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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. Strings leans back into his seat and crosses his arms over his chest, looking over what of the Orc showed over the table top up and down, "You seem oddly calm, considering the subject matter. Just... Casually say your wife was killed and tortured by some kind of dragon cult. In fact... You would think the Nords would be a bit more up in arms about it. After what happened with Alduin, tearing all of Skyrim apart with an army of dragons like the one killing your families. In fact..." Strings pauses mid-sentence, standing up as he pushed the chair away from the table, "This whole thing seems blown both over and under proportion. The Companions have an entire Guild with Skyrim's fiercest dragon hunters. Why not go to them? Instead you hole up in a cave right under the belly of the beast. But you do nothing about the town, or the dragon. You took a huge risk camping here when you could have made camp in a cave anywhere else near the town. In a better position to actually do damage to the town even. But no. You do neither, in sit on needlessly dangerous position, with no advantage to your cause."
  2. Name: Ytsul Diam Occupation: General Civilian Employment Email: Y.Diam@NTMail.net Volunteering For: Female Model Experience: I have been told that I have a variety of appealing feminine charms. But no actual experience. OOC Notes:
  3. Strings groans and shoots daggers over at Halla with his eyes. "Didn't you Mother ever tell you it was rude to interrupt? Huh?" After that he releases a string of curses in Jel, and then looks back over to the Orc. "Now. I want to know. What kind of "man" would do that to a woman?"
  4. Steel and Plasteel should slow the wearer down, and while plastic wouldn't, it should also offer little protection.
  5. Strings lute falls onto the ground as he makes room in his hands to ball a fist. "They did... What to your wife?" His posture was visibly changed, more stiff, his slit irises narrowed. "And what is this Old Hermit you speak of, who is that motherless piece of Horker shit?"
  6. String nods his head as the Orc spoke, laying his palms flat against the table. "Then there wasn't anyone missing. My guess it we were just supposed to think you were lying about not having them hostage, and then send the all of you to meet Lady Namira." Strings scoots his seat back, giving him room to reach to his waist and grab the lute off his belt. He starts to idly tune it as he continued to speak. "Speaking of the Daedra, how did an Orsmer come to be the leader of a band of refugees in Skyrim? I would assume problems with faith would go both ways."
  7. Strings places both of his hands on the table, tapping his claws against the wood rhythmically. "Well. I think for facades has come to a close. I am sure you've heard of the Companions of Jorrvaskar. Thats who we are. At least a small number of them. We were paid by the town to look for missing people. I assume that would the sacrifices, and we were to assume that you were their captors, and that we were to act as your executors so the town could continue their strange faith in peace. As the Dunmer said, I am Plucks-At-Strings, and as I said, she is Tamira. Up against the wall is Halla. The woman sitting next to me is Nicole Silver-Something."
  8. Basically what the cat said, minus the 30th being better than the first, that was just ~flavour~
  9. Strings hisses a sigh and casts his eyes on Tamira, "Please have a seat, Tamira. It is rude to not plant your tail in the ground of generous hosting grounds."
  10. Strings follows the group and when he comes to the table he counts the chairs. After that he slides his quiver and bow off his back and onto the back of the chair. He also grabs the dagger strung at his waist and place it on the table, sliding it to the center. "As a gesture of good will to you folk. I hope my... Associates will give you the same courtesy. And, I hope you will do the same for us as well. Drinks and talks are always more pleasant when one is not a danger to another."
  11. Im against this entirely. I know Botanist says this isn't trolling, but beside examples of past work, everything in this app seems like they're trying to make a joke. Plus, it's Botanist, they can't be trusted to even make a serious app, or even reply seriously with their last one, can they really be trusted to be a public face of our staff, or be trusted as staff to seriously commit to this?
  12. I love Kead, I love his characters, I love how plays, and I for one hail our new lizard overlords. And yeah, Unathi already encompass every head role they can, and no one pats an eye. Its literally a none issue.
  13. So are you......... Out of smoke?
  14. The warning on the Taja Sexuality Flip post was because of this: It was not about Furry. It was not about the "Romance Crusade." it was not about what you think is or isn't right or good, and like I said, it wasn't the place for you to call out someone and insult them. No where on the forum is for insulting people. What does the rule of ad hominem say? Do not use ad hominem. This means do not attack a person's character (character in this case meaning the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual). You are expected to argue the presented ideas, not the person. If someone were to attack you, don’t take matters into your own hands, report it to us. And while not directly related between the two, I think these pair together good. "don’t take matters into your own hands, report it to us." Telling people to get a thicker skin, or saying that people already have a thicker skin than we think doesn't change the fact that you're being reported for breaking the community guidelines, and that you are. You have notes and warnings going back all the way to ye olde 2014 of acting just like how you do today. If you think every mod and every admin is wrong for not doing what you think is right and best, you should try to become a mod or admin yourself and try to enforce as you see them and how you want them to be.
  15. Like what was said in the warning pictured above, Delta did use personal attacks against someone they were complaining against, and this type of behavior isn't anything new for him. I was simply the one to make the warning because everyone else was busy or otherwise unable to, but the entirety of the forum moderators (minus Cake) did talk among ourselves about the issue. You can ask Garn, Spoon, or any other forum mod. The thing about "next we go talk to an admin" wasn't even my idea, that was me passing was discussed as a group.
  16. This guy is one whacked up Mofo. This is some of the most effort Ive seen in a long time, so they really put their all into it. Plus, come on, it's Mofo, who wouldn't support he punnable self?
