyone is evacuating to the bunker. Geall'adh wakes up to the panic, and manages to stick his head up to see Tan'ja rush in to grab him, the only person who remembered he even existed. She runs to him, trying to pull Geall'adh out of bed by his arm, frantically, without thinking, she yanks his hand, causing the skin to rip violently. Both of them, screaming, in pain and fear. Tan'ja, runs out of the room, thinking Geall'adh, is a lost cause. Should he survive this bombing, she would be done with him. Tired of the discussing creature, she hoped the bombing would put him out of his misery. She snapped, just like the skin, and would soon be transferred to get away from the rodent. The bombing, however, had yet to begin. Geall'adh got into his wheelchair, and tried to bandage his arm, the tear looked worse than it was, being surface level, as usual. Geall'adh tried to wheel out the door and get to a bunker, but it was to late, the bombs had started dropping. They sounded far away, but how long would they stay that far? Paralyzed with fear Geall'adh took shelter in the bathroom, shaking and crying. Tan'ja left him behind, while not surprising given she had been distant for a few years now, he had hoped her coming in to save him would be a turning point for them, a return to a time when they were more like family. It was never that simple however. An hour later, and the bombs sounded as if they were getting closer. Geall'adh waited, unable to move, or do anything but sit there, and hope they do not die. Suddenly the door burst opened, his friend Katatrovistski, quickly ran to them in tears, giving them a quick hug, and wheeling them quickly to the nearest bunker. They would reach the bunker, Katatrovistski would get an absolute ear full, being yelled at for running out to grab this "Walking dead Tajaran." Katatrovistski however, could not care less as both tajaran sat in the bunker, relieved to see each other once more. Tears running down both of their faces, overjoyed. From this point on, Geall'adh and Katatrovistski were almost inseparable. Spending as much time together as they could, until Geall'adh was told, "You and Katatrovistski are getting, a little two close he thinks... do not make him take this warning further." Katatrovistski would have to visit far less, going from everyday, to maybe once a week if they were lucky. The temple had taken the little bit of joy in his life, and dashed it. It felt as though, he had eaten hot coals. To make things worse, the areas around him, were being ravaged by the PRA even more than before. Near constant gunfire at times caused sleepless nights. Nights he laid thinking about how, if he was able bodied, he would run out there and do what he could to help his fellow Tajaran defend from the PRA. Who in his eyes, only wished for power to rule over the weak and nonconforming, twisting those they see as unworthy until they are "normal." His dreams would sometimes be consumed by nightmares of a world where they won, one where he could never be happy with his Katatrovistsk, and one that had no place for him, and his weakness. It is the first day in months he is well enough to leave the house. Katatrovistski, came by a good few weeks ago with medical supplies and ointments of quality he has not been able to afford in years. "think of it like... a birthday present, ok?" They said, handing Mor two boxes. One said, "19" on it, and contained all the medicines and a card, the other, was the one he was holding right now, sitting in his lap. "Deliver this gift for him if you can, its a big ask he knows, but its how he was able to afford the medicine, deliver this when you get back on your feet, the person there will give you even more medicines" Mor was right, weeks later, not only did he feel good enough to get up and deliver the gift, but now, he wanted to! With that "gift" delivered, it was done. Mor and Katatrovistski would soon have enough money to get a little shoebox of an apartment of their own instead of living with the temple, who grew more and more curious about where he was going after being bed ridden for so long. For a while now Mor would deliver "gifts." not always in boxes, or with pretty bows, but "gifts" none the less. Often trying to justify his actions through a mix of needing to survive, and knowing if he was not doing it, someone else would. He needed the treatment, or surely, he would die. As time went on, he learned of the reason he received treatment for his deliveries. He had been roped into a Raskariim scheme. One he, did not actually want out of. Truthfully, he felt good, being able to work for his own treatments for once, helping the DPRA obtain their supplies. Finally, he could be a worker, not a leech, and help fight for what he could believe in. He would do "easy" jobs at night, such as wheeling himself out to a location near a robbery, and blowing up some fireworks to help cover the noise of breaking glass, or bringing a box with information, inconspicuously to an office to assist the DPRA, after all, who would suspect a poor hairless creature in a wheelchair. They could do so at night, when it was easy to go outside without the pain of the sun and receive what was needed because of it. First treatment, then freedom from the temple. Freedom to live with who he wanted to, and love, who he loved. As the second revolution ended, so did their particular line of "gift" giving. As other, less stable parts of their circle of maggots fell and authorities found out about it, Katatrovistski was also found to be involved in these dealings. However, refused to let Mor take any blame, taking the full brunt of the twos fall. Katatrovistski, begged, and insisted that Mor could not be a part of the dealings, they were too weak, and would die in