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Character Fun Facts!

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Lionan Haotyr...

...has been cloned. More than once. And is aware of that fact.

...knows more than enough regarding science to kill many people.

...is not heterosexual.

...once intentionally injured himself with slimes just to see a cute surgeon in Medbay.

...really, really hates NanoTrasen.

Katelyn Hauser...

...has a prosthetic hand from an off-station accident.

...is great friends with NECRON, the security borg. Great friends.

...could out-snark the snarkiest of AI.

Posi, the positronic cyborg...

...believes December Cadwell (as it knew her) to be its 'mother', and addresses her as such.

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Tony Adams

...suffers from inferiority complex.

...inherited/stole a lot of money from his family.

...attempted to start his own niche shipping company, but it fell apart when his partner/girlfriend killed herself.

...has at least one confirmed child, due to his offshore habits while he served in the Sol Navy.

...has been labeled mentally unstable and will not be returning to the station any time soon.

Elena Rashnikova

...has superiority complex.

...hates when people expect her to actually know how to speak russian.

...has three ex-husbands and two kids.

...doesn't intend to make any long term commitment, but enjoys when men and women half her age hit on her.

...is also wealthy, but earned it through hard work instead.

...doesn't tolerate any type of chucklefuckery and will demote/terminate on any serious disobedience as Captain.

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Leonin Smythe...

... Was once married, and had two children.

... Lost both his arms and eyes in one of the Unathi contact wars.

... Lives in a very well furnished apartment in a very bad neighborhood of Lowell City, because he likes to wander the streets at night and practice CQC on muggers.

... Has a strong hatred for EMPs

... Has a strong hatred for Uneth

... Every Friday, after his Aurora shift, he goes to an NT-run "Daycare for Disadvantaged Children" in the Lowell Slums and reads storybooks to the kids.

... Was perma-killed in a katana duel aboard the Aurora (because he's my only snowflake character), but was later cloned and pushed back in to active service (because he's one of my best characters)

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William Von Tirol

-Once viewed his patients as friends and people he could trust, now views them more as broken machines he needs to fix

-Once gave a man a hug because he asked, he was then beaten and locked in a locker for the rest of the shift

-Has a deep hatred for most of Medical, minus Crystal Brooks and Samantha Mason

-Is very down on himself, ironic since his job is to make other people feel better about themselves

- Has a dislike of other psychs, believing they can not help his patients as much as he could

-Has been known to try "Extreme therapy" by making patients face their fears

-Once got the greasers out of prison by labeling them all as "Insane" and promising to watch them

Winston Carton

-Is a sadist and enjoys having power over people at all times, shows more when he is "Stein"

-Attending therapy for Sadistic nature as of late

-Has a soft spot for animals and robots

-Enjoys bounty hunting

-Has no loyalty to anyone, literally selling out to anyone if the pay is enough

-has beaten a man into a coma during a shift

-Has a hidden love of literature, and quotes it often

-Has a huge anger problem, which comes out when one of the two people he actually cares about is even insulted

- Is a terrible shot

-Is extremely lucky in the sense that, despite many shifts gone wrong, he has been able to cling to life...barely

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Rose Watson has a tattoo on the back of her left shoulder. What is it? A rose surrounded by thorny vines.

Contrary to what so many believe, Karima Mo'Taki does roll her 'R'. But she only does so when she is stressed, tired, nervous, or angry. Why is this? When she moved away from Adhomai to a predominantly human college, she took night classes to hide her speech pattern to sound more human. This way she could be more accepted among her peers in a predominantly human-populated field of study. At many times she was the only non-human of her class, and her shy nature usually placed her behind her classmates, when it came to speaking up and asking questions. She was also usually ignored from social groups, meaning she made a very small handful of human friends.

Her claws on her pinky and ring finger are filed down to allow easier typing of the keyboard. But she keeps the rest of her claws sharp and well cared for, as they are very efficient in picking wires and fixing circuitry in the androids and robots she builds and repairs.

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Karima Mo'Taki looks around.

Karima Mo'Taki starts climbing onto the reinforced table!

Karima Mo'Taki climbs onto the reinforced table!

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

You fill Beer glass with 10 units of the contents of the beer keg.

Beer glass is full.

Karima Mo'Taki sniffs the beer.

Karima Mo'Taki frowns.

