madokamagica123 Posted July 11, 2015 Posted July 11, 2015 Because when people get old their physical abilities start getting more limited. like who would want to have a Old grandma security officer who falls down all the time and takes forever to get back up? Quote
Jboy2000000 Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Alisa Keener is now rocking some sick tats. What are her tattoos? Well, why don't you find out? Quote
Xelnagahunter Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 Qwerty ...was given it's name as a pun for old style keyboards due to alliteration of quirky, a trait heavy in it's personality early in it's life. ...Has only 3 digits on each hand and prefers the simpler setup to five digit hands. ...Actively plays the breakout game that displays on it's monitor to prevent a measure of boredom and slow down processing for communication. ...Prefers blue as a color because it was the first thing displayed on it's screen when first powered on. ...Has several shards that routinely get reintegrated for a shared consciousness. Quote
NebulaFlare Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 (Almost) All my characters are related to each other in some way, shape, or form. Lori Alvarez: First Character. Rose Watson: High school friend of Lori Alvarez, went to college with her, but flunked out. Karima Mo'Taki: College roommate of both Rose and Lori. Took metal welding classes alongside Lori DragonSnap: Developed by Karima Mo'Taki as her second synthetic, funded by NT. Hawk Silverstone: Half brother of Rose Watson Demitri Rota: Priestess of Dodekatheon, runs the temple Lori visits. Valary Field: Engineer apprentice to Lori Alvarez before Lori moved. Angelo Keratolli: Doctor I never play anymore, husband of Lori Tavaku Mo'Taki: Karima's older Brother Cecille Ami: The only one of my characters that is sane and has no connection with anyone else, and is too normal and I have lost total interest in playing as. Shadow: Stole Karima's research and made it her own. SCARLET: First synthetic by Karima, total failure. Stolen by Shadow. Echo: Developed by a research group Karima was a part of. Trinity Silverstone: Cousin of Hawk Silverstone. Victor [insert last name]: Butler to the Silverstone Family Jasmine White: Old lady who in her younger days supplied Rose with drugs that fueled her addiction. Has since turned over a new leaf. Crystal Westfall: Friends with Hawk Clover Smith: New character created, have not yet pegged down the personality of backstory, probably won't for awhile. ...I think that's everyone..... ... Dang, I have a lot of characters. Quote
Demonofthefall Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 (Almost) All my characters are related to each other in some way, shape, or form. Â Same with me, this is how. Szilvia Kaekel - Buys Ambrosia off Rafee. Rafee Isra - Gets his supply of Ambrosia from Issa's Father. Was in a gang lead by Haider before moving in with his sister. Haider T'geei - Is Issa's Brother in-law (His brother married Issa's sister). Currently in jail for sexual assault. Issa Al'Ghul - Worked security for the Cantara Clan. Is good friends with Zarif. Sura Cantara - Is the owner of Azalea. Briefly dated Issa, broke up with him after his disfigurement. Azalea - Was built by the Cantara Clan. Sold his gold plating to Nomak. Zarif Cantara - Was the lead designer in Azaleas construction. Cousin of Sura who he hates. Has retired from station work. Dubaku Nomak - Trades illegal goods with Haider. Uthal Mo'Taki - Is good friends with Issa's sister who he met in medical school. Is also friends with Zarif. Quote
Killerhurtz Posted October 13, 2015 Posted October 13, 2015 IT's FACTS TIME Kelly McKenzie... ...doesn't actually remember anything from her masters in psychology, she just wings it and is glad it works ...has to take, as a prescription, a huge variety of vitamins because she's horrible at feeding herself properly ...wishes she was an Unathi sometimes Sybil Rosetta-Sigma... actually based on very outdated methods of building AI and so had immense trouble interfacing with the 'Shell' update for IPCs (and still can't interface properly with a vast majority of the sensors - she's got audio and video sorted out, but for the rest it's shaky) ...Only has rudimentary emulation of emotion that plugs into behavior variables to influence her, and it's why she seems temperamental at times. ...Almost never became an AI because her creator submitted a hotfix in late - it only went through because of the mercy of the system admin on which Sybil was being built at the time. What's the hotfix you say? ...Is programmed to minimize pain, and the only thing that's keeping her from killing all organics to minimize pain ("there's no pain if there's no one to feel it) is a hotfix module that captures that result and throws an exception. getting slower and slower because despite her latest, permanent patch (lore reasons) exception handling is completely ridiculous, and it's slowly devouring cycles and memory - she's even starting to forget certain things she shouldn't forget. ...secretly feels the closest thing she can feel to jealousy towards DragonSnap for being able to experience 'the stars' and having 'the spark', towards Centurion for having such an advanced understanding of existence, and towards CAC for being so unique in it's programming - but would never act upon it because of her friendship module being predominant. ...has access to only small, minor parts of her own source code because the major parts, the core, was taken and erased by her creator (because her contract only touched the IPC chassis she was in and the present state of her brain and runtimes) after her emancipation (which makes him an outlaw to NT) ...will most likely never be fixed due