jail. The investigators either bought it or knew that Mor would in fact, die in prison, so went easy on them. Mor swore to them that they would find a better life for the two of them, and started looking for more stable jobs. Doing so was not without difficulty, even after the war at this time treatment for his condition was still scarce and more expensive. The cost of living, now alone, in their apartment would catch up to them. They sold their shoebox apartment, and bought a small electric carriage with the money. They used their appearance as a victim of dornskhy, along with the many rituals they learned to "sell" people that they were gifted in psychic ways. Working as a psychic for years in their carriage, for people often at the end of their rope and desperate at the end of the war until their Katatrovistski would get back from jail, using what money they had saved up, as well as contacts they made, sold the carrage, and got two tickets for a shuttle to ODIN, left their life behind, moving to the ODIN to find work before they run out of money and make there own home where they would be accepted and practice their beliefs safer. Hopefully, one day they can return, perhaps when things are more safe and stable. Although, Mor fears he will not live to see that day. My hope with this new, expanded backstory, is that I have explained how the dornskhy has gotten worse, Mor is now assisted by a wheelchair due to muscle atrophy from being bedridden. Ive added names to the important people in his life for readability. Added new paragraphs or blurbs to old ones to assist with conveying emotions better. I removed a paragraph that I feel did not fit as much in the new story. I did try to incorporate some more consequences of the war, such as the area around him being bombed and specified exactly how the temple was effected by the war, such as more kids to feed, less donations, ETC. Gave more reasons for why they would leave their old faith behind, along with their parental figure. Lastly I also hope I gave enough reason as for them being in their faction and how even they could help in the revolution, giving their life a little purpose.
  10. Pretty cool from what ive seen, their characters are pretty unique and do their job wonderfully, I would like to give them a nice plus one!
  11. I would of course be more than happy to rewrite the backstory with these two points in mind, however I do want to note that the backstory only shows the condition getting worse over time, till they are bedridden, only able to move again because of the treatment they were able to be given and even then, it would still be painful to do anything with his skin having bandages on 24/7, likely with oils and other internal meds, and likely even with treatment they will be dead in maybe a decade I would imagine. As for the civil war, I did only hint at it a bit as it is a reason why he was unable to get treatment, but I will expand far more on the war and factions when I rewrite the backstory. Before I do however, I would like to ask, is Dornskhy truly not something we would be able to see on station? Playing as a slow, sickly tajaran, who would seek medical treatment on station, is a major appeal to me personally and caused me to want to get the WL in the first place. They would of course, not have a high mobility job, likely working as a curator/librarian in order to get the medical care they would need to be safe. I of course need to ask before I work on a backstory as that is, very important to it.
  12. Of course, communication that round was quite rough and something I saw I needed to work on through the round. Some of the things said do have more context than that however. This was said during a heated moment over coms where I was gassed, puking and still under the effects of red nightshade. While normally I would communicate with command over this, I was drugged and IC upset. It was less a "oh your in big trouble criminal!" and more a "Oh you motherfucker, you gassed a ton of people in a room and I watched you do it" As for this, I actually left the area I thought the antag was in, as they left out the front of medbay and I went into the back, I was throwing up a bunch and needed food, so I slowly made my way over to the break room. The antag was near the break room and followed me and then beat my head a few times for a medical scanner I had. I reported this over coms and when I walked out of the room I saw sec aiming at the unathi, I was, as far as I knew, stuck between a wall, and the unathi. I was not looking for a fight or conflict, in fact, there were many times in that round I ran from combat where it was going on because I would get in the way. I drew my pistol, with flash rounds, mostly to protect me and the cadet behind me and expected I would not have to use it. In hindsight I should have left through one of the doors, but genuinely, in a round that crazy I did not think of doing so. However, as you said you told me to leave the area, and I did not see that, or the antag saying they had a nade, as I said though, thats on me of course and I do need to work on both reading and responding to communication. This response is not to invalidate the criticism but just to shine a light on some of the events, both to replay the round in my head to help myself keep track of what I could do better and defend some actions that I feel look far better in context. I shall of course take the feedback in mind regarding communication however! Because again, I really did feel there were parts of that round that I really should have read something I missed or responded more to, I would like to HOPE this was a mix of being new to command in combination with it being a very crazy round and plan to work on that in future rounds.