You swallow a gulp of Beer glass.

Karima Mo'Taki says, "....ick."

You place Beer glass into the the disposal unit.

Karima Mo'Taki says, "Yuck.."

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did I post yet? I don't think I posted here yet. idk.

Conservan Xullie aka 'Cons'

-Born in a Mars slum in what could only be called a 'decaying mansion'

-He's 29, joined NT when he was 23.

-Was on a full ride scholarship engineering tract when an industrial accident in his third year caused the loss of his arm and blinded him. He was 20.

-Three years of medical expenses and the failed classes after his accident caused him to lose his scholarship and go into severe debt, joining NT Sol branch because it gave him the chance to pay back, starting on the bottom rung with no formal completed education.

-Chainsmoker and borderline alcoholic, disillusioned with his life and his prospects, resigned his fate aboard as a cog on a corporate station.

-Dreamed to work in interstellar station and ship design, but thinks he's too far behind his peers due to his injuries and time wasted working station engineering

-Blames the non-human he was working with in college for his accident, and carries that blame to all 'xenos' (except the ones who have personally proven themselves to be 'good ones')

-Harbors latent distrust for any and all synthetics, including AI, borgs, and IPCs

-Prefers to do everything himself so he can be sure nobody has screwed anything up

-Did not complete atmospherics classes at university

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Alisa Keener...

...Is now Alisa Stamos. The wedding took place on station, with Charlie Dove running the marriage, and Bryce Faust giving away the blushing, beautiful bride.

...got pregnant over their honeymoon to Mars. This was actually a random chance I gave myself, and RNJesus decided it was time for babies.

...will give her first child the middle name "Nasir" because Nasir sounds weird as a human first name, but Nasir was really excited to suggest it, and did a lot of work to help make the wedding happen.

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~Emma Godswood~

- Comes from a family of primarily researchers, when she chose to go into the Administration field of work, she was largely shunned by her family, including her sister Amelia Godswood, who served as a Research Director for NT

- Has only ever dated one guy, she was with him for three months before he cheated on her.

- She has a weird thing for Roy Wyatt, they spent some time together

- Roy Wyatt broke her heart, which has caused her to turn into a very strong willed person

- She's quite rich, even though she would never flaunt this and is quite embarrassed by it

- She absolutely despises other female Head's of Personnel and Captains, although she would never say anything to them, she offers a lot of fake smiles

- She has been trying to get Elena Rashnikova fired from behind the scenes

- Recently had her cat stolen from her apartment in Mendell

- Stays in an apartment on the Odin bi-weekly, going home every other week to relax

- Nearly got kidnapped by a Syndicate Operative in Mendell, (she doesnt know the Syndi part) however, she was able to put that fucker on his ass... By use of her favourite vase.

- Finds disobeyal of orders and disloyalty in general disgusting. She is very loyal to NT and the protection of it's assets.

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Vittorio Giurifiglio...

Is extremely politically active, working in internal party affairs, in his spare time.

Is a Religious Roman Catholic, and attends church every second sunday, as well as upholding the sacraments, he is however completely secular

Can speak TC basic, Sol Common, Latin, Italo-Europaen (descendent creole) and traditional Italian

Is moderately wealthy, owning a 3 hectare vineyard, on which he exclusively hires Human proletarians.

Has two cats Emmanuele, and Caesar, a horse Rex Aetherium and one dog "Joey"

Is considering creating a test tube child to genetically design

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~Emma Godswood~

- She absolutely despises other female Head's of Personnel and Captains, although she would never say anything to them, she offers a lot of fake smiles

- She has been trying to get Elena Rashnikova fired from behind the scenes


Fun fact:

Elena is fully aware of it from day one, along with the reasons for such behavior, but does not intend to do anything about it at the moment, taking the moral highground.

They are so similar it's frightening, so it's causing a competition to brew up. If they could in some strange world co-exist as dual-captains, the station would break apart of all the discipline and NT-sanctioned terror. If worse comes to worst, may the biggest bitch win.

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Can't believe I haven't hopped on this before.

Kay Lee

- Isn't shy. Really. Just has a hard time articulating thoughts.

- Will respond to both male and female pronouns.

- Never went to college, but has a good 11 years of engineering experience.

Park Lee

- Has Sound-to-Taste synesthesia, meaning every sound he hears manifests as a taste as well.

