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[Accepted] FreshRefreshments Unathi Whitelist App

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BYOND Key: FreshRefreshments

Character Names: Erin MacGregor, Mer'tala Kaemah, Cletus Holloway, and Zaakir'Manov Al-Merja are the main four. I also played Jerome Keyes and Bonnabelle Spakes before getting rid of them. Sydney Markhill and Shanzai Mazzar are basically never used, but I did play them once or twice. Ripribs is noteable in that hes a recurring Raider I very much enjoy playing.

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Orange-Brown ("sand-colored").

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes I have.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: From the very outset, I've always liked reptilian aliens, and I enjoy playing aliens in general. But when I look into the lore of a species, I often get ideas of what I would make if I could make that species. I especially became interested after thinking about making a chaplain character I actually cared about, and looking into Unathi religion, I found the heretical Final Prophet of the Purifying Flames, Juzida Si'akh.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mechanically, they have the fastest sprint combined with the lowest duration. As reptiles, they are much weaker to cold, yet a bit more resistant to heat. They have claws, which inflict their attacks with extra bleeding. They cannot wear gloves or boots not designed with their claws in mind. Socially, it varies a bit. Unathi from Moghes are very traditional, with seeing women as housekeepers, and men as leaders. Oureaen Unathi are more liberal, yet still have the basics set in their minds. Unathi from Dominia are more traditional, yet of course, also lean towards Dominian policies far more. All Unathi tend to believe in a code of honor, which can mean a lot if it is broken.


Character Name: Az'eeki Soraka

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Az'eeki Soraka was born to a priest in 2415, being raised up to believe in traditional Sk'ahk beliefs. He was raised in a smaller village, in what would one day become the Wasteland. Az'eeki had a fairly regular childhood, and as he transfered into adulthood, was shaping up to follow in his fathers footsteps, when, at 18, the Contact War started. Although Az'eeki never showed interest in Ourea or its colonization, he thought these were matters that were not in such dire need of fighting.

Az'eeki was 24, and was eating a meal alongside his family when the bombs fell closest to him. Az'eeki ran for cover, and stayed put for over 12 hours out of fear. His mother and father sustained injuries from the nearby blast, and would later succumb to infection as the land neaby devolved around them. Az'eeki had little food and water, and found himself caught off guard by both what he should do, and why Sk'ahk allowed this to happen. This confusion was drove further as bandits injured him, resulting in the loss of an arm, and sole what little food and water he had at the time. He had always thought himself faithful to Sk'akh, but was finding that harder. So, what was he to do now, that he had wavering faith, and a situation he knew he was likely going to die from.

Both of these were remedied when he met Juzida Si'akh. Given food and water as he was deemed more needful at the time, Az'eeki found himself captivated by the charismatic preacher who offered kindness and listened to the next sermon. The passion and power Si'akh spoke with moved Az'eeki, and his words made everything clear. They were damned now. Az'eeki had missed Judgement Day. But he could redeem himself. He followed Si'akh, listening closely, and finding himself truly believing the Messiah. He witnessed assassination after assassination fail, and felt that the claims of Si'akh being immortal were true.

Although a tough choice for him, Az'eeki found the prospect of travelling off Moghes interesting, and a fantastic way to get Si'akh and his teachings out there. Now, Az'eeki has sought out to come to Biesel, a more liberal land, perhaps one where the Mazariites won't threaten him. A land where he can spread the word of Si'akh freely. His searching has landed him a job as a Chaplian for the NSS Aurora, something he hopes he can use to spread his word to other Sinta.

What do you like about this character? I became really interested in reading about the Si'akh religion, and its probably the first time I actually trust myself to play a religious character, but aside from that, he'll be quieter, which is also a change for me. Quieter, calmer, gentler overall, yet still willing to give a powerful sermon.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? Personally, id think its a 8/10, and ive been told I'm a little better than that, a few times? I know im not perfect, but from what ive been told, I am pretty good.


Az'eeki would be 45, at the time of starting work on the Aurora, working as a Chaplain, or Shaman, if Shaman is the correct term?

Edits: Edited to make him older (personal decision) , and explain a tiny bit more.