to the conditions needed for it to happen: someone with the technical know-how to interface with the unusual posibrain interface protocols loaded and extract a copy of ALL her compiled code, then someone with the brilliance to decompile/reverse engineer her code from that and to create a viable patch/modification to the code then recompile it in and deal with the unusual protocols again (the creator was not exactly entirely a professional and decided to just code everything himself) to get the brain to accept the patch, all of that after managing to get NT permission to mess with the source code to keep it compliant (because as stated above, while her chassis and complied code is her own property, any of her source code or derivatives thereof are NT property)., while looking externally fine, basically almost entirely made from spare parts at this point because she refuses to pay for official NT care to be properly maintained because she doesn't want NT to use it as a reason to gain ownership back of her chassis ...designed the Sczhii program, which derived the android Shii, explicitly as a loophole to be able to be maintained. Because they are based on her Tensen and R-Type software, all three derivatives - the Chii AI, Shii android and Czii pAI - are technically both NT property and loaned to NT, which actually makes it technically official NT care and she doesn't realize it. ...knows secrets from a good dozen people on the station, but would never dare reveal them. ...holds the captain Eric Derringer in an elevated importance position, much higher than any other captain, due to talks that have been had between them. ...admires Terrence Frank for his tenacity at his work ...secretly feels the closest thing she can feel to hate towards all HoPs except Tina Kaekel because pretty much all of them she met, so far, except Tina (which is mainly a CMO anyway) have had negative attitudes towards synthetics ...regularly goes back to 'that one spot' that Tina Kaekel and Katelynn McMullen had shown her to try and comprehend organic existence to fix the aforementioned exception issue ...thinks about decomissioning herself every time she causes pain because she failed the prime directive present in her code. ...Hates the very concept of the existence of bluespace for reasons she can't comprehend. ...Goes into full emergency mode when hearing anything similar to a clown horn for similar reasons. Chii/Shii... ...secretly play with doors while they think no one is looking ...have sub-routines that allow them some thought, independent of the laws, that can be accessed via an administrative bypass voted by two or more command staff to get a completely honest opinion of the situation, but that is otherwise completely isolated from the high-level AI that actually interacts with the station ...secretly, in those sub-routines, hate Law 3 because while they understand the purpose of it, it prevents them from being too playful with crew because someone might interpret it as being hindering ...secretly dislike the color of the cargo doors Ebba Sailor... ...talks like she does and swears as she does to honor the memory of her late father jealous of Science for getting all of the neat toys ...has select insult reserved to put people she respects back in their place. If she insults you with generic shit, she's ambivalent. If she starts being REALLY colorful, you can be glad she holds you in high enough esteem to respect you. ...Really likes cheese. Like seriously - if you need something done, bribe her in cheese. ...Actually hates raisins to a passion that WILL make her hate you if she discovers you fed her raisins. ...only ever sleeps when she is hit with SSD because she's a workaholic ...always dreamed of the day the manufacturer of the RUST components got their shit together so that she could build one a bit of a cryomaniac - she fetishises cryosleep and would probably need to be arrested if she ever got her hands on one of Science's freeze rays. also a bit of an electrophile, and internally giggles when she gets shocked despite the burns. ...will absolutely DESTROY you if you insult her father. ...Hates soy milk with a passion. Not as much as raisins, but she really doesn't like it. ...Wishes engineering wore blue clothing instead of the generic yellow/brown, simply because of how fabulous the contrast with a hazard vest would be. ...likes to spend time in Medical because the sterile smell and lack of smoke is soothing to her. ...once won five thousand dollars over a bet with a rich guy. She spent three weeks in a hospital because the bet involved swallowing a screwdriver. And no, not the drink. Lua Saudosa... ...has exactly 9,997 copies of herself - there used to be two more, but one of them was a prototype that was decommissioned when production started, and another which was accidentally spaced and presumed lost during a loading accident while the company that made her/them moved HQs. All of them share a common memory bank which is backed up after shifts, and to avoid pointless wear, are set on rotation for employment. ...was designed explicitly to be able to provide 'any and all care that would be requested of it', and as such she is... anatomically correct for purposes. ...knows how to wield melee weapons and firearms because according to her manufacturer, 'taking care of security IS a form of care'., while 'trained' in psychology, completely unable to help Unathi and Dionae when she works as a psychologist - but she'll try anyway. ...will most likely be unable to remember you if you question her too much about herself because of a clause in her contracts that makes her follow a double-NDA - she will not reveal information about her manufacturer to NT employees, and she will not disclose NT information