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BYOND Key: Yesno Dood

Player Byond Key: Lord Fowl

Reason for complaint: Constant voting for a round end, being an asshole in general.

Approximate Date/Time: 16-03-2015 6:30 GMT+1

Lord Fowl is pretty much being a big jerk to people on the server. The first thing is how he constantly keeps running votes for a round end, and he does that every damn thirty minutes or less to the point administrators do not even stop him. When asked why is he so obnixious, he claims it is his duty to keep calling the votes, and that he should in fact do it more frequently.

Second thing is how Lord Fowl is being a jerk to some players on the server. Yesterday he simply could not drop his shit with Bokaza after the latter has made some grammatical mistakes during one event. Bokaza is not a native English speaker, and so I understand why he might make a grammatical mistake or two, but when Lord Fowl was asked to stop, he kept pointing that out in a very assholish way that could only mean he had malicious intent towards him.

Please make him stop being stupid, people are tired of his shit.

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Regarding round end votes: Shouldn't those be reserved for when a player truly feels that they want to end the round? I don't object to transfer votes, but if someone isn't tired/bored of the round... they really shouldn't be making a vote. AT least in my opinion.

And if this person /is/ routinely bored of the round at exactly two hours in, perhaps they need to evaluate their own play a little bit?

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

I have to agree here. Lord Fowl was extremely rude in the OOC, and it seems to be becoming a consistent issue. He's done extremely little to provide a welcoming experience for players or... Anyone, really. He was rude to Baka, and then pointed out my own minor spelling errors that I made during the course of the round and just wouldn't drop it.

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Well, thanks guys, but I really don't need anyone standing for me. I was annoyed and had a vitriolic attitude at that point, so I was the offending party as well that round.

I approached his character as a Faithless that round and attempted to manipulate multiple crew into causing more chaos. The fact was, I was engaged in a conversation with multiple crew members at once, so I was trying to type fast, resulting in multiple spelling mistakes. Regardless of what I said, my attempts to engage into actual discussion with his character failed, as he was more concentrated on IC-ly pointing out my spelling mistakes. When the round was over, he said he liked the round up until the point where I attempted to engage RP with him, because my spelling mistakes were breaking his immersion. This is how the OOC 'discussion' started.

Honestly, I went fucking apeshit at that. Why? Because I was over-immersed into the character to the point I took insulting it as a personal insult. I took a very agressive stance towards the player because I was butthurt, but my hurt feelings weren't a valid reason to start attacking/insulting the player over OOC. If my spelling mistakes were really breaking his immersion, it is his opinion and he shouldn't be attacked for it by anyone.

However, I'm pretty sure whatever he said afterwards boiled down to trolling.

Either way, I apologise to the community for that incident. I take this goddamn game way to seriously.

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Will notify Fowl and await his response before proceeding. In the meantime, discussion is more than encouraged.

PS: "Being an asshole" isn't an appropriate title for a complaint. Please refrain from this kind of thing in the future. It would be ideal if you'd try your best to remain polite, even if you feel as if the individual you are filing a complaint against did not or will not return the courtesy.

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Will notify Fowl and await his response before proceeding. In the meantime, discussion is more than encouraged.

PS: "Being an asshole" isn't an appropriate title for a complaint. Please refrain from this kind of thing in the future. It would be ideal if you'd try your best to remain polite, even if you feel as if the individual you are filing a complaint against did not or will not return the courtesy.

I am sorry about that. Back then when it was late, I thought of no other way to name his acting than to call him an asshole, because that is what he was. It was late back there and I was already tired, so I guess I just lacked some tact when it came to spelling stuff.

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The minimum time between votes is 30 minutes. Calling a crew transfer vote every 30 minutes is perfectly fine and within the bounds of the rules.

If people want to leave, it will go through. If they don't, it won't. It's not a big deal.

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The vote discussion is to me ultimately an auxiliary complaint to a much larger and admittedly disturbing point; the point being that I am an asshole, or at least considered one.

But to answer this question, we must first dissect what exactly an asshole is? Currently, it is being used as a catch-all term to define a character (That is an OoC persona) that incites discomfort or change from a positive aura to a neutral or more often negative aura frequently. This is a very vague definition, and is not the true definition of an asshole, which in truth would describe me more as a fool than a jerk, however that is neither here nor there, and this brief segue into semantics is only signifying of the 'true' underlying behaviour of my current OoC persona, which Skull described accurately at one point as 'escalatory'. And it is highly escalatory.

