Kane Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 For all those amateurs out there-Safeties! It's always embarrassing when you move to pass an officer, captain, or anyone a weapon, and it accidentally discharges because you clicked, or you hand a weapon to somebody, and they repay you with a nice laser to your now-melting face. It's also pretty unwise and probably a huge 'firearms community' faux pas to hand a loaded weapon to somebody while it isn't safe, especially since half of the people Nanotrasen employs are jittery, and insane. In a more serious light, though, safeties would not only increase the safety of guns in-game, it could also prevent ill-usage, such as a detective shooting somebody in the face, as the time it would take to disengage the safety is a few precious seconds to rethink your decision. There really isn't any reason to not manufacture weapons without a safety, and can discourage the untrained from using weapons so easily.
Tenenza Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 As someone who uses a trackpad, and has shot someone with a taser due to a mis-click, this is appealing to me. This is defintely something that would be useful to have on lethal weapons. Not to mention, I would imagine a whole bunch of various standoff RP variations that can result from having safeties, IE. calling someone's bluff that their gun's safety is on, or taking off the safety on an empty weapon to bluff a criminal into turning themselves in.
Rusty Shackleford Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Yes. All of my yes. Make it so that you'll be able to tell that the safety isn't on from a distance so heads of staff with slightly more gun-savvy can yell their heads off and demote people who do not. Turn on. Their fucking. Safeties. Even better if it automatically clicks off when using the aim function. Coming from a gun nut, if you're gun doesn't have a built-in safety, then it better sure as hell have a high trigger pull weight. If it does have a safety, then you better fucking use it, that fucking barrel better be pointed at the ground at all times until you intend to shoot something.
Dea Tacita Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Totes agree with what everyone else has said. All my +1s
TishinaStalker Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Even better if it automatically clicks off when using the aim function.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted October 25, 2014 Posted October 25, 2014 Yesssss. I accidentally tase people often... +1
Frances Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I use a very simple safety, consisting of not keeping my weapon in an active hand unless I know I'm just about to shoot something. (You can just switch to your other hand, if you want.) It has the advantage of being extremely quick to toggle, as a single keyboard shortcut will allow you to switch your weapon to active mode again, as opposed to a verb or right-click toggle for any sort of coded safety. Would this pretty much suit everybody's purpose? Because I fail to see how it wouldn't.
Rusty Shackleford Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I do that already, but an actual mechanical safety would be better. It'd also be kinda funny to see people who don't know how to properly use a gun flounder when they can't figure out what to do to shoot at someone.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I do that already, but an actual mechanical safety would be better. It'd also be kinda funny to see people who don't know how to properly use a gun flounder when they can't figure out what to do to shoot at someone. That would inadvertently include some realism into the game when some civvie flounders with gun usage.
duck Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 Can code this in like five minutes. Very simple from a mechanical point of view. Waiting on the giant skull steals everything update before things happen though.
Guest Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I do that already, but an actual mechanical safety would be better. It'd also be kinda funny to see people who don't know how to properly use a gun flounder when they can't figure out what to do to shoot at someone. Reminds me of the time I changed the way shotguns worked
Frances Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 I do that already, but an actual mechanical safety would be better. Why would it be better? That seems like adding an unnecessary step to the fighting process, and people who just keep their active hand off the gun get a reaction advantage over people that have to turn off the safety using whatever prompt/button press. I mean, I see the debate. But this is the kind of stuff that would make sense ICly, but not OOCly. So iunno.
K0NFL1QT Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 If we're putting in safeties, we might aswell make them DNA encoded so that anyone who disarms you for your taser, stunrod, revolver, whatever, gets their arm blown off for trying to use it. I mean, 2546, right?
CoolfoolFTW Posted October 26, 2014 Posted October 26, 2014 If we're putting in safeties, we might aswell make them DNA encoded so that anyone who disarms you for your taser, stunrod, revolver, whatever, gets their arm blown off for trying to use it. I mean, 2546, right? The weapon you are looking for good sir is the Lawgiver a gun that blows up in the hands of baldies, scientist, and incompetent sec officers! Oh and dont forget its multiple firemodes such as single shot, burst fire, incendiary, and high ex.
Dea Tacita Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Can code this in like five minutes. Very simple from a mechanical point of view. Waiting on the giant skull steals everything update before things happen though. Do it already duckie! Be the badass that you are and add even more cool shit.
canon35 Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 As someone who plays sec regularly, I want to see some chucklefuck steal my taser and try to use it on me, only to realize it won't work. +1, we need this now.
Farcry11 Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 I do that already, but an actual mechanical safety would be better. It'd also be kinda funny to see people who don't know how to properly use a gun flounder when they can't figure out what to do to shoot at someone. That would inadvertently include some realism into the game when some civvie flounders with gun usage. You forget that everyone on the station was trained at St. Rambo's Robusting School for Troubled Youths, due to their TERRIBLE SECRET PASTS. Xenos beating down the door? Give that nurse a Mateba. Nuke Squad got you surrounded? You can rely on Assistant McEveryman and his one handed, hip-firing LMG technique. Space wizard hurling fireballs? That engineer with their trusty LAWP will make short work of them. We're in safe hands here at Aurora Station. And besides, gun safeties are Un-American, only good for Space Commies and filthy Diona hippies. Accidental leg shots forever, I say, just like the founding fathers intended! Also, we need to implement that Justicebringer that Sue and Duck cooked up. For great justice. And incendiary rounds.
Rusty Shackleford Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 And besides, gun safeties are Un-American, only good for Space Commies and filthy Diona hippies. Accidental leg shots forever, I say, just like the founding fathers intended! While I enjoy good-natured 'MURICA satire, and while I realize this is a joke, the gun nut in me is a reasonable gun nut, that keeps safeties on, barrels pointed down, and ammunition stored in watertight containers separate from the weapons inside fireproof safes.
GlamourChariot Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Also, we need to implement that Justicebringer that Sue and Duck cooked up. For great justice. And incendiary rounds. About that...
Valkrae Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 Take my +1s, all of them. You have no idea how many times my mouse jitters, and a shot just about hits someone.
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