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Swat's43 head whitelist application

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BYOND key: Swat43

Character names: Fortune Bloise

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: For..i think for nearly four or three months.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I have been a whitelist on other server and did a good job there, following rules, and keeping my records...somewhat clean.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I came here, looking for a new "home". After i left other server which i was fond to, i knew that place needed something an started crumbling down slowly. Not only that, aurora is filled with strange people (in good sense :P)

And the community is decent.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: Yes i have read it.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Roleplay is some what..a multi answer question. Everyone has their own style of roleplay, and the ability to roleplay as such. In my case. Id say, you have to be the person who you roleplay "realisticaly" as if you are there and "experience" things like "you are there" and talk and do all sort of emotes like you "were there"

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

To keep his composure and be there to help to specific people who need help. Even if you know you are somewhat higher then them, they are only meant to guide. They are not there to boast, or do anything that would make you look not only horrible but also bad as a character and player, unless they are doing their job. But again, being a Head of Staff also means being in huge pressure,and you are required to be prepared to keep some sort of line of discipline in the work.And making sure everything runs as a thread through, on your department.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

They are simply players like the rest, even if whitelisted, they still should keep following the rules and help the others to follow them either. Whitelists should always also be on their best and also teach the others to be on their best. Most importantly, everyone needs to respect each other, even if you are a whitelist, it is normal and good to respect others. It makes not only you better, but also them making taking things more seriously and understand more.

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Fortune Bloise

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Fortune Bloise Franbroise, a strange girl if you ask me. She is mostly a created artificial human. She is functioning like a normal human and nothing of specialty. She has how ever few implants on her bone key structures, which only give small advantage, making her bones atleast more stronger. The result of when her parents "made" their daughters hair grow to her body lenght is unknown and why it is teal colored is also a mystery, but it did no harm. Though she does have scars on her back that makes her feel uncomfortable and she doesn't like being touched there. And she always tries hide her back by wearing something on, not exposing her back.

After her long years of wonderfull and bad experience, she now lives in one of the huge story buildings on Mars. Right now she is working for NT and also applied to a small part time job for Liandri.corp which is of course a small business company who thrives for all syntetic units and making better mechs and improving them. She had a husband which was killed by terrorist attack on one of the small outpost where he worked as a security officer. Now she is alone, with her robot dog named Biscuits. Ironicaly she hates dogs except if they are not corgis, or other pugs that are small. And she was also thinking of making robot cat, named Milky.

What do you like about this character?:

She is the only character i have and i have developed for..two years and improving her (maybe less then two years) And that cyan hair color mmmm...I know you love it people! Dont hate! Just love! And the making of mechs..Mechs maaaaan!

What do you dislike about this character?:

She sometimes loses her cool when she is not protected, and or doesn't have a mech around that she might use to protect herself. Really scared of spiders unless she can dispose of them with out being injured or being near them.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):


She has worked on science station and in science department specificaly. And she has learned things over the years.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: *sighs* This..is a rather though question. Id say it is decent, but only in what sort of situations. I can roleplay, and improve my skills being more flawless, but thats about it. Good question, hard to answer. So ill go with Decent.

Extra notes:None that i can think of....Oh yeah..i can't! *headdesks*


Out of curiosity, and to clarify: Will Fortune be elevated to RD, or will she stay as is and you'll simply be making a new head of staff character?


She will only be RD. Captain? last time i was such, admins spawned Nursiecat on AD...yeah..it even wasnt an antag round and people were incompetent. But yeah. Only RD.


Floor length atomic hair.

Not gonna -1, but I can't give out a +1 to having a head of staff that has floor length cyan hair.

It's unprofessional, and kind of just seems like an attempt to stand out.

As an RPer, totally capable. Has plenty of experience and could probably head as RD fine. As for the specific character, nah.

(it aint teal, it's cyan)


Pretty much what Glamour said. You're a good RPer, but the character....nuh.

