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[Volunteers Needed] Central Command Duty Officers

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As one of the highest executive powers at the disposal of Central Command, its Duty Officers are loyalty implanted men and women who take care of any incidents pertaining to the stations under their respective care. Under their purview fall the following duties:

  • Communication between NMSS Odin [Central Command for Tau Ceti] and the NSS Aurora
  • Review of incident reports from the NSS Aurora
  • Review of personnel and their conduct aboard the NSS Aurora
  • Response to pressing matters, with intent to alleviate a developing situation [Response Team members deployed as required]
  • Enforcement of Standard Operating Procedure


Now that we have the fluffy bit out of the way, let's see as to what I actually wish to happen. Basically, with the opening of the Incident Report forums, it has become clear that the amount of IC correction and mentoring that needs to be done with the intent of building up a competent command team has exceeded the realistic capabilities of the small Moderation & Administration team that we have. As such, I have the idea of drafting willing individuals to take over the process.

Basically, we would create a small, player driven team that handles the IC complaints area, has the ability to respond to IC situations (faxes, chiefly) and is generally responsible for providing feedback to heads of staff, and correcting/raising them as need be.

The upsides:

  • Less strain on staff to handle these situations, as opposed to full on Mod/Admin issues (player related, as opposed to character related)
  • Actual, potential, development of players and characters
  • More involvement from CC in general gameplay


The main fear I have is creating and promoting a group of "elitists," basically a group of people who see themselves higher than the rest, and lack the humility required for the posting. At that point, they fail to mentor, they fail to teach, and they fail to adhere to the SOP they are meant to be enforcing. Hopefully this will not become a reality; if it does, the I suppose we'll reassess and reengage. Until then, though.

This would be in an open application format, with the process including a board review and some instructional lessons on what will be expected, and how to conduct yourself as. The idea is to teach and select, so that they may, in return, teach and advise. Hopefully this limits potential pitfalls.

Beyond seeking community approval, the next steps would be to gather the initial group, and to develop tools required to fulfill the tasks and responsibilities listen above. After that, we'll see.


This is the sort of thing I would volunteer for, long periods of calm RP at CC, interspersed with bursts of activity as faxes come in.

They could also brief the ERT commander in what to expect, to open up more oportunities.


A beret hardly counts as a hat.


So they don't wear the Centcom Duty Coats?

Duty jackets are part of the ERT attire. They're basically what Sub James Henderson wears while he's knocking back beers after a long day of tearing apart xenos, curb stomping revs, and executing Syndies via neck snap (okay, that one is actually true).


A beret hardly counts as a hat.


So they don't wear the Centcom Duty Coats?

Duty jackets are part of the ERT attire. They're basically what Sub James Henderson wears while he's knocking back beers after a long day of tearing apart xenos, curb stomping revs, and executing Syndies via neck snap (okay, that one is actually true).


I thought it was Centcom duty jacket, not ERT. Nevermind then.


I really like this idea, since it's pretty in line with one I floated not long ago in the IAA thread. I wouldn't personally apply to be in this position, presently because I think I can be a bit unfriendly toward new people and I don't think I'm versed enough in SOP for departments I don't play in.


Yes. All my support. I would be willing to participate in this duty officer population, should it be passed. This will work out a lot of snags requiring CC intervention ICly.


As of right now, the review process will be conducted by myself. I will let a few other members of staff in on it, and bounce ideas off of their heads during it.

Once the core group is established (what I'm doing now), and the SOPs and so on in set in place, we will have an actual review process (board review included).

Guest Marlon Phoenix

I would love to volunteer for this.


An interesting concept, but some rules may need to be placed for them, and having some form of basis that they need to be using. Because one man's RP is another mans annoyance, and so on.

I'd volunteer, I suppose.

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