  13. Gonna have to give this one a big +1. Faye is a really good role player and their conduct ooc makes me think they would be a wonderful and level headed mod. Again, big +1
  14. I don't know much about why they lost their WL in the first place, however, Mahara Stokov is a CMO that helped me learn what a good character really is when I first started playing on the server. She really was a good character and, to me, an outsider at the time, made me feel welcome even if it was a bit of a shitter at the time. +1 from me, I cant wait to see them hopefully come back.
  15. Absolutely! I will likely move forward with just RD for the moment as I am very much looking forward to that and make a HoP when I feel I have an idea in mind for them, Ill do some brainstorming in regards to that.
  16. To answer this question, of course there was time for them to accept the raskariim plot. What I tried to imply in the backstory was a slow disenchantment of the world around them as the revolution started. The world around them, was at the time the temple and a friends within it. Early on, as they lose access to good treatment and they grow up, they become more homebound and less active. They became pretty much trapped in the temple and slowly watched as a mix of getting older and more bedridden lead to them getting ignored by most of the people within the church. This caused them to become a little bit bitter to the people in the temple. Because once stuff got bad, they stopped caring about Mor because they simply could not afford to care about them. It was not a sudden shedding of the faith, but a slow burn that started became resentment as their body and lungs got worse and people came around less to see them, to a sad indifference. Their gods were seemingly not helping them. It was only after they learned they were able to get medicines and "work" for the first time in their life through Raskariims rituals that they started seeing the other side. They did not instantly drop their old faith of course, but they were able to see a few things when weighing the pros and cons of each religion. For one, the "suns" were not assisting in his plight no matter how many people prayed, and later down the line shunned his sexuality. Meanwhile Raskariim would welcome them with open arms, giving them treatment and money, a reason to get out there and live his own life, and did not care about his sexuality. There would be inner conflict for a while that was looked over in the original story, but it would be very odd for Mor to chose to stay with the temple and likely die alone then get out and live a life he assumed would be better. As for the parental figures/sources of influence, yes! The sunsister/mistling that I spoke about in the first two parts of the backstory would be a prominent member in his life, likely being a mother figure to them. I would have included this but the backstory was already getting long by that point and I did not want to make it way longer by trying to find places to put her in the story. She would however, be very important to them for most of their life, even they however stopped tending to them over the years, being busy with their own life instead of tending to a dying tajaran. To touch on the concerns of a Rakariim character, that is totally valid! I can only hope to do my best to represent this subclass of character in the best way I can as I personally really like them and would hate to represent them oocly in a bad light. This is something that I am aware of, while it is a sad reality on Adhomai, it is one I am ready to handle. I personally think it will be interesting to dance around the subject among people. As for the line of them being too close, this was more to imply what was going on, I imagine a higher up mentioned it to them crossly, as a warning, right before they would be forced to see practitioners. Kind of like a "Don't make us take this further" type of thing. Its likely after this event they would have to act much more distant. Their friend would likely only be able to visit them a few times a month instead of almost everyday. This would cause more spite towards the temple I would imagine, as they literally rip one of the only visitors they care to see away from them. Of course! This is more of a case of not knowing where to fit it into the backstory. They would have originated around the outskirts of Shastar City. I chose this location as its warmer, meaning that while it would be easier without fur to live in, and their for, they did not die. It also would cause the heat to get to their skin more. It also lines up with their faction of the DPRA. The fact they were not able to participate until later, would bother them yes. As they felt they were just wasting away in bed all day, achieving nothing. 1) So, at this time before leaving Mor would have been healthy enough to get a low labor job, such as a fortune teller. Their theme was that they were this ugly, hairless creature, cursed with knowledge. It was a low labor way to make use of his disability and make some money while they were healthy enough to make money to stay healthy and keep their literal one room apartment in the slums. They would then try to get a plan going before their friend got out of jail: Live off of cheap food, save every penny, when their friend gets out they will try to take the money and migrate away to a safer place. 2) The way I see it, is they would go down the chain of people that chain of the raskariim plot, starting where they could and going down from there. When it got to the two of them, I imagine their friend tried to take the fall for Mor before Mor could even have a say in the matter. Would likely make excuses that they could not go outside or that their condition is far worse than it actually is and they could not have done the crimes because of that, insisting that HE was the one who did it, not Mor. 3) Mor would have been saving every penny for the two of them to leave, as was the plan. They would have a good few years to plan it out and get the money needed. 4) They would take up a job as librarian.
