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[Denied] [CCIA] SierraKomodo Application

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CCIA Staff Application

Basic Information
Byond key: SierraKomodo
Character names:
 - E.C.O.M.
 - Mimirkra Mi'dynh
 - Katana Silvers
Age: 29
Timezone: PST (GMT-0800)
What times are you most available?: Varying depending on work - I'm on call 24/7 and work from home, but generally from 10 AM to 12 AM PST.
How long have you played SS13?: Roughly since 2013
How long have you played on Aurora?: Roughly since 2013/2014
How active on the forums, discord and/or server are you?: I check the forums daily, and I'm active-ish on discord - Usually in the code and lore focused channels. On server, I've been on every day for a couple rounds for the past week, and will be far more active as the busy season for work slows down in the coming months.
Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?:
 - One ban from malf AI in 2016 for getting excessively salty after a bad malf round as AI.
Have you ever volunteered as moderation staff for any other servers, SS13 or otherwise?:
 - On Aurora, I was a part of CCIA, including back when they were called Duty Officers, and had also been a trial moderator before being asked to decide between mod and CCIA - I'd chosen CCIA (Remember Jonathan Rase and his bowling accidents? :P)
 - On Baystation12, I was a moderator back in 2017 before taking a break from SS13. I'm currently a developer/maintainer after returning this year, and a moderator as of around OCtober or November
Do you have any other experience that you believe would be relevant to a position in the CCIA?:
 - I was one of the original CCIA folk and you're probably still using some of the templates I wrote :P
Why do you want to join the CCIA?: I used to be part of CCIA and would like to slip back into the role now that I'm back on Aurora and have some more freetime again.
What do you think are the most important qualities for a CCIA Agent to possess?: The ability to separate IC from OOC, see all sides of an issue, take the time thoroughly look into a matter from an IC perspective, and bear in mind the OOC ramifications of everything a CCIA says or does while acting as a CCIA agent.
What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is in an ongoing round?: The primary role of CCIA is to drive the narrative of a given round and any on-going long term events, primarily through faxes and command reports, and by providing a real presence of central command outside of the automated reports that are regularly sent.
What do you think the purpose of a CCIA Agent is outside of the server?: To act as a source of information and guidance toward IC matters such as regulation, ruling, good practices etc. Also to serve as a IC administrative group to handle in-character oriented complaints, reports, etc, and to help guide decisions on future IC regulations and directives.
How do you handle stress?: A lot better than I used to - I take the time to calm myself down, refocus, and find alternative ways to tackle whatever it is that has me stressed out, even if the alternative is to pass it on to someone else and take a step back.
How well do you work autonomously?: Quite well. I'll have to learn what's changed since the time I've been away, but I feel I was quite capable at handling myself when I was CCIA in the past, and have been doing quite well on Baystation 12 as a devmod.

Additional Notes:
Here's links to my prior Aurora staff applications:
The original CCIA application appears to not exist on the forums anymore, or at least not in a place I can see it.

Link to my unban from the malf ban:

And links to my applications that were made on Baystation (I don't have one for my current moderator role because that was just given to me out of the blue when I ended up being on without other staff and needing to ping modmins on discord regularly):

Edited by The lancer
23 minutes ago, SierraKomodo said:

I'm currently a developer/maintainer after returning this year, and a moderator as of around OCtober or November

What mostly concerns me is that CCIA is a position where people burn out quickly and developer/maintainer positions require a big bit of effort and timesinking in irregular bursts, just like CCIA. You won't have trouble with splitting up your time between the two servers?


Fixed the formatting of the post.


4 minutes ago, MattAtlas said:

What mostly concerns me is that CCIA is a position where people burn out quickly and developer/maintainer positions require a big bit of effort and timesinking in irregular bursts, just like CCIA. You won't have trouble with splitting up your time between the two servers?


I don't see any issues with splitting my time - My maintainer work on BS12 is mostly on reviewing pull requests and occasionally debugging issues that come up on server, and I've gotten a good balance of when I'm on one server vs the other.


I have  to echo the concerns from Matt.

Being a moderator, maintainer and developer is a pretty big commitment already.
In addition you returned to Aurora less than 3 weeks ago.

Given that short timeframe I can not support the application at this time.


While Sierra certainly has more experience with me on Aurora, I do not feel at all comfortable with someone who has only recently come back to the server after a significant time away being a part of staff in any capacity. We ask that players have at least a few months under their belts when it comes to applying for something like moderator, etc. I don't see why we wouldn't ask the same for a player who has returned from a long absence.

I am additionally not very confident in Sierra's conduct, based off of what I've seen on Bay. I'm going to have to offer my ten cents as a -1, as a result.


I agree that you have just recently come back to Aurora, among other things like your other staff positions on other servers. Try sticking around for a few months more before reapplying.

Application denied for now.

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