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Myphicbowser's Unathi Deputy Application

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Posted (edited)

Ckey/BYOND Username: Myphicbowser
Position Being Applied For: Deputy Lore Developer
Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: I have.
Past Experiences/Knowledge: N/A
Examples of Past Work: N/A

Special Requirement: For this I've elected to go for the Lore Arc option. It isn't the best idea and could use refinement, but to it would be a three part, ideally, News article/Event Combination, or it would become Akin to a few News Articles and an Antag contest.

To start off, the entire event would kick off with a New's article popping up to discuss an attack on the Grim Compact's Malefaction, only reported because half way through the Doom-Sails and the Steel-Spirts started fighting each other before the Malefaction could bluespace drive away to an as of yet unknown location, and due to the relative peace of recent times it it assumed that this is the start of "Great Spat" between the Rulers of the Grim Compact and all merchants and border patrols should be on higher alert near Hegmony space.

The second segment, preferably after an event and/or Canon antag round that took place on another nearby location or what have you, would be detailing that the Station has resurfaced near the edge of Hegemony space and is undergoing repairs, and a few of the Compact's fleets are massively over extending and assaulting the Human Wildlands and possibly moving closer to Republic of Biesel, with smaller vessels maybe even starting to attack high value locations. (Ideally this is where the Antag Contest/More events would come in, with the Steel-Spirts and Doom-Sails attacking the station or other targets to generate notoriety and pull up Phoron supplies.)

The Final news piece would be the threat of further action by the Hegemony due to the Compact causing much more problems, forcing the Rulers of the Compact to simmer down and go back to their gross relationship stuff, their ships full of goods that have portions taken for Tribute to the Hegemony, which they return to the Republic of Biesel as reparations. The Malefaction would also return to Orbit back over Ha'zana and Overlord-Tributary Tizma would be revoked of his title (Given that the original idea didn't work with it) as punishment for allowing his people to do some of the damage they did.

The aftermath of the event would leave the Hegemony in a slightly worse light since they leave Pirates to do whatever, and the Grim Compact itself may be under greater inspection by other empires.

The main characters in this would, of course, be Dread-Lord Tizma and Dread-Lady Yizilna, who possibly could take quotes on each News piece to show their disdain, then anger, then love in each piece respectfully. A Lesser player would be Hegemon Not'zar, who would be making a comment at the end of this to admonish the Dread-Lord for his traditional ways of not believing a woman can achieve as much as a man (which causes most Great Spats) and rebuke the Dread-Lady for practically leading the charge into Republic territory.

Additional Comments: I really do want to help with this Server, and I believe I could help with Unathi, I know of them comfortably enough and I do love giant lizards, so it's like a natural feeling yah see?

Edited by Myphicbowser
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Posted (edited)

While I am not a lore dev, I have worked with you before. As CCIA I never had any problem with you and I was sad to see you go, but such things happen, life gets busy. What I find questionable is your attitude since you came back. You get heated very quickly, when it comes to discussions about alien species. Especially when the topic are Vaurca. It's fine to have a clear favourite (I think a lot of people do) but it's not fine to just assume things and get mad because your favourite doesnt get what you want it to have. Specifically I am talking about this comment you made earlier today:


People just hate content for Vaurca, and having an actually playable subspecies is too much for some.

I dont think this attitude is a healthy one, even if you apply as lore dev for another species, since who says you won't apply this mindset to Unathi instead now? While it's nice that you want to contribute, I think you are overdoing it. 


Well, if I had any doubt before, I dont have it anymore:

If that is your way to deal with criticism (It wasn't even that, it was more concerns), then I don't think you're a fit for any staff position. 

Edited by KingOfThePing
Posted (edited)

I was going to ask a few questions about your play as Unathi and other thoughts(I can't remember a time I've seen you play Unathi), but your reaction to the feedback ping gave you is in my eyes completely unacceptable, especially for a role which requires alot of writing and therefore, criticism. If you can't handle someone giving you feedback on a application without doing something like that, I don't think you'll be able to handle the much brasher feedback players regularly give lore staff.