  17. The wiki states that they must be thirty years old and have 10 years experience in department-related field and a relevant Bachelors or Masters degree. So, by having 10 years of experience in that field, along with the proper education, I assumed they could become one if they applied, as this never came up in the original app I assumed this was fine, However, if this is an issue I have no problems what so ever making a new character to be my head of personnel. As for my comment of fleshing out a character, I just meant that I really did not play them a whole lot after getting the WL proper so I did not get a chance to develop them more IC. But again, if there is an issue with the character I can just make a new one as I am not attached to them necessarily.
  18. oh hell yes brother, get that WL. Teddybehrs characters are imo, some of the most chill, down to earth characters ive ever had the pleasure of speaking to. I personally would LOVE to see them play a head of staff. ploose uno. (+1)
  19. BYOND Key: Gr33dy Character Names: Za'Akiax'Rug Zo'ra, Mend Bloodshed in the Inky Cosmos. Species you are applying to play: Tajaran What color do you plan on making your first alien character: The color of a cat with Dornskhy, so likely a very pale pink flesh color. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Why do you wish to play this specific race: The Tajaran race has religion lore that I absolutely love! Plus they have all their neat games and charms, I think its finally time to bite the bullet and go for the Tajaran WL. Also, with all their lore revolving around one planet, it makes for a very refined and condensed race. Also their culture is just beautiful at times with the lovely artwork the community makes showing it off in full force. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Humans do not have this depth of world building, at least the world building I enjoy, while Tajaran have their single, once again detailed and intricate planet to take inspiration from. Personally the thing I always found cool was, once again, the religion lore, something ive tried with humans, but there's just not enough there to work with. This is something I intend to use very strongly with this character as it is the big drawing in point for me. Character Name: Geall'adh Mor Please provide a short backstory for this character: in 2440CE, A gross hairless being, no older than one years old, was dropped off in the cold snow on the side of a road in a raggedy grey blanket. For a good half hour, they laid there, crying and in pain, before they were found by a young Mistling and ran with haste to their chapel. The scrawny, near dead looking baby cries out with hushed, ever quieter screams as they are placed on the table for the sun sisters to look over. All watching expect the child to be dead soon, and some try to tend to it, warming up this scraggly creature with extra robes and blankets, along with trying to find food for the critter until medical personnel could arrive. Once taken to the nearest clinic the young boy, now around eight years old, removes their bandages from their arm. The doctor looks them over and finds their skin is cracking much less than normal. "The treatment is working just fine." The doctor says, looking over the boy once more checking their breathing. "The breathing is better too! You are free to walk home now, just be quick! We don't want another burn like last time." The doctor jokes, applying fresh bandages to their skin. The boy hops off the table and walks into the lobby to find the sun sister that often accompanies them to their appointments. She pulls up his hood on his jacket and give him a warm smile, before taking his hand and leaving out the door. They arrive home, and the boy walks to their room, closing and locking the door. It is the boys eleventh birthday today, yet they arrive home to no fanfare or cake, the revolution has left the temple with no money for things like that, and even less time. They were hardly able to afford the skin treatment this year, and they get the feeling they won't be able to in the future. The war only just started, and already they were hardly able to afford the care they needed. The boy pouts in their dim room, they lay on their bare bed, and wait for the day to end. They awake to a wheezing noise, and a pain in their lungs. The peel themselves out of bed and go to the bathroom to cough up what they can only assume is whatever mucus has built up in their lungs last night. Them and their friends were out, celebrating his 16th birthday. Whatever they did is now a fog of drinking, yelling, and excitement. In their enjoyment, they must have