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[Resolved] Player Complaint

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BYOND Key: SatinsPrist666
Game ID:bYS-dESA (It was the game PRIOR to this one)
Player Byond Key: Drago (Whatever she's changed it to now)
Staff involved:Tailson
Reason for complaint: Auto-Traitor round was turned into a Syndicate Co-op thing, which was pretty cool. Won't lie. First issue: Mira (Played by Drago) decided to chunk a grenade into the library (with two witnesses) and then when I tried to speak to the character in R&D, she basically said she wasn't going to talk to me. That's fine. If you're going to act that way towards your boss, you can be demoted. This sentence was shortened to just being fined/small brig time per the RD's request. Thought it was all done and over with. Nope, Drago decided to ahelp about it and I guess say i had unfairly had her arrested ICly, and that I was harboring some ill-intent towards her character because we have issues. I don't know who the hell drago plays. I wasn't even certain Mira was her, furthermore, I acted ICly the way i would have with anyone throwing grenades in the Library. Tailson handled the ticket and saw that, yes, it was a fair arrest and reaction to Mira being rude and negligent at her job.

Second ticket: It's round end. They've kidnapped me and taken me back to the Syndicate base. Mira (now named MARA) and some miner decide to start spam hugging me while I'm getting out of my cuffs (because who wants to stay buckled to a fucking chair?). My cuffs break free and I punch MARA (who is the one in my direct line of sight) for spamming me with hugs. Drago decides to ahelp, whining that the hostage has broke free of cuffs and started attacking her! Oh nO! She was SPAM HUGGING ME like some kind of low-RP nightmare. Tailson, once again, said that given the circumstances, it made sense.

So this brings me to my actual complaint... I feel like Drago is the one harboring some kind of.... intent to try and get me in trouble/banned. Their actions ICly do merit anything I say or do to them, and yet they try and ahelp victim themselves and put me as the bad guy. Honestly, Drago makes me not want to play Aurora when they're on server. Their RP is medium, at best, and they (this shift) can't even be interacted with by me without them doing a bogus Ahelp about it. I'd like to see them stop doing things that are lRP ICly, then trying to put the blame on me in an ahelp. It's like they are deliberately egging me on. Problem is... I'm not breaking server rules, nor am I doing anything to them ICly that they don't deserve.

This is coming just.. what? A week after they decided to rush dislocate my limbs and not RP with me at all? Drago has some very shady actions when it comes to me, and I'd like it looked in to.

Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yep. Tailson said to make a complaint.
Approximate Date/Time: 2/18/2019 

Edited by Tailson
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Im going to put this very simply.

@shadow captured you, I had no part in capturing you, I just moved Cassy out of the room and walked off.

Now because I feel this is moreso a complaint about the whole "issue" between us, I dont have really anything else to say on the actual rounds matter.

I have no issue with you, none whatsoever. I think you can be a very nice and caring person and genuinely care about the server as a whole. I am unsure why you are upset at me over the whole "Incident" when myself and other staff have tried to reach out to you to resolve the issue and explain what happened with it, to which you blocked me. I tried last time again to reach out to you to apologize and start something towards resolving any issue you may have with me constructively, but you instead made a ominous post  about non contacting you on the forums instead of telling me directly. To re-iterate, I have no issue with you personaly, but when I feel like im being attacked for something that i feel is unjust, I am going to ahelp it if i feel its wrong. If you do not wish to interact with me, then sure, we can just go that route of avoiding interaction with each other, but I don't feel that is really needed. I wish to resolve this issue peacefully and come to a understanding about what might of went wrong between us and where the confusion may lie so we can ensure there is no second guessing of if this is ic or ooc motivated.

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You're not blocked, nor have you ever been blocked. I don't wish to communicate about complaints outside a public forum simply because this is moderated. Personal discord chats are not. I've had my fair share of being done dirty, and now if I have a complaint it will forever be done in a public setting.


