Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 (edited) BYOND Key: Wolfwoode (Nicholas Nelond) Player Byond Key:Veradox (Cadmus) Staff involved: none Reason for complaint: Cadmus's constant yelling over comms, cursing at and berating other players, and excessive powergaming is really starting to ruin the atmosphere of the game, and the way rounds are supposed to function in my opinion Approximate Date/Time: 7/9/16, Approximately 10pm EST (I believe) Over the past few days, he has gotten extremely excessive in the amount of unnecessary profanity and shouting over general comms, and no matter how much "quirkiness" androids, robots, or other synthetics are supposed to have, he just plain is not acting remotely like a synthetic at this point. I did not mind as much when it did not directly involve me, but now Cadmus is basically making himself unavoidable between his unnecessary overuse and shouting over general comms, and his powergaming and inserting himself in to departments where he doesn't belong. Here are some of the things I took from general comms and my local chat within a period of only approximately a half hour. Cadmus was a research bot this round, I was trying to use general comms to alert security of an incident in medical, Cadmus was involved in no way, if he wanted to make a comment since it was announced over general comms fine, but I hardly find this appropriate. Here is just an example of Cadmus and his bot Mini Cadmus constantly filling the general comms with shouting.. this went on for long periods of time and filled the comms so much if was almost difficult to talk to other players using it because of the constant influx of shouting messages. Here is Cadmus using general comms semi appropriately to call for medical assistance, although its cute when Cadmus occasionally refers to you by an obscenity, but literally every interaction I have with him now I am called a fuck.. or an asshole... or something else of that nature. Every.. single.. interaction. This is after an incident where the HoS was killed and cloned, remember Cadmus is a research borg, he has no reason to be in medical, and absolutely NO reason to be talking to my patients for any reason at all. He happened to be in the area because he was installing an unrequested, unapproved, second cloning pod because "Shit was getting lit" I believe is what he said, which also partly speaks to the powergaming issue I mentioned before. So, he decided to insert himself in to my interaction with the HoS and act in this manner, once again because he just felt like it. This was all in the course of half an hour.. maybe forty minutes, I could capture many more incidents, but I feel like everyone is familiar enough with Cadmus that they are aware of the behavior that I am talking about. Bot quirkiness is one thing.. this is a whole different level. I had him literally insert himself in to RP moments he wasn't supposed to be involved in nearly half a dozen times within the course of an hour. I have seen him do chemistries entire job, as a research borg, at the start of a round, discouraging any new chemists from joining. Cadmus wants to be everywhere, and do everything, and if you tell him otherwise, he will just curse you out and at this point it is way beyond I believe what is an acceptable way for a synthetic to act. *If I submitted or formatted anything wrong please let me know, I do not have a lot of experience using the forums Edited July 10, 2016 by Guest
coolbc2000 Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 Aye, his shit is really getting fucking annoying, whenever I am on station, he just shouts at me and just insults me. Really fucking annoying
ChevalierMalFet Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 I'm glad someone else took the initiative on this. Cadmus's vocal behavior is a massive problem, and moreover there's no reason why this behavior would be tolerated - I don't know if Cadmus is supposed to be an MMI or a positronic, but this is a problem that could and would be solved in 30 seconds by improving his law-set. Cadmus, to me, seems like the archetype of the Insufferable Genius, whose usefulness is so tremendous that his terrible behavior is overlooked. The problem is that there's nothing Cadmus does, or at least does legitimately, that is so valuable as to justify putting up with his behavior. I say "legitimately" because, as Wolfwood pointed out, Cadmus frequently breaks out and does things that should be beyond his specialization. Wolfwood mentions seeing Cadmus work chemistry as a research borg; in a previous round two days ago (it was a Malf round) I saw him go in and do it as a janitor borg, just taking it on himself to make some anti-radiation drugs for everyone. I cannot think of a single interaction I have had with Cadmus that has been in any way positive, in the IC or OOC sense. There is simply no reason why a machine would be allowed to behave this way.
valky_walky2 Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 At no point have I ever interacted with Cadmus and thought to myself, damn he is good at RP/ I would love to RP with that character again. The main reason being he does literally no RP at all apart from act like a complete tit all the time. It has gotten way beyond a joke at this point and basically is making rounds so boring when I am forced to interact with him. It really has gotten to the point I cryo when I am forced into extended interaction with Cadmus. He has no understanding of the things that a borg should really be. He also seems to have it in his head that "everyone is fine with cloning" and just shits on anyone who tries to portray any kind of discomfort with it.