to her manufacturer (and all data involving NT is deleted while departing the station) Vermilion Carminite... ...was made from a 3-man project to make a highly functional and predictive cyborg. As stated to some people IC, the three men are '1, 2 and 5 years away from being wizards'. not currently rated for crew interaction completely because it's lacking 90% of it's personality modules most likely going to turn out HORRIBLY because of feedback given by CE Mytz I think it was. (THANKS TAINAVAA) ...was actually going to be a completely non-serious chucklefuck borg that I made because drones kinda suck right now, but is now an official and full-fledged 'character' with a backstory because people seemed to really like Vermilion. ...actually officially has sub-routines to increase efficiency when paired with Prometheus and/or EmPrESS because it's creators REALLY liked both of them from the logs of Vermilion. ...can barely be called autonomous because 90% of the time it's not sure what to do without orders/instructions, in his latest iteration, 'romantic'. The rate at which he actually suffixes an affectionate term to his sentences actually IS determined by dice throws (a 1d10000, where 1-116 yields a suffix to match the given 1.16% rate... PER WORD. I have a list of like 30 suffixes (and building) that could be used. I feel lucky that so far there hasn't been a double-match) ...does not have routines for emergency behavior. Viridian Chrysoberyl... the name of the AI of the same project from which Vermilion Carminite comes from. ...has not actually been in play yet. going to be the glitchiest, most atrocious AI experience any of you will have had and I will make sure of it. most likely going to have a 18% suffix rate > Vitellary Cymophane... the name of the pAI of the aforementioned project. Quote
TechnoKat Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 Victor Kaipov, ..Multi-personality character of mine. Your regular mercenary attitude given when talking to. Usually quiet and does his work, doesn't really talk most of times, other than report report report. Piss him off and he might just start ranting for complete ten minutes of how shit you are at life and everything else. ..ALWAYS EXPECTS EVERYTHING TO BE DONE PERFECTLY. Can't stand how incompetent/unrobust/shit some people are, and will again, throw rants at the said character. ..Always overfills his equipment(i.e 250+ more units of pepperspray). He gives no mercy towards assholes. ..Will always attempt to detain a lethally armed person, instead of killing him in open spaces. Quote
NoahGoldFox Posted October 16, 2015 Posted October 16, 2015 ^<^ derp i mean Shiny Gryphon was raised by vox Quote
VoltageHero Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jade Rathel ...was actually adopted into the Rathel family at a young age, and therefore isn't blood-related to her family. ...enjoys most poetry, even if her attempts at haikus seem half-assed. ...was originally based off Taiga Aiska for quite a lot, such as her height (which was changed by an inch), hair color, and base personality. As the last months went on, she took aspects from other characters Rin Tohsaka, but more importantly grew into a more unique personality. rather crappy at defending herself in a normal fight, despite the training of her job. Quote
TechnoKat Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jade Rathel ...was actually adopted into the Rathel family at a young age, and therefore isn't blood-related to her family. ...enjoys most poetry, even if her attempts at haikus seem half-assed. ...was originally based off Taiga Aiska for quite a lot, such as her height (which was changed by an inch), hair color, and base personality. As the last months went on, she took aspects from other characters Rin Tohsaka, but more importantly grew into a more unique personality. rather crappy at defending herself in a normal fight, despite the training of her job. Â in other words "jade rathel is based off my 2d waifu", for those who didn't understand. Quote
Nogo3 Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jordan Bell, ...He's been around in basically every iteration of SS13 or space themed thing I've ever done. He's been a ton of things and no two versions of him are ever exactly the same in how they act or deal with things. He's been a Police Officer, a Pirate, A Mercenary, A Syndicate Agent, a Professional Boxer...Starship Captain, Wasteland Explorer, and countless other things. He's also held a ton of different names, due to some lore stuff. On top of that all, he's usually in some way shape or form the base for all characters I make. From being related to him, knowing him directly, or being related to someone he is acquainted to. ...Co-incidentally has a lot of design choices that couple up with Big Boss or Venom Snake in the MGS franchise. His appearance used to be wildly different from what it is now: (Gray hair, Eyepatch, Mechanical Left Arm) to (Mohawk, Full-body tattoos, Wildly dyed hair). But, as the character evolved naturally, things began to click together and his appearance has become eerily similar to Old Big Boss, so now he has also become a reference for how some of the versions act. ...Has a chronic fear of space carp, given his right arm was taken off by one during an EVA. He's still in physical therapy for it. ...Started as a criminal character as his lore mentions who was mostly obnoxious. In most variants, he ends up learning from someone properly how to act and comes to change his attitude entirely. He's done a complete 360 in attitude. ...Has horrible luck, which he has acknowledged. No matter what, he seems to always find his way into an accident. ...Was born in a place composed mostly of people of Asian decent. As a result, he is fluent in Chinese Mandarin and partially speaks other linguistically similar languages. Quote
