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BYOND Key: neworiginalschwann
Character Names: OH BOY HERE WE GO AGAIN


⦁    Linh Truong - NanoTrasen security officer, now back at college.
⦁    Elspeth Grant - MCPD Detected liaised to NT
⦁    Thi Mai Linh - Idris, Incorporated security officer. Loves her job!
⦁    IRU-Agnes - Idris, Incorporated detective
⦁    Hypatia - Chief medical officer
⦁    Annie Zietsman - EPMC paramedic
⦁    Likho - Mechatronic engineer
⦁    DOCTOR Elise Marchand, PHDBA - Head of personnel. Better than you.
⦁    Ezelda Coetzee - EPMC security officer
⦁    Doctor Trang Oanh - SolGov FSO
⦁    Doctor Victoria Weiss - Surgeon
⦁    Everalda van Schalkwyk - EPMC warden
⦁    Lobelia - Atmospheric technician
⦁    Farida Koudougou - Chef
⦁    Countess Petra Volvalaad - Head of security

Species you are applying to play: Tajara
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Garfield color scheme silver
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I'm a big fan of Russian history and was never taken to see the musical Cats! so this is as close as I'm going to get.
On a more serious note I want to play a species of actual aliens, and the tajaran lore interests me - it's got a lot of motivation, from the civil wars to the dark folklore, to the half-remembered history of the species. There's a lot to work with here beyond "cat dude in a big coat that rolls his Rs."

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
A lot of things, really. Most obvious is that the tajara possess a vastly different biology as a result of their evolution and generations of selective breeding (which has resulted in a racial caste system). Tajara are also the newest entrant onto the galactic stage, and the least-advanced species in lore presently. 
Tajara are, additionally, in a worse state than humanity is terms of how they are perceived. Honestly, their status as a species is somewhat similar to IPCs - they are second-class citizens with a tenuous grip on their status in most places they dwell. A tajara in Solarian space could be fired and sent home for a variety of reasons, while a human in Solarian space enjoys all the rights of the Alliance. In Tau Ceti things are better, but they remain mostly confined to the gang-filled streets of the Sixth District.

Character Name: Nikandr Morozov
Please provide a short backstory for this character
Born to an urban M'sai family residing in what would become the capital of the PRA, Nal'tor, in the winter of 2420, while Raskara was at its peak, Nikandr is part of the first generation of tajara to be born in an interstellar Adhomai. He was, additionally, born into a world about to be thrown into war on a scale never seen by the tajara before. The young Nikandr never experienced the first revolution directly, the fortune of living in Nal'tor proper, but was raised in a highly pro-revolution environment. By the time he entered adulthood, he was dedicated to the idea of service with the Republic's police force as a detective. Social reforms passed by the Republic's new leadership allowed this, and the young M'sai joined the Nal'tor Police Service in 2446 as a junior detective.
Detective Morozov's primary duties before one fateful day in 2451 consisted of the service in the Nal'tor police district's homicide and violent crimes division - a fitting assignment for one born under the peak of Raskara, according to his Lieutenant. While most of his assignments were simple open-shut cases, he began to notice an unsettling pattern in some cases. Initially, none would appear to be connected at all, but a closer examination began to reveal odd patterns: disappeared persons reappearing with fake IDs, his colleagues in organized crime and vice reporting hedonism and murders in some poorer areas (and getting him involved in the investigation), and cases of hysteria at random. Raskariim cultists had always been present in the city, but they now seemed to be growing at an alarming rate - Morozov, being a secular PRA-trained policeman, initially viewed it as isolated incidents of hysteria, dying noble hedonism, and postwar identity theft. Over time, however, he began to realize that there was something off - direly off. In the Winter of 2450 People's Police Detective Morozov launched a formal investigation into what, unbeknownst to him, would reveal itself as a Raskariim cult.
However, he would not discover the truth behind his investigation for several years. The death of  President Rhagrrhuzau in 2451 caused the entire Nal'tor police department to be re-tasked with defending the Republic from subversive elements, which did not initially include Raskariim cultists. Morozov padlocked counter-revolutionary after counter-revolutionary after subversive element for a period of four years, working on the cult case on the side. His breakthrough came in 2454, detailed below.