- Is terrible at physical labor.

- Won't be alive 20 years in the future.

- Is allergic to spaceacillin. Boy, let's hope he's never in the position to get an infection.

Into The Eternal Void

- Likes Skrell. A lot. They would do just about anything a Skrell asked them to.

- Gets annoyed with repeat patients coming to the medbay for the same thing.

- Doesn't like fancy chemicals and prefers surgery, but admits chemicals are the easier way.

- Has travelled around to various schools and hospitals. It's likely they attended the same institutions at the same time as some of the medbay staff and they just never crossed paths.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bryce Faust...

Likes Tajara

Is very liberal

aspired to be a dancer in his youth

Is kinda stupid

Loves ambrosia vulgaris

was a crook, still a crook

has cancer

is very insecure about the clothes he wears

owns three firearms

enjoys making fun of synthetics

hates mechanical limbs

is bad with names

is selfish

hates loyalty implants

is infatuated with Ana Roh'hi'tin's eyes

wishes he could speak Siik'Maas

is an ex-military veteran

is aging quick

likes having childish fun

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...deep down has a psychological scar of having extreme abandonment issues when it comes to romance.

...has a small pet mouse name Squeaky who she sees as her baby.

...is studying for the bar to be a Chief Medical Officer.

...Although she has a cochlear implant, Samantha has limited hearing.

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Luna Fountain...

... thinks of Charlie Dove like a mother.

... studies intensely every evening and takes breaks to lurk on self-destructive forums.

... wears soft slippers whenever possible since she tripped and had her toenail ripped off.

... cuts herself when she makes a mistake at work.

... is at her blushiest when her intellect/education/reason for being on Aurora is questioned.

... recently moved from a box-room-apartment on Biesel to become Roy Wyatt's new roommate.

... likes to pretend she's a chemist when having a bath by mixing different coloured/scented bath oils.

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Oliver Stefan...

....had almost no formal education

....learned atmospherics through on the job pain and suffering

....is an ex deckhand

....is surprisingly spry for having a crippled respiratory system

....is rather friendly if you approach him with good intentions

....has been hurt more than once from this issue

....is not even close to handsome under his mask

....will die within 15 minutes of having his mask removed

....defends this weakness with his life

....is awful with alcohol, being easy to anger when drunk, but surprisingly flirtatious and frisky when just s

....only recently started his first relationship

....deeply loves his partner, despite being hundreds of miles away from her

....may be classified as a bisexual, if only slightly, very slightly

....has lost a surprising amount of friends

....will pass within the next decade

....requires a horrifically pricey surgery to fix the problems he has

....is still debating if he wishes to fix what is wrong with him

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Rose Watson...

...Will have a psychological breakdown if she is ever implanted.

...flunked out of college.

...used to be a drug and alcohol addict.

...Still speaks to Thorns, her second personality, although she keeps this fact hidden from coworkers.

...Considers herself having three relationships. Jack Skinner, her abusive ex; Darth Auman, an old friend and ally that came to work on station with her but mysteriously vanished; and unofficially Tanner Mirabel, her ex-partner on the station.

...Was implanted by the Syndicate and brutally tortured for information - hence her psychological breakdown.

...Used the alias Rosie Thorns when she went rogue.

...Always wanted to be a journalist. Finally got that chance aboard the NSS Aurora.

...Has a VERY wealthy family.

...curses with 'bloody hell'


...is my Tajara Operative. She is actually M'Sai, and will dye her fur to hide identity.

...follows the philosophy of Ninjutsu. She strives to become nothingness. Unseen, unheard, and unknown.

...was kidnapped as a very young kit and sold into the illegal xeno-trafficking.

...has no real name.

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Talia Varick stuff!...

...She has a long stretching lineage of Nepali descent.

...She is currently working on an indoctrination field that, according to her theories, would create influencing suggestions that would discourage aggression, disloyalty, and many other negative emotions. Her research has produced many hypotheses, mostly aimed towards military advancements. Gee, I wonder if the Syndicate could use this information...

...As you guessed, she's also Hindi. VÅ«!

...Was formerly a field researcher almost consumed by her obsession with the danger and mystery of the Frontier systems. After escaping a close call with corsairs, she returned to Epsilon Eridani and got married two years later and had children.

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