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[Accepted] Sleepy's Skrell Lore Developer Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: Sleepy Wolf

Position Being Applied For Skrell Lore Developer

Past Experiences/Knowledge: Dionaea loredev, Unathi deputy, Server moderator, roleplayer for a few years

Link to Essay:


Examples of Past Work:

Have worked on 2-4 arcs for Unathi, including Dominia X Hegemony arc, Warcarriers, Women and bladedancing, some notable unathi, some minor little articles, loads of tiny things that I've helped Jackboot fine-tune and think through. I'll admit I'm always a more suppourting role oftentimes with people submitting work I've brainstormed, since I've never been much of a writer and more of a thinker/drawer.

I fine tuned the old Dionaea lore history, incorporating them back into the political shit of Skrell a few years ago.

I also helped with loads of other projects that I randomly got interested in and brainstormed/drew for, so I have my little toesies dipped in all the lore pies.

Additional Comments:

I am currently kind of on vacation, but I have made my essay with most of my ideas on there. Primary changes would be a HUGE pullout of the 'subtle' things Loow did, like, really just shoving it in your face. Also, I want to talk with Bygone about Cthur junk - stuff like, Skrell ensuring loads of 'diplomatic' C'thur are sent out into the universe while all the Viax are slowly being incorperated into their main workforce, so that more Skrell can get out of lower class and into the Civil Icon role kinda. I also have ideas for using the Tup Police like a sort of, secret police both inside and outside the Federation, and changing Glorsh to feel less random and more spurred on by an intense desire for Skrell to not want to work in labor jobs. Skrell REALLY hate working labor, so they try and abuse anything you throw at them to get to a higher standing point or goal they want.

I'll be leaving my role of Unathi Deputy for this, so that role would be open for grabs.

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Sleepy is already in the team, works good, draws art and doesn't afraid of anything.

However you also seem to have a similar issue as JB and that is attention. I've noticed that while you can stick to something a lot better than him, you also bounce around a lot and tend to kinda toss ideas and move onto others very quickly. Not saying this is bad but for a static species like the Skrell, this might get the players a bit nervous.

Anyways let's get down to business.

What do you think the skrell currently need to re-vitalize their interest? The crisis isn't as bad as memers would lead you to believe as I see about 2-3 skrell every few rounds instead of 0, but what do you think is the true CREAM to bring back old players and interest new ones?

My main issue with skrell was always that they're encouraged to be "emotionless" and "expressionless", which is a questionable decision for a game that uses text to RP. What's your opinion on this? Plan on changing anything?

Big fat think dropping right here, what do you think about whitelist applications? How do you think Skrell whitelist applications should be conducted? Going to be more like Loow or going for your own style?

Thank you in advance for any answers.

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And the third app, Sleepy. Sudden upriser, you are. Let’s pop open this essay and get to work.

So what I’m getting from the first paragraph is that Skrell society is a huge hidden dystopia. You agree with the government, or you disappear and that is how they maintain their cultural homogeneity. In reality, with how big and how influential the Federation is, I don’t know if force or “climb the ladder” will work on their society. It would have to be based off of the idea that every Skrell has extreme ambition.

Again, Thank you for addressing the idea of how they’ve juggled their workforce. But the reality of it is their workers have to be content and even though the military force of the Federation is incredible, it won’t be if they’re spending a lot of their time pressing down on their own people. Something has to keep the masses content and competition may not be the answer. There’s a reason that worker unions can be extremely formidable.

Not everyone aspires to be a doctor. I have the brains for it, I could do the job pretty well. But if I ever had to be a doctor because it was forced on me, or it was how society judged my worth, I wouldn’t do it.

Holy shit I had to take a step back. “Testing pheromones in planet water systems.” Plot twist: The Frogs are putting chemicals in the water and turning us gay. Gold.

Ooooooh I like the purpose you gave to Glorsh. “Fix the bugs we’re having with the other AI around here.” It’s response? “… Yeah, let me just fix all those problems you’re having.” It reminds me a lot of what happens on station. Little hiccups. It’d give Skrell a way to say “Uhhh…” without it sounding completely baseless. Like if the Fourth Reich were to start to rise, everyone could say “Oh shit we’ve seen this before. Don’t do what happened last time.”