Ref: 09-5486-NTDC048
Entered: 17/11/2454 0 1803 Entry ID: 167
Modified: 19/11/2459 0 1806 Modification ID: #785
Offenses: Degenerate Activity (Homosexuality), Disturbance, Political Offenses, Disorderly Conduct
DET. Morozov (#56095) and DET. Kolesnik (#56099) recieved and responded to request by Central People's Police Coordination Office (CPPCO) for investigative team to 980 Revolution Circle on 16/10/2454 in marked police cruiser HVCU#14. We arrived at the address listed at rougly 02:15 according to my watch. CPPCO reported evidence of political offenses and noted that Officers Rivlin and Petrovsky (cruiser #93) had already responded and radioed CPPCO for support. Arrived on-scene to find Zhan-Khazan male (Subject B) in cuffs for degenerate activity and Hharar male (Subject A) being detained for similar charges. Subject A hysterical upon my approach, stated he "had" to do it - "only way" to continue to please "them."
Further interrogations by myself and DET. Kolesnik revealed connections to so-called "Cult of Pleasure" run by minor Njarir’Akhran noble (Subject C) with limited connections to the NKA. Subject A was cooperative throughout my interrogations, and is fit to re-integrate with society following remedial classes and community service. Subject A was uncooperative throughout the process (not unexpected) and should be reeducated via labor. District Captain Mikhailov has slated for Subject C to be hung as an enemy of the people: myself and DET. Kolesnik give this action our full support.

Now something of a hero in the eyes of the Nal'tor People's Police Department, Detectives Morozov and his partner became lead investigators in regards to "subvertist cults" in the city. Morozov would continue his efforts - almost a man consumed with figuring out how these cults worked, spending more and more time investigating them - until, in 2459, he was selected by the city's police Commissioner to travel abroad to Little Adhomai. A dedicated, effective patriot, he was the perfect pick (in the eyes of his supervisors) to ensure the citizens of Little Adhomai remained proper patriots and that contracted workers with NanoTrasen remained ideologically dedicated. He, out of a sense of duty and patriotism, accepted.
If he managed to earn a promotion out of it, or uncover more of the information he seeks, then all the better. But, of course, duty to the Republic is its own reward.

What do you like about this character?
Morozov is an older character with a long history in the capital of the PRA, is an ardent Hadiist, and is obsessed with the weirder occult aspects of tajaran society. He is, additionally, officially here on behalf of the People's Republic, leading to a tenuous relationship with many of the tajara on the Aurora. Morozov is very much a New Soviet PRA Man, and doesn't regard it highly - this is an interesting contrast to most characters I've seen that have an investment in the occult - they tend to be the religious sort.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
I don't do fear RP, I just do ERP. 7.5/10.

Notes: I investigate John. It's what I do.

Edited by NewOriginalSchwann
By Hadii I forgot to bold the proper text.

? ? Good shit, bro, good shit.
Schwann is someone I can rely on to provide me with great RP. He knows his stuff, he puts work in his characters, and he's a great person.
I'm glad you decided to apply for Tajara since we really don't have many of those lately. I hope you get this application.
+1 epic  gamer

Posted (edited)

From personal experience with them, Schwann is a great roleplayer, and I enjoy interacting with many of their characters a lot. While I can't say much about how faithful the character backstory is to the lore, it's a lot of fun to read and I think that a lot of thought has been put into it. I'd give it a +1, which is why I'm giving it a +1.


This pleases Schwannesh +1

Edited by Wigglesworth Jones
borya you fuck why did you post this at the same time as me

I cannot give a more suited +1

Schwann is a skilled writer with well rounded characters. I am happy to have met a few of their characters in game and I hope to role-play with them more in the future!


I've been playing with Schwann ever since we met in Bay like, almost 6 months ago at this point, and they've always been a consistent roleplayer. I can't attest to your ability to play foreign species, but I can say that you're really good at playing humans and making them stand out - the little things in personalities are really evident in your characters.

That said, I'm not giving you a free pass here. Does Nikandr follow any kind of religion and why? Would it affect his views on mysticism? What about his parents? Did they contribute to his views on it? Did he have any close friends to investigate with?

Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, Datamatt said:

I've been playing with Schwann ever since we met in Bay like, almost 6 months ago at this point, and they've always been a consistent roleplayer. I can't attest to your ability to play foreign species, but I can say that you're really good at playing humans and making them stand out - the little things in personalities are really evident in your characters.

That said, I'm not giving you a free pass here. Does Nikandr follow any kind of religion and why? Would it affect his views on mysticism? What about his parents? Did they contribute to his views on it? Did he have any close friends to investigate with?

Thank you for your response (and the compliments), here are my answers:

1). Nikandr is very much the model of the new PRA tajara and is, as such, atheistic - religion being the opiate of the masses and a tool used by the feudal nobility to control the workers and peasants.

