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[Accepted] FreshRefreshments Vaurca App

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BYOND Key: FreshRefreshments
Character Names: Right now, Suzuul Guwan, Erin MacGregor, Jerome Keyes, Dead-Lift, and Olektirov Mazzkajari are the most relevant. 
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): RGB 150, 180, 255, the color of Unbound of the Recondite Queen.
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: As far as aliens go, Vaurca are pretty, for a lack of a better word, alien. They have had a lot of emphasis in the lore recently, and not without any reasoning. The Lii'dra and everything they have done has been a large changing factor in the lore, and how people react to Vaurca gives me interest. I enjoy playing a character that creates conflict, even if they are not an antag, and for many people, Vaurca simply being themselves does this.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mechanically, they have two types; Ka, workers, and Za, warriors. Warriors are more resistant to fire, Workers, to brute. All Vaurca breathe phoron and will die without it, and many of them have implants, including internal tanks. Theres the difference between Bound and Unbound, with Bound being an absolutely massive collection of lobotomized workers, while Unbound are the sentient upper segment. Bound Warriors simply arent allowed on station. Role play wise, they dont like bright lights as they have sensitive eyes meant to see in the dark caverns of Sedantis I, they have an ingrained, undying loyalty to their queens, and the Unbound often exploit the Bound.

Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Ztak C'thur
Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs
Ka'Akaix'Ztak was born to the Reconditue Queen, Ta'Akaix'Mouv'lek'tanta C'thur, in the year 2456. Raised the same way any other Unbound Worker, being organically raised for six months before gaining a neural socket and, for another six months, learning all that it would need to to learn to benefit the hive once it was finished. As it entered VR for the first time, it set upon an interesting subject; death, and bodies. More specifically, how to fix, and prevent death as long as possible. Ztak showed interest in medical work, and set themselves to fixing bodies, over and over. Of, at first, Vaurca. Then Skrell, then Humans, then more and more. Eventually, the floors of their VR became caked in blood, though they still set themselves upon repairing, the damage to the bodies becoming more vivid, and more otlandish, and still, Ztak repaired them, no small part due to a subtle flat repair being made to many of them, perhaps without realizing it. 
As Ztak entered the real world and got into medical work on Glorashi, the realities of life hit them. They were not a world reknowned doctor who knew what they were doing, all the time, and always fixed whatever came in. Sometimes, during Ztak's required internship, then residency, they had to ask questions. But through the whole time they spent, not once did a very important aspect of them falter; a curiosity, and a desire to better themselves. Through this, Ztak learned. Ztak learned enough to become a fully fledged doctor on Glorashi, though even then, they still did not know everything. Ztak spent a couple years making a very local name for themselves as a doctor that at least wasnt going to let you die. More recently, Ztak is a part of Skrellian contract workers, for NanoTrasen, which has led them to their position; requiring to complete a residency on board the Aurora.

What do you like about this character? Ztak will admit they dont know anything, but they will first admit that it isnt from a lack of trying. They want to be perfect, even if they are far from it. Their personality is something of unintentionally creepy; spending so long sticking up truly lifeless bodies is where much of Ztaks first experience came from, and injuries fascinate them, in a morbid way. But that is not to say they enjoy causing them, but rather learning to fix them. 

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 8/10. Not perfect, but I do try to RP as much as I can, and I think other people enjoy interacting with my characters, one or the other. 

Notes: None.

It's doing that because you've put the text into a codebox. Just put it as plain text and it should work fine. You've also gotten rid of the formatting in the template given, which is an interesting choice.


Everyone knows I'll vouch for Fresh's RP abilities, love of lore, and careful characterization. They're one of the most active and friendly members of our community.

Ztak is an interesting character. I love the creep factor! They'll be fun to see around medbay, causing lots of raised eyebrows and concerned looks with their fascinations. 

You seem to get lore. I'm gonna hit you with some followup questions to held solidify your grasp and prepare you for playing one.

-How do they view other hives, and the vaurca from them? 

-What's their experience with non-skrell xenos?

-How do you think Ztak will react to passive-aggressive comments/racism? What about obvious/aggressive insults and racism?

This is a definite +1 from me. Welcome to the bug zone. 


I find myself making foolish errors with formatting daily. Also, I removed the formatting of bolding and breaks, due to seeing another application where they did not work, due to the codebox. The actual questions remain the same.

As for other hives, they view them the way C'thur perspective has; a neutral third party between the K'lax and the Zo'ra. They hold a small level of worry and distrust for hives that are not C'thur, as is natural with things that are different from the norm to them, though the society they find themselves in may lead to this distrust being unfounded, or backed up. Only time can tell.

For non-Skrell xenos, things have gone about as well as they can outside of Glorashi. Ztak has done as best as they can to prevent blaming the species, and instead the individual, but Vaurca are not a universally liked species. Due to their relative acceptance in Jargon, Ztak inherently trusts Skrell, and Dionaea by their relation, more than other species, though by no means to the degree of Vaurca, C'thur especially. 

As for passive-aggressive comments, Ztak takes the advice of the Queen of Masques herself, even if they are not of her brood- show your best face to everyone you meet. As a medical member, they can only hope that their work in the field will help with their reputation. 



I can also vouch for Fresh's rp skillz, there is a huge difference between my character and Suzuul, and yet Fresh went out of his way to actually make an effort to try interact with me, we've had a few great conversations and I have enjoyed our small and subtle, but really fun interactions, I have no doubts he knows how to play Xeno's well, as he surprises me with how much he knows casually. +1 from me.


Oh hi, Fresh. As a player that interacts with Fresh both ICly and OOCly he proves himself to be a competent, helpful, and incredibly fun player and generally great person. I believe with certainty that Ztak would be a fun bug to interact with. I give a solid +1 in agreement and mad respects to Fresh on his quest to explore all the alien species Aurora has to offer. :^)


Thanks for linking your application through docs, it helped a ton. I love your concept. It makes me wonder the mental ramifications of casting a person in a singular role. Imagine if your mind was made to fix the injured, could that manifest as obsessive compulsive behavior, or as you said, being creepy? Who knows, but its a good thing to think about! Application accepted!

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