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Graves' Law of SS13 Physics

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Graves' (UnknownMurder's) Law of SS13 Physics

Not to be taken seriously. And, it's not canon.


  • Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Cookies, appearing out of nowhere into your hand, are exception to this law.
  • Once you are on the ground, you cannot crawl. Crawling destroys the physics and causes a disturbance in the universe. You must be standing in order to create a movement.
  • You cannot go over or beneath the station, you must remain at the same level.
  • The chemical are always pure chemical.
  • The atmospheric and pressure has a second or two delay depending on the universe's speed. Use the conversion: 20 ticks per Second. Tick is a delay of time and speed in order to measure the speed of pressure and atmospheric.
  • You cannot look up to the ceiling and determine the color of the ceiling.
  • Once, you've eaten the food. Using the bladder to dispose of the food is impossible for it is stored in your energy wastes. I don't know what I'm talking about. It's a law now.
  • In order to vault over the table, you must stand at the table and wait three seconds to 'climb over' the table.
  • Once the Emagged APC is deconstructed, you can use the same circuit board in the APC. Deconstruct then Reconstruct.
  • Size of R&D explosion is determined on the temperature, amount of Plasma and Oxygen.
  • The object that can be thrown is not determined on amount of badassery and muscular you are, but is determined on a simple object.
  • For every action and collision, there is unequal amount of energy returned. The amount of energy not returned is dispersed into the wall and sorrounding.
  • Not only you can see what is in front of you, but what is behind you.
  • The movements and the actions are determined by our Gods
  • We are some sort of abide by some invisible law that prevents us from killing people randomly. It is called Common Sense... Or wait..
  • The Humans are superior than other species in many perspectives. I know it's not a physic thing but... I'm calling it a law. I'm a scientist.
  • You don't need electricity unless a certain object requires it. Some objects produces their own electricity by gathering the electrolytes in the atmosphere that surrounds the object.
  • Electrolytes are produced from the APC.
  • All Chairs has Seat Belts
  • All Beds has Seat Belts
  • When you sit in chairs, you must always buckle your seats no matter what. This cannot be avoided.
  • All chairs have tailholes for Tajarans and unathis, but it is not visible.

[uPDATED #1]

I ran out of physics concept to point out...

[uPDATE #2]

Chairs Physics included.

Edited by Guest
  • 2 weeks later...

You shall not stare into the Singularity for a naked singularity is an odd thing. Your brain knows this and thus will attempt to self-destroy if attempted.

Do not question Gravity.

Despite being the most combustible matter in the known universe, Plasma is also the ultimate fire retardant when used in glass.

Despite not being visible, chairs are in fact mounted on a turntable that is firmly anchored to the ground. Furthermore, it is not possible to un-anchor this turntable without deconstructing the entire chair. As such, chairs are universally static objects.

Do not question that the ground is made of marshmallow. Pray that it never becomes solid, for injuries will be aplenty.

Energy is never created nor destroyed, aside from the cookies and the pressure and temperature of the water contained in a fire extinguisher

NanoTrasen is your friend. They have perfected the temperature of the shower. Tampering with it means returning to the old adage of "either an iceberg or lava".

Despite the extreme conditions, it is in fact possible to survive in space with little more than a few bottles of pills.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed. Except for the cookies, fire extinguisher and the cubes that are small enough to swallow that are capable of producing a full-grown monkey

...And the cargo crates capable of holding many things from gigantic heat-crystals to small vehicles. And several hundred sheets of heavy material.

Nanotrasen is your friend. They have perfected Capsule technology. As such, please contact your nearest representative if you accidentally opened a crate and it's contents do not fit in it anymore.

In case of danger, attempt digging a hole in asteroid soil and wait it out. Then die because asteroid soil is utterly impenetrable.

Nanotrasen is your friend. They have perfected spatial distortion, allowing you to pilot exosuits capable of loading several Capsule crates and ore boxes while still being capable of fitting in a 2 metre wide corridor.

Bluespace teleportation is risky. Never attempt teleportation without a known safe buoy or beacon. Except if you are a scientist. Then teleporting is as simple as ballistics.

Containment fields are dangerous. In the presence of a containment field, stay away. They are an underrepresented means of FTL travel.

Most conscious entities, and some non-conscious ones, have a polarized personal space field. This field is exactly two meters by two meters. This measure is called a "tile". When standing, the field is polarized positive, which disallows their meshing and prevents two entities with a positive "field" to be on the same tile. However, when laying down, the field becomes polarized negative, allowing the meshings of fields. Finally, if two positive fields are initiated on the same "tile", they will not interfere with one another until someone moves.

Furthermore, you shall not move less than a tile. The minimum distance you will travel is two meters, and two meters is the minimum distance you will travel.

True circles are a lie.

You shall not wear gloves if you are missing a hand; for you are disgraced.

However, should someone bless you with their blessings, you may duct-tape, with invisible tape, an item to your stump.

When wearing optics that allow you to do so, seeing through walls is possible. Floors, however, are always opaque.

Do not forget the Great Void, where the false vacuum of our universe has collapsed within our own station, killing several people as atmosphere itself became a lie.

Crates are not for transporting people, due to the Capsule technology. Lockers, however (and despite having the same capacity) are entirely fair game.

Despite it's discovery, Nitroglycerin is never stable. Neither is Napalm.

Some events cannot be explained. According to the Church of Reality, these events are to be named by no other name than "adminbuse".

(more to come later, I love this thread)


A semi-sentient blob of goo is the most dangerous force the universe can enact upon you.

Said blob of goo can speak directly into your mind...but can't figure out doors.

Spritzing blobs of goo with water will kill them more effectively than the holy fire of toxins.

No matter how full a locker or crate is, there can always be more inside of it.

Size is irrelevant; a Donk Pocket-sized box can hold all the air you could ever breathe.

Nanotrasen is your friend. Due to patented Universal Containment Technology, falling into space and going I one direction will inevitably mean you will return to the station eventually, on the opposite side you left from.

((Loving this thread.))

  • 1 month later...
Guest Complete Garbage

This needs to be a part of our lore. +1.

Also, ideal gas laws always apply, as conditions are always ideal for amospherics.

Chemical molarities are non-existent. One chemical can become another completely.

No heat is ever required for a chemical reaction to occur. Chemicals that are gaseous and solid at room temperature are liquid at room temperature.

  • 3 weeks later...

Momentum is only sometimes a thing and only sometimes works as expected.

For instance, the escape shuttle.

The chairs are facing east and west, or left and right depending on perspective.

The engines are facing south.

When the shuttle launches, you are pressed backwards into your seat despite not facing north.


The temperature of a gas influences the pressure of a gas.

The pressure of a gas does not influence the temperature of a gas.

Thus, all refrigeration units aboard the station use quantum physics and laser arrays rather than air compression.


A welding torch can be used to light cigarettes and cigars without catching your hair on fire or blinding you, but you stand a risk of blindness if you attempt to actually use the torch for working without proper eyewear.

  • 4 months later...

Ever notice how you can cool a gas in the chiller which reduces temperature of a gas, consumes electric potential, yet doesn't put off temperature somewhere else? Its the sound of thermodynamics smacking into the wall.

Ever notice how you can cool a gas in the chiller which reduces temperature of a gas, consumes electric potential, yet doesn't put off temperature somewhere else? Its the sound of thermodynamics smacking into the wall.


I always just figured something somewhere was heating up, but since our universe has perfect (or approximately perfect) insulators, that it just didn't effect any measurable temperature in the room.

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