In addition, artificial human. What. Ask the lore-team about this stuff, don't just assume it exists.


You people need to stop trying to make everyone the same. This has been happening a lot lately (Just like with Kerbals character) So what that Fortune has cyan hair, it's done through genetic modification, you'd think at year 2456, when stuff like this is available it would be a normal everyday thing to have green or cyan hair and nobody would think of it as an unprofessional thing. But what is happening: People act like it's stil 2014 and go: wow that's unusual. Well it's not, this is future.

Swat is a great roleplayer and people who believe floor length cyan hair is a good enough reason to not +1 need to rethink this, having in mind one word: future

Definitely +1


I totally agree with Ggnomaz. Even today, I know multiple people with bright unnaturally coloured hair who have professional, well paying jobs, and this is several hundred years into the future. Swat is a good roleplayer, and Fortune is a good enough and interesting character. +1


I'd say to at least cut the hair. Floor length braids are EXTREMELY unpractical in every way. You know how easily you'd be able to trip over it and snap your neck? Combined with working in the research department of Aurora, probably the most dangerous part of the station where you'd need to be able to run away from a plasma fire or a sudden breach or hungry slimes. On top of that, she's going to be the RD; Someone who would be more exposed to the dangers of science. You can keep it neon blue. But for God's sake, cut the hair.


Firstly +1 semi-decient player

Secondly; Going I don't like this player because the color isn't normal is just dumb, and like silver I know people with far more exotic har colors with way more professional required jobs

Thirdly, As for the style, I say leave it be, IF the RD ((who is a nutjob 80% of the time anyways)) wants to be silly and have that hair style let them, this is a research station, not a military frigit.

So how about we drop the hair topic and go back to judging if we think swat would be a good over-glorified babysitter.


I will not be downvoting this app. However. I have a number of issues to raise.

-Minor thing that's already been brought up: Yes. The hair is a problem. The hair length, not the color. I've seen Fortune frequently work Robotics; working with hair so long around heavy machinery like mechs is extremely dangerous, not to mention impractical. Cut it, put it in a bun, whatever, but don't tell me she magically keeps that tail from getting caught in anything, ever.

-Potentially metagrudging, but I have never had a positive experience RPing with Fortune. It's not even love-to-hate, her personality is just abrasive, and immature. If she's old enough to be a head, she doesn't act her age.

-As for backstory. I feel like much of it seems to be there 'just because' and doesn't really justify itself. There's no why, or explanation; -why- is she an artificial human? Why were her parents, or whoever, performing tests on her? Where'd the scars come from-- shouldn't it matter more why she has them, than the fact that she has them at all?

-This app doesn't really say why Fortune would make a good head. No mention of her schooling or how she got to working where she is now, nothing selling why she'd make a good RD. You spend more time describing her pets than her personality. Yes, she's worked science. But like you mention in your paragraph responses, Heads of Staff need to be able to guide their departments, not do all the jobs.


I'll be frank, If i need to write the whole biography about Fortune, i will need to do lots of writing done, and there is also known as knowing person ICLY, else in my opinion just writing down some ones created character back story/biography so everyone could read it, seems a bit innapropriate. Of course i can make a new thread and you can read all her life cycle on what she has become, but then again, it also makes people to actually go and talk to the person and knowing her in character. Of course, i do agree on metagrudging. But that sometimes happen in maybe worst times when i join, and probably havent had a good time for some reasons IRL. That can be worked on, that is guaranteed.

As for the backstory, i will need to write tons of lines to say how and why Fortune got those scars/graduation/knowledge and etc.

As for hair... I will not say anything bad or against, but i will state my point of view.

Most people i see here, ussualy represent as in they are normal people. Sure, why not. Its completely normal, but the year is 2456 and why do we not ussualy have futuristic/more interesting/wierder character? Besides, there should be a reason why Fortune also has the hair. And besides, most people do not even know Fortune "closely". They just see the outer shell which is the personality and appearance.

