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[Accepted] Waff-AI's Command Application

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Character names:

HAMMER-55, Mars Patel, Duke Priceright, Ka'Akaix'Crek C'thur

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:

On and off since early 2015.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

As an indecisive person, I love to explore new roles and characters, especially as my interest in them waxes and wanes. The Representative role, especially, is perfect in its idea; The embodiment of something, someone out there that has an interest in what we're doing here, and represents things we don't often see around without an ERT or a special event.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

I wanted to roleplay and Space Station 13 was both free and requires little more than a toaster to functionally run. Aurora was the highest-population roleplay server.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:

Extensively; I read the wiki during slow rounds just for the funsies.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?

Somehow, someway, none.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Roleplay is multiplayer storytelling. You and a group of other people with investment in telling a fun story get together and, through your actions as the characters involved, make something interesting and wholly fascinating out of the experience. A fairly nerdy hobby, really. But as far as the heart and soul of it, roleplay should be about making fun memories with your friends. It's a hobby, and while there is absolutely room for telling compelling, heartfelt stories, there's something deeply charming about playing characters for the length of their little fake lives. I still remember rounds from years ago because they were memorable, fun, silly in the right ways, and yet still made me feel something in my thick skull.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

You're a highly-paid, specialized individual responsible for ensuring the smooth function of your particular goons and fodder, be you their friend or their boss. At the end of the day, you're much like an antagonist; You have your own character and ideas, absolutely, but you also drive the characters and events of the round. Hold meetings, write reports, shake things up that may not happen without someone in charge. You're also often the first point of entry for newcomers and other inexperienced players, and thus you serve the double purpose of not only setting a standard for better, but making your crew better, as well. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link. The idea of the Head of Staff is to be a tool for those who aren't the Head to roleplay, while at the same time another character to learn from and roleplay with.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

I believe wholeheartedly in the concept of community, and the command whitelist is no exception. Those who have asked to take on the burden of leadership should be just as much as their characters, if not more, someone to learn from and see as an example to be followed. What reason does anyone have to set themselves apart like that? A person with this whitelist should seek to better themselves and those around them in any way they can, for the good of us all. I, personally, see this as an opportunity to not only improve my own roleplay, but also help others learn to love the medium like I have, be it through support, storyline options, or the simple act of building a story together.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau Ceti and how it affected your character and their career?

Tau Ceti has, for the last few years, been a hotbed of the most exciting crap the galaxy has ever seen. We've had violent assaults, incursions, espionage, intrigue, technological developments, and through it all, a pervading sense of what makes the people of the Republic of Biesel different from the rest of the galaxy, beside their corporate ties. The most diverse starfaring nation ever seen has been forced, often at the hand of an invader, to reckon with the alien, the new, and the hostile, but now stands united against it all, for the most part. In this come new opportunities, both for the politically minded and the warlike; In the case of my character, both. The Tau Ceti Foreign Legion offers a prestigious route to recognition, if nothing else. There, a newly-free IPC such as Hauteur, a former NanoTrasen IPC themself, can learn the fundamental ideology of the Republic, the home that has survived everything the galaxy could throw at it yet. Working from the bottom as a paper-pusher and working ever-slowly up, the desperate call for defense against a hostile universe led them to finally seek career development within the Legion, building teamwork and leadership skills capable of holding them up as a newly-minted bureaucrat and, now, icon of the Republic's government for those that once would be coworkers. They, too, deserve these opportunities; And after all the Aurora has handled, especially, it makes sense to further develop the bonds of NT and Biesel in these trying times.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?

I plan on playing the Representative role, although I may branch into the Research Director or Head of Security should I ever finalize a workable character for either of those. The Head of Security, especially, is something I've always been terrified to try, but could be interesting to try out one day.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.: I've created a new character, Hauteur, a Republic of Biesel representative. After a lifetime of labor, first to NanoTrasen, then the Foreign Legion, and now the Republic itself, they have worked their way up to represent Tau Ceti's interests aboard the Aurora.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I would give myself a solid 7.5/10. I could be better, but I've been doing it a while and I feel confident enough in my abilities so far.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

I do.

Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

I have, even for the roles I don't want to play. I am fully prepared to adopt and adapt them as is necessary following rule changes, new lore, or other requirements.

Extra notes:

I'll be active mostly in the evenings this week, as my school schedule irons itself out, but it shouldn't dreadfully impact my playtime. Otherwise, hey, thanks for stopping by.


I like Duke Priceright, fun merchant, even if my interactions with him are limited, and consist of me not being able to buy the jukebox off of him because I am poor.

Mars is alright, from my even more limited interactions.

Point is, positive interactions. +1, especially because of Duke


Waff is a good boy. It's always fun to hang with him as Mars the Moron in Robotics, or see what Duke Priceright is up to next. I would trust him with any whitelist.

I'd love to see where he could take his character concept. +1


Duke Priceright is a lively yet believable character who left a lasting impression even though I've only seen him a scant few times. Same with Mars. I had no idea they were played by the same person, even- but it makes sense, since they're both so great! +1, even though we might be competing for the Liaison slot if we both get approved...


Well thought out answers, good feedback, minor issues with staff during their time which are so minor they don't really matter right now and an active presence on the server which I've personally also enjoyed.

Trial approved from 06/02 to 12/02.


I've been meaning to post here, thankfully recent shilling reminded me to. I have mainly interacted with Patel and Priceright outside of the trial and they are fun, enjoyable characters to roleplay with. As for the new rep, Hauteur has been interesting to watch. Involving people as a consular and handing out their surveys. They really do make the station feel alive.

+1, may have more thoughts to add later.


As expected, Waff-AI's performance as head of security has been great. Their head of security is good at communicating and in general, being on top of the station situations and the department as a whole, while providing ample interaction with the other heads and rest of the crew. Knew I had a good feeling about you, my guy. Here's my second +1, having now seen him in action.


Took perhaps one of the most intense situations on a canon round and handled it extremely well. A very solid +1. A positive command player from every interaction I've had with them so far.


Something of a shaky start (sorry!), but doing a lot better now. Echoing Bear's thoughts from above on the round in question. If they can manage that, they can handle anything. Even if IPC man stinky.



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