Obviously you DO have some issue, or Tailsons first words to me wouldn't have been "Do you have something against Miras player?" When all I did was handle how you acted ICly the exact way any captain would.


The second ahelp was just pure... Strange. You don't get to have double standards with RP. You can't meme hug a hrp player without them taking action. Ahelping that and, once again, glancing over what YOU had done to instigate it clearly says your intentions

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7 minutes ago, SatinsPristOTD said:

You're not blocked, nor have you ever been blocked. I don't wish to communicate about complaints outside a public forum simply because this is moderated. Personal discord chats are not. I've had my fair share of being done dirty, and now if I have a complaint it will forever be done in a public setting.


Obviously you DO have some issue, or Tailsons first words to me wouldn't have been "Do you have something against Miras player?" When all I did was handle how you acted ICly the exact way any captain would.


The second ahelp was just pure... Strange. You don't get to have double standards with RP. You can't meme hug a hrp player without them taking action. Ahelping that and, once again, glancing over what YOU had done to instigate it clearly says your intentions

I ahelped so staff can be involved in a situation as i don't want to make you upset in any form. Tailson was informed of the past issue and complaint and handled the ahelp in a way he felt best to ask the question.
I dont really feel like argueing this further as I made my point. If you still wish to not have any interaction with me then so be it but again, I don't feel that is needed when this can be resolved in really a group discussion or here if you are comfterble doing so in public

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51 minutes ago, ToasterStrudel said:

Technically speaking wouldn't this be a staff complaint?

Staff complaints are made when the person disagrees with the staff's conduct in their job, so a moderator banning someone unfairly, or an admin abusing their powers, etc.

Player complaints are over RP issues and behavior issues. Most of the time staff complaints are instigated from abuse of power or misuse of power, then backed up by bad behavior in game. This is just bad behavior, nothing about their job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Alright, hello, I want to preface this by saying I'm really sorry this took so long to reach a conclusion, this is entirely on me. Direct all complaints to my PO box.

So I've discussed this with @Pratepresidenten at length and have been able to have conversations with both people involved. I've taken into account the fact that the ahelps, content-wise, were resolved in-round and therefore had little bearing on this decision, but were definitely considered as part of the investigation as you'd expect.

I want to start with the perceived OOC grudges. This, throughout the round, appeared to me that @DRagO expected there to be some metagrudging from @SatinsPristOTD. While that wasn't the case as Satin didn't know who played Mira, it had Drago on edge, and in the end resulted in Satin thinking Drago had a grudge, which looked like a terrible loop that the pair of you had gotten into, unwillingly on both sides. This is unfortunate, but neither of you are personally at fault. We're all human and we often fail to understand each other. I honestly believe this can be fully resolved with a serious sit down conversation, but I won't force that of course.

In that vein, I'd like @DRagO to be more mindful of ahelping for IC issues, as this did happen as a result of that. Before ahelping, please try to view situations as if you were on the other side of the conflict in order to rationalise their actions.

And as for the spam hugging, please don't do that. I understand it wasn't only Drago doing it, and as it was towards the end of the round people tend to relax their RP standards a little, just be mindful of others who may want to play their characters true right to the last moment. I reference the spam hugging specifically, but this extends to other L and MRP behaviour: we are a HRP server, and it's important to make believable characters that perform believable actions, even if they are the villains at the time. This means imposing limits on yourself sometimes.


Now I'm happy to wrap this up, I've had a lot of time to mull it over (a lot, my bad), but I'm leaving this open for a few days so anyone can weigh in. Let me know if there's anything I missed, if there's something you want looking at in more detail, and so on.


Edited by Tailson
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On 11/03/2019 at 21:14, SatinsPristOTD said:

Note: Drago and I have spoke on Discord and we've agreed to wipe the slate and start again. Looking forward to it.

That's really good news, and I'm glad you were able to have the conversation and get things sorted.

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