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Security Unban Appeal

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BYOND Key: Hackie Mhan

Total Ban Length: Permanent Ban from Security Roles

Banning staff member's Key: I don't particularly know who placed the ban.

Reason of Ban: I don't know why I was banned.

Reason for Appeal: I'm going to start off with why I think I should be unbanned. I enjoy Security as a department, it allows me to exert tenacity over the round and directly affect the situation along with the outcome, and to provide players avenues for interesting situations. I enjoy communicating with Prisoners and making their experience less miserable, the joy of being outsmarted and outsmarting others. When people genuinely do an interesting murder, do something fun and interactive are the experiences I try comb for, and encourage. I try to mentor new players, cadets especially if they're willing. I prefer to shrug off most circumstances where I've been 'ganked' or killed, and try to help the perpetrator improve in the future. While things in real life have been very hectic recently, I'm still trying my best to be a positive impact on the game.

Secondly, I'm not sure why I was banned. I can't recall any circumstance with administration that hadn't ended with the situation being resolved or just complete inactivity on the administration side. I'm hoping whoever placed the ban can inform me of what I had done wrong.

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Secondly, I'm not sure why I was banned. I can't recall any circumstance with administration that hadn't ended with the situation being resolved or just complete inactivity on the administration side. I'm hoping whoever placed the ban can inform me of what I had done wrong.


I was the one who ahelped. It was a nuke round, and I think ou were an officer, or detective or something. I was waiting EVA with a Diona we were going to put into the crew manifest. You killed one of the other nuke opes who was inside, got in their hardsuit, and I assume you put on the radio to listen to where I said that I was. You then walked out of the door. Shot me and the diona without a word. Lethals mind you. Then dragged me inside to be cloned.

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I'd thought that was resolved with administration? I believed either Tainaava or Tenenza attended.

I believe three points were addressed at the time.

1) I was an Officer, we received reports of Nuke Ops moving in on the bridge. We managed to take one of them captured, and removed most of their gear and laid them down on the floor. The Ops were moving in on the Captain's Office, and I retreated to flank the Nuke Ops, and equipped a carbine along with a hardsuit and jetpack.

As you can see in this crudely drawn map, my goal is to flank the Nuke Ops and support my boys, and hopefully deter the raiders. Red being doors, blue being windows, green being me, and red being raiders.




I've got help intent on, and I immediately switch placed with the Nuke Ops, leaving me sandwiched, by now they're probably going to gun me down with all the security gear I've got on, seeing as they've proved very to have no interest in communication so far. I lethal NanoToxin to the left in an attempt to return back into friendly territory. As you can see by the image below, I am as of the moment out of Raider #2's line of fire, leaving me in an excellent position to drag Raider #1 back in, request backup and provide medical attention to the severely wounded Nuke Ops.




2) This was the raid on the Nuke Ops shuttle. I believe that my actions at the time for the most part made sense and are justified. As of the moment, I'm positioned above the ship, out of range and I have vision with my binoculars. I can see multiple terminals, a plasma bomb and a trio of nuke operatives. I'm keeping in close touch with my superior sending in PDA messages, and providing an image of the situation. I receive the order to eliminate the piloting console and I breach in through the window. With the structure of the Nuke Ops shuttle, I exert strong power over my opponents. With the amount of cover located in the cockpit of the ship, I can press my advantage and fire down the lane with little to no penalties, while any rushes from them, or gunfire is extremely limited. As they attempt to charge me, I respond by gunning them down, and returning to cover. If the nuke ops had attempted to flank me, I could run away. Their stockpile of weaponry, coincidentally is very close to me, and I can severely wound them if they try to move forward. I stay in the cockpit deterring any form of combat and awaiting support, providing directions to my team and suppressing the Nuke Ops. After a while, I move into the stockpile and grab weaponry, leading to point three.




Second image with areas that can't be fired on.




3) Using the radio, I believe is a genuine issue and I apologize for my mistake. It was in the middle of conflict, and I had waited for reinforcements. So I rushed to the stockpile, took as much weaponry, satchels and equipment I could and ran back quickly. I spawned a C-4, planted it and flew away. I at the time hadn't known there was a radio, and didn't put any particular thought on the use of the radio. I sincerely apologize for doing this, and I'll make it a note to avoid repeating this action.

While certainly a whole messy situation, I believe point two and one are justified now that I can shed some clarity on the mindset and the circumstances that led to this. I believe this situation was dealt with by administration. I did not see through to the end to the round and logged off as it was nearly 12:00 where I live. Hopefully I can learn from my mistakes, and move on learning another lesson and continue improving my behavior. I think with every round or ban you can move on salty and bitter, or just reflect and decide what you can do to improve.

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I lied, apparently. Damn work. Anyways, I have one question. If your objective was to destroy the console, why not just do that, and then buzz off? Instead of maintaining the engagement?

Also, for the record, ban reason is here:

Banned from Head of Security, Warden, Detective, Forensic Technician, Security Officer, Security Cadet - Powergaming as a security officer: Dressed as a nuke to hunt antags without coordinating with his team. Decided to charge the nuke's ship head on by himself with the intent to keep the nukes from escaping. This confirms intent to win the round. You don't want to keep the dangerous people there.
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I was the head of security that round; we managed to kill one operative and capture a second one until Hackied found their ship and was keeping contact with me, if I am not wrong, he said he would be able to disable their console, I thought he would fire lasers upon it (I found later that you can't destroy it by firing lasers at it), I said for him to do so and avoid getting in contact with hostiles. I also faxed central command to call for an ert, which never arrived. We had access to their channel and we did believe they were severely crippled due to the fight on the bridge and that only two hostiles were left.

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Hi, I was the one that attended. I wasn't quite finished speaking with you at the time but I was quiet for a while because I was thinking and conferring with the other staff. By the time I was getting back to you with more to discuss (I don't even remember what it was at this point) you were gone, so when I knew I had support from the other staff to back up my decision I decided to go through with it.

What pegged me on the intent to win the round was that when you went around to flank:


  • Your team mates already disengaged by the time you left
  • You did not coordinate with your team whatsoever about it, as confirmed by an officer I spoke to about it.


What that told me was that you just wanted some booty.

I understand that you were talking to the HoS over PDA to keep things confidential afterward but you were essentially telling the HoS what orders to give you so you could roam freely under the guise of "I was told to".

I didn't take into account the meta with C4 because it was a high intensity situation and you more than likely just didn't think about it, so I decided to leave it as a casual reminder about that.

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What pegged me on the intent to win the round was that when you went around to flank:


  • Your team mates already disengaged by the time you left
  • You did not coordinate with your team whatsoever about it, as confirmed by an officer I spoke to about it.


What that told me was that you just wanted some booty.


I was fairly sure the conflict was still ongoing as I left, as far as I can remember. And, apologies about the lack of communication, at the time I was kind of in the zone. There really isn't anything I can say to defend it or justify it. Not communicating is a bad move in general.


If your objective was to destroy the console, why not just do that, and then buzz off? Instead of maintaining the engagement?


Well, it was a cozy spot. I had requested reinforcements and there was a cache of weapons nearby. I'd realized the lasers didn't work against the console and looking back on it, I should have withdrawn. I fully understand that yes, regardless of my justifications and reasoning behind my actions, the result is still the same as any rambo or gun-happy player. I ended the round and any potential RP for antagonists. I will try to avoid this behavior in the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi! I was the diona in question, while I'm sad that my plan failed, as it was my first time as nuke ops, I had a amazing plan and it almost worked but due to my own error i got taken out, Yes I was angry, but I'm a forgiving person so I'm all for them getting to do Security again if they can avoid doing something like this again :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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