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11/29/15 - Player Complaint - Ffrances & Halorocks

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I don't think there's a lot more to say, despite the flailing, desperate defenses. If any staff want, I can give them the log of, just about the full round (I stopped around when all the ops were SSD or captured). But I don't think anything more needs to be said, it's pretty clear what's happening here.

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I still don't understand how it's a proof of metabuddying, or a metacommunication issue. What sort of out-of-perspective information was communicated? How did the players team up to gain an unfair advantage?
I don't think anything more needs to be said, it's pretty clear what's happening here.
I'm sorry, I dunno how to put it gently, but the burden of proof on metabuddying rests on you. You still haven't explained how this was metabuddying, as well as what negative effects it had on the round. I asked you a question, and your rationale for your accusations can currently be summed up as "uh, I don't really want or feel the need to answer". So haha, I don't really know where we're headed with that but all of this is kinda difficult.

You know what, this is turning into a shit show, and not a single moderator or admin has put forth the effort to bother making a single post or reply. I'm just going to stop expecting the quality of RP this server used to have when I joined. Can someone please look over this and just give a final say, one way or the other?

You know what, this is turning into a shit show, and not a single moderator or admin has put forth the effort to bother making a single post or reply. I'm just going to stop expecting the quality of RP this server used to have when I joined. Can someone please look over this and just give a final say, one way or the other?

I'm trying to address the criticism as best as I can. What exactly makes you feel like this is a shit show? :cry:

Also silly rounds have alwayshappened to a degree on Aurora.

You know what, this is turning into a shit show, and not a single moderator or admin has put forth the effort to bother making a single post or reply. I'm just going to stop expecting the quality of RP this server used to have when I joined. Can someone please look over this and just give a final say, one way or the other?


Senpaishadow posted on the first page saying he would read through this and write a proper reply, i can only assume something came up. Regardless i feel the community has a point here, where exactly do we draw the line between being a chucklefuck (against the rules) and just acting silly? this complaint here can set that precedant. In the past its been shaky and one of the more difficult things to make a decision on in the moment. Its entirely possible and likely we have been too lax and let it spiral out of control to become the norm.

I think this is quite a large issue and needs serious attention. I have posted my thoughts above in the staff skype group so we can try to reach a consensus. Im sorry to only be able to say "we will discuss it" but i dont have the power (nor the inclination) to make a call this big and throw out punishments without other staff's opinion. In the mean time its to everyone's benefit to keep discussing this.

You know what, this is turning into a shit show, and not a single moderator or admin has put forth the effort to bother making a single post or reply. I'm just going to stop expecting the quality of RP this server used to have when I joined. Can someone please look over this and just give a final say, one way or the other?


Senpaishadow posted on the first page saying he would read through this and write a proper reply, i can only assume something came up. Regardless i feel the community has a point here, where exactly do we draw the line between being a chucklefuck (against the rules) and just acting silly? this complaint here can set that precedant. In the past its been shaky and one of the more difficult things to make a decision on in the moment. Its entirely possible and likely we have been too lax and let it spiral out of control to become the norm.

I think this is quite a large issue and needs serious attention. I have posted my thoughts above in the staff skype group so we can try to reach a consensus. Im sorry to only be able to say "we will discuss it" but i dont have the power (nor the inclination) to make a call this big and throw out punishments without other staff's opinion. In the mean time its to everyone's benefit to keep discussing this.


It's good to know that it is being discussed at least. One of my main issues here is the activities displayed by these two this round are things that have been looked down on in the past, and I'm fairly certain people have even been talked to/punished about them in the past. An example in particular that someone brought up to me is Halo running around naked. Yes, he says he was stripped by someone else then joined the syndicates, but there was a good.. 30 minutes of time between me first seeing him running around without clothes or ID, and the nukeops announcing their hiring. He was still naked when he went SSD in departures. I distinctly remember people being told off for doing the naked thing - In fact, I remember there's someone who's been threatened with his whitelist being stripped if his character so much as rolls down a jumpsuit. And, funnily enough, that same person is someone that Frances joined the bandwagon against in a player complaint thread, while she's now defending a completely naked person here (A player she likes, this time around.).