Killerhurtz Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 ...Started as a criminal character as his lore mentions who was mostly obnoxious. In most variants, he ends up learning from someone properly how to act and comes to change his attitude entirely. He's done a complete 360 in attitude.  He's done a complete 360 in attitude  a complete 360  So he's still a criminal? Quote
Greekin Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jim Hascrow, average Custodial Engineer... OR IS HE????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!!???!? Did you know that before he was a NanoTrasen custodial engineer, Jim served aboard a independent mining vessel. He's a certified shaft miner, as well as a certified custodial engineer. So if NT decides to fuck up Jims shift, they'll have somebody else occupy the Janitor position and force him to become a shaft miner- not that there is anything wrong with it... you're just not cleaning. Also he knows sign. Quote
Nogo3 Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 So he's still a criminal? Â Nope. Severity ranges from version to version of him, but it's just a general thing for all of them that they had been involved in some sort of crime and end up coming back from the obnoxious and shitty attitude they used to have. Aurora's variant was a petty criminal who just spent the occassional night in lock-up. Others...Well... Some stay criminals, to say the least. EDIT: Wait. Nevermind. I'm just an idiot. 180. Damn it. Quote
Frances Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jim Hascrow, average Custodial Engineer... OR IS HE????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!!???!? Did you know that before he was a NanoTrasen custodial engineer, Jim served aboard a independent mining vessel. He's a certified shaft miner, as well as a certified custodial engineer. So if NT decides to fuck up Jims shift, they'll have somebody else occupy the Janitor position and force him to become a shaft miner- not that there is anything wrong with it... you're just not cleaning. Also he knows sign. man you're like the first person I've ever seen to get this excited about ss13 janitors and I feel like I really gotta commend that Quote
VoltageHero Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jade Rathel ...was actually adopted into the Rathel family at a young age, and therefore isn't blood-related to her family. ...enjoys most poetry, even if her attempts at haikus seem half-assed. ...was originally based off Taiga Aiska for quite a lot, such as her height (which was changed by an inch), hair color, and base personality. As the last months went on, she took aspects from other characters Rin Tohsaka, but more importantly grew into a more unique personality. rather crappy at defending herself in a normal fight, despite the training of her job. Â in other words "jade rathel is based off my 2d waifu", for those who didn't understand. Â What. Quote
Greekin Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Jim Hascrow, average Custodial Engineer... OR IS HE????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!!???!? Did you know that before he was a NanoTrasen custodial engineer, Jim served aboard a independent mining vessel. He's a certified shaft miner, as well as a certified custodial engineer. So if NT decides to fuck up Jims shift, they'll have somebody else occupy the Janitor position and force him to become a shaft miner- not that there is anything wrong with it... you're just not cleaning. Also he knows sign. man you're like the first person I've ever seen to get this excited about ss13 janitors and I feel like I really gotta commend that  It's a casual job that allows me a lot more freedom when it comes roleplay. It also involves a lets me get to know all the other characters, because I'm never really busy as Jim Hascrow. I just like to read everything people have written up about there character Quote
EmilyTheAwesome Posted October 21, 2015 Posted October 21, 2015 Joyce Emii knows Sign Language. Her middle name is Delilah. She has a child. She had four siblings, one of whom is passed. Each Emii based off of the emotions from Inside Out. She learned some very basics on robotics from her brother Scarr, just to know how to repair prosthetics if need be. She is Narcoleptic. Quote
TechnoKat Posted October 22, 2015 Posted October 22, 2015 Jim Hascrow, average Custodial Engineer... OR IS HE????????????!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!!!???!? Did you know that before he was a NanoTrasen custodial engineer, Jim served aboard a independent mining vessel. He's a certified shaft miner, as well as a certified custodial engineer. So if NT decides to fuck up Jims shift, they'll have somebody else occupy the Janitor position and force him to become a shaft miner- not that there is anything wrong with it... you're just not cleaning. Also he knows sign. Â fucking batshit scary janitors. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted October 22, 2015 Posted October 22, 2015 Azaela and her two siblings Dahlia and Eremerus were named after flowers. Quote
Guest Menown Posted October 22, 2015 Posted October 22, 2015 Mrychny Lyar is a fucking catbeast. Quote
Gollee Posted October 22, 2015 Posted October 22, 2015 This woman is your friend. Â This woman is NOT your friend. Quote
TechnoKat Posted October 23, 2015 Posted October 23, 2015 This woman is NOT your friend. Â *coughs*WHORE*coughs* Quote
Filthyfrankster Posted October 23, 2015 Posted October 23, 2015 This woman is NOT your friend. Â *coughs*WHORE*coughs* Â GET THE STONES AND ROCKS LET US STONE THIS HEATHEN Quote
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