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Allow CT Votes On Code Red After 40 mins of red

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

If a round drags on for a bit even during a code red it would be nice if we had the option to vote for CT on red. It seems fair to give us the option if it has been red alert for 40 minutes. That means if we went at red alert at 2:00 and never brought down we could vote for CT at 2:40. This gives the crew initiative to end a round if things are not going really well, but if the round is sick as hell then they can vote to keep going.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Fine..... on one condition... give me $20....

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Damn.... okay....

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Marlon Phoenix

The will of the people will not be silent. When will the devs come down from their ivory towers and speak with us common rabble in the street?


Yeah, we end up in a lot of stalemates where like. You can’t lower because the ninja is still around SOMEWHERE and we really ought to have it up they killed the captain but oh my god is he afk in a locker???

Or like last night we had a 3 hour round because we were on delta, the AI kept sending the shuttles back, and why would you lower. 


I support this, but due to it still being a bit strange that a crew transfer would come during code red - I suggest that any crew transfer called during code red be sent with a CC announcement that says something like 



Due to your extended code-red status, Central Command has determined that an evacuation of all crew deemed non-vital to the situation is appropriate. An evacuation shuttle is on route and will arrive in ten minutes.



Not even after 45 minutes. After 0 minutes.

Crew transfer requires 2/3rds the vote anyways so if the round is good, people would support it. Having this code red restriction just means that shitty antags can abuse this feature. I recall that an antag even exploited it once by demanding the Captain to set the alert level to code red 5 minutes before a transfer vote because ??????.

I mean as people said there was a 3 hour round yesterday with a shitty MALF who kept canceling the emergency transfer shuttle and that was apparently appropriate for them to do despite them literally doing nothing of substance. Aurorastation just isn't worth my time playing on when you give all these "protections" to antagonists that allow them to force their shitty gimmicks down their throat.

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