JamOfBoy Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 BYOND Key: Jamchop23334 Character name: Za'Akaix'Ryn Zo'ra Item name: Security Tunnel Cloak Why is your character carrying said item to work?: After being told numerous times to wear a uniform, Ryn decided they would strike a compromise and use their connections with Athvur'zekt'azi's brood to have a custom tunnel cloak made that would at least be blue. If people want Ryn to wear a uniform, at least Ryn can argue that they are displaying security colours. Item function(s): Same as the regular tunnel cloak, including it's limited size, however due to being tailor made for Ryn, only vaurcae can wear it. Item description: A blue, tailor-made tunnel cloak with paltry storage options. The fabric is smoother and less abrasive than regular tunnel cloaks, though it looks difficult to wear. Item appearance: Item name: Security Tunnel Hood Why is your character carrying said item to work?: After being told numerous times to wear a security beret, Ryn decided they would strike a compromise and use their connections with Athvur'zekt'azi's brood to have a custom tunnel hood made that would at least be blue. If people want Ryn to wear a security beret, at least Ryn can argue that they are displaying security colours. Item function(s): None. It is not species restricted, unlike the Tunnel Cloak. Item description: A silky smooth blue hood, though its more of a headwrap. You're having a hard time wrapping your head around how to wear this. Item appearance: How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP?: If people challenge Ryn about not wearing a uniform, Ryn can now argue their case. People, other vaurca, may inquire about the blue cloak, to which Ryn can provide the tale of it's conception. Additional comments: The hood is actually just a brown hijab turned blue. Why I used brown is a mystery, even to myself, but as long as it works, I guess. If making the cloak species restricted isn't an option, I could probably copy the colour set over to the non-vaurca sprites if needed. I've debated having the hood function like winter coat hoods, but I think it's fine how it is. I have dmi files.
DronzTheWolf Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 I can't say I know Ryn too well, but the premise of the cloak and the fact that they seem to be competent Security makes me wanna say +1
Bygonehero Posted July 28, 2018 Posted July 28, 2018 Ryn is an excellent security bug. VOR THE QUEEN!!
TishinaStalker Posted August 18, 2018 Posted August 18, 2018 After being told numerous times to wear a uniform, Ryn decided they would strike a compromise and use their connections with Athvur'zekt'azi's brood to have a custom tunnel cloak made that would at least be blue. If people want Ryn to wear a uniform, at least Ryn can argue that they are displaying security colours. https://wiki.aurorastation.org/index.php?title=CCIA_Notices#Uniform_Regulation You'd get nowhere at all then. Not to mention that being told "Put on a uniform", followed by throwing on a cloak doesn't fix anything. Is the sake of this item just to argue the regulation IC'ly or is there an actual reason outside of wanting it for the sake of wanting it?
Snakebittenn Posted August 18, 2018 Posted August 18, 2018 If I may interject, the last actual Security dress code posted by CCIA (by SierraKomodo) just states Security need to wear department colors to be identifiable as such.
JamOfBoy Posted August 18, 2018 Author Posted August 18, 2018 Actually, yes, the purpose of the cloak is to argue ICly. Tajara get exceptions to the uniform rules, but not any other species, which is odd; diona need to absorb light, unathi get cold, and vaurca need smooth textiles and baggy clothes (e.g. their hive cloaks - totally different from tunnel cloaks). The cadet uniform can't be rolled down, nor can the sleeves be rolled up. This gives a lot of players the impression that, from a roleplay perspective, the uniforms are very tight. This is not good for vaurca, as their carapace is prone to having fabric get caught between plates and causing pain while moving. This is an obvious issue, when members of security need to be quick to respond to radio call outs. When Ryn is forced into a uniform, I lower their movement speed to demonstrate this. Your arguments are valid, and that is the point of the cloak. The cloak isn't a uniform, but does demonstrate security colours, so people would still want Ryn into a uniform, to which I'd state all of the above to them.
TishinaStalker Posted August 18, 2018 Posted August 18, 2018 If I may interject, the last actual Security dress code posted by CCIA (by SierraKomodo) just states Security need to wear department colors to be identifiable as such. That is possibly the dumbest thing I've read today. That regulation as it pertains to sec that is. Also it being "regulation", but not being on the Wiki tells me it's not fully official. So I'll default to the wiki one. Actually, yes, the purpose of the cloak is to argue ICly. The only real reason I'm iffy on the item is that I dont like the idea of a custom item solely existing to argue regulations. That's like one of those annoying things I can see happening every shift before regular heads of staff just start blanket banning you about it. At which point, why even have it? Not to mention the idea of the item is just to argue regs sounds like ass. If it was to argue something else, like politics through an ATLAS poster or someshit, sure. For regs, it just sounds petty and irritating.
Trazz666 Posted August 18, 2018 Posted August 18, 2018 This s a good suggestion. While I personally don't play a buggy boy, I do feel they need a few extra things like this. If I recall right, Vaurca can't wear normal jumpsuits because it hurts. +1 from me
JamOfBoy Posted August 19, 2018 Author Posted August 19, 2018 I could have sworn I wrote a reply to this earlier, but I guess it got eaten or something. Anyway: If we want to go deeper on why Ryn has a custom made cloak, its to highlight the brood they are from: Athvur'zekt'azi's brood. This brood is focused on the integration of human/Tau Ceti culture with vaurcan culture - vaurcan takes on human fashion, art, music, etc. which can be demonstrated through the cloak and hood. This reflects Ryn's character, as a younger vaurca with a more humanised attitude and approach on the world, similar to Athvur herself, the youngest queen, who values the cultures of other species. Another thing is Ryn's view on the discrimination of vaurca and other species. While there are other ways to demonstrate this through a custom item application, challenging the uniform regulations was the easiest both ICly and OOCly, due to it being the issue Ryn faced the most and knows the most about - specifically that tajara are the only species with exceptions, despite other the problems other species (diona, vaurca, unathi to a lesser extent) face with clothing; and that recolouring a tunnel cloak and brown hijab to be blue is easier to do than think of a different way to demonstrate action against oppression.
TishinaStalker Posted September 15, 2018 Posted September 15, 2018 mfw waiting almost a whole month to pm me. I'm accepting the application on the basis that I'm fully expecting this not to cause an administrative headache and/or serious drama at a later point. If it does, then we'll chat something out. Application accepted!
Alberyk Posted September 22, 2018 Posted September 22, 2018 Items added to the code, you should be able to spawn with it.
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