veradox Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 1. first image displayed an event that's happened so many times [the removal of patients] that it was deemed generally inconsequential seconded by him being dragged down a hallway with a lack of at the time visible harm. shrugged it off and continued doing my work. zubari was security, he picked up his boss. 2. second image displayed a short exchange of a. identifying the threat, b. and applying the self-proposed humor value found within the positioning of aforementioned threat. secondly, the player who plays 'Mini-Cadmus' is not *my bot* and they apparently found it to where they wanted to play that role. it was humored and i've yet to say i've had enough of the shenanigan, thus including it in regular banter 3. third image is fine, most medical cases are requested with a challenge to accentuate the problem which was the CE walking in half dazed and then collapsing straight onto the floor after supposedly only recently finishing off the remainders of a blob. text below it is just a falsehood, in which the individual appears to believe that the request for help would be directed solely at them. rarely do i review the manifest, and instead seek direct conversation with parties i'm of interest in. a broad statement was utilized to hail any medical, so i'm not necessarily seeing the targeting here, especially when it's using a plural form. additionally, shifts worked in close cooperation (phrasing for when i'm asked to make chems[such as in this round of question itself], have to move to medical for delivery of injured/assist due to lack of staffing, or there for whatever miscellaneous BS that happens) of the character Nicholas Nelond have exhibited utilization of a last name basis, the term 'Doctor', and on occasion whereas disappointment or aggression are evident, some brand of mild profanity before returning to whatever task is at hand. 4. fourth image is a display of poor moral standards and the mixing of IC and OOC tension making an abrupt and unwarranted interjection into a visibly socially awkward and uncertain revelation to a clone. with the extent of shit that the round was entering into such as the numerous people killing each other and then forgetting it ever happened while security desperately tried to contain them and handle civillian cases, an IC response was made, but from a spectating position it was a really shit response. this is easily acceptable 5. in regards to the preparation of chemistry, 9/10 times the only time i'll ever bother to do it at this present time and recent past is if medical is woefully understaffed (such as the 0-2 people working that's been extremely common as of late) or has been refrained to bare bones essentials due to plainly having other shit to do or to where it just ends up not making any sense to any degree to apply yourself with what ability your character possesses. 6. all interactions with characters who actively seem to visibly and discernibly dislike character conduct have been denied a majority of the usable jokes or retorts either in a following round to maintain the atmosphere of a present round or within a suitable timeframe by distancing. it's not an ever constant all-inclusive shitshow. should you have had a particular problem you should've acted upon it instead of feeding and offering content and your own choice of, while not consistently, aggressive or argumentative choice of response 7. " and if you tell him otherwise, he will just curse you out and at this point it is way beyond I believe what is an acceptable way for a synthetic to act."; easily capable of being denied due to the fact, UTTER AND TOTALLY REGARDLESS of his vulgar actions, the character has and continues to a. abide by it's lawset, b. has accepted and works with orders, questions regarding the purpose of the orders issued while performing them, c. it takes three words of 'get out cadmus' or an authority rank saying 'stop swearing' or 'exhibit respect' for the mannerisms to shift and accommodate these orders properly as can be seen through numerous instances such as (a.) an executive permission order, (b.) general commands, (c.) literally 'stop swearing'. 8. pulling back we'll review the purpose of being in medical. this goes down for a number of reasons, consisting of and including the interest in the condition of an acquaintance, the production of an additional cloning pod for testing and backup due to an intense amount of injuries/deaths and the upgrading of cloning machines to see the genuine worth. which, as a side note, doesn't require cryo or alkysine apparently. it's great. if you're ungrateful for advanced equipment in a shift with a drug-addict psychologist, a synthetic with no hands and just you doing 60% of the work, then apologies for making the rushed decision. to any public posts w/o directly interacting with any due to it being a burn of time: mixed feedback is to be expected and is heartily welcomed to the character design and interactions because it sets and draws lines with a hope to not infringing on the creation. the character does not represent myself but represents it's own self with an aggressive and uncouth personality of a morally offset individual. i've felt parts at certain points due to influencing factors of a round to go overboard or be fueled by partners in which are capable of receiving and reciprocating banter and jokes. whether it's raw memeing or not, with disapproval towards a character that doesn't promote hugs and kisses and sweet dreams there's a portion of feedback that's been at least mildly positive. i'm not aiming to appeal to everyone anyway, but i know that insensitivities and having underwhelming background knowledge of the character can lead to distaste. the whole point of that paragraph is saying i can accommodate you if you really don't like it, but you have to take the initiative to put in your say-so, otherwise i cannot care. certain people will just get the shit end of the stick. roleplay elements resolve in conversation, a non-lethal solely-verbal game threat to spike interest and discussion, and to actually have something get done. Cadmus is a character is designed to play the role of being an intelligent but brusque and anti-social element in the workplace that favors menial labor and restricted immersion into any if not all job roles, a former swindler and sociopath that started with and ascertained a range of applicable but unrefined, imprecise and slightly twisted skills, deviating from the path of general laziness and personal interest of medical and scientific fields almost sorely because of orders and complete lack of staffing creating an OOC imbalance; an individual who was cyborged by punishment and, out of the raw maintained the personality and will continue to serve that setting of psyche unless such would conflict with his mechanical laws. He was a generally unlikable person to begin with, and he's a generally unlikable person now. His personality is an acquired taste, and individuals incapable of receiving his grade of behavior can be found to be comparable to anyone else that just isn't pleasant, except that he can apply work skills, whether illegally acquired or taught and learned, to his role. further responses will be made as necessary if requested by staff, but this was intended as a blanket post to cover most items of the complaint rather than personal opinions. so inform me or have someone inform me and we can talk i guess(?)