forgotten to take their medication. They wobble back to their bedroom take their tray of medicine, change their bandages, and walk to their window to shut their blinds so the sun wont burn them as they sleep. Crawling back into bed, they lay there for what feels like hours, before falling asleep, into a deep slumber. A knocking at their door wakes them back up and forces them to remember, its their eighteenth birthday, meaning that they are very likely wanted at their own sapling ceremony. They try to sit up, causing their skin to rip. They feel a slight wet, warm feeling on their back as they get ready to slide out of bed. They sigh, clearly annoyed, and let the person knocking know that it will be a moment before they can come out. She leaves with a nod as Mor goes to the bathroom to stop the bleeding and apply clean bandages. They have not been able to afford treatment in quite some time due to the war, and work is hard for them because of that. Never the less, they got ready, and walked out of their room. It is the first day in months he is well enough to leave the house. His friend, who Mor has been told by the temple is "Getting far closer than two males should be." came by a good few weeks ago with medical supplies and ointments of quality he has not been able to afford in years. "think of it like... a birthday present, ok?" They said, handing Mor two boxes. One said, "19" on it, and contained all the medicines and a card, the other, was the one he was holding right now walking out the door feeling great. "Deliver this gift for him if you can, its a big ask he knows, but its how he was able to afford the medicine, deliver this when you get back on your feet, the person there will give you even more medicines" Mor was right, weeks later, not only did he feel good enough to get up and deliver the gift, but now, he wanted to! With a kick in his step, he walked out the front door to deliver this gift. With that "gift" delivered, it was done. Mor and his "friend" would soon have enough money to get a little shoebox of an apartment of their own instead of living with the temple, who grew more and more curious about where he was going after being bed ridden for so long. For a while now Mor would deliver "gifts." not always in boxes, or with pretty bows, but "gifts" none the less. Often trying to justify his actions through a mix of needing to survive, and knowing if he was not doing it, someone else would. He needed the treatment, or surely, he would die. As time went on, he learned of the reason he received treatment for his deliveries. He had been roped into a Raskariim scheme. One he, did not actually want out of. He would do "easy" jobs at night, when it was easy to go outside without the pain of the sun and receive what was NEEDED because of it. First treatment, then freedom from the temple. Freedom to live with who he wanted to, and love, who he loved. As the second revolution ended, so did their particular line of "gift" giving. As other, less stable parts of their circle of maggots fell and authorities found out about it, Mor's friend was also found to be involved in these dealings. However, refused to let Mor take any blame, taking the full brunt of the twos fall. Mor swore to them that they would find a better life for the two of them, and started looking for more stable jobs. Doing so was not without difficulty, even after the war at this time treatment for his condition was still scarce and more expensive. The cost of living, now alone, in their apartment would catch up to them. So they did what they could do. They used their appearance as a hairless tajaran, along with the many rituals they learned to "sell" people that they were gifted in psychic ways. Working as a psychic for years, for people often at the end of their rope and desperate at the end of the war until their friend got back from jail, using what money they had saved up, as well as contacts they made, they left their life behind, moving to the ODIN to find work before they ran out of money and make there own home where they would be accepted and practice their beliefs safer. What do you like about this character: I think having a highly diseased cultist, all bandaged up, weak and high maintenance is a really fun idea with potential for some good medical RP. How would you rate your role-playing ability: 6-7, I try to be a good player and hopefully everyone feels that way too. Notes: There's a good amount in the backstory that is obviously taboo for tajaran to be/do, however, that is kind of the point. They are an outcast. Not everything about them is public knowledge for instance and is still kept under raps for their own safety.