Though i must admit, i do respect your post Lee, but mostly not everything can go as imagined.


Fortune always gets work done, and is a decent roleplayer. She gets the job done and would be an excellent RD. +1.

And yeah, lets not be judging, like really guys? Withholding votes because of hair? Research Directors are hired because of their minds and ability to delegate and manage other scientists, not if they're appearance is practical.

As for hair... I will not say anything bad or against, but i will state my point of view.

Most people i see here, ussualy represent as in they are normal people. Sure, why not. Its completely normal, but the year is 2456 and why do we not ussualy have futuristic/more interesting/wierder character?

I find this doesn't really address address the point of the hair being unrealistic when working around heavy machinery?


Fortune always gets work done, and is a decent roleplayer. She gets the job done and would be an excellent RD. +1.

And yeah, lets not be judging, like really guys? Withholding votes because of hair? Research Directors are hired because of their minds and ability to delegate and manage other scientists, not if they're appearance is practical.

The hair was one of several points brought up, so saying "votes are being withheld because of hair" constitutes a straw man argument. Additionally, I'm withholding my own vote because I've resolved to not vote on applications anymore (due to potential conflicts of interests), but I'll simply brought up any issues (or good points) I see and let other users debate them.


I'm also no longer voting on apps, for about the same reasons as Frances.

My qualm with hair is not about appearance, but about the legitimate hazard it'd make when working around and in heavy machinery. And it doesn't invalidate the other things I brought up.


There was a story they told in my high school about the girl who got her hair caught in a buzzsaw. It didn't, y'know, pull her in and chop up her head or anything, but it did snag.

It did, however, tear off a chunk of her scalp, hair and all. 'No loose hair, garments, or jewelry' is like rule number one of machine safety. The second rule number one is don't be within two hundred feet of heavy machinery while drunk, and the third rule number one is stay away from heavy machinery if you think you might be dumb. Those last two are kind of unrelated.

Like. Style is fine. Style is great. But if you so much as turned your head too fast, that much hair would almost a hundred percent get caught in something spinning, or moving, or on fire. And it's a braid. Which is a lot of hair attached to a lot of scalp. Which means you probably wouldn't get the benefit of just losing a few scalp chunks. Hair like that is a massive safety violation. If I ever actually played and was RD at the same time you were a roboticist, I'd honest to goodness throw you out until you got your hair cut. For your own safety, y'know.

It's not just unrealistic. It's literally trying to kill yourself.


Personally I'm going to have to -1 this. Though I've seen Fortune around and the character is decent enough (remove floor length braid already it is Hitler incarnate), I feel that Swat43 has not proven that he is responsible enough to handle a head position given how he handles antagonist positions currently. I have witnessed him perform questionable behavior a few times including eating SSD targets (dumb rule or not it's really gamey) in the last few moments of the round or just play to complete objectives in general. I feel that he is not capable of roleplaying an antagonist well and does not understand the responsibilities that are laid upon one, and until he improves there I don't think he'd be good head material for the same reasons.

Further, the flavor text on Fortune makes me frown. Why exactly is the size of a character's breasts important information at all?


Realistic or unrealistic...This is how ever a roleplay server, and each own have our own crazy ideas. I agree, having huge hair is nuts!

But thats how it is going to be. Safetly protocols, yea, sure. But then again if there was such thing then the hair style would be banned already and i would go with other hairstyle. But aslong as NT 'does not care' things will be like they are. Like it or not, thats NT for you. And as i said, i do respect your honesty and opinions on the topic, but lets not get toooo deep with the hairs...else this will end up in an endless topic losing its point.

Realistic or unrealistic...This is how ever a roleplay server, and each own have our own crazy ideas.
Some crazy ideas are better left unexecuted. I have to regularly jobban or warn people because they think they can do things like roleplay crazy detectives that paint the floor and throw guns in disposals, or insane characters that throw a fit and get fired from their jobs every round. Are these crazy ideas? Yes. Do they have their place on a mostly serious server? No.