Edited by Triogenix

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for that, since I was trying to make a joke about people who are trying to be play victim when valid criticism comes their way, I was making fun of the incidents where someone would apply for a position anywhere within staff and everyone would have a story of how they did something awful or said something awful.


The entire point of what I was trying to line up as a joke is, ironically, exactly what I did next. Where I tried to explain it was a joke, and my only defense for that is that I've never taken criticism that badly, and after Command and/or Antag rounds I always ask for feedback to try and better myself.


I genuinely thought my joke about controversy was clearly a joke, not an exceptionally good one but still an attempt. And I've never acted out this way before and I certainly meant no insult to Ping or the CCIA team, I respect them so much and I even tried to get back into the CCIA, so I've never held any ill will towards them and at this point I'm mostly sad that people can see what I said as something that I would conceivably say and mean in all seriousness, it was absolutely disgusting and over the top, which is why I thought it was clear it was a joke.


I was really thankful for Ping's comment, and even on the drive home from work I was planning a reply, with that line in the discord just a little interaction as my shift closed.


So I'm sorry Ping, I would never say something like that towards you and mean it. 

7 hours ago, Myphicbowser said:

The second segment, preferably after an event and/or Canon antag round that took place on another nearby location or what have you, would be detailing that the Station has resurfaced near the edge of Hegemony space and is undergoing repairs,

I hope you meant the ship here.

7 hours ago, Myphicbowser said:

Antag contest

Unsure if you were in the community for these, but they were not really good or successful. The stagnation of the second antag contest was what kinda gave birth to our current model of canon arcs. Can you explain what do you envision an antag contest being? What players would do during these?

I also think that using the compact is a bit questionable. It is a controversial part of the lore and we had some proposals to remove and rework it that went nowhere. I think that more established parts of the unathi lore are more deserving of this attention.

Besides the arc stuff, what problems do you currently see in the unathi lore and how do you think you could help fix them?

5 hours ago, Alberyk said:

Besides the arc stuff, what problems do you currently see in the unathi lore and how do you think you could help fix them?

I was looking for problems in Unathi lore for a while, trying to find something to either retcon or expand on instead of trying to make a lore arc. So if there was an issue I'd like to address, it would mostly be the Grim Compact as it stands, I have an interest in them and I see that they haven't been a fan favorite choice, so I would probably approach them with an angle of minor retcons after I get some community consensus on what they don't like about them. I find them kind of silly, but I imagine there are deeper issues for not liking them, so I'd try to fix them after I find out why people want them fixed. Generally I have issues finding problems in the Unathi lore since I don't see many issues, it's stagnant but stable as of late in my opinion.


5 hours ago, Alberyk said:

Can you explain what do you envision an antag contest being? What players would do during these?

My idea was for there to be two sides, much like the others, that you could choose from at the start. One side would just be the Grim Compact, being able to flavor to be either of the factions within, their endgoal being loot and notoriety, they'd be given dangerous but technically achievable goals that only serve to show which side is better, their real end goal with all the stolen stuff and such would only have the lore effect of them either being able to overpower the market on the planet their station, the Malefaction, orbits or if it was all just wasted effort and possibly depelted their fleets and made them less likely to be able to do anything else brave. Mostly a lore impact but still.


The other team I envisioned was a combined criminal effort against them really, factions that dislike the competition or could also benefit from the factions wanting to work with them to outdo the other, their goals would generally be stealing shit before the Compact could, or in modes like Intrigue or other double antag modes it is an active competition between Antag representatives of the sides yah know?


Admittedly, a lot of these antag rounds would be dick measuring contests with the Aurora as an unfortunate spectator, but these possible incentives I would hope would convince people to play Unathi during the lore arc.


So I guess less of an antag contest, more of a nudge to play Unathi Pirates from the Grim Compact during the arc.

Posted (edited)

"Antag contest" was what we called it when we were making up the process of canon events as we went along. I think what youre talking about is called an "arc" these days.

I like any work expanding on the grim compact. It's a shame theyre not too popular it seems? They seemed to slot well into a niche people seemed to want at the time.