  20. BYOND key: Gr33dy Discord name/id: Gr33d#3305 Borg / AI names: Gamma, Blue Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?:I have! I also have hands on experience with them. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: AI is, IMO, a very chill and laid back job that I can play when I want to play, but also just relax. I have played as AI and Borgs in the past and they can have a variety of interactions with the crew, from the hyper talkative AI crewmember, to an almost silent, sentient door opener. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Yes, as touched on in my new Head of Staff app, I got a warning for disconnecting when I first started the server, and more importantly took a three day ban for looting someone who was SSD, ending the round for the Antags in a move I am not proud of and was not really thinking about, causing my AI whitelist to be removed. I have however learned from this and came back from the ban a better player. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action: Absolutely!
  21. BYOND key: Gr33dy Character names: Za'Akaix'Rug Zo'ra, Mend Bloodshed in the Inky Cosmos, Jati Hunt. However, I really only play Rug at this time as I am figuring out what to do with Inky next and Jati is my HoP. How long have you been playing on Aurora?: I would say about, half a year give or take a month. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? yes, one warning when I first started regarding disconnecting without cryoing and the second was a three day ban for breaking a rule regarding taking stuff off of SSD people as an officer, this caused the whole round to pretty much end for the antags and lead to the removal of my head whitelist. This was, as said in my ban appeal, something I have learned from and a spur of the moment action that I was not thinking clearly about and am not proud of. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is to assure that the round can move smoother and with commands from higher ups. Note that this does not mean to boss them around or rip them away from their own RP, but to give suggestions on what they feel they should do on that shift. I feel personally that taking away player engagement or agency no matter the head is an awful way to play, as I've seen a few in the past and they usually never last long. Very importantly, I feel the Head should be one of the first people new players can go to and learn about the game in an IC and OOC way. Thusly they should also be a beacon of good quality RP. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: As I touched on it is to assist players in having a smoother round. Letting people know what command is saying and planning and coordinating people. However, as I said before, they should NOT pidgin hold people into doing what command wants OOC outside of emergency situations. As again, this feels AWFUL to have happen to you as a player and can remove what could otherwise be a round you could enjoy with IC friends into "First responders sit in medbay till something happens." and no one wants that. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Currently Tau Ceti is having a phoron shortage, as I mostly (only) play vaurca where I can this leads to issues regarding the price of food and drink containing phoron. Also as a vaurca, at this time they are treated to less pay and discrimination. However, the SCC has made a new ship to go and explore elsewhere that will be launching soon, causing my characters to move to the ship for their own reasons. This means they will need to leave what they have behind in hopes of new adventures. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? At this time, I am thinking of playing a HoP, and MAYBE a RD, certainly however I will get to play my Ta again. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes, I have also played them. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: Jati Hunt will return as my HoP, as I feel I have yet to have them actually become fleshed out. If I do make an RD they will be a dionae, although at this time I am unsure of what name they would have. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Indeed I do! Extra notes: No notes 🔫
  22. Mel is a wonderful roleplayer and someone I personally would love to see join the ever expanding bug squad! +1
  23. someone said that we could just, use a crowbar on it to open it, I think that is a very good solution to this issue. If anything crowbarring with a "loading bar" maybe three times could cause a Ra to open like a clam and maybe cause hallos paincrit? Also, Ra are not actually tanky at all to begin with and certainly dont need a rail gun to kill. This is the way to make them tanky without being OP imo, because right now, they are weaker than other vaurca in combat.
