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Your SS13 confessions


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The only time I ever played a doctor I was a vampire, and I spent the whole round sucking on the shrink in his office...


Ayyyy! I remember that! I was my really passive doctor character and I forget how but I felt really bad for you before you did it the first time...after that, I was too scared to tell you no because you drained half my blood in a few seconds.

._. Your lady scared my doctor bad, and is the reason he started bringing protection with him to his sessions.


This whole thing sounds like a narrative from a rape incident.

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Take these for what you will. Some random facts and feelings more about management of an SS13 community, as opposed to just gameplay.


Contrary to popular belief, there are only two people who can claim that I "hate" them. Neither is active anymore, mind you.

I tend to think myself wiser in a lot of situations, and as a result, tend to push solutions until it is made clear to me that I'm in the wrong. Depending on who you are, and how you go about doing this, we may clash swords. But I look at that as completely natural, and usually retain no ill will afterwards.

I have a subconscious fear of saying something which can be perceived as "politically incorrect". Not in the classical sense, mind you. But rather, that I say something which will be very quickly turned against me, due to my position. This is why I prefer instant or private communication, so I can very quickly explain just exactly what I mean with my words. If I need to post something like that in public, you will note my posts containing a lot of clauses that try to explain and shut down the most obvious rebuttals, turning my posts into rather lengthy things. This is also why I don't speak my mind on the forums very often, and am easier to communicate with over TS or Skype (or even the BYOND pager).

I really hate my past code work. It's bloody awful ;-;

I also really hate populistic moves. I would rather be straight forward and blunt, instead of having to sugarcoat and remain polite when I have no reason to be so, beyond public opinion. This is one of the reasons why most applications have moved away from direct community votes: because populism led to incompatible and sometimes downright malicious people being in positions of power. Side-note: populism is not the same as popularity. I don't have issues with the latter.

I feel quite sorry about my lack of time spent ingame recently. Mostly due to the individuals who have my characters as a part of a storyline to theirs, and I'm eternally grateful for those who are willing to bare through it, as long as it doesn't cause issues to them.

There are many mistakes that I have done. Oversights that have resulted in the unacceptable loss of key figures, moves made or not taken that have caused issues in the long term. I'll probably remain a little bit nostalgic with respects to certain members who have walked away from here, and do miss their presence.

And to end on a lighter note, I am very pleasantly surprised to see Aurora this strong. Stronger than it ever has been. And even if the words, "Thank you," are very hard to squeeze out of me, I am grateful for everyone who's done their bit, big or small.

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Jamison Stamos was created by me Only for the Purpose of ERPing as much as possible. That was when ERP was still allowed. Now, He's my main char and is developing good.


I literally admire skull


I used to be bothered about Jamison failing to get certain Girlfriends back then, like, I /really/ wanted him to get em and it really made me angry/sad when he failed and when I saw others hugging or kissing them.


I too am a huge powergamer. If I know people are an antag OOCly I always got my mouse hovering over a weapon or over them incase they pull something out of their pocket


I used to be Obsessed about Stamos getting together with Luna Fountain. Like, Totally.


It makes me feel bad inside when I see people hurt ICly due to my acts. I once even cried when Jamison tried to get Alisa to come back to him. It was so damn romantical and sad at the same time.


I suck at ling


I only usually join the round when I see people to RP with on the manifest.

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Take these for what you will. Some random facts and feelings more about management of an SS13 community, as opposed to just gameplay.

Contrary to popular belief, there are only two people who can claim that I "hate" them. Neither is active anymore, mind you.


Tbh I always thought you hated me a lot so I guess its relieving to know you dont :P

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My favorite round type was Nuke, as it was the only time I ever got to play Stein, now its Secret or extended because I enjoy the calm


I absolutely hate when people bad mouth security, yet I never seen them play security. If you at least gave Security a try for more then one shift, then its fine. I mean, Security is no shining example, but you get told to fuck a loved one's dead body after being set on fire and see if you would act any different.