My behaviour is magnifying; I purposefully make mountains out of molehills, and fabricate realities to explain insignificancies. I voted twice in a row, and was questioned on it, and in answering the mere coincidence spewed out a long series of tirades about the sovereign duty of a special few who take on the mantle of voting; all remniscient of nationalistic behaviour and in my mind farcical.

In concerns of the spelling incident of yesterday, it is again an example of my escalatory behaviour. In complimenting the round, which I genuinely thought was very enjoyable on all accounts, including and perhaps focusing on the Faithless' performance, I could not help but spot a molehill and make a mountain of it, again in a farcical, ridiculous manner. I would call it trolling, except I gain no enjoyment from rage; but rather desire only that people 'get' the in-joke of my purposefully deprecating and self-deprecating. More on this later. I would like to take this time to apologize to Bokaza, and to thank her for effectively bringing the primary issue with this pattern of my behaviour to my attention.

If it were to end at that; mere idiosyncratic behaviour that sometimes rustles a few jimmies, I would be less than content, but not repulsed by my own behaviour. However, it is two observations that make me realize that this behaviour is more than deprecating, it is destructive.

Firstly, which Bokaza has also brought to attention. This behaviour slips into IC, a terrible crime. Me, who so contemptuously glares at those who slip into LOOC, and even worse those who utilize paranthetical OOC over radio! Me, to allow OoC slip into IC. It has happened not purposefully, but most deceptively, to myself at least. The notion of 'high-rp' has always struck me as merely a synonym for elitism, a thing that I have had dreadful experience with, and fear in an almost religious manner. And while providing a backstory to my behaviour is ultimately inconsequential in the long run, I will say that it is the presence of elitism in roleplaying communities that has created this behavior. I cannot help but indiscriminately 'bring other players down a notch', as the phrase goes, including myself on many occasions, lest they become elitist. I admit that it is a flawed modus operandi, intentions be damned. Thus, this disdain for the notion of 'high-rp' itself is ultimately the reason that my OoC persona, deeply rooted against elitism, slips sometimes, perhaps often, into my IC personas. Bokaza, it was not you who broke my immersion, rather it was I who broke my immersion.

Secondly, this behaviour clearly hurts people's feelings. After so long, so many months of roleplaying not just on this server, it becomes more and more obvious that it is only I who get the joke, only I who understands that my behaviour is farcical. Let it be said that I would not make a good comedian, because the whole point of my act is perpetuity, and there is no punchline.

Previously, I stated that I was thankful that Bokaza brought this to my attention in a clear and compelling manner. If it were not for Bokaza, I would not have the initiative to respond to this complaint without being prompted to by the admins, because to be quite honest your primary complaint, Yesno, which is the vote-calling, is auxiliary to the truer problem. However, I cannot honestly say that it was Bokaza that made me aware of this behavior; in truth I have probably been aware of it for much longer than I've been on this server. I have grown old enough to become self-aware, I like to think, yet self-awareness amounts to nothing when there is no initiative to modify the objects you observe. Thus, I insist that my ultimate charge not be one of my 'asshole' behaviour, for this is merely the exoskeleton of my OoC persona, merely a layer peeled off of myself for the purpose of the internet. No, I think my ultimate crime is that I lack initiative, drive, and motivation to accomplish anything worth accomplishing, such as making a behaviour that is not caustic, even if that toxicity is not genuine in my eyes, but rather making a behavior that is genial and forthcoming.

It is then, only naturally after serving as my own prosecutor, that I should declare myself guilty of the charges applied.

For further citation that this behaviour has in truth been present throughout my existence as a roleplayer:

My first(?) post on this forum, one that in my opinion summarizes my behaviour quite well; I start with a ridiculous in-joke, and defend this in-joke as if it were actual, taking seven whole pages of escalatory behavior to slowly peel away each layer of my farce, revealing the nature of it.


I was going to bring up links from other roleplaying sites that further display this behaviour, but that would exceed the scope of this server, something that has been pressed against in player complaints. I unfortunately do not have in-game screenshots of this behaviour, in particular the one where Skull labelled my behavior aptly as escalatory, mainly because I don't document my games.