Ricky_the_banshee Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 Alright then, let's take all things in account here. The most frequent complaints appearing on this thread seem to be Cadmus' constant swearing an general anti-social behaviour. I see prepared arguments such as "You can simply tell them to stop", Executive orders etc. But the thing is that borgs in general are not expected to behave in such vulgar ways. Borgs units are trusted by the crew to futfill their tasks and to ensure productivity. How does a borg swearing suddenly affects productivity? The answer may surprise you but it does to a little. Nobody wants to hang around with a swearing Machine, it's annoying and let's be honest, it's getting old real fast. Then there is Cadmus "Multi-jobbing". I'll be honest, when I play as a CMO and have Cadmus stock up my chemistry fridge DESPITE being a Research borg feels like a gift from heaven. I see where people see the powergaming in this, but there are quite some counter argument that supports their reason to work in Chemistry. While I do say Cadmus should NOT come on their own accord to mix medicine in Chemistry, there is no further case of powergaming. Why, would you ask? Because Research borgs should be familiar with Chemistry as the Research outpost has its own dispenser and Chemmaster where it can work. The Research borgs are also equipped with tools that help *hold* items such as beakers. They have the tools, it's part of their department in some degree, so it's fine they know chemistry. BUT should they come all the way from the Research department to Chemistry on their own accord without any demand or request whatsoever? No, they should only appear when summoned. When it comes to operating the Cloning lab, it's fine because Cloning is technically a part of Genetics and genetics is both Medical AND Research. But just as I listed down with the Chemistry incident, he should NOT appear unless ordered/requested and he should not engage patients in Medical treatment as that is not his duty. The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. Now finally, I'd like to tell you, Veradox, to tone down Cadmus. You're a capable, if not, GOOD Roleplayer and your characters were great. Cadmus honestly seems like a dumb down of your quality, which is a shame. I do not make the final decision, but my verdict has an impact on where this complaint can go. Which is why I'm telling you to be more careful with Cadmus and his behaviour. Cadmus was a funny borg the first few times, now he is starting to look like BLANK-BOT V2 and that's not a good thing.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 Alright then, let's take all things in account here.Then there is Cadmus "Multi-jobbing". I'll be honest, when I play as a CMO and have Cadmus stock up my chemistry fridge DESPITE being a Research borg feels like a gift from heaven. I see where people see the powergaming in this, but there are quite some counter argument that supports their reason to work in Chemistry. While I do say Cadmus should NOT come on their own accord to mix medicine in Chemistry, there is no further case of powergaming. Why, would you ask? Because Research borgs should be familiar with Chemistry as the Research outpost has its own dispenser and Chemmaster where it can work. The Research borgs are also equipped with tools that help *hold* items such as beakers. They have the tools, it's part of their department in some degree, so it's fine they know chemistry. BUT should they come all the way from the Research department to Chemistry on their own accord without any demand or request whatsoever? No, they should only appear when summoned. When it comes to operating the Cloning lab, it's fine because Cloning is technically a part of Genetics and genetics is both Medical AND Research. But just as I listed down with the Chemistry incident, he should NOT appear unless ordered/requested and he should not engage patients in Medical treatment as that is not his duty. The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. To respond to some of the points of your post, I understand that it can be frustrating to have poor chemists, or no chemists at all, when some medicines seem critical, and I understand how frustrating it can be to not have a stocked fridge playing medical very frequently myself. Also I understand borgs have been outfitted with tools to help in chemical synthesis, and research should be somewhat familiar with chemistry at least from a research aspect, but not medicine. I have seen chemists come in to the game, see the fridge fully stocked, and go in to cryo. Also, isn't having to deal with the IC problems of not having medicine supposed to be part of the game? Just like if engineering was understaffed and couldn't fix breaches, lighting, or power problems, Medical not having a chemist means we need to either resort to surgery, or use temporary fixes like splits or painkillers, or give dylovene until radiation wears off instead of hyronalin or artithrazine. Having someone come in and just make ALL the necessary chemicals removes the chance not only for other chemists to work the job but for us to have those IC moments of "Oh crap.. we don't have this.. what do we do". Additionally, I can maybe understand research being somewhat familiar with genetics, but they are not a medical borg nor a construction borg. They should not know how to build the appropriate parts from an autolathe and protolathe, and tell someone how to set it up. And they should NOT do construction in a department they don't belong to when it was NOT requested, or approved. If you want to do special projects that is fine, that is especially good when the game mode is extended, but when you are power gaming like this in an antag round without any semblence of trying to maintain what you can do and know IC and what permissions you need IC that is not okay. Also, as for additional complaints... this is what I logged in half an hour, there are countless other examples but I felt it excessive, Cadmus has pranked me on my PDA, sent vulgar messages to me about my Dick on my PDA, and just harassed me several rounds, and I even let all of that slide but now he is spamming common chat with his character. I encourage anyone else to list times when they felt Cadmus overstepped his bounds as both what his character is capable of, and the quality and unnecessary interjection of his character's RP.