2). This does impact his views of Adhomai's dark mysticism: As a rational, new PRA man he is more prone to viewing the raskariim cultists as a sign of mass hysteria or, even worse, counterrevolutionary activity. Nikandr is an ardent Hadiist, and believes that most of these cults can be traced back to the failings of the Njarir nobility - after all, the leader of the cult ring he busted was a Njarir. Furthermore he views many mythological beings, such as S'Mara, with suspicion - hysteria, shell shock, or superstition. Due to being a M'sai born when Raskara was at its peak, he has a particular hatred for raskaren and  Pan-Ahran myths. He is, however, a fan of Bolfurrrr films.

3). His parents were part of the first revolution, being urban intellectuals. They were less anti-religious than Nikandr is, but still viewed it with ambivalence - religion, to them, was a tool used by the Njarir to police the masses. As such, I would list them as contributors to his current new PRA man views on religion.

4). Detective Kolesnik is Nikandr's closest friend on Adhomai, and was his right hand (paw?) man in the investigations. Captain Mikhailov is another supporter, and is a major reason why Nikaner is now in Tau Ceti: his vote of support was enough to send Nikandr ahead of other choices for the position. Due to being born when Raskara was at its peak, Nikandr is not affiliated with the Kin of S'rendarr, Adhomai's famous anti-cult order.

Edited by NewOriginalSchwann

While compared to other whitelist applications there is little mention of politics, this is still an interesting application. It would be interesting to see how this character interacts with the 'normal' Tajara who mostly doubt Raskara, citing it as a myth, not existing, being smaller than told, or "that one metal band". There is really nothing about the character's personality--what was his reaction to this cult in his city? Cults are not a normal thing. Was he alienated? Was he pervasive in his detective work, or was he scared away by threats of voodoo and mysticism? I'd like to see more on the character's reaction to his job, to better guage their personality.

There's also little talk about politics, which I mentioned earlier. It's certainly not a necessity, but displaying some knowledge of the various civil wars would be good. I like how you separate Adhomai by its interstellar years and its pre-interstellar years. Reminds me of the native americans, how their whole life was similarly changed from the encounter of outsiders.

Good app but I'd like to see more things that I've listed above.

23 hours ago, DeadLantern said:

While compared to other whitelist applications there is little mention of politics, this is still an interesting application. It would be interesting to see how this character interacts with the 'normal' Tajara who mostly doubt Raskara, citing it as a myth, not existing, being smaller than told, or "that one metal band". There is really nothing about the character's personality--what was his reaction to this cult in his city? Cults are not a normal thing. Was he alienated? Was he pervasive in his detective work, or was he scared away by threats of voodoo and mysticism? I'd like to see more on the character's reaction to his job, to better guage their personality.

There's also little talk about politics, which I mentioned earlier. It's certainly not a necessity, but displaying some knowledge of the various civil wars would be good. I like how you separate Adhomai by its interstellar years and its pre-interstellar years. Reminds me of the native americans, how their whole life was similarly changed from the encounter of outsiders.

Good app but I'd like to see more things that I've listed above.

Good questions.

1). As for interactions with normal tajara, we'll have to wait and see. I anticipate most of the interactions are going to be along political lines, rather than religious lines, but we won't see until he's in-game.

2). Nikandr is a dogged atheist and Hadiist loyalist, viewing the cult in his city as a symptom of counter-revolutionary elements undermining the worker's republic through heinous means: in this case, hedonistic activities associated with what more religious tajara would term the "Cult of Excess." Note that he refers to them as "subversive cults" rather than "religious cults." The connection to counter-revolutionary activity is, additionally, something of a rationalization by Nikandr: the fact that these cults have existed for thousands of years, and are now reemerging due to the second revolution, is a bit too much for one to understand all at once

3). Due to rationalizing the cult within Hadiist ideology, he was not alienated and was able to continue his work for the People's Republic. He even managed to receive official backing - to an extent - in order to continue his investigations. Praise Hadii indeed.

4). Nikandr loves his job, his party, and his Republic. He's a patriot through and through - a true product of the People's Republic, and a Hadiist hardliner. This is, as a note, something of a character flaw: he has a difficult time seeing members of the NKA and DPRA as anything other than monarchistic counterrevolutionaries and terrorists, respectively.


I've been stalling on this for two days, and I'm not sure if I'm satisfied with these answers, but hey! They're here.

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