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-snip- I would like to take this time to apologize to Bokaza, and to thank her for effectively bringing the primary issue with this pattern of my behaviour to my attention. -snip-


I hope that's not another in-joke, because I'm a guy. :cry: Maybe I should stop acting like a pussy then.

Either way, you're saying we just didn't get the joke? Most of us get it. I get it, but honestly, I just lack a sense of humour.

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I have no idea what to say about your reply, Lord Fowl. In game you have stated that you are not trying to impress people, but here you do something completely opposite. I spit at your smart-ass choice of words, for they do not mean anything. You are just proving how much of a toxic snob you are. Are you trying to act superior towards us right now? Is that supposed to be... A secret 'fuck you' to Bokaza, by using some less-used words found in your English dictionary?

Seriously, that is pathetic. Your whole post is a huge god damn TL;DR, and you still seem to try and assault Bokaza by throwing 'funny' little assumptions. Waw, so now a name ending with an 'A' makes them a female now? Oh boy, I should hide then!

"My behaviour is magnifying; I purposefully make mountains out of molehills, and fabricate realities to explain insignificancies." - What is that even supposed to mean? Couldn't you just word it like this: "My behaviour is bad and it attracts drama."? What made you think that this wording will help you out in any way? I am sorry for such aggressive writing, but there is no other way I can respond to something like this.

TL;DR: Your post is unnecessarily huge and ridden with stupidly used less-than-averagely known wordings. You have proven that you keep acting like a snob, and I doubt you feel sorry about your shitty behaviour. That is all I have to say.

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honestly I agree with most of whats said here, and I'll throw in my two cents. whenever I'm in a conversation trying to come to a real conclusion lord fowl just starts trolling and completely derails the conversation. this happens every time he gets involved and is one of the reasons I don't make any form posts anymore. he also heavily meta games against me. everyone of his characters hates mine (even though my character has never even met his) and will mistreat my character and make comments about my character that his should have know knowledge of.

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I have no idea what to say about your reply, Lord Fowl. In game you have stated that you are not trying to impress people, but here you do something completely opposite. I spit at your smart-ass choice of words, for they do not mean anything. You are just proving how much of a toxic snob you are. Are you trying to act superior towards us right now? Is that supposed to be... A secret 'fuck you' to Bokaza, by using some less-used words found in your English dictionary?

Seriously, that is pathetic. Your whole post is a huge god damn TL;DR, and you still seem to try and assault Bokaza by throwing 'funny' little assumptions. Waw, so now a name ending with an 'A' makes them a female now? Oh boy, I should hide then!

"My behaviour is magnifying; I purposefully make mountains out of molehills, and fabricate realities to explain insignificancies." - What is that even supposed to mean? Couldn't you just word it like this: "My behaviour is bad and it attracts drama."? What made you think that this wording will help you out in any way? I am sorry for such aggressive writing, but there is no other way I can respond to something like this.

TL;DR: Your post is unnecessarily huge and ridden with stupidly used less-than-averagely known wordings. You have proven that you keep acting like a snob, and I doubt you feel sorry about your shitty behaviour. That is all I have to say.

YES this was great XD. He doesn't even know how to do a secret fuck you correctly. which is why I pretty much stopped any conversation with him.
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Personal opinion, and not staff's say (on these forums, that goes to Doomberg or Jenna until needed otherwise), is you should probably try and keep yourself in check, Lord Fowl. In blunt terms, anyways. ICly, yeah, do whatever with this issue until you start breaking the self-antagging rule. Having a character with abrasive behaviour who tends to blow things out of proportion is fine and good, up until that point noted earlier.

OOCly? No. No matter how you put it. No matter how you explain it, think about it, etcetera, if you keep springing conflicts out of non-issues and keep harping on people for the sake of harping on people, you will find yourself lacking backup here. Because, frankly, no one enjoys playing 2D spessmans when they have someone raving on about their grammatical mistakes past the point of reason. No one enjoys playing 2D spessmans when someone kicks up dirt and makes a storm out of it. They just want to play 2D spessmans without the associated OOC bullshit, and if you keep doing that, why should they come back?

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Systematically responding to each one of your new points with perfect succinctness, since that is the trait you so clearly desire, Yesno:

I referred to Bokaza as a girl because he typically plays Elena Rashnikova, a female character. I find it disrespectful to refer to people as 'they' are 'it', moreso than to mistakenly misgender them once.