This isn't the only thing, either - I'm seeing double standards here, person A getting yelled at for something, while person B gets away with it, solely because of being liked or disliked.

On top of all this, Frances is a staff member now (Loredev, in charge of a skrell). You'd expect something higher quality than this from someone who's in charge of the server's lore.


I believe there's somewhat of a precedent - in what's already being enforced or not.

I can only speak for my own actions as a nuke op, but I honestly don't believe what I've done is vastly different from the any amount of other silly things people have done to goof off on the server. When I had a conversation about chucklefucking and silliness with Tenenza, the main thing that came up was the notion of frequency - that people liked silly rounds from time to time but that it got tiresome when the same joke characters showed up every day.

This was one single round in the middle of the night, and I still feel like trying to handle the situation I was given from a 100% serious position would've resulted in a frustrating and fairly bland event. I have spoken to some of the people who have complained, and some, like Sue, say that they believe too many silly things are happening at once on the server, while other people think that these kind of rounds are excessive and need to be cut down altogether (I don't really understand Letz Shake's allegations as he seems upset that I mentioned videogames at the beginning of the round? Anyway.)

I don't mind following the mods if they make the decision that no rounds of that sort whatsoever should happen anymore (though I'll be a little sad). Currently, however, this isn't a decision that has already been made.

I remember there's someone who's been threatened with his whitelist being stripped if his character so much as rolls down a jumpsuit. And, funnily enough, that same person is someone that Frances joined the bandwagon against in a player complaint thread, while she's now defending a completely naked person here (A player she likes, this time around.

Not only are you oversimplifying the issue you're trying to describe, but I did not try to defend Halo for stripping naked, and did mention I believe he stepped over the line and deserves to get talked to for that :(

You also called that previous complaint of mine an "attack on furries". I think you're trying to see bias where there might not be any.


Allow me to post something that kind of saddens me about all the things.

We went from a nuanced, lighthearted character like Felix to just being blatant and boring about how we joke around. Like, seriously, memes ingame for days. It's just not quality anymore, it's lazy and it doesn't offer much beyond a kek. That is to say, it doesn't offer substance. The entire point of memes is that they lack substance.

Also, memes for names/in FT are technically pop-culture references. Which are flat out against the rules. As simple as that.

Beyond the simple on-the-surface shit I noted above, I'll have to read proper when I'm not at work. So tomorrow. Or tonight if I'm feeling like my masochism is high enough.

Allow me to post something that kind of saddens me about all the things.

We went from a nuanced, lighthearted character like Felix to just being blatant and boring about how we joke around. Like, seriously, memes ingame for days. It's just not quality anymore, it's lazy and it doesn't offer much beyond a kek. That is to say, it doesn't offer substance. The entire point of memes is that they lack substance.

Also, memes are technically pop-culture references. Which are flat out against the rules. As simple as that.

Beyond the simple on-the-surface shit I noted above, I'll have to read proper when I'm not at work. So tomorrow. Or tonight if I'm feeling like my masochism is high enough.

Thank you Skull for summing up what I've been struggling to make clear every time this subject comes up. The problem is not "WE HATE HUMOR" or "NO SILLINESS ALLOWED". It's that. And it's getting more and more widespread. I'm seeing jewish stereotype characters of varying extremes almost every round. I'm seeing people using memes IC every round. I'm sitting in a round right now where the word 'weeaboo' is being used at least once every five minutes. In character.

Allow me to post something that kind of saddens me about all the things.

We went from a nuanced, lighthearted character like Felix to just being blatant and boring about how we joke around. Like, seriously, memes ingame for days. It's just not quality anymore, it's lazy and it doesn't offer much beyond a kek. That is to say, it doesn't offer substance. The entire point of memes is that they lack substance.

Also, memes are technically pop-culture references. Which are flat out against the rules. As simple as that.

