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Tainavaa's CMO Application

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BYOND key: Tainavaa

Character names: Tina Kaekel

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:

Three months or so.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

Options. Also self esteem.

Why did you come to Aurora?:

I figured if I started playing on the only heavy roleplay server I saw and didn't play too important of a role, I wouldn't get yelled at for being awful.

Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?:

I have now.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

Role-playing. You take a step outside of your own mind and into another of your own creation for fun. To me, it's acting except you can do it awfully and it can still be great. I believe in basic standards of roleplaying such as minding grammar, spelling, and syntax to the best of your abilities because for realsies, you just don't look competent otherwise. Not everybody specializes in English or its literary side and I don't blame them, nor do I look down on them; as long as they're trying because it's about FUN. It shouldn't just be for the sake of doing absolutely dumb things though, unless it's fun all-around or just makes sense. I've experienced "immersion" and it is very nice but honestly, I'll break some of that to add some fun. Not to say immersion isn't fun - because it is - but I think there needs to be a little silliness too. There's a time and place for everything and you have to decide when you're going to be part of the cast of Drama Station 13, or when you're going to be a part of some crazy Space Japanese game show.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

That question confuses me, so naturally I'm going to pretend I know what I'm talking about. Heads of Staff are managers; administrators. They're the leaders of the their departments; they coordinate team members and allocate resources to achieve the goals of their department in the most efficient manner possible. That includes; making sure their subordinates know what's expected of them, making sure their department is prepared, keeping their subordinates in line and making sure all relevant information is distributed to individuals that have a need to know - above, AND below them on the chain of command.

All in all, they're leaders who are directly responsible for all of their subordinates and their department's equipment, and keeping those above informed on the state of their department.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

Setting a standard of role-play. That just comes naturally with the whitelist. Not necessarily, but generally anyway. As for striving to uphold them; I don't know, I'd behave like a person in that position? I'm really not sure what you want from me here. I just wanted to have fun.


Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Tina Kaekel

Character age: 27

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

I honestly hadn't thought of a background for this character when I first made her, I just thought I'd use my occult persona on any game.

What I do have however, is that Tina Kaekel is a curious Space Pagan™ whose mother was also a crazy Space Pagan™. In fact that's where she got it from. She's all into talismans and traditional Wiccan practice and Tina takes after her for the most part but doesn't identify as a Wiccan because she's a special snowflake but she sure does do a lot of the same things her mother does at home but with a twisted view on what it means to "value life". She grew up a spoiled girl with a well-off family, went to college, and became a doctor.

She got an internship during her college years at NanoTrasen and BAM. Here she is. I honestly haven't come up with anymore because, well, I personally don't find it all that important. I made her because CULT. And CULT, she will be.

What do you like about this character?:

Very cult friendly. Especially when she's a cultist and she behaves like a highschool girl. Reminds me of the creepy little girls from that one horror movie. Especially so when she does it with Ava. I also like that she's fairly naive when she's not an antagonist. I generally like her little quirks, like being afraid of the dark.

What do you dislike about this character?:

It isn't very often I find qualities I dislike about characters, even though Tina finds a lot of people she isn't fond of IC, OOC I enjoy peoples downsides. I mean aside from the typical "I'm insane, I like hurting people" etc. etc. type of people. I'm not saying she's like this perfectly balanced character because I'm certain she's got a LOT of flaws in her design, I'm just content with it.

Do you think this character is fit to be a Head of Staff? (Please note that Head characters must be over 30, unless given special clearance):

Other than her naivety and neediness, yes I do believe she's fit for head of staff.


She takes her oath and duty seriously, and tries her best to uphold her obligations and I believe that's a big part of it. She's competent and situationally aware, she just needs the POWER. I know that heads are generally 30+ and Tina is 27, but IC I got the support of quite a few people to recommend Tina for CMO including a CMO and captain. Not sure how much that matters OOC, just thought I'd throw it in there.

Please provide well articulated and argumented answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?:

Honestly I'd say it's meh at best. I also let OOC inhibitions keep me from doing things I think are otherwise hilarious sometimes(not at other peoples' expense of course). Though I know a few people have said I did some cult rounds decently, so that made me happy.

Extra notes:

I don't care what anyone says, adding space before something and taking it seriously IC is hilarious. Makes me giggle every time. Lighten up, it's a game.

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Quality doctor, very reputable name around medical, and always seem to know what you're doing. Haven't ever seen you do anything command related, though, so I'm not entirely sure of your leadership capabilities. I'd be willing to support this just off your competency as regular medical, though.


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While Tina seems like a good doctor, and doesn't have an antisocial personality, what worries me is a character in a command role who pretty much lives for cult. She seems to flip cultist every round I've seen the mode active with her on, but I've never watched her transition to know how well she either resists or accepts the conversion. Antag heads make a round so much more difficult, unless there are unconverted heads who can challenge their authority.

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While Tina seems like a good doctor, and doesn't have an antisocial personality, what worries me is a character in a command role who pretty much lives for cult. She seems to flip cultist every round I've seen the mode active with her on, but I've never watched her transition to know how well she either resists or accepts the conversion. Antag heads make a round so much more difficult, unless there are unconverted heads who can challenge their authority.


The purpose of the game isn't to crush the antags, or level the station. It's to construct a fun roleplay environment. Personally, I would like to see the station brought to its knees more often. Those are fun rounds.

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While Tina seems like a good doctor, and doesn't have an antisocial personality, what worries me is a character in a command role who pretty much lives for cult. She seems to flip cultist every round I've seen the mode active with her on, but I've never watched her transition to know how well she either resists or accepts the conversion. Antag heads make a round so much more difficult, unless there are unconverted heads who can challenge their authority.


