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Everything posted by Faris

  1. I'll be handling this complaint. I'd like @Pratepresidentenand/or @SampleTex to post their side on it.
  2. To summarize the complaint, it can be divided into three parts. 1- Questionable antagonist gameplay. We looked into this and based the logs and testimony of people present, we do not feel there was anything that justifies us pursuing it and that they played appropriately. In the future, we encourage people to ahelp the incidents even at round end, while we do sometimes ask people to write complaints complaints, it is possible we have either already handled it or we have seen enough that we can handle your ticket quickly if brought up. So best to always ahelp to make sure. 2- Antag fishing. While it is not allowed to simply afk in hopes of getting an antagonist role, we didn't find anything from what round ID's were delivered to us. If you do see anyone just sitting around for extended period of times without notice or even with notice if it happens too many times, make a ticket and we'll look into it. 3- Teleporting into walls. Alberyk took a ticket regarding this and decided the way solve this was to handle it from a mechanical perspective, as in people won't be able to do this anymore. On the other hand, this is primarily for @Ricky_the_banshee. The complaint was worded in a very accusatory and melodramatic way, in the future try to be concise and focus on pointing us at logs, evidence or people that can provide insight on the round itself, anything that we can reference as a point of investigation. This was wholly unnecessary as it did not point us to anything that we can really investigate. The other paragraphs could have also been trimmed down. It was also aggressive when there was no need to.
  3. Your DM must be incredibly lucky.
  4. @MattAtlas and I will take this complaint. We would like to remind people to only post if they are involved or some form of evidence they would like to share. If you are unsure on the validity of your post, contact either of us to verify it for you before posting.
  5. @Flamingo and I went over the complaint and we have a verdict. ----------------------------------- First is regarding @PsycoticCone, we felt like they did not do anything improper to the extreme as it appeared to people. It seems like the idea behind what they wanted to do was act out as a hijacked IPC in order to assist other antagonists. They didn't have any indication that Unity was a traitor and were even shot before they could tell them they were on their side as well. The fights also seemed to have been entirely focused on security as well which seemed fair considering they are actively opposing the antagonists. The one thing we did notice that could use some work is that when doing these things, there needs to be more nuance as to the why, from what I could tell people knew you were hijacked as you mentioned it, but that seems to be the extent of what was apparent. In the future we'd like you to add more narrative elements and nuance to the story you are trying to drive, it'll be much more immersive and appreciated by people when they can in some way absorb the story you are trying to present. There are a multitude of lore elements you can utilize as part of your narrative to add more flavor to it. ------------------------------- Second is regarding, @Rushodan. Two things stood out to us. 1- The motives behind the narrative you pushed. From our perspective, it felt fairly barebones and minimalistic, your character was hijacked and the plan was to inconvenience people in subtle yet unimpactful ways that could really push the narrative. The whole intent can be summarized in a single word which is "chaos" which does not provide for an interesting narrative. If you want to go for sabotage, add more nuance to it that puts sense to it in a way that matters. As an example, it is far more compelling for a hijacked synthetic that needs Sol Military authorization to go for elements of the station that are against Sol ideals, like the cyborgification wings and to harm people that have in the past worked against Sol interests or any number of things that tied in with our lore. So in the future we expect some more effort when it comes to determining your goals beyond what we feel is the bare minimum. 2- The general expectation is that crew, antagonist or otherwise are responsible for the tools they use and its effects. In this case we felt that the placement of the mine should be done with more care and anticipation of the potential that it might be triggered. In this case it detonated which led to the death of the Head of Security extremely early into the round without much reason to justify it happening. This ties in with my first point in terms of general acts of sabotage. ------------------------------- In a more general sense, I feel like some of the issues of the round were a result of the points we highlighted above and they forced the crew into conflict. That is not to say that crew conflict is an issue, but that it sped things up far too fast without giving much of an idea of what's going on beyond some vague statements, and from there it pushed fights that happened into a necessity. In essence, some of the issues of the round could have been avoided, and hopefully what's been mentioned will serve to avoid these in the future. With all that's been said, Flamingo and I will be applying the appropriate actions.
  6. @Rushodan @PsycoticCone What was the purpose behind the medical incursion? From what I see, there was little communication behind it. Markos went to embed in security to betray them and then Unity showed up in medical and forced their way in and started a firefight. Additionally, what was the general idea behind sabotage? I've not seen much in terms of tangible or direct goals.
  7. @Flamingo and I will be taking this complaint. @DanseMacabreCan you give us some timestamps on the video itself?
  8. Appeal accepted. Ban lifted.
  9. This isn’t a -1 persay, you haven’t done things that I would say detract from my experience in the round. I however still don’t believe you’ve done much with the whitelist. I’d say I believe I played around 3-4 with your consular. Most of what I saw was very passive roleplay in the shape of just going to the security reception and hanging out with the Tajara groups that frequent security. Aside from looking fancy, I’d assume you’d be just a visitor if I didn’t see your ID or manifest role. I haven’t seen anything in the form of furthering the cause of the nation you represent. I can’t speak to the rounds we haven’t shared so I’m only speaking of ones I’ve been around for.