Beyond the simple on-the-surface shit I noted above, I'll have to read proper when I'm not at work. So tomorrow. Or tonight if I'm feeling like my masochism is high enough.

Is the substance actually gone from these acts, though? Keep in mind you're looking at a player complaint - it's obvious that the good aspects of the round aren't going to be lauded here, yet alone even presented.

I think the absurdity of a rag-tag band of syndicate mercs trying to hold a very, very optimistic recruiting campaign onboard a NanoTrasen station is certainly worth considering as something... interesting, for the least. So is having these characters laud the Syndicate's employee benefits over public comms and try to sell them over NanoTrasen's inferior worker coverage (would you believe that NanoTrasen doesn't even have a dental plan?) More fun stuff would've probably ensued if 2/3rds of our team didn't AFK or get lost in space. I don't think a character using the word "dank" detracts from all of that or makes it a crime, but if you want to make it against the rules to say the word "dank" while playing joke characters, make it so.

Speaking of that, err, I still don't understand how making a single reference to a videogame is elevating a character to memetic proportions (my character was otherwise acting pretty legitimately for the rest of the round, if you ignore the fact that he was merrily trying to recruit NT employees to the syndicate cause), but since people keep throwing the term "memes" around it'd probably be time to come down on this and establish exactly what these memetic crimes were.

Do take note that I haven't really looked at the other stuff - I'm merely trying to defend my own actions. I have never said, at any point, that I condone having characters named "Jewish Goldstein" constantly come on station or idk what. Because people on here have been pretty consistently trying to deform my words - at the very least Letz Shake and Sierra.


I'd have to read the rest of the post to actually evaluate that crud, but here's the thing. There are good ways of going about it, and bad ways. Reference Mister Smile or whoever the fuck FarCry had. Very popular character, similar concept to this:

a rag-tag band of syndicate mercs trying to hold a very, very optimistic recruiting campaign onboard a NanoTrasen station


But it was actually done well. Like, I have nothing against humor or lighthearted shit, but, seriously. OOC humor ingame, specially in a roleplaying environment, needs to be done with consideration given to the environment you're roleplaying in. If you just go and call yourself dank memes and run around being stupid, then you're doing just that -- running around being stupid. It is literally below grading, and shite, and serves no purpose on the server.

So keep this view in mind. Anyways, off to work with me.


I don't have the full logs (Letz Shake could probably post them seeing as he admitted to purposely staying on nuke rounds for the sole purpose of logging complaints), but anyway, here's an excerpt of some of my adventures as Halo the dank agent, for comparison:

(I cleaned up some of the message/"the halo coughs!" spam but left in every single line that was relevant to my character)

The halo gasps!

The halo gasps!

The halo gasps for air!

halo [145.9] says, "Hey guys"

halo [145.9] says, "I made it back to the station"

halo [145.9] says, "Finally"

halo [145.9] says, "So this is awkward but I think all of my friends are dead and I am rapidly suffocating"

halo [145.9] says, "Can somebody come rescue me at escape"

The halo coughs up blood!

The halo gasps for air!

The halo coughs up blood!

((some time passes, I'm still trapped outside the escape airlocks and nobody seems to be coming))

halo [145.9] says, "For the record i am still at escape and still dying haha"

halo [145.9] says, "But take your time I'm sure you're just busy with something more important"

halo [145.9] says, "And will come save me as soon as possible"

The halo coughs up blood!

The halo gasps for air!

((I actually manage to find a way to get into escape by myself without venting the whole thing))

The halo gasps for air!

You feel a sharp pain in your chest

The sudden rush of air knocks you over!

You are sucked away by airflow!

Your armor softens the blow!

Your armor absorbs the blow!

Your armor absorbs the blow!

The halo slams into Escape Airlock!

The halo coughs up blood!

the halo has thrown the syndicate rucksack.

The reinforced window was hit by the syndicate rucksack.

the halo has been hit in the chest by the syndicate rucksack.

Your armor has softened hit to your chest.

