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Blue Security.

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Let me be the one to point out the Elephant in the room. Are you going to change security channel color in the chat? That would be counter productive, because red is much more noticible than any other color and as it should be. If you take blue, what color does command take? Red? You'll also have to recolor the security hardsuits, Captain's stuff and HoP's Stuff to avoid confusion.

All in all, beside obvious spitting on tradition, you people are ignoring the scope of change that would need to be implamented to get this through. I'll say, however, that blue does look nice on security.

If you do decide to recolor, please give the HoS and security a slightly different shade of blue, because of the obvious confusion with the Captain.

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Don't have to change text color. Don't have to change Command's colors (the HoS airlock is in that screen and is completely noticeable as not the same shade of blue), and no need to change the HoP or Captan's blue because they're entirely different shades.


I was unaware that each department required its own unique color.

Cargo and Engineering both use yellow liberally and they're getting along just fine.

I was unaware that each department required its own unique color.

Cargo and Engineering both use yellow liberally and they're getting along just fine.


Engineering is more orange than yellow


Just a thought, shouldn't blue+Gold stay command and we give security like a silver or black?

Edit: I mean give security a blue+silver or blue+grey or blue+black and keep blue+gold for command?


Could we change the lawbooks to say "Regulations" instead of 'Law'? Considering we dont use Space Law, it doesnt make much sense. Just 'Regs' would work aswell, if the whole word doesnt fit.


I would suggest the Crime Lab have gold tiles instead of blue ones.

This is pretty good, though.


I really like the blue uniforms and I prefer the blue tiles to the blue and yellow. Or perhaps put gold tiles more spread from each other, or put them in decorative places rather than alternate statically.

Warden jacket should stay red tho.


Blue and yellow in tile form does not work together visually. I'd say stick to blue, to ease an enormous amount of stress on the eyes.


Yeah, just blue looks way better than blue and yellow. I don't know if that blue suit with a tie that looks like a police uniform will be the new uniform but it looks pretty damn cool.


The blue and yellow makes us look like we're in the Kingdom of Sweden.

Not that this is a bad thing, but, we're not.

Also, damn I want this in my life.


My only problem with this (One skull shares) is that the uniforms look distinctly metrocop.

For one. It's 400 years in the future, I don't think security would look exactly the same as Chicago metro, and two, they're not cops, they're private security.






I mean, I guess the hats make them look like cops but who really cares if they do. The HoS literally has a cop hat, and the warden. Officers don't get them and won't.


Even if they look like cops, cops are cool, man. Policing forces are the saviours this station need, but not what we deserve.


From a totally personal stand-point, I feel like blue uniforms makes the officers seem more approachable somehow. Red just feels so, I dunno, aggressive, I guess. Maybe it'll help with the negative stereotype about harmbatoning officers if they're dressed in a more neutral/calm colour. I dunno, I'm not a colour scientist, dammit.

Looking back on what I wrote, it does make me think of the time my home-town police force gave officers baseball hats to "make them more approachable to the youth" or whatever. I dunno, I guess they're still just cops...

Tangent aside, I really dig the new colour scheme for security, though I agree with the whole "tone down the gold" idea.


Speaking of HoS and Warden.

What will their jumpsuit and vest look like, then?

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