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[Accepted] Hocka's Unathi Application

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BYOND Key: Hocka
Character Names: Za'Akaix'Vex Zo'ra, Za'Akaix'Uyek C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Vir Zo'ra, Ka'Akaix'Teth Zo'ra, Edward Beckett, Sqrlesh Wuib-Xrl, Xirvol Quozil, Jeremiah Echard, Ajax, Arbalest, C.L.A.N.K, Jet, Primer, Aleister.
Species you are applying to play: Unathi
What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Light Brown (99, 63, 36)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to play an Unathi because I've started to take a liking to the culture and religion that Unathi have, especially in regard to the type of roleplay that could be had because of them. I'm also a big fan of the sort of gentle giant type of character which is something I think that, within reason, is best achieved with Unathi. The variety in Unathi is something I think I'd love to experience when roleplaying as well, given that you could be an Unathi from Ouerea who enjoyed the benefits of a democratic Unathi culture or from Moghes, ripe out of a feudal system.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi have a weird blend of newer technology and what can be considered a more dated culture. In a time where there are factions spanning entire solar systems the Unathi, where they aren't trying to re-integrate it, are still in a feudal system which spills over in other regions (namely, Guwans.) That, an Unathi only just recently (compared to Humans or Skrell) became a space-faring species.

Character Name: Esslo Ioraks
Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs.

Esslo was born on the March of 2438 on Moghes where he would, for around a year, grow normally aside from the beginnings of the Contact War. In late September 2439, not long after the atomic bombing had started, he was being taken to Ouerea by his mother along with his sister due to the very justified fear that Moghes was simply not a safe place to remain. In Ouerea, Esslo was able to continue to grow without the threat of atomic annihilation looming over his head.

On Ouerea, Esslo lived in the newer slums that started to grow out of the refugees coming from Moghes. By the time Esslo was 5, he began visiting an elderly Th'akh shaman that was somewhat known locally in Esslo's part of the slums not only for his teachings, but for the herbal remedies he also provided. Esslo didn't approach the shaman out of a sense of tradition, but curiosity and he became a regular student of the shaman both for morals and for his limited medical knowledge. As Esslo grew older, he started to attend a school to get a proper education in medicine while combining what he had learned from the old shaman (who he still visited for religious teachings.)

By the time he was 20, mid-2458, Esslo elected to leave Ouerea (and the Uueoa-Esa system altogether) in favour of continuing his learning in Tau Ceti, heeding a call from his older brother (who had remained on Moghes during the Contact War and then later found work in Tau Ceti) and being heavily influenced by his time on Ouerea. By late 2460, Esslo began a residency with NanoTrasen, landing him with work on the Aurora.

What do you like about this character? I like the idea that they'd have a blend of views on subjects, being a regular student of a Th'akh shaman yet being raised on Ouerea, which is something of a clash in opinions that  really look forward to trying out when roleplaying the character.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? I'd give myself a 7/10.

Notes: As for me using an Ioraks character: https://i.imgur.com/MkdpdHd.png

Edited by Senpai Jackboot
Grammar correction.

I worked with Hocka to sculpt this application, giving him only the hints of what the brother's name is, and what their age is. The rest of his backstory was fully made by him, and he read all of the Unathi wiki pages. After discussing the character with him at length, I am fully assured that Hocka will be an amazing Unathi roleplayer, and that Esslo will be a fantastic Unathi character.



I've RP'd with Hocka often. They're pretty good at sticking to lore, and they're great at RPing as a whole. I have no choice but to +1 

Another Ioraks to add to my harem. Soon the family will be mine to control.


Hocka's a great person, a terrific RPer, and has so far been a shining example to other Vaurca and Skrell players with the whitelists he already has. Can't see this being any different. Solid +1. 

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Hello, sorry for the delay.

Your application is solid. The mixture of conservative Unathi upbringing meshed with the more open Oueran lifestyles always create interesting characters. And you are a solid roleplayer. Application accepted!

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