The halo gasps for air!

You hear a click from the bottom of the door.

You hear a click from the bottom of the door.

You hear a click from the bottom of the door.

You hear a click from the bottom of the door.

The halo gasps for air!

The halo gasps!

Cold Stars [#unkn] says, "Im with security"

Cold Stars [#unkn] asks, "Are you allright halo?"

The halo coughs up blood!

halo [145.9] says, "Oh thank god"

The halo gasps for air!

halo [145.9] says, "I found this station's hospital I think"

((I run into Jaylor, who proves to be quite amicable considering he just found a syndie op bleeding into medbay))

Jaylor Rameau [145.9] asks, "So yeah, doc, you there?"

halo says, "Sir"

The halo gasps!

Jaylor Rameau asks, "Mhm?"

halo says, "Can I get some help"

halo says, "I'm dying over here haha"

The halo gasps for air!

The halo coughs and sputters

Jaylor Rameau says, "Yeeeeah, but first I'm gonna make sure yer not gonna hurt anybody. Jus' precautions an' shit, you know."

The halo gasps for air!

Jaylor Rameau is trying to put some cable restraints on the halo

Jaylor Rameau puts the multitool into the tool-belt.

((At this point, my character begins passing out from blood loss))

... You can almost hear someone talking ...

... You can almost hear someone talking ...

... You can almost hear someone talking ...

Jaylor Rameau is trying to take off a syndicate mask from the halo's head!

A holographic image of Opi flicks to life right before your eyes!

Jaylor Rameau is trying to take off the the energy combat shield from the halo's right ear!

Jaylor Rameau has grabbed the halo passively!

Jaylor Rameau starts putting halo into the sleeper.

Opi [Command] (Intercepted) states, "Second intruder located in Medbay."

Jaylor Rameau says, "So I'm not sure how all this shit works."

Jaylor Rameau asks, "How's he doin'?"

Cold Stars [#unkn] says, "Go outside of medbay"

Cold Stars [#unkn] says, "Meet me"

The halo coughs up blood!

((Jaylor stuffs me into a sleeper while the AI tries to get it to work))

halo says, "I have no idea what you are doing"

Jaylor Rameau says, "Me either."

halo says, "But i'm feeling a lot better all of a sudden"

Jaylor Rameau has grabbed the halo passively!

Jaylor Rameau asks, "So what 'bout this one?"

The halo gasps for air!

Jaylor Rameau [supply] (Intercepted) asks, "AI, what 'bout this one?"

halo says, "O--o-o-h-h-h g-g-g-o-d-d-d, t-t-h-h-e p-a-a-a-i-i-n-n-n..."

The halo gasps!

((Jaylor stuffs me in another sleeper, I try to fuck with him a little))

Jaylor Rameau [145.9] asks, "Doc, you here?"

halo says, "Just kidding haha"

halo says, "Gotchu good"

Jaylor Rameau says, "Pfeh."

halo says, "No but seriously my chest does hurt a lot, it would be nice to get some medical help"

Jaylor Rameau says, "I'm no doctor."

halo says, "Though I guess I'm technically not under NanoTrasen corporate insurance so whatever you end up doing would be charity haha"

Jaylor Rameau [145.9] says, "Get t' th' main medical treatment, uhh... room."

The halo coughs up blood!

The halo coughs up blood!

Opi [Command] (Intercepted) states, "Second intruder requires lung operation."

Jaylor Rameau has grabbed the halo passively!

((Enters Jaden Halliwell, the CMO, who decided not to help me because he obviously disapproved of the Syndicate - and I /did/ lack any form of health coverage))

Jaden Halliwell [Command] (Intercepted) asks, "Is halo the one?"

Jaylor Rameau says, "... look, I got 'im restrained, he ain't doin' shit."

((CMO aims a gun at my bleeding, coughing carcass, trying to decide what to do))

The halo gasps for air!