Most of my characters are pulled from older Roleplay servers as I love them to much to give them up, just ask anyone I use to roleplay with how often I re-use characters. William the Psych was a drug dealing kingpin when he was first created, Winston was a mage who was /much/ nicer then he currently is though he was just as easy to anger. Stein was a soldier, who was not Winston, but instead was my ERT Trooper Lawrence Phillips and was partner with Sabre, who is Jenna's ERT trooper Lise Avenburg.


If you can't tell, I love being the bad guy in a situation. Anything I can do to make myself the bad guy in small or big ways I usually take unless it breaks character. It actually has become so well known, that Winston now has a reputation for being a less then trustworthy sec officer


Despite my jokes about being shitcurity, I actually rarely physically beat people as a sec officer. I am just too unrobust to do it before the arrest and I usually am watched when talking to other prisoners, I think in total I have only done it three times...Once to Xander, Once to a griefer, and once to Stamos.


I rather Roleplay a fight out then let my shit skills at mechanics decide.


I have a soft spot for certain characters, even if I don't role play with them very often I do keep track of how they are doing occasionally as I am just as interested in their progression as my own characters.

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Guest Menown

I change characters a lot for reasons I'm not entirely sure of. It's probably a short-attention span, but I'm not certain.

I have all of the species whitelisted, but really only play one of them.

Trelin is currently my oldest, still played character.

I have an amazingly awkward time RPing in-game anymore. It's hard for me to interact with people, even ICly for some reason. This is something I'm trying to change.

EDIT: I also appear to go against the curve. Fuck your spoiler tags.

Edited by Menown
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I play this game too much. I play it more than any other game since I first downloaded BYOND, and that's probably because it takes a couple hours to actually have a fun round, and then a little bit more for the fun to kick off.


I despise antagonists mainly because I'm tired of them. I've been decapitated, shot, torn limb from limb, burned, forcefed my own appendix, spaced, and mentally destroyed enough that it's not even exciting anymore. If anything, it's frustrating because I can't do what I wanted to do previously; I HAVE to react to this antag in a certain way or else I am dubbed "Poor roleplayer" even though I've done the same thing a thousand times. I could go after them and get labled "rambo" or I could huddle in a corner with my characters' friends and whisper "It's g-gonna be okay..." until we try to figure out what else to say to coax us. It's repetitive, boring, and prevents me from doing what I actually want to do in a round. I understand that in this game, not everything is in your control, but it's always the same goddamn thing for me and my characters.


I'll be the first to yell "shitcurity", but I'll be polite about it. The veteran sec player in me cringes when he sees certain excuses of redshirts...


When I started getting in the community, I loved it so much I became a mod to help it out. That love has long since dissipated. Sorry guys, I don't hate you, but I don't like you either.


I have about 18 characters with their own unique backstory and personalities on this server alone (Every server I visit, I make more characters and rarely ever port them over). However, I despise all but about 4 or 5 of them. Most of them have been killed off. Some I didn't kill off because people loved them too much (i.e., Jenifer Clewett), but will never be seen on station again.


I really think the RP and community would be much better if people stopped using self-inserts so much, if at all.


I usually have my characters secluded to their jobs or with their friends during the shift mainly because I don't want to put up with everyone else's shit.

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While I have the utmost respect for developers admins and mods, I think many things on the server might have been well intended but were significant changes for the worse. Such as the ban on ERP, the removal of Antag objectives, the addition of the one-click food machines, and a bunch more.

Every round I have to spend in Virology quarantine I get closer and closer to snapping.

I identify with my character so much that usually when he gets angry, I get angry. As a result, I OOCly hate a lot of characters, even though they are just well-played annoying people.

On occasion, while getting hungry in real life, my first instinct was to eat food ICly. I'm worried I might be playing too much.

I have, in the past, altered my sleeping scheduele to be awake at night and sleep during the day, simply because that's when the characters I usually interact with are on.

My character is completely self-insertion, partially because I don't know how well I can play anything that isn't based on my own set of beliefs and values.