  10. To clarify, this unknown is me. The issue that I have with your characters is that it feels like most if not all your characters from the interactions I have had have this reoccurring theme of simply saying shocking things for funny value even during inappropriate times. The simplest way to describe your characters from my own interaction is that they are played in a way to "shitpost" whenever possible. When it comes to your character Swan, I cannot tell if they're supposed to be human-like based on how they interact with people or robot-like with how ruthless and aggressive they can be. Again, that is my personal opinion. I have reported your characters in the past if I do witness anything I feel is improper, just like I do for anyone else in the community when I feel like something improper is being done. Did I as you've stated in another discord watch you for an entire round just to get you in a gotcha moment? No, as I was busy playing the round. To be completely frank, watching you or anyone for an entire round is really one of the last things I ever intend to do in the context of log scraping. Did I to an extent not deliver everything relevant in a single burst? Yes, I got distracted briefly. Did I make sure to deliver it to ensure full context is provided? Yes. Did the lore developer correct what was said per your own screenshots? Yes. Is this an official ruling of sorts on my part? No, I highlight whenever I'm coming to another staff member that is outside my lane whether I am as a moderator or as a player, because this highlights the severity and context of what I'm saying. If your concern that my opinion on how you play your characters will effect how I treat you from the perspective of a moderator, then all I have to say that it does not. I think my work in this community over the years speaks for itself in that regard. I'm allowed to have personal opinions on other peoples characters, and I'm also allowed to excuse myself from moderation issues if I feel like I'm far too biased to deal with something impartially. I think you're overexaggerating some plot where there are staff out to get you.
  11. If you agree with the ban, you appeal. If you disagree with it, you need to make a staff complaint so someone else looks at it.
  12. You have too many entries over this issue. Looking back, you have a lot of notes and frankly the justified punishment would've been a permanent ban. Putting that into consideration and the fact I applied this ban on the 28th of this month, not enough time has passed for me to consider this appeal. Try again on the 1st of May. If you have no more new issues, I'll appeal it. Appeal denied.
  13. Put aside the VPN for now and focus on your hardware. You've done something to your hardware that is having it caught because it belongs to someone that is banned, this identifier is supposed to be unique. Whatever you did or happened, you need to reverse. If you cannot solve this on your end, then I'm afraid you're out of luck since we won't be removing these identifiers from the server. So I've lifted your newest mirror, please do not join until you're certain you've made an appropriate change.
  14. It has been corrected again. Due to a combination of your VPN and the fact that your computer identifier has changed and matched those ban evaders have used, you will likely keep getting caught. If you want to be able to play here, you will need to correct whatever change you have made. If you are unable to resolve this on your end, you likely will not be able to play here as we won't be unblocking the parameters ban dodgers are using.
  15. Alright, I'm going to unban you then. I'll keep this thread open in case you have any issues. To clarify, Jaxonmaxx has received a permanent ban for the following reason. "Going ssd again without heading to cryo at round start" Familiarize yourself with the rules and keep in mind given the nature of this appeal and previous appeals, suspicious behavior will be scrutinized.
  16. Here is what I'm seeing. You've connected to the server several times after you were banned on the 12th of March, which if you weren't aware, this is the ban reason. "Reason: Going ssd again without heading to cryo at round start - This is a permanent ban." before piston1937 was ever banned. The changes in your IP is something we can attribute to a dynamic system you are likely using. The issue is that in combination of that, your computer identifiers matching that of that other offender and that you are also using a VPN is making this extremely suspicious. Ban evasion is not an immediate disqualifier if the situation is minor, but it is a disqualifier if you don't disclose it or lie about, so before we look into it more indepth, I'll ask these two questions. How many accounts do you have? Have you tried to ban evade?
  17. The person that applied the ban is no longer present as part of the moderation team, so I'll handle it. You've gone through three permabans. These are the ban reasons I found. 1- "Griefer" 2- "OOC: ISplendid: ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE FILTHY MONKEYS AND SHOULD BE LYNCHED KILL NIGGERS KILL NIGGERS KILL NIGGERS . Repeatlyly in OOC." 3- "Low RP, self-antagging, general bizzare racism and powergaming." We rarely give two chances let alone three, and accepting this would mean giving you a fourth chance. Plus I'm seeing evidence of attempted ban evasion. It is unlikely if not improbable that you will be allowed to play on this server again. Appeal denied.
  18. How many accounts do you have?
  19. I'd like a picture of you connecting to the server with the ban message.
  20. The issue isn’t the ban reason itself. The issue is why you appealed twice with incorrect information and then ghosted the appeals. Even now this current appeal information does not match anything you shared before except perhaps the similarity between the account name of this appeal and the previous one. Appeal 1 Appeal 2 I want you to explain why these two appeals came to be with incorrect information and no correction was made when we asked for it.
  21. You appealed twice with this forum account and in both cases you did the following. 1- Provide us with incorrect information. 2- Never followed up to any of our questions. I'd like you to explain the these two points before I continue to process this appeal.
  22. Here is the issue, two permabans plus a plethora of negative notes, warnings and assorted bans over the course of a month and a bit plus the attempts to ban evade. I cannot accept your appeal as my belief currently is that you'll fall under the same issues you've been having and it would just result in another permanent ban. It is unlikely you will be ever be unbanned anytime soon. Appeal denied.
  23. The original staff that applied is no longer here so I will be handling this. What's up with the accounts koolboiboy and flipflopflipper?
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