Jaden Halliwell says, "Jaylor back away"

The halo gasps for air!

halo says, "Yes"

halo says, "That is correct"

halo says, "I believe that obtaining medical treatment is far more important of an objective for me at the moment than overtaking this station is"

You feel woosey

halo says, "Though we were also planning to do that eventually"

halo says, "Not yet though haha"

((The CMO arbitrarily decides to shoot me with an ion rifle, which was pretty funny))

Jaden Halliwell fires the ion rifle!

halo is hit by the ion bolt in the chest!

Jaden Halliwell fires the ion rifle!

halo is hit by the ion bolt in the chest!

The halo gasps for air!

Jaden Halliwell fires the energy carbine!

halo is hit by the electrode in the chest!

The halo gasps for air!

Jaylor Rameau says, "... he's restrained."

halo says, "Oh god..."

halo says, "The pain..."

Jaden Halliwell says, "Medical treatment denied."

halo says, "It hurts so much..."

Jaylor Rameau says, "Welp, tha's that."

Jaylor Rameau [145.9] says, "An' why th' fuck's th' CMO runnin' around wit' armor an' guns an' shit."

Jaylor Rameau puts the C-20r SMG into the duffel bag.

((The CMO takes off with half of my equipment. Jaylor pockets the rest, I assume to sell on the black market))

Stark Jegan says, "Uh."

Samantha Curnow unbuckled !

Charlie Stough says, "Good job."

You feel a sharp pain in your chest

halo says, "H-h-h-h-e-el-p-p-p..."

((I then get dragged to security, still bleeding and perpetually passing out))

Stark Jegan unbuckled !

Samantha Curnow asks, "This one of the Mercs?"

Jaylor Rameau says, "But he needs medical help, or he can't tell us shit 'bout who sent 'im."

Jaylor Rameau says, "Yeah."

Samantha Curnow has analyzed the halo's vitals.

halo says, "The syndicate sent me haha"

Stark Jegan puts the oxygen deprivation first aid into the satchel.

Samantha Curnow says, "Blood."

Jaden Halliwell says, "He wont tell us anyway."

halo says, "I actually don't think that's a very big secret"

Samantha Curnow says, "He needs blood."

Samantha Curnow says, "A+"

halo says, "Ah yes"

halo says, "The grade that i could never get in school"

The halo gasps for air!

Opi states, "Security has failed to detain the Diona intruder."

halo says, "My mother actually beat me relentlessly because I got D's"

halo says, "That's how my violent past led me to join the syndicate"

Stark Jegan says, "He's actually."

Stark Jegan says, "Not done anything."

Samantha Curnow says, "He's fine, other than the blood loss."

The halo coughs up blood!

The halo gasps!

Jaylor Rameau puts the magazine (12mm) into the webbing.

((Jaylor is still pocketing various syndicate items in front of security without them really doing anything lol))

Samantha Curnow says, "Taking deprivation damage from it."

The halo gasps!

Jaylor Rameau has thrown the military belt.

Samantha Curnow says, "Might have a busted lung."

Opi states, "Diona intruder has committed multiple violations."

Stark Jegan attempts to force the halo to swallow Dexalin pill.

The halo coughs up blood!

Jaden Halliwell says, "We have bigger problems"

Samantha Curnow puts the advanced first-aid kit into the satchel.

Stark Jegan forces the halo to swallow Dexalin pill.

Stark Jegan puts the oxygen deprivation first aid into the satchel.

Jaylor Rameau puts Cyanide pill into the box.

Charlie Stough whispers something.

Jaden Halliwell says, "Get this station secure again"

Jaden Halliwell says, "All of you"

Opi states, "Recommend detention of Diona intruder and begin evacuation."

Stark Jegan says, "Atleast get proper riot gear on, man."

Jaden Halliwell says, "AI, location of the next intruder"

Samantha Curnow says, "I'll process him and get him set up in general containment."

The halo coughs up blood!

Jaylor Rameau says, "Again, why th' fuck's this guy got guns. He's a-"

((referring to the CMO, who at this point ran into the brig wielding a SMG))

Opi states, "Intruder located."