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 1. first image displayed an event that's happened so many times [the removal of patients] that it was deemed generally inconsequential seconded by him being dragged down a hallway with a lack of at the time visible harm. shrugged it off and continued doing my work. zubari was security, he picked up his boss. 2. second image displayed a short exchange of a. identifying the threat, b. and applying the self-proposed humor value found within the positioning of aforementioned threat. secondly, the player who plays 'Mini-Cadmus' is not *my bot* and they apparently found it to where they wanted to play that role. it was humored and i've yet to say i've had enough of the shenanigan, thus including it in regular banter 1. Us stating that he flashed us and was actively kidnapping the HoS, and you ignored that detail, decided to insult us over comms, clearly knowing something was wrong, and you shrug it off as "Picking up his boss?" I don't see how this is remotely possible. 2. If you want banter that is fine, using excessive profanity, all caps, and stating it over General comms for over half an hour is not
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 3. third image is fine, most medical cases are requested with a challenge to accentuate the problem which was the CE walking in half dazed and then collapsing straight onto the floor after supposedly only recently finishing off the remainders of a blob. text below it is just a falsehood, in which the individual appears to believe that the request for help would be directed solely at them. rarely do i review the manifest, and instead seek direct conversation with parties i'm of interest in. a broad statement was utilized to hail any medical, so i'm not necessarily seeing the targeting here, especially when it's using a plural form. additionally, shifts worked in close cooperation (phrasing for when i'm asked to make chems[such as in this round of question itself], have to move to medical for delivery of injured/assist due to lack of staffing, or there for whatever miscellaneous BS that happens) of the character Nicholas Nelond have exhibited utilization of a last name basis, the term 'Doctor', and on occasion whereas disappointment or aggression are evident, some brand of mild profanity before returning to whatever task is at hand. 4. fourth image is a display of poor moral standards and the mixing of IC and OOC tension making an abrupt and unwarranted interjection into a visibly socially awkward and uncertain revelation to a clone. with the extent of shit that the round was entering into such as the numerous people killing each other and then forgetting it ever happened while security desperately tried to contain them and handle civillian cases, an IC response was made, but from a spectating position it was a really shit response. this is easily acceptable 3. I don't take issue with you calling medical, that was the right thing to do. I take issue that every time you refer to us, it is as "You fucks" or "Assholes". Mild quirkiness is okay, constant berating is not acceptable behavior for any borg character. 4. It is not up to you to decide how RP should be handled in a department you dont belong to with a responsibility that is not yours, I am upset not only that you interjected where you didn't belong, but you felt that this response was appropriate. If you want to make these kind of jokes that is what LOOC and OOC are for, to appreciate the hilarity and the meta of a situation, to make it a constant theme of your character is not ok .
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 5. in regards to the preparation of chemistry, 9/10 times the only time i'll ever bother to do it at this present time and recent past is if medical is woefully understaffed (such as the 0-2 people working that's been extremely common as of late) or has been refrained to bare bones essentials due to plainly having other shit to do or to where it just ends up not making any sense to any degree to apply yourself with what ability your character possesses. 6. all interactions with characters who actively seem to visibly and discernibly dislike character conduct have been denied a majority of the usable jokes or retorts either in a following round to maintain the atmosphere of a present round or within a suitable timeframe by distancing. it's not an ever constant all-inclusive shitshow. should you have had a particular problem you should've acted upon it instead of feeding and offering content and your own choice of, while not consistently, aggressive or argumentative choice of response 5. I would believe your points about chemistry, but you often do it as the VERY beginning of a round, when no medical staff or chemists have had a chance to join, if you would wait even half an hour, or as others have pointed out until you are requested, taking on this responsibility that does not belong to you may not have such a large impact. And like I stated in another post, part of the IC fun of this game is dealing with the IC challenges of not having a fully staffed, or fully stocked chemistry department, that is why there are multiple ways to treat, stabilize, and deal with some conditions. 6. Just because your jokes do not carry on to the canon of the next round do not mean they don't ruin the atmosphere of the current round. I should not have to take issue IC in game with each aspect of your actions that I do not dislike, especially since they are numerous and very egregious. It should not be my job IC in game to police your RP every time you do something I don't like when you are ALREADY somewhere you don't belong, you should have control enough to be where you belong, and stay within the bounds of what is acceptable for your character to know, and within someone degree act how your character is suspected to act. If a new player came on to this game today and saw Cadmus over general comms, they would not expect that behavior is coming from a slaved synthetic with a lawset.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged 7. " and if you tell him otherwise, he will just curse you out and at this point it is way beyond I believe what is an acceptable way for a synthetic to act."; easily capable of being denied due to the fact, UTTER AND TOTALLY REGARDLESS of his vulgar actions, the character has and continues to a. abide by it's lawset, b. has accepted and works with orders, questions regarding the purpose of the orders issued while performing them, c. it takes three words of 'get out cadmus' or an authority rank saying 'stop swearing' or 'exhibit respect' for the mannerisms to shift and accommodate these orders properly as can be seen through numerous instances such as (a.) an executive permission order, (b.) general commands, (c.) literally 'stop swearing'. 