The purpose of the game isn't to crush the antags, or level the station. It's to construct a fun roleplay environment. Personally, I would like to see the station brought to its knees more often. Those are fun rounds.

Agreed. It is so satisfying to try to survive within a dying station while everything falls apart around you. I would especially like a round where the cult becomes strong enough to actually operate in the open and let all hell break loose. If the round starts resembling Event Horizon, then it is definitely a good round.

Edited by Guest
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I'm all for roleplay criticism but yeah, I don't feel that antagonist preferences are a thing to go for. I'm not sure if you've ever played with me as a cultist, but I'm not just going around stabbing people in the face. I don't know if that's what you envision if you see me as CMO cultist but I promise it wouldn't be ganking and murderboning.

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I'm all for roleplay criticism but yeah, I don't feel that antagonist preferences are a thing to go for. I'm not sure if you've ever played with me as a cultist, but I'm not just going around stabbing people in the face. I don't know if that's what you envision if you see me as CMO cultist but I promise it wouldn't be ganking and murderboning.


I've played against you as a cultist before, and watched how you play it when I've died. I know you don't go 'spawn sword, kill everything' mode. What you do is wait until people come in for surgery, straight jacket them while unconscious, then threaten them with agonizing torture, death and dismemberment if they don't willingly convert. It's like geneticist changeling. No-one has any cause to suspect it and there's no way to really catch it except watching the specific cameras all round. Add on that the authority of a Head of Department to throw orders that will result in brigtime if disobeyed... meh. Cult just leaves a sour taste in my mouth because there's not much you can do against it without metagaming, actual or just accused, or having a generally religious crew who'll quickly listen to the Chaplain before they get robusted.

But, putting that aside to consider your character and your roleplay independent of game-mode, hell yes I endorse you.

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That leaves plenty of room for RP. The person can choose how to react, realistically, and if they disappear the death can be investigated. And it makes sense in character to be quiet about it.

Noone has any reason to suspect it? A person needed surgery and then they were never heard from again, I'd say that's fairly suspicious. Cult is a tricky situation but that definitely shouldn't count as a strike against Tina, who handles it well consistently and mixes it up (I've seen Taina go stealth cult, peace cult, and violent cult, all).

As for having a head of staff, Romeo is also consistently cult, it doesn't seem to make a big difference.

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Right, take this as the opinion of Skull132, the SS13 player. And excuse if I get slightly offensive.

Tainavaa, you play only one character, so I have only seen you in this light. But, from what I've seen, Tina is perhaps not the best fit for CMO. Basically, a doctor is someone to be trusted, and a CMO even more so. But Tina falls under the category of medical doctors with whom I'm not exactly sure if they'll be around to help me, and conduct their duties, or run off with their other half/halves.

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... half/halves.



I don't take offense, because Tina has done that quite a bit. It's shifted back and forth between putting her doctor duties first, and personal relations first. It's dependent on the situation but with that kind of responsibility, especially with the tools of power such as the coat, the office, the headset, the access, and the authority, unless the person really is just a slacker it naturally whips them into shape and appeals to their dutiful side and motivates them to BE that role model that the leader is supposed to be. Tina's disregarded her duties before but she's also put them above others before as well, and with that responsibility on her(and my) shoulders we sure as hell wouldn't want people thinking we were incapable of performing our expected duties.

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Hmm. While I have seen Tina "run off with their other half/halves", I've also seen them immediately return to their duties as a doctor as necessary. I think that as long as they keep such interactions to a minimum while as a head of staff, (as in, no ERPing on the other side of RnD, cough cough) they should be able to fulfill the role and duties of a CMO.

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+1 Here, Tainavaa is a solid RPer, active (if I'm on, I almost always see Tina,) and knows the department well. The only hesitation I can think of is the above stated Command roles, though that criticism is self defeating since the whitelist system itself prevents players from exhibiting any such leadership. Aside from that I think Tina could run a fairly efficient medbay if she stayed focused on the job and keeping her Doctors/Chemists/Geneticists in line.

As for the Criticisms directed at her being a cult-fanatic, I think that's more of a comment on the state of our server a whole rather than playstyles of a single person. Outside of 'prime time' hours, we rarely have more than 2 actives heads, so having a head role in an antag position definitely makes them much more of a threat since their natural checks and balances are missing. The only way to clear this would be to have the code ensure there is at least one head NOT in an antag role before selecting a person filling a head role to be the bad guy. Aside from that, we just need more active people willing to play whitelist roles get approved for them, adding Tina as CMO is a step in the right direction for this.

Being converted mid round, well there is not a lot that can be done around, most cults that I have seen generally offer you a choice of life or death once they have captured/cornered you, we'd like to believe all of our Staff Heads would choose death over willingly plotting against their own crew, but realistically for most characters its quite naturally to fold and choose life, even if it is life in a burden, and can add a huge element to the RP if a head is forced to turn upon their own department and find a way to convert them or remove them as obstructions.

TL;DR +1 Endorse Tina for any round CMO

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A thought occurs. Tina got a lot of IC support from some heads and a captain - Ava Kalashnikova, Avery Dawkins, and I BELIEVE Crystal Brookes but I can't remember. A lot of incompetent leaders are hired or promoted because of their connections. IC, Tina could have gotten promoted because of her apparent ability to network. If she makes for an awful head and someone complained about it on the forums, and I lost my whitelist or warned or something of the sort, I would treat it as a counseling/demotion/whatever IC. That could be fun! Thoughts?

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