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Interesting Surveillance and Suit Sensor Mechanics : Red Zones


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So, anybody who's worked in any capacity in the military or goverment has definitely had to deal with classified documents and things. And hence, in these areas, "Red Zones" if you will, for security and privacy reasons, things like camera phones, GPS, internet connections and etcetera are disabled. Maybe for places such as the offices of the Heads of Staff, where inside there's a area mapped where suit sensors become *CLASSIFIED* and the only cameras are on the outside.

I think this will be a reasonable and believable addition to give antags a bit more leeway.


If I'm a head of staff I don't want my suit sensors being classified in my own office, wtf. Suit sensors should never have an area of innate failure, the SCC isn't going to radio jam their own life alert systems.


Gotta agree with Carver, I don't think redzones is a good idea. The Horizon doesn't strike me as hitting the vibe you are referencing, it is neither government (this might work inside the SCC HQ) or military  - there just isn't enough *shady* business going around to warrant that. All heads of staff are more akin to managers than government ministers, each holding the keys to -just- a department of workers, nothing excessive or secretive. The captain, consular and liaison are the only exceptions where secrecy is warranted enough to discuss it. But removing camera coverage from the captains office also means no security, internet connection is a must for communication with the SCC and suit sensors.. well it makes no sense not to keep an extra eye on the most important role on the station, next to the engineering apprentice that sets up the engine.

Posted (edited)

i wholly disagree with this suggestion.
as i've said in another similar thread, you already can't use cameras on code green and AI's who use them to validhunt get canned.

Edited by Gem

The only thing that I think would make sense from this suggestion (as others have outlined) are removing cameras from inside heads of staff offices, or at the very least the Captain's office. 


I'm in agreement with a few other folks here. Removing the cameras from the head offices (if there absolutely must be surveillance there, I'd prefer motion alarms) allows for them to be used for nefarious purposes/robbed much more effectively. Removing sensors/comms is too much, though.


I believe the excuse for suit sensors being forbidden in certain areas is implausible because of the context we are in. Our ship is not a military or espionage vessel, nor does it go on confidential missions. 


While it seems people are against redzones on the Horizon, I can think of several ways we could use redzones in event maps. So even if they are never on the Horizon, I'd still like them added in some form where mappers can use them.

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