What kind of impact do you want the compact to have on station during and after the arc?

I like your ideas and that you wanna work on unathi. +1 in advance

Edited by Marlon P.
2 hours ago, Marlon P. said:

What kind of impact do you want the compact to have on station during and after the arc?

Ideally, i'd want them to generally be recognized. The Grim Compact is interesting in that it is an allowed pirate faction within the Hegemony, I'd like questions of citizenship to come up when it comes to a literal pirate applying for the TCFL, I'd like to discuss more about the Compact's members and their devotion to their Dead-Lord/Lady, since it sounds like a volatile life even for a Pirate, and my most far out hope is that the Grim Compact is given special rulings for being a citizen within the Republic of Biesel.

Whereas Guwan are, technically, allowed and tolerated, I'd like the Grim Compact members to fall into a similar vein if they are allowed on station, IRs for anything short of physical assaults to be a whitelist issue, not allowed in command positions, all that stuff.

Generally, I want the Grim Compact to be connected to the station's regulations more as an entity, since as far as I'm aware there isn't any issues with just playing an old Grim Compact pirate.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not going to give a + or - towards this app, but I have a few general questions.

How do you feel about having to work alongside others who might have a different view on lore direction? Do you think you'd be able to work with others who might not always agree with ideas that you put forward?

You were part of the CCIA team for a short time but then left. I don't know much about how CCIA operates internally, but I know it would be an issue for the Unathi team if you were to suddenly leave - especially if you were mid-project. How would you deal with this if you suddenly found yourself having less time for deputy duties?

It's been a while since you've posted the app, have you looked back on your proposal since then? This is more out of curiosity since I find myself looking at my old work often, and I'd like to know how you perceive your own work now that some time has passed.

3 hours ago, WhatsUpBrotendo said:

How do you feel about having to work alongside others who might have a different view on lore direction? Do you think you'd be able to work with others who might not always agree with ideas that you put forward?

That's the beauty of Aurora lore really, it's very easy and fun to work with. A lot of the lore is very open ended and the unexpanded bits along with the very expanded bits are fun to discuss and work with, given the current condition of Unathi Lore it could kinda go anywhere, and I'd love to work on anyone's interpretation on it. And I think I could work with people who have differing ideas, you can't set expectations for a project/expansion at the start, and you have to be malleable to make it come out well.


3 hours ago, WhatsUpBrotendo said:

You were part of the CCIA team for a short time but then left. I don't know much about how CCIA operates internally, but I know it would be an issue for the Unathi team if you were to suddenly leave - especially if you were mid-project. How would you deal with this if you suddenly found yourself having less time for deputy duties?

My leaving the CCIA was a gradual just me playing less, and due to CCIA being more of a reactive force then a proactive one there was little I could do besides IRs or respond to faxes in round, but with Unathi lore this would be less of an issue. I try to always be around in some capacity and I always have time to write and such. To that end, if I felt like I was slacking in commitment I'd just gather all my Google word docs from the folder I'd probably have and hand it over and start talking to relevant heads of staff to explain the situation. My leave from CCIA wasn't sudden, I was pointed at for being a low to none activity member for a period of time and I took that as an honest take and retired, since Lancer was wanting to clear out numbers I believed.

3 hours ago, WhatsUpBrotendo said:

It's been a while since you've posted the app, have you looked back on your proposal since then? This is more out of curiosity since I find myself looking at my old work often, and I'd like to know how you perceive your own work now that some time has passed.

I've looked back on it and thought of many changes and some other vague ideas of entirely different topics, but at the end of the day I still believe if the Grim Compact could be fixed, a mini-arc like this would be a very good start, something to declare in no uncertain terms the legality of Piracy and the SCCs opinion of the Compact.


I'm happy with these answers. Regardless of the outcome I'm looking forward to seeing any contributions you make (either as part of the team or through the canonisation process).


I spoke with MyphicBowser in DMs about their application and my reasons for denying it. Thanks again to everyone for the effort they put into this— not only the person applying, but opening a dialogue with the applicant.

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