Jaden Halliwell says, "I am in command Jaylor that is why."

Samantha Curnow is trying to take off the the SWAT Gloves from the halo's hands!

Samantha Curnow is trying to take off the the magboots from the halo's feet!

Jaden Halliwell says, "We are at red alert."

Samantha Curnow is trying to take off a blood-red hardsuit from the halo's body!

Samantha Curnow is trying to take off a brown webbing vest from the halo's suit!

Samantha Curnow is trying to empty the halo's pockets.

Stark Jegan is trying to take off the from the halo's head!

The halo gasps for air!

Stark Jegan is trying to take off the the radio headset from the halo's left ear!

You feel dizzy

Cold Stars says, "Halo"

halo asks, "Once all of this is over can you send me back to my boys?"

The halo coughs up blood!

halo shouts, "My boys!"

You are now getting up

halo shouts, "Boys!"

((the diona and SSD operatives get dragged into the brig at this point, and we have a heartfelt reunion, punctuated by four different security officers holding the diona at gunpoint for carrying an energy shield. I stopped logging from here on, as I was only trying to get a specific OOC conversation at the time))

Total "dank" count: 0

Total "runescape" count: 0

Most of the round pretty much went like that, although that was really the most notable chain of events for me (besides us trying to recruit people at the start) seeing as I spent most of it in space.


I said I have the full log about half a dozen times.

This is the only time I've recorded a log of the round, to be clear. But I get the feeling it's gonna be necessary more in the future.

Guest Marlon Phoenix
I said I have the full log about half a dozen times.

This is the only time I've recorded a log of the round, to be clear. But I get the feeling it's gonna be necessary more in the future.


You said in OOC that you log nuclear rounds, now you're saying this is the first time, and also that you want to log future rounds. Based on the very clear positions you've drawn in this thread, it's an unfortunate thing that it looks like you're metagrudging?

The more the logs expand and create context, the less damning the evidence is against halorocks and Frances as being "chucklefucks". This complaint is one made out of anger and spite, and it's full of personal attacks and damning accusations, as well as dramatic "AURORA HRP IS DEAD". We need less personal attacks.

u have smal pp letzshake


it's an unfortunate thing that it looks like you're metagrudging?


Metagrudging implies IC action based on OOC biases. Not the case.

As for logging? No. I watch nuke rounds because they're usually shitty clusterfucks, where ahelps are needed. But this one was particularly obviously gonna end badly. I spoke unclearly. It happens sometimes.

Metagrudging implies IC action based on OOC biases. Not the case.

As for logging? No. I watch nuke rounds because they're usually shitty clusterfucks, where ahelps are needed. But this one was particularly obviously gonna end badly. I spoke unclearly. It happens sometimes.

I'm not sure how much I want the complaint to expand on this particular subtopic, but there's not really any better place to discuss it.

Metagrudging might be the bad word, but you're most definitely acting like you're holding a grudge. Your complaining has been pretty constant ever since this happened, to the point that OOC needed to be muted today because you wouldn't stop talking about how much this, nuke rounds, and the 'toxicity of RP' in general upset you (followed by an admin having to ask you to stop doing the same thing in deadchat). You seem to be putting a lot more energy into this than would seem healthy. And you don't seem to ever be having any fun when I see you talking with people, you just... complain. And complain. And complain. About the same things.

I'm just saying this as a concerned individual. Do carry on with the player complaint, let's see where this heads, and my goal isn't to distract you from discussing whatever underlying issues you want to discuss. But you should probably consider your motivations for spending your time here if all the game does is frustrate you, and I find it hard to believe that you're doing this out of goodwill while remaining completely impartial considering the kind of behavior you've displayed.


That wasn't about Halo. I don't even know or remember if Halo was in that round.. That was about literally half a dozen people spouting memes and internet terms in-character. About a dozen uses of the word 'weeaboo' and 'weeb'. And it wasn't just me that OOC got muted for, there were plenty of people being super insulting right back at me, far more than I was. I'm putting energy into this because I don't want to see this server completely ruined by the RP flying out the window and I'm not the only one who feels this way. Me not liking Nuke in general is separate.