8. pulling back we'll review the purpose of being in medical. this goes down for a number of reasons, consisting of and including the interest in the condition of an acquaintance, the production of an additional cloning pod for testing and backup due to an intense amount of injuries/deaths and the upgrading of cloning machines to see the genuine worth. which, as a side note, doesn't require cryo or alkysine apparently. it's great. if you're ungrateful for advanced equipment in a shift with a drug-addict psychologist, a synthetic with no hands and just you doing 60% of the work, then apologies for making the rushed decision. 7. Abiding by your law set does not mean you are not overstepping your bounds. Yes you are Serving, but you are serving in ways you are not supposed to. Having to say get out Cadmus each and every time you do something that is not appropriate should NOT be necessary, you should know how to act. 8. It isn't that I could not have used the cloner, I was indeed very busy doing nearly 60% of the work, it is that, you did not belong there, did not ask permission, and should not know how to do that as a borg, which seem to be the central themes of a lot of your actions. You are too busy being "Brusque" to act in the game the way you should, or stick to responsibilities that belong to you.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 i've been excited waiting for this for a good four weeks so i'm going to lay down a blanket post to handle every, if not most of any complaint to be lodged to any public posts w/o directly interacting with any due to it being a burn of time: mixed feedback is to be expected and is heartily welcomed to the character design and interactions because it sets and draws lines with a hope to not infringing on the creation. the character does not represent myself but represents it's own self with an aggressive and uncouth personality of a morally offset individual. i've felt parts at certain points due to influencing factors of a round to go overboard or be fueled by partners in which are capable of receiving and reciprocating banter and jokes. whether it's raw memeing or not, with disapproval towards a character that doesn't promote hugs and kisses and sweet dreams there's a portion of feedback that's been at least mildly positive. i'm not aiming to appeal to everyone anyway, but i know that insensitivities and having underwhelming background knowledge of the character can lead to distaste. the whole point of that paragraph is saying i can accommodate you if you really don't like it, but you have to take the initiative to put in your say-so, otherwise i cannot care. certain people will just get the shit end of the stick. roleplay elements resolve in conversation, a non-lethal solely-verbal game threat to spike interest and discussion, and to actually have something get done. Cadmus is a character is designed to play the role of being an intelligent but brusque and anti-social element in the workplace that favors menial labor and restricted immersion into any if not all job roles, a former swindler and sociopath that started with and ascertained a range of applicable but unrefined, imprecise and slightly twisted skills, deviating from the path of general laziness and personal interest of medical and scientific fields almost sorely because of orders and complete lack of staffing creating an OOC imbalance; an individual who was cyborged by punishment and, out of the raw maintained the personality and will continue to serve that setting of psyche unless such would conflict with his mechanical laws. He was a generally unlikable person to begin with, and he's a generally unlikable person now. His personality is an acquired taste, and individuals incapable of receiving his grade of behavior can be found to be comparable to anyone else that just isn't pleasant, except that he can apply work skills, whether illegally acquired or taught and learned, to his role. further responses will be made as necessary if requested by staff, but this was intended as a blanket post to cover most items of the complaint rather than personal opinions. so inform me or have someone inform me and we can talk i guess(?) Having to come to appeal to you to be avoided by your character should not be necessary. Also how do you plan to do that with your constant SHOUTING banter over general comms? Some people getting "the shit end of the stick" as you say is not really acceptable. I have had other characters that did things I did not like IC, but they made sense and still followed guidelines to what would be good RP IC, and thats what makes it acceptable. I feel that you overstepping your bounds, and the amount of "Brusque" and insensitive comments go way beyond the lines of what would be appropriate by any metric for good RP. "Cadmus is a character is designed to play the role of being an intelligent but brusque" That is certainly not the feeling I get from Cadmus, he is certainly good at his job, cursing every three seconds does not portray intellect, so if that is what you are aiming for, your character may need revision. If having to understand your characters background is necessary for this kind of behavior (For which I still think this character goes beyond what is acceptable anyway) Then that is a poor excuse, because new players or players who are not familiar with Cadmus have to deal with all of his actions consistently. There are no IC or OOC reasons why your character as a borg should be allowed to have this kind of behavior... and having your own IC or OOC reasons for it does not justify it. I don't feel you have hit the character you are aiming for or describe, and I don't feel what you have now creates an enjoyable RP atmosphere for most involved. The point of this game, is to have fun, and your character being so vocal means other players can not avoid your behavior, even as by request as you stated. I am not saying characters can't be brusque or off-putting or generally a jerk, but not to this extreme, not while also powergaming, and not while also inserting themselves in roles and places they don't belong.