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Fresh is an incredible RPer. They're doing great with their Tajaran whitelist, and I have zero reason to believe they couldn't uphold whitelist standards for Unathi as well. They've interacted with all my Unathi pretty often, and I believe they have a really great understanding of how to properly play them. They aren't afraid to reach out for lore questions and get clarifications, which says a lot about how much they care about making realistic xeno characters.

As for Az'eeki:

I know Fresh has a good understanding of Si'akh, as they reached out to JB personally for some clarifications, and spent a lot of time discussing it with me as well, to make sure he's a character that sticks to the lore. The story is really good, and makes plenty of sense to me. I get a strong feeling about how important his faith is to him, and that he really believes in Si'akh and his teachings, doing his part to redeem his race from Damnation. And from what you said about him in the question after the backstory... yeah, he seems like a really interesting character. A quieter type that still gets extremely impassioned when speaking about his faith? That's great, and if anyone can do that well, it's you.

You've got my full +1 on this app, Fresh. It's solid, as I expected it to be when you first told me you were making one. I know you can do the lizards justice.

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Although I distinctively remember you attacking Pun-Pun, then beating the shit out of my character, I'm pretty sure you're a good role-player, and you sure know a thing about Scottish accents, and how to play a lesbian. So, you deserve this +1

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Who is this miscreant demanding strangers look at his app? I care not, let us read it.


Character Names:
I know none of these aside from the annoying raider, so we will be unbiased.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
Listing the mechanics of the race is meh but you did some stuff on the second half so I guess you get a pass.


Character Name:
Good name.


Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs
Let us move onto the meat then.


Although Az'eeki never showed interest in Ourea or its colonization, he thought these were matters that were not in such dire need of fighting.
Although not caring for Ourea's business is fair enough, did he have the same apathy towards the ground shaking first contact with xenos from outer space? Ourea was only a catalyst to spark war against alien (and Izweski) interference in Sinta business, after all.


Az'eeki was 24, and was eating a meal alongside his family when the bombs fell closest to him. Az'eeki ran for cover, and stayed put for over 12 hours out of fear. His mother and father sustained injuries from the nearby blast, and would later succumb to infection as the land neaby devolved around them.
Something about mommy and daddy dying from a nuke but not little hisser sort of irks me but it is not particularly important in the grand scheme of things.

The third paragraph seems fine.

So is the fourth, I guess.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I hate numerical ratings and you should feel bad.

In closing, everything here seems competent and I do not see much any reason for it to be denied, aside from the possibility that they'll make another annoying raider character with it.


also learn to spell things better

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Who is this miscreant demanding strangers look at his app? I care not, let us read it.


Although Az'eeki never showed interest in Ourea or its colonization, he thought these were matters that were not in such dire need of fighting.
Although not caring for Ourea's business is fair enough, did he have the same apathy towards the ground shaking first contact with xenos from outer space? Ourea was only a catalyst to spark war against alien (and Izweski) interference in Sinta business, after all.



I think this is the only part that was actually asking for a response? Anyways, in his eyes, he wasn't as interested in Xeno relations. As a smaller village, out of the way, he did not feel it impacted him as heavily. Although the rocket failure was a tragedy, he felt that that was their own sowing, and what came of it, was simply the consequences of desiring this. Either way, he felt his way of life wasn't as threatened as larger cities would be. It led to a lot, but at first, he was largely apathetic to it, at most merely interested in how the other cultures were different.

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I think this is the only part that was actually asking for a response? Anyways, in his eyes, he wasn't as interested in Xeno relations. As a smaller village, out of the way, he did not feel it impacted him as heavily. Although the rocket failure was a tragedy, he felt that that was their own sowing, and what came of it, was simply the consequences of desiring this. Either way, he felt his way of life wasn't as threatened as larger cities would be. It led to a lot, but at first, he was largely apathetic to it, at most merely interested in how the other cultures were different.

Indeed yes, the rest of my post was just my thoughts on things*. Anyways seeing that you've not glanced over the xenos aspect I am satisfied.

*Pinging you was probably a mistake in that regard.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello, I am sorry for the delay.

It is always very exciting to see Si'akh Unathi. Your portrayal of Juzida is spot on, and you show a clear understanding and urge to explore this culture and faith. I have the upmost confidence that you will do well by Unathi, and the positive feedback you have received makes this even more assuring. Application accepted!

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