Also http://pastebin.com/P2VW1AYZ though we did have this lovely exchange with Halo later. Y'know. Because AIDS = Comedy. He seems to do this every round.


I'll just say, with risk that this is deleted due to my complete lack of involvement in the incident. An outsider's perspective. I think the obvious issue is that for some reason, some people are bothered by... this. Saying that there is nothing wrong and immersion-breaking about it is blatantly stupid, as evidence, the existence of the complaints points to the contrary. Refer to what Skull said for reasons, as I don't find any of the logs posted remotely funny. Maybe it's because I'm a humourless bureaucrat, or it simply isn't funny. I don't know. That doesn't change underlying issue of the complaint.

But to note, that "haha" is very annoying. No one talks like that while choking on blood.

Total "dank" count: 0

Total "runescape" count: 0


Just to provide more info:


[01:01:34]SAY: halo (as North CorpTech Operative)/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) what is up dank agents haha

[01:03:09]EMOTE: halo (as North CorpTech Operative)/Isuckatroleplaying : The halo (as North CorpTech Operative) flexes his dank muscles

[01:12:05]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) a dank game

[01:13:42]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) it's a really dank game

[01:25:32]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) this station is pretty dank haha

[01:38:20]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) we have the dankest lawyers across all the universe

[01:49:25]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) I'm dank agent halo


[01:11:31]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) i mean i did reach rank 1 of the leaderboards in runescape

[01:13:21]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) Do any of you play Runescape?


So, where did you get your count from again?

Total "dank" count: 0

Total "runescape" count: 0


Just to provide more info:


[01:01:34]SAY: halo (as North CorpTech Operative)/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) what is up dank agents haha

[01:03:09]EMOTE: halo (as North CorpTech Operative)/Isuckatroleplaying : The halo (as North CorpTech Operative) flexes his dank muscles

[01:12:05]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) a dank game

[01:13:42]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) it's a really dank game

[01:25:32]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) this station is pretty dank haha

[01:38:20]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) we have the dankest lawyers across all the universe

[01:49:25]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) I'm dank agent halo


[01:11:31]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) i mean i did reach rank 1 of the leaderboards in runescape

[01:13:21]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) Do any of you play Runescape?


So, where did you get your count from again?

I got my count from the specific logs that covered a 30-minute period of RP with the crew.

Thanks for getting a complete dank/runescape count of the round, though. As you can see it... really wasn't used that much, actually, to the point that even I am surprised. It was mostly used to joke with the other nuke ops (who seemed to think I was halorocks) at the beginning of the round. Anyway, you can certainly call my character absurd, but I don't think it's very fair to call him a memetic piece of shit because it should be pretty obvious that spouting round-long memes wasn't my objective.


I'll just say, with risk that this is deleted due to my complete lack of involvement in the incident. An outsider's perspective. I think the obvious issue is that for some reason, some people are bothered by... this. Saying that there is nothing wrong and immersion-breaking about it is blatantly stupid, as evidence, the existence of the complaints points to the contrary. Refer to what Skull said for reasons, as I don't find any of the logs posted remotely funny. Maybe it's because I'm a humourless bureaucrat, or it simply isn't funny. I don't know. That doesn't change underlying issue of the complaint.

But to note, that "haha" is very annoying. No one talks like that while choking on blood.

I don't see where anyone tried to argue that this was "immersive"... most silly rounds aren't. Anyway, it's not because people scream louder that we have to do something more urgently. There's also people who believe this was mostly inoffensive, so... who should we listen to? The first step here should be to establish whether what happened is a new precedent to be enforced.

