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Character Fun Facts!

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Alura is addicted to chocolate coated snack foods.

April has had sex with at least 130+ different people, and the number just keeps rising.

Janet likes listening to old-Earth music, specifically Johnny Cash.

Aaron used to have a bad habit of partying too late, getting too drunk and waking up the next morning next to a transsexual prostitute(s).

Cristof once headbutted a man to death.

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oh boy oh boy oh boy.

A large part of Phoebe's attitude comes from spoiled as a child and growing up with money. Her mother disciplined her for the attitude and general meanness, but neither of her parents were around often, so she grew up with this mantra of "I can do anything I want and get away with it." It didn't help matters when her father bailed her out of a malpractice lawsuit. Her sisters have almost the same mindset, but none of them are nearly as egotistical as she is.

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R.E.X. (my new favourite borg) Is in love with central commands Artificial Intelligence A.L.I.C.E. and hopes to see the day when she is deployed on NSS Aurora.


Intellicard her, I dare you

Unit shall do as told. Error: Unit does not have hands to pick up intellicard unit.

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