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Make C'thur follow the Rules

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The C'thur are an interesting concept. I am not contesting that. But, due to the C'thur's situation right now, they are able to skip the Avowal process that all other Vaurcae must go through. If you are not aware, for an unbound Vaurca to be anything other than Lab assistant, Security cadet, or a medical intern, they must be formally promoted by a Head of Staff to be anything else in that respective department. They can still be any civ job, though.

The C'thur can pass through this process because they are in a different situation with the other hives. This is interesting, but as it stands, it's basically a fast track for Vaurca players to avoid racism and IC contact to be promoted. This does generate IC conflict, but I have never seen it adressed.

I propose that an IC corporate rule be passed for Nanotrasen that states "All Vaurcae, no matter their hive, must be promoted upon the station they work at to have a job other than low level workers or trainees."

Guest Marlon Phoenix

The entire purpose of the c'thurs dynamic for the station is the skipping of avowels. It is the most important distinction. The unfairity to other vaurca is intentional. It is an existential requirement for the cthur.

The system is working as intended in my view. There is also nothing wrong with having the chance to play a vaurca in a traditional job while not wanting to stay an intern. They already opted in with their whitelist application.

2 hours ago, Senpai Jackboot said:

The entire purpose of the c'thurs dynamic for the station is the skipping of avowels. It is the most important distinction. The unfairity to other vaurca is intentional. It is an existential requirement for the cthur.

The system is working as intended in my view. There is also nothing wrong with having the chance to play a vaurca in a traditional job while not wanting to stay an intern. They already opted in with their whitelist application.

Ok, fair. I, personally, am not seeing anyone react to the C'thur situation, but that is just me.


I personally like playing a C'thur because my timezone means it's rare to get command members, much less both a captain and the department I play in. It's both something that helps me OOCly given the timezones, and is a good source of tension between the hives. I see no reason to change it. -1

  • 5 months later...

C'thur having a straightforward path to higher professions is intentional, and intrinsic with their design. That being said, what most people fail to realize is that Vaurca Players with avowels can have them revoked for poor IC play. This includes C'thur even though they didn't get avoweled on station. Their documentation comes from Jargon itself. Its still able to be revoked.  

Guest Marlon Phoenix

The C'thur are intended to create inter-species resentment. Their relative free ride in comparison to other Vaurca is an intentional narrative decision for the relationship of them and the other vaurca on station. Without the avowel skipping C'thur have no reason to be on the station.

  • 1 year later...

Filing this under resolved as it is now implemented. As a result of the skrell arc afaik, hence this is void. Or implemented. Maybe even both :) 

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