I'll just say, with risk that this is deleted due to my complete lack of involvement in the incident. An outsider's perspective. I think the obvious issue is that for some reason, some people are bothered by... this. Saying that there is nothing wrong and immersion-breaking about it is blatantly stupid, as evidence, the existence of the complaints points to the contrary. Refer to what Skull said for reasons, as I don't find any of the logs posted remotely funny. Maybe it's because I'm a humourless bureaucrat, or it simply isn't funny. I don't know. That doesn't change underlying issue of the complaint.

But to note, that "haha" is very annoying. No one talks like that while choking on blood.

I don't see where anyone tried to argue that this was "immersive"... most silly rounds aren't. Anyway, it's not because people scream louder that we have to do something more urgently. There's also people who believe this was mostly inoffensive, so... who should we listen to? The first step here should be to establish whether what happened is a new precedent to be enforced.

It's not immersive, it's the exact opposite of immersive, and it should not be something that is supported or enforced. I'm gonna keep my own assumptions to myself as to why 'haha' is even a thing and if its intended meaning concerning if or not it's offensive. Multiple people have privately and openly objected to similar silliness from characters in question. I honestly can't be arsed to study the entire issue and who did what, but the question of the complaint is where one draws the line.

In my opinion, it's when someone is doing something the majority are subjectively bothered by on purpose. To what end, it doesn't really matter. Ends do not justify the means.

It was mostly used to joke with the other nuke ops (who seemed to think I was halorocks) at the beginning of the round.


[01:12:56]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) hey guys

[01:13:01]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) guys

[01:13:21]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) Do any of you play Runescape?

[01:13:25]SAY: Issac Garneys/Halorocks22 : (Ceti Basic) i do

[01:13:36]SAY: Issac Garneys/Halorocks22 : (Ceti Basic) runescape is my favorite

[01:13:42]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) it's a really dank game

[01:13:46]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) we should all play together sometime haha


[01:25:28]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) yeah you should come with us

[01:25:32]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) this station is pretty dank haha


^ Don't know who you were with in this one, but no logs of another nuke op anywhere in sight leads me to believe you weren't talking with another nuke op.


[01:38:08]SAY: Solomon Goldstein/Insert Clever Name Here : (Ceti Basic) Do you have good lawyers

[01:38:20]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) we have the dankest lawyers across all the universe


[01:49:06]SAY: Jaylor Rameau/EvilBrage : (Ceti Basic) Who th' fuck're you?

[01:49:25]SAY: halo/Isuckatroleplaying : (Ceti Basic) I'm dank agent halo


Here I prove that it wasn't just as a joke with nuke ops.


Anyway, you can certainly call my character absurd, but I don't think it's very fair to call him a memetic piece of shit because it should be pretty obvious that spouting round-long memes wasn't my objective.


You said "haha" exactly 33 times throughout the entire round; 5 of those in-a-row. When you're constantly going "dank", "runescape", "haha", and "fam" throughout the entire round, it's extremely difficult to believe that spouting round-long memes wasn't your objective.

In my opinion, it's when someone is doing something the majority are subjectively bothered by on purpose. To what end, it doesn't really matter. Ends do not justify the means.

Three to four vocal people are not the majority, however. There's a wide variety of groups on the server that campaign for various opinions and positions. Some show up in specific types of complaints, some show up in others, some show up in the suggestions forum or in general threads, finally there's some that don't really speak on the forums but mostly appear in the actual game (when their positions aren't contested) or in OOC chat (where people like to debate things).

The way these positions should be evaluated and valued should be through the arguments they present, not through how loudly they claim that they have an issue with something. Not only are the majority not bothered by this (I would like to advance that the majority doesn't give a damn one way or another, as long as joke characters aren't constant), but saying that I'm doing this to purposely bother people is a bit presumptuous, considering the explanation that I was trying to bring some lighthearted fun to the round (and some people ended up disagreeing in a very vocal and explosive way) would be a much simpler one.

Anyway, about the strawman - a lot of the accusations in this complaint refer to the sole fact that I used the word "dank" a few times. If the staff have an issue with me using the word dank ICly because it's too silly, they could simply ask me to stop using it and that'd be the end of that. Like, I'm perfectly cool with that, let's go ahead.

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