Ricky_the_banshee Posted July 10, 2016 Posted July 10, 2016 Alright then, let's take all things in account here.Then there is Cadmus "Multi-jobbing". I'll be honest, when I play as a CMO and have Cadmus stock up my chemistry fridge DESPITE being a Research borg feels like a gift from heaven. I see where people see the powergaming in this, but there are quite some counter argument that supports their reason to work in Chemistry. While I do say Cadmus should NOT come on their own accord to mix medicine in Chemistry, there is no further case of powergaming. Why, would you ask? Because Research borgs should be familiar with Chemistry as the Research outpost has its own dispenser and Chemmaster where it can work. The Research borgs are also equipped with tools that help *hold* items such as beakers. They have the tools, it's part of their department in some degree, so it's fine they know chemistry. BUT should they come all the way from the Research department to Chemistry on their own accord without any demand or request whatsoever? No, they should only appear when summoned. When it comes to operating the Cloning lab, it's fine because Cloning is technically a part of Genetics and genetics is both Medical AND Research. But just as I listed down with the Chemistry incident, he should NOT appear unless ordered/requested and he should not engage patients in Medical treatment as that is not his duty. The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. To respond to some of the points of your post, I understand that it can be frustrating to have poor chemists, or no chemists at all, when some medicines seem critical, and I understand how frustrating it can be to not have a stocked fridge playing medical very frequently myself. Also I understand borgs have been outfitted with tools to help in chemical synthesis, and research should be somewhat familiar with chemistry at least from a research aspect, but not medicine. I have seen chemists come in to the game, see the fridge fully stocked, and go in to cryo. Also, isn't having to deal with the IC problems of not having medicine supposed to be part of the game? Just like if engineering was understaffed and couldn't fix breaches, lighting, or power problems, Medical not having a chemist means we need to either resort to surgery, or use temporary fixes like splits or painkillers, or give dylovene until radiation wears off instead of hyronalin or artithrazine. Having someone come in and just make ALL the necessary chemicals removes the chance not only for other chemists to work the job but for us to have those IC moments of "Oh crap.. we don't have this.. what do we do". Additionally, I can maybe understand research being somewhat familiar with genetics, but they are not a medical borg nor a construction borg. They should not know how to build the appropriate parts from an autolathe and protolathe, and tell someone how to set it up. And they should NOT do construction in a department they don't belong to when it was NOT requested, or approved. If you want to do special projects that is fine, that is especially good when the game mode is extended, but when you are power gaming like this in an antag round without any semblence of trying to maintain what you can do and know IC and what permissions you need IC that is not okay. Also, as for additional complaints... this is what I logged in half an hour, there are countless other examples but I felt it excessive, Cadmus has pranked me on my PDA, sent vulgar messages to me about my Dick on my PDA, and just harassed me several rounds, and I even let all of that slide but now he is spamming common chat with his character. I encourage anyone else to list times when they felt Cadmus overstepped his bounds as both what his character is capable of, and the quality and unnecessary interjection of his character's RP. Holy Christ, those are alot of replies coming from one person. Anyway. I'd like to point that while from a IC perspective, it's great to have somebody fill in the chemistry fridge from an IC perspective, I personally do not approve of this myself when it's done by characters who either lack supporting records or with Cadmus case, shouldn't be inside at all unless given clearance/permission by the CMO or Captain (Which I seem to have forgotten to add to my previous reply.). Replying to your long anecdote, I do have experience with Medbay lacking a chemist. We were able to cope with it just fine, luckily for the patients. . Secondly, the construction of the secondary pod fell under the Not meddling with other departments unless requested/Demanded/ordered which I already stated and expanded on in my reply. And finally, when I was asking for examples about Cadmus, I was asking for; The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 10, 2016 Author Posted July 10, 2016 I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon. I posted four specific examples, stated others in my initial report, and stated more directly in response to all of Veradox's points. I also spoke to his general character and behavior which some have attested to in this thread already. If that is not sufficient then I do not know what is, that is nearly half a dozen examples.. a broad character overview, and already some additional opinions of others. I do not want to get involved to the point of archiving all of Cadmus' activities, and I do not simply have the time or desire to. I feel I have provided enough feedback, information and evidence, so hopefully the community can provide more if ALL of that is not sufficient for you. If you haven't read my responses to find other examples, there is nothing I can do. Since Veradox left a large wall of text, and I initiated this complaint, I took the time to read it and respond, and provide more feedback, please read that if you want more details, that is all I am able to provide on my own, and I feel it is fairly substantial.
Ricky_the_banshee Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Was still reading most of the extra replies while writing that message. Anyway, I'd like another reply from the accused in question before a verdict will be made.
Cronac Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 I have to say that I do find Cadmus to be quite annoying. I frequently find myself wishing that I could ignore their in-character speech because I feel like it takes away from my enjoyment of the round (moreso if I’m playing as a maintenance drone and have to hear it over binary chat as well). At first, the character of a rough-around-the-edges cyborg was funny and I enjoyed him with his occasional timely insults or jokes, but I feel like the character has just progressively degraded into a mechanical equivalent of a man-child who doesn't know when to stop. At this point, it’s like being forced to work with the robotic embodiment of the shit-spewing teenagers on the microphones on a game of Call of Duty. His cult of personality that reinforces such behaviors is also quite grating and does not help the situation. I have to agree with Ricky that this is feeling like BLANK-BOT all over again. The screen caps that Wolfwood has posted are just a small sample of what (to me) feels like games full of this type of activity.