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I have no idea what I'm doing. I've never arr-pee'd before, and I'm making it up as I go

As tator I pretty much always spend half the round working up the courage to put on the firesuit, pull out that welder and break into dat objective. Then I come up with something else to do and end up rushing into something dumb because ogod two hours and I haven't done anything yet.

Mice are fun.

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I used to be Obsessed about Stamos getting together with Luna Fountain. Like, Totally.

That's flattering to me on a pathetically high level. You should uh... totally still be obsessed with that. c:

On occasion, while getting hungry in real life, my first instinct was to eat food ICly. I'm worried I might be playing too much.

Oh god me too.


I wanna give Crescentise a hug.

You are really sweet and kind. Thank you.


I really want to have Conspire in a certain Skype group.

I've always wanted to ERP but have never done so as the situation has never arisen, and any cues for such have gone over my head due to a subconscious fear of being judged for it.

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Vittorio started out as a self insert, but has slowly gone over my acceptance for uses of Violence, harsh language, and general malicious attitude as time progressed

I'll admit I remain somewhat bigotted against Newplayers (I have no fucking idea why, but it's there) I do try and alleviate this IF they actually try.

I used to associate ERP with good writing

Vittorio originally never talked to anyone, Nor caused problems, simply was just there

I only use names from Fringe cultures that I hold positive views on, for example Lodewikus is an Afrikaaner, Had a Greek char, had an Aramean, Jean-Marie is a Pied-Noir Frenchie, MacDonald is a Scots Scot

I legitimately die every time i'm a Nuke op, Even when I defected to the station once *Cough 1138 in Science Cough*

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Playing asshole characters is a guilty pleasure.


I would love to make a sociopathic character, but I'm not sure how far I can push the envelope of crazy before I'm actually breaking the rules.

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Like Lady of Ravens, I play this game mostly in a bathrobe. A super comfy fluffy bathrobe that was once my friend's. Once. I didn't even steal it.


I have a deep respect for Skull as a person that stems from the arguments and disagreements we've had in the past. I like him. Our principles and ideology are very similar to one another.


I find it difficult to integrate space pagan into Tina's character since I started playing again from my short break. It's unfortunate because I really loved her "highschool wiccan" type paganism.


Despite being almost nothing like Tina, I feel like people think she's a self-insert of me.


It's awkward to roleplay with people I know personally. As such I don't try to get to know people, and I try to keep people from knowing me. It works because not many people try to get to know me but at the same time lowers my self esteem just a tiny bit.

It's also why I find it difficult to roleplay with Rechkalov now. Sorry, Rech. I loved what roleplay we did too.


I like nuke for the action and gunplay. When I go into nuke, I want fast-paced combat and gunplay. I want hostages, I want there to be firefights. I want panicking civilians not knowing what's going on and accidently running in the line of fire between security/ERT and nukes in the main hall or the bar or wherever the fight is. I fantasize about it being like a battlefield on the station with civilians trying to make sense of everything, doctors trying to save people in the crossfire. I know it'll never happen.

I find it mindboggling that people think just because people aren't emoting for every action in combat it's ganking.


In my mind, IPC's can not be sentient. I refuse to humor that thought.

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I think that I play one type of character, and I'm afraid people will notice, which is why I will only play one character for an extended period of time.


I like Jamini's character Nasir Khayyam as both Paul Fauteux and myself, ICly and OOCly, because he seems to have his life so together and he seems to be the sort of guy I'd hang out with in the IRL.


Both of my more recent characters, Paul Fauteux and Casper Jakes are not exactly subtle nods to a radio Drama that used to play here in the Great White North (You get to do some simple detective work if you care enough).


I keep OOC muted if there's more than twenty-five people in a round, usually.


When deciding to join a round in progress, I base my choice entirely on who's online in the department I'll be playing.


I really like Jade Rathal (Spelling of last name?), and every time she says something mean I find it incredibly amusing, especially when it creates conflict.

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This is the first high leadership post that I've held. Prior to this, I've led anything from small teams to large classes. However. The difference is that I've always had a paper infront of me which, at the very least, details an end goal. Right now, I'm the person responsible for making that paper. Which is a really odd thing to actually figure out.

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