What I’m seeing is taking Skrell subtlety and tossing it to the light and making it the mainstay of their whole society. I’m not sure, with the history the Skrell have in dealing with everyone, that they’ll work like Dominia does with their shell hunting.

I’d also be interested in hearing your responses to Coalf’s questions when you get the time!

Your weird Skrell question from me is…!

“Skrell colors. Light Skrell come from Aloise, is about all we have there. But what’s the basis of it? Is it entirely genetics or does environment actually play a role? If a Skrell is born to two darker blue Jargon parents but raised on Aloise, are they going to be a lighter blue than either parent?”

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Hi I'm back from vacation and throwing my answers here


Coalf said: What do you think the skrell currently need to re-vitalize their interest? The crisis isn't as bad as memers would lead you to believe as I see about 2-3 skrell every few rounds instead of 0, but what do you think is the true CREAM to bring back old players and interest new ones?


I think Skrell's revililization is just in having an active loredev, with articles and updates. Someone that connects to what people want, and shows off a good narrative. That's really it to get the creamy stuff.


My main issue with skrell was always that they're encouraged to be "emotionless" and "expressionless", which is a questionable decision for a game that uses text to RP. What's your opinion on this? Plan on changing anything?


I think letting them do little things, like smiling or frowning, would be good. Also, I wouldn't actively hunt down or encourage people to be emotionless and expressionless, moreso just encouraging a bit of an alieny vibe and reminding people to use verbose vocab emotional stuff instead of emotional inflections.


Big fat think dropping right here, what do you think about whitelist applications? How do you think Skrell whitelist applications should be conducted? Going to be more like Loow or going for your own style?


Skrell whitelists in the past have been notable for scaring away people that otherwise know the lore and just don't want to be denied. As long as the people that apply understand what we don't want them to do - things like extreme 'sexual' interest, and at least incorperate some sort of lore understanding, then it should be fine and dandy in my book.


Conspiir said: “Skrell colors. Light Skrell come from Aloise, is about all we have there. But what’s the basis of it? Is it entirely genetics or does environment actually play a role? If a Skrell is born to two darker blue Jargon parents but raised on Aloise, are they going to be a lighter blue than either parent?”


I like to think it was more natural at first - and then genetic engineering advanced the natural process, allowing it to become a fashion statement to show where you grew up. I'd say within a lifetime, a Skrell could see their colour change with both their enviroment and age. A yellow Skrell could see their skin become more blue on a colder planet within a few decades naturally, or change it purposefully within a year with a local skincare facility. THAT'd be cool.


Conspiir said a lot


I really enjoy a lot of the parts of Fowl's work, but would also like to incorporate my idea of Glorsh and working on some arcs.

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What does a Skrell Warble sound like to you? Since its an emote, does it give a facial expression? What does warbling mean or, why do Skrell warble about things?


I always imagined it sounding like a theremin with a bit more crickety, wobbly noises, and higher pitched. Warbling would just be opening your mouth like a frog, and Eee'ing. Skrell warbling can just be talking, sighing, wanting to make some noise, really just warble whenever it's convenient.

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I think demystifying Glorsh is an inherently terrible idea, and frankly, we gotta axe that. The idea of AI made to check and quality control other AI is actually a great idea though, but I would rather we not retcon the origins of Glorsh before he became Glorsh-Omega, and also to maintain the mystery of his motives. Aside from that, the introduction of codified ostracism by keeping tabs on the public opinions of various skrell and engendering a culture of informing on and pandering for likes really demonstrates the depth of Skrell social engineering and explains why they have to be so creative when wording their criticisms. It's very creative and outside of the box, yet also fits in perfectly with pre-existing lore, really reinforcing the insidious yet uncontested nature in which the Federation retains its grip on its citizens and is seemingly so united. With insight to how you've been working on upcoming Unathi lore, thinking outside of the box while also bringing great ideas that fit is a consistent theme of your work in lore. I think you will be an excellent fit for the lore team. Application accepted.

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