ChevalierMalFet Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Alright then, let's take all things in account here.Then there is Cadmus "Multi-jobbing". I'll be honest, when I play as a CMO and have Cadmus stock up my chemistry fridge DESPITE being a Research borg feels like a gift from heaven. I see where people see the powergaming in this, but there are quite some counter argument that supports their reason to work in Chemistry. While I do say Cadmus should NOT come on their own accord to mix medicine in Chemistry, there is no further case of powergaming. Why, would you ask? Because Research borgs should be familiar with Chemistry as the Research outpost has its own dispenser and Chemmaster where it can work. The Research borgs are also equipped with tools that help *hold* items such as beakers. They have the tools, it's part of their department in some degree, so it's fine they know chemistry. BUT should they come all the way from the Research department to Chemistry on their own accord without any demand or request whatsoever? No, they should only appear when summoned. When it comes to operating the Cloning lab, it's fine because Cloning is technically a part of Genetics and genetics is both Medical AND Research. But just as I listed down with the Chemistry incident, he should NOT appear unless ordered/requested and he should not engage patients in Medical treatment as that is not his duty. The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. To respond to some of the points of your post, I understand that it can be frustrating to have poor chemists, or no chemists at all, when some medicines seem critical, and I understand how frustrating it can be to not have a stocked fridge playing medical very frequently myself. Also I understand borgs have been outfitted with tools to help in chemical synthesis, and research should be somewhat familiar with chemistry at least from a research aspect, but not medicine. I have seen chemists come in to the game, see the fridge fully stocked, and go in to cryo. Also, isn't having to deal with the IC problems of not having medicine supposed to be part of the game? Just like if engineering was understaffed and couldn't fix breaches, lighting, or power problems, Medical not having a chemist means we need to either resort to surgery, or use temporary fixes like splits or painkillers, or give dylovene until radiation wears off instead of hyronalin or artithrazine. Having someone come in and just make ALL the necessary chemicals removes the chance not only for other chemists to work the job but for us to have those IC moments of "Oh crap.. we don't have this.. what do we do". Additionally, I can maybe understand research being somewhat familiar with genetics, but they are not a medical borg nor a construction borg. They should not know how to build the appropriate parts from an autolathe and protolathe, and tell someone how to set it up. And they should NOT do construction in a department they don't belong to when it was NOT requested, or approved. If you want to do special projects that is fine, that is especially good when the game mode is extended, but when you are power gaming like this in an antag round without any semblence of trying to maintain what you can do and know IC and what permissions you need IC that is not okay. Also, as for additional complaints... this is what I logged in half an hour, there are countless other examples but I felt it excessive, Cadmus has pranked me on my PDA, sent vulgar messages to me about my Dick on my PDA, and just harassed me several rounds, and I even let all of that slide but now he is spamming common chat with his character. I encourage anyone else to list times when they felt Cadmus overstepped his bounds as both what his character is capable of, and the quality and unnecessary interjection of his character's RP. Holy Christ, those are alot of replies coming from one person. Anyway. I'd like to point that while from a IC perspective, it's great to have somebody fill in the chemistry fridge from an IC perspective, I personally do not approve of this myself when it's done by characters who either lack supporting records or with Cadmus case, shouldn't be inside at all unless given clearance/permission by the CMO or Captain (Which I seem to have forgotten to add to my previous reply.). Replying to your long anecdote, I do have experience with Medbay lacking a chemist. We were able to cope with it just fine, luckily for the patients. . Secondly, the construction of the secondary pod fell under the Not meddling with other departments unless requested/Demanded/ordered which I already stated and expanded on in my reply. And finally, when I was asking for examples about Cadmus, I was asking for; The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon. During a malf round two days ago, cadmus entered chemistry and made anti radiation drugs despite being loaded with a janitor module, and having been such all round.
Snoopy11 Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 To respond to some of the points of your post, I understand that it can be frustrating to have poor chemists, or no chemists at all, when some medicines seem critical, and I understand how frustrating it can be to not have a stocked fridge playing medical very frequently myself. Also I understand borgs have been outfitted with tools to help in chemical synthesis, and research should be somewhat familiar with chemistry at least from a research aspect, but not medicine. I have seen chemists come in to the game, see the fridge fully stocked, and go in to cryo. Also, isn't having to deal with the IC problems of not having medicine supposed to be part of the game? Just like if engineering was understaffed and couldn't fix breaches, lighting, or power problems, Medical not having a chemist means we need to either resort to surgery, or use temporary fixes like splits or painkillers, or give dylovene until radiation wears off instead of hyronalin or artithrazine. Having someone come in and just make ALL the necessary chemicals removes the chance not only for other chemists to work the job but for us to have those IC moments of "Oh crap.. we don't have this.. what do we do". Additionally, I can maybe understand research being somewhat familiar with genetics, but they are not a medical borg nor a construction borg. They should not know how to build the appropriate parts from an autolathe and protolathe, and tell someone how to set it up. And they should NOT do construction in a department they don't belong to when it was NOT requested, or approved. If you want to do special projects that is fine, that is especially good when the game mode is extended, but when you are power gaming like this in an antag round without any semblence of trying to maintain what you can do and know IC and what permissions you need IC that is not okay. Also, as for additional complaints... this is what I logged in half an hour, there are countless other examples but I felt it excessive, Cadmus has pranked me on my PDA, sent vulgar messages to me about my Dick on my PDA, and just harassed me several rounds, and I even let all of that slide but now he is spamming common chat with his character. I encourage anyone else to list times when they felt Cadmus overstepped his bounds as both what his character is capable of, and the quality and unnecessary interjection of his character's RP. Holy Christ, those are alot of replies coming from one person. Anyway. I'd like to point that while from a IC perspective, it's great to have somebody fill in the chemistry fridge from an IC perspective, I personally do not approve of this myself when it's done by characters who either lack supporting records or with Cadmus case, shouldn't be inside at all unless given clearance/permission by the CMO or Captain (Which I seem to have forgotten to add to my previous reply.). Replying to your long anecdote, I do have experience with Medbay lacking a chemist. We were able to cope with it just fine, luckily for the patients. . Secondly, the construction of the secondary pod fell under the Not meddling with other departments unless requested/Demanded/ordered which I already stated and expanded on in my reply. And finally, when I was asking for examples about Cadmus, I was asking for; The complaints regarding Cadmus involving himself in incidents where he has no connection to whatsoever are to vague. Examples would be appreciated at most. I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon. During a malf round two days ago, cadmus entered chemistry and made anti radiation drugs despite being loaded with a janitor module, and having been such all round. Wasn't that the round where the CMO was incapacitated from the AI turrets and the medical doctor dead from an EMP? Essentially the entirety of medical, with no one to treat them or others who were hurt, incapacitated?