Safetly protocols, yea, sure. But then again if there was such thing
There is such a thing as safety protocols, yes.


then the hair style would be banned already and i would go with other hairstyle.
So this is the main thing that irks me. We give you the option to play as a 17-year old captain with spiky green hair. Does this mean it is something you should do? No. We do not have to child-proof, or idiot-proof the server, to other players' detriment. We simply get rid of the idiots. Floorlength braids might be ridiculous and impossible to take seriously, but not all jobs constitute a safety hazard for long hair. Using an option that makes no sense in your position, because it's offered in other positions, simply defies logic. That's like saying "if you don't want security to take the guns out of the armory and shoot people, stop giving them an armory".


But aslong as NT 'does not care' things will be like they are. Like it or not, thats NT for you.
This is basically your arbitrary decision. How exactly would NT "manifest care"?


but lets not get toooo deep with the hairs...else this will end up in an endless topic losing its point.
You are the one defending it rabidly, when we're all saying it'd be plainly ridiculous for someone to have unprotected hair this long in a machine lab. It doesn't seem too deep to me.

Honestly, this is my first -1 ever, why? I'll tell you.

Fortune is literally everything I wouldn't want to see in a head positon.

When I made Jennifer a head, she was young, inexperienced, hot headed, etc. I made her rather... bad, at her jobs deliberately so to see how crew would react (was pretty fun I might add)

But I have this weird feeling that Fortune would do literally fucking everything herself, not dishing out orders or commands, except of course when told to.

Also the hair, if she goes anywhere near a deconstructive analyser, she's getting her head torn clean off. (It's actually why Jen's hair changed... fun fact.)

Also, she's way too antagonistic for my tastes, taking mechs and joy riding them instead of taking them to the relevant positions. (And a incident where she offered a Durand to a rather dumb warden... but that's another story.)

So yeah, -1.

The char is too immature (if the char is going to be made to fuck up at certain situations deliberately, then sans this point.) And antagonistic for a head position.


In addition to my previously mentioned reasons.

Artificial humans of any sophistication = Not possible.

This is not a debatable point, No. It is just not physically possible for this background to exist in this universe.

In addition to my previously mentioned reasons.

Artificial humans of any sophistication = Not possible.

This is not a debatable point, No. It is just not physically possible for this background to exist in this universe.


Actually, I'm going to have to call you out on that. It's technically possible if you're talking lorewise. But you are right in the sense that it makes for a very speshul snowflake.


An artificial human that would be undetectable to other Humans without in-depth scans would be extremely unlikely to be allowed to just walk around. Perhaps in a lab somewhere....Given that N.T. doesn't give a fuck about most of their employees, they'd probably take her apart for research


It wouldn't be technically an artificial human. I'm pretty sure the wrong terminology was being used. It should be more along the lines of a genetically engineered human. The technology to do that exists today in the form of genetic recombination technology. I'd imagine that it would be more ubiquitous in society after a few hundred years.

What's described in Fortune's backstory is not an artificial human. That would be something that isn't human to begin with, like an android. Being created in a lab and then subjected to augmentations does not make one an artificial human.

And even if she was technically "artificial", why would NT take her apart for research? If Fortune's parents had access to such technology, that would surely mean that it would be widely available in the civilian sector, which means NT would have no need to steal and reverse-engineer it.


No, sorry, -1, I have seen fortune building and using Exosuits and combat mechs without authorisation, and ignoring orders to get out of them, when she is a non-antagonist, I don't feel like a character like that should be a head of staff at all.

Also, in relation to the artificial human part, http://almost-human.wikia.com/wiki/Chrome

Sort of what I now see Inis as, would that sort of thing work for Fortune, Swat?

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