Also, please don't spit. You can spread diseases that way.

As to you, Furry, I don't know to do a 'secret fuck you', because if I feel genuine anger or wrath towards somebody I'm not going to veil it if I choose to express it. I will derail ridiculous arguments such as 'space is cold vs space is not cold', for numerous reasons, primary among them being that they're ridiculous arguments. And the only character that I can even recall having any interaction with you beyond a 'Hello' in the halls is Maximus Crane, who you've bodily thrown from his wheelchair on numerous occasions, and thus has plenty of IC reason not to like your character.

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Systematically responding to each one of your new points with perfect succinctness, since that is the trait you so clearly desire, Yesno:

I referred to Bokaza as a girl because he typically plays Elena Rashnikova, a female character. I find it disrespectful to refer to people as 'they' are 'it', moreso than to mistakenly misgender them once.

Also, please don't spit. You can spread diseases that way.

As to you, Furry, I don't know to do a 'secret fuck you', because if I feel genuine anger or wrath towards somebody I'm not going to veil it if I choose to express it. I will derail ridiculous arguments such as 'space is cold vs space is not cold', for numerous reasons, primary among them being that they're ridiculous arguments. And the only character that I can even recall having any interaction with you beyond a 'Hello' in the halls is Maximus Crane, who you've bodily thrown from his wheelchair on numerous occasions, and thus has plenty of IC reason not to like your character.

Dooohohohoo! Oh, you are so witty here! I really wish that you will be removed from this server once and for all, because frankly I do not wish to swim through this septic tank of bullshit you spill out of your mouth, friend. Please, just put down your dictionary, or better yet; slam it against your god damn forehead. Maybe it will reset your brain and help you get rid of this OBVIOUS trollish behaviour.

Now I know that Skull132 has a lot of patience and he is a VERY understanding person, and merciful too, but I have no idea how can he simply allow you to stay here. If it depended on me, I would outright throw you out with no ability to appeal your ban.

Think about it Lord Fowl. I have a toxic side too, I can get trollish, but I can safely say that I was not as awful as you are right now. Take a little break and sit alone in your room, and then make a sum of your achievements. Try to find any positive ones that increase your popularity within the community. That is right, you will find none.

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As to you, Furry, I don't know to do a 'secret fuck you', because if I feel genuine anger or wrath towards somebody I'm not going to veil it if I choose to express it.

Lord, Is that your way of telling me your meta game was just you being a bad player rather than a meta grudger or are you just a lyer? Though there is not much of a difference. Let me remind you, the first time I met your dioa character the first thing’s that came out of your mouth was “you are a telescientist what are you doing in xeno biology”, mine was “oh hi my name is travis nice to meet you”. This was not an isolated incident with you.

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I don't recall that particular incident, Furry, but I will admit I do have a grudge against anybody that is in one occupation and actively meddles in another occupation. That is not isolated to you. Yet another bad habit that leaks into IC, I suppose. I apologize for that particular set of behaviour against you, and I will admit that I do have a bit of a predilection against you because of your xenobiologist to telescientist tech switch strategy.

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I don't recall that particular incident, Furry, but I will admit I do have a grudge against anybody that is in one occupation and actively meddles in another occupation. That is not isolated to you. Yet another bad habit that leaks into IC, I suppose. I apologize for that particular set of behaviour against you, and I will admit that I do have a bit of a predilection against you because of your xenobiologist to telescientist tech switch strategy.

So you it is that you are being a bad player? Having two occupations is something that is listed in the rules/wiki as something that people can do and in fact a lot of characters do it. holding a grudge against that something that is clearly stated in the rules clearly makes that a bad player grudge.

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Systematically responding to each one of your new points with perfect succinctness, since that is the trait you so clearly desire, Yesno:

I referred to Bokaza as a girl because he typically plays Elena Rashnikova, a female character. I find it disrespectful to refer to people as 'they' are 'it', moreso than to mistakenly misgender them once.

Also, please don't spit. You can spread diseases that way.