  24. Hey there, I was the EMT bug that round and just want to give my 2 cents to what happened from my perspective as I feel things are not quite as cut and dry from what I saw. while the everyman vaurca is 100% going to be discriminated against, there is some expectation that a consular would likely be given more respect, especially as a giant bug with huge claws. I imagine most people would be to scared to disrespect them in the first place, not to mention that Ta are very often not going to just be walking around the streets of [human planet names here]. They are likely only out and about for work related things before going home to VR. In the work related environments, I find it VERY likely that disrespect is rare due to fear and a cultural understanding of how its usually not good to fuck with a consular of ANY race for reasons not related to their politics. Ta are also very important in vaurca society, so theres an expectation that they should likely not be messed with for that reason as well. As you said however vaurca are prejudiced against, and while that is true, vaurca Zo'ra still have a good deal of political power due to their large very cheap workforce and IIRC the fact they make up half of all the members in the TCFL. To disrespect a Ta is to disrespect the whole of the Zo'ra hive and is usually a big deal. "Establishing relations with another culture" is a line that sticks out to me here. You went up to them and started insulting them, this is fine as an IC issue and all that, but it should be expected that if you are to do that, you are likely not open to establishing relations yourself. Further more, its not like you are THE unathi who is the relation establisher. you are just one unathi whos demeanor shows that you are not worth the time trying to establish relations and just wants to hurl insults. I'm not sure if you want a consular to just sit by and take those insults and not say anything back or if you want them to run away. You seemingly wanted them to "leave" so them doing so would show they are weak, and by extension the Zo'ra. That alone is a good enough reason to hold their ground. So, this is a thing that vaurca often do, regardless of if they are a Ta or not. Vaurca are usually far more connected than you would think due to hivenet. Often all vaurca are talking to each other as well as the rest of the crew all round and this makes for a very tight nit race who often do call each other for assistance. Its part of the vaurca race, just like how vaurca also have castes that do certain jobs. Ta and Ka dont fight unless they literally have to, Ra can defend and Za can fight. A Ta calling for Za to defend them is to be expected and is part of the fun of playing vaurca. Vaurca often protect each other above all else and will call those of other castes to do jobs they were not ment for. Not to mention that the Ta felt they were going to be hurt by you AND when I got there it did seem like you were making threats against their person. Further more, as I was playing the EMT that was called away. While the round was chaotic, I had nothing to do at that time, in fact, I assumed the round was pretty much over when It came down to hurt people as the shuttle was on its way. Do note that while you were talking to the Ta, the Ta broadcasted that she felt threatened and that you were going to attack her. When this was said, my EMT, who was not busy at all and if called is fast enough to be on the other side of the station in a heartbeat, went to head over to see what was going on and see if the Ta was actually in danger, do note, the other Za on station broadcasted that they WERE busy with something so they would not be able to assist for the time being and later when something did come up for me to do, I ran off to deal with it. If anything, me being there should deescalate the situation, as there are now more numbers and that should show the unathi it might be time to back off from the Ta consular who is, again, very important to the vaurca society and would likely be protected by all vaurca on station if need be. Rug using human like slang here refers to me calling your unathi a bitch. thats not very human like to me, but ill defend it as if it was: Rug worked as a bodygaurd in the past FOR HUMANS in very bad parts of cities for most of its life since its been in human space. They are very aware of human slang like bitch and actually use a lot of curse words instead of "bigger and smarter" words because of this. This is not a one off thing. It would be like me complaining that you attacking a medic is not honorable and their for human like. To touch on "nanotrasen guards arresting the person offending them" you were not arrested for insulting a Ta, you were arrested for ATTACKING ME. Please do not act like you were just insulting someone and got arrested by another vaurca, that is NOT the reason you were arrested. on this last point, the Ta did not call you a Guwan, (unless they did so before I got there) I did in an attempt to convince the Ta that you were not worth their time so they would leave. I was also not insinuating that you were a secret guwan, I do not know your name IC so you could have been a public guwan for all I know. Not sure if thats a big deal or not but wanted to add that on incase. Everything I put here in just my opinion on the situation and how I feel about it, everything that was done that round was fine from what I saw. This post seems to boil down to: "I started insulting a Ta, was surprised when insulted me back and called for protection because they felt they were going to be harmed and did not want to leave the hallway to their office, attacked a vaurca and was surprised I got arrested". I have no idea what you expected to happen when you insult someone who is pretty much seen as minor royalty to the vaurca on station/a races consular, demanding they leave or you will hurt them, then attacking an EMT who was there to make sure you DID NOT hurt them after little provocation, proving that me being there was the right idea, as if you had hurt the Ta the consequences socially would be immense. NT would likely fire you for harming any consular I imagine, let alone someone so protected and important as a Ta.
  25. I gotta say, I love the backstory! also, knowing your other characters, I have no doubt you would be able to play a vaurca very well!
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