  17. So after a discussion on Discord, I ended up writing a few small stories for people. And I figured Ive written anything that was an acceptable level of good, Id let you people give me prompts about your characters. Ill give examples that I made in the Discord. Senri X Tina Tina slowly walked past the door on the right side of the medbay's lobby. As she strode past the cryotubes, she spotted Senri standing next to the tubes, looking into the reflection of the glass and liquid inside as he wiped away a smudge with his thumb. Her cheeks darkened into a red colour as her feet picked up speed, down past the opening into the hall she was in. From behind her Senri's voice called, "Hey Tina." The words stuck in her ears as she tred to a stop, her heart beating in her ears loud enough to drown out what he said next. In the seconds following, before she could even turn around to reply to his greeting, he was behind her, with a hand reaching gently around her head to feel her forehead. "Are you alright Tina? You blanked out for a minute there." He said as he walked past her so he could see her face. She could feel the heat building in her skin, so she could only imagine what he felt. When he looks at her eyes he blinks his own and says, "Are you feeling alright? Your red as a brick." So handsome. So caring. The man she looked after to be closer to... She couldn't help herself. Her eyes blinked closed for barely a second, and by the time they were open she'd subconsciously jumped forward and wrapped her arms behind Senri and touched their lips together. And that was just the beginning for them. Something I thought of on the fly about Phoebe. From down the hall plates and furniture clashed and broke as furious screams bounced off the walls into the young girls ears. The feeling of dread and sadness filled her heart as soon as the first sound of glass breaking came from the living room and made a lump grown inside her throat. Mother and father, always so angry, always so violent. Things were better when sister was here, but now she was gone, and no one could help her stand against the full force of the waves of abuse. She quick threw her toys on the floor, clambering up onto her feet as she looked for some place to hide herself and get away from it all. Under the bed? No. Last time she did that, father found her, and father wasn't happy at all. Under the covers? Mother knows that all too well. In the closet? No, they'll know to check there for sure... Unless... An idea sprang to her mind. She was quick and light on her feet to run to the hall closet and grab a flash light, with that in hand she made her way to her parent's room, tucking into the large closet they both shared. She stayed there for an untold amount of time as seconds felt like minutes, and the minutes felt like hours. When the fighting finally calmed, she looked around for something to cover herself with. She found an old, dusty labcoat in the corner of the closet and draped it over herself. So as to not be left alone in total darkness, the young girl turned on the light, letting the light tickle her blonde hair. Then, and from then on, closets became a safe place for her. Even well into her adult age. A joke Yaoi fic, Ukhaan looks over his shoulder with a scowl to see who was interrupting him, but it regressed when he saw his Skrellian friends planting his butt into the cushioned seat. "Ah, hello Shakur." Ukhaan greets lowly, so as not to interrupt the silent night of the station. The Skrell nodded in reply and reached ove the counter, grabbing a glass of water as well. "Long night?" Shkor says to breaks his silence in the conversation they were having. The Unathi nods his head and hisses out a reply, saying "Elevator up to my room is broken. So I have to wait here after everyone else is sleeping." His voice betrayed his annoyance, but anyone in the same situation would be annoyed. But that wasn't the only thing weighing on his mind that night. Voljeti... "Voljeti? What about her?" Shkor asked, peeking down to look at Ukhaan's angled face. He must have been thinking out loud, and he was caught off guard by Shkor knowing what he was thinking. "Nothing. Nothing Voljeti." Ukhaan replied hastily with the wave of the hand, not realizing he accidentally named his friend his wife once more. The Skrell leaned back into his own personal space, crossing his arms as he spoke, "Calling me by your wive's name again? Like I said the last time, as long as you don't act like it." Ukhaan froze in place as he finally noticed what he did, and shame and some realization filled his mind. Ukhaan looked over at Shkor, looking into his eyes as his breath stalled and caught in his throat. They both shared the looked for a number of seconds, Shkor feeling more awkward than Ukhaan was. When Shkor finally tried to reply, the Unathi just leaned forward, stealing a kiss from the bewildered fish face. The taste of.. Warm sushi poured past his guns onto his tongue as he pressed himself and the kiss closer to his friend.
  18. I think theres a reason that admins decided that Tophat would be permanently banned without appeal. I find sexual harassment abhorrent, and the fact he came back as a different cKey knowing that he was permanently banned with no chance for appeal shouldn't change the fact that it said there should be no chance to appeal.
  20. Once more, I was simply bringing this fact to light. I am in no way personally attacking you, or attempting to sabotage you. This is exactly the kind of thing Skull JUST said to avoid, so I will not be responding to that aspect any further. Now, why is it important to this app that you acted the way you did as your roboticst as a non-antag? You are a roboticist, you are on the station to work, you are here to build mechs and then give them to the departments you built them for. You are a professional, you are expected you act professionally. Refusing to hand over a mech, and them making it unusable is illegal under corporate regs theft and sabotage, and is incredibly childish, as is complaining to your co-working about the "stuffy cunt" Quartermaster. And yes, you did already 'deliver' the mech, you were in the mech, inside cargo's lobby, you just refused to get out and give it to cargo because the miner wasn't in cargo, and most likely SSD which I told you in-character. This seems very irresponsible, and you're just playing a human in a roboticist role, and it speaks about what you may do as a Vaurca miner when someone doesn't give you what you want, and you control the supply of supplies science needs to do anything and make their round fun.
  21. I know, but I think thats something that'd be cleaner, less obtrusive, and maybe even more helpful than giving them static consoles.
  22. This is pretty much the rule that gets stated whenever Jenn/Aimless is around. Like Jenn also says, sometimes, ignorance of a rule also doesn't make you exempt from it. Also, this was posted on the 1st, their ban would have expired three times over by now.
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