As to you, Furry, I don't know to do a 'secret fuck you', because if I feel genuine anger or wrath towards somebody I'm not going to veil it if I choose to express it. I will derail ridiculous arguments such as 'space is cold vs space is not cold', for numerous reasons, primary among them being that they're ridiculous arguments. And the only character that I can even recall having any interaction with you beyond a 'Hello' in the halls is Maximus Crane, who you've bodily thrown from his wheelchair on numerous occasions, and thus has plenty of IC reason not to like your character.

Dooohohohoo! Oh, you are so witty here! I really wish that you will be removed from this server once and for all, because frankly I do not wish to swim through this septic tank of bullshit you spill out of your mouth, friend. Please, just put down your dictionary, or better yet; slam it against your god damn forehead. Maybe it will reset your brain and help you get rid of this OBVIOUS trollish behaviour.

Now I know that Skull132 has a lot of patience and he is a VERY understanding person, and merciful too, but I have no idea how can he simply allow you to stay here. If it depended on me, I would outright throw you out with no ability to appeal your ban.

Think about it Lord Fowl. I have a toxic side too, I can get trollish, but I can safely say that I was not as awful as you are right now. Take a little break and sit alone in your room, and then make a sum of your achievements. Try to find any positive ones that increase your popularity within the community. That is right, you will find none.


Wow. I mean...I am not Fowl's biggest fan when it comes to this topic, that I will admit. Sure, he is talking, but if you have read any of his old forum post he does it this way, and sure he might be trying to be a jerk in some of those post as he is arguing for stupid shit like "A vibrating blue squirrel" or something, and sure I have my fair share of "Debates" with him. But I know that, he isn't personally attacking anyone here.

You on the other hand, have so much toxic coming from you that its like Chernobyl and have caused me to do a complete 180 and take Fowl's side because of your attitude. You either need to cool it and act like a adult or find another way to word this, because...just wow.

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Systematically responding to each one of your new points with perfect succinctness, since that is the trait you so clearly desire, Yesno:

I referred to Bokaza as a girl because he typically plays Elena Rashnikova, a female character. I find it disrespectful to refer to people as 'they' are 'it', moreso than to mistakenly misgender them once.

Also, please don't spit. You can spread diseases that way.

As to you, Furry, I don't know to do a 'secret fuck you', because if I feel genuine anger or wrath towards somebody I'm not going to veil it if I choose to express it. I will derail ridiculous arguments such as 'space is cold vs space is not cold', for numerous reasons, primary among them being that they're ridiculous arguments. And the only character that I can even recall having any interaction with you beyond a 'Hello' in the halls is Maximus Crane, who you've bodily thrown from his wheelchair on numerous occasions, and thus has plenty of IC reason not to like your character.

Dooohohohoo! Oh, you are so witty here! I really wish that you will be removed from this server once and for all, because frankly I do not wish to swim through this septic tank of bullshit you spill out of your mouth, friend. Please, just put down your dictionary, or better yet; slam it against your god damn forehead. Maybe it will reset your brain and help you get rid of this OBVIOUS trollish behaviour.

Now I know that Skull132 has a lot of patience and he is a VERY understanding person, and merciful too, but I have no idea how can he simply allow you to stay here. If it depended on me, I would outright throw you out with no ability to appeal your ban.

Think about it Lord Fowl. I have a toxic side too, I can get trollish, but I can safely say that I was not as awful as you are right now. Take a little break and sit alone in your room, and then make a sum of your achievements. Try to find any positive ones that increase your popularity within the community. That is right, you will find none.


Wow. I mean...I am not Fowl's biggest fan when it comes to this topic, that I will admit. Sure, he is talking, but if you have read any of his old forum post he does it this way, and sure he might be trying to be a jerk in some of those post as he is arguing for stupid shit like "A vibrating blue squirrel" or something, and sure I have my fair share of "Debates" with him. But I know that, he isn't personally attacking anyone here.

You on the other hand, have so much toxic coming from you that its like Chernobyl and have caused me to do a complete 180 and take Fowl's side because of your attitude. You either need to cool it and act like a adult or find another way to word this, because...just wow.

I sympathize with dood on this one. I’ve had to many exhausting conversations and debates with him and every one of them he starts trolling and detailing the conversation and typing in the most condescending way possible when he starts losing. I would put up with it for a while but I got to the point that I hold no respect or sympathy for someone that does that every time they start losing an argument. Especially considering I was actively trying to improve different situations and by derailing he completely stopped any progress that was being made.

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