valky_walky2 Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Holy Christ, those are alot of replies coming from one person. Anyway. I'd like to point that while from a IC perspective, it's great to have somebody fill in the chemistry fridge from an IC perspective, I personally do not approve of this myself when it's done by characters who either lack supporting records or with Cadmus case, shouldn't be inside at all unless given clearance/permission by the CMO or Captain (Which I seem to have forgotten to add to my previous reply.). Replying to your long anecdote, I do have experience with Medbay lacking a chemist. We were able to cope with it just fine, luckily for the patients. . Secondly, the construction of the secondary pod fell under the Not meddling with other departments unless requested/Demanded/ordered which I already stated and expanded on in my reply. And finally, when I was asking for examples about Cadmus, I was asking for; I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon. During a malf round two days ago, cadmus entered chemistry and made anti radiation drugs despite being loaded with a janitor module, and having been such all round. Wasn't that the round where the CMO was incapacitated from the AI turrets and the medical doctor dead from an EMP? Essentially the entirety of medical, with no one to treat them or others who were hurt, incapacitated? Thats still not an excuse to use knowledge outside your domain of information. Its powergaming pure and simple.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 11, 2016 Author Posted July 11, 2016 During a malf round two days ago, cadmus entered chemistry and made anti radiation drugs despite being loaded with a janitor module, and having been such all round. Wasn't that the round where the CMO was incapacitated from the AI turrets and the medical doctor dead from an EMP? Essentially the entirety of medical, with no one to treat them or others who were hurt, incapacitated? Thats still not an excuse to use knowledge outside your domain of information. Its powergaming pure and simple. The point of those situations is to use alternative, do a module reset, call a medical ERT (which almost never happens), have a captain of HoS make a personnel change so somebody can administer dylovene, have the bar or xenoflora make a plant or drink that counteracts toxin damage, eat a donk pocket.... etc.
ChevalierMalFet Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Holy Christ, those are alot of replies coming from one person. Anyway. I'd like to point that while from a IC perspective, it's great to have somebody fill in the chemistry fridge from an IC perspective, I personally do not approve of this myself when it's done by characters who either lack supporting records or with Cadmus case, shouldn't be inside at all unless given clearance/permission by the CMO or Captain (Which I seem to have forgotten to add to my previous reply.). Replying to your long anecdote, I do have experience with Medbay lacking a chemist. We were able to cope with it just fine, luckily for the patients. . Secondly, the construction of the secondary pod fell under the Not meddling with other departments unless requested/Demanded/ordered which I already stated and expanded on in my reply. And finally, when I was asking for examples about Cadmus, I was asking for; I am yet to receive these and it would be appreciated if examples would be posted anytime soon. During a malf round two days ago, cadmus entered chemistry and made anti radiation drugs despite being loaded with a janitor module, and having been such all round. Wasn't that the round where the CMO was incapacitated from the AI turrets and the medical doctor dead from an EMP? Essentially the entirety of medical, with no one to treat them or others who were hurt, incapacitated? Probably it was. But that's the whole point. If the antags can take out somebody with critical knowledge, that's it, that's decapitation - whatever it was that was getting done no longer gets done, and the rest of the crew has to live with that. If it was a human character who did that, it'd be the exact same thing - I mean, I personally know all kinds of things that my character doesn't know, but if there's a situation that I could fix by exploiting that OOC knowledge, then I just have to sit back and drink in the dramatic irony. That's the whole meat of this discussion. I mean, what's the modus for synthetic knowledge that we're operating under? Do cyborgs know how to do things outside their modules? Could a cyborg with a janitor spec explain to another character how to mix up a phoron bomb, if the player knows how?
Guest Complete Garbage Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 I like to think that Cyorgs, Robots, and Androids share a general database with the AI, and a specialized dataset is uploaded/deleted when a module is selected; This allows them to do almost everything if they have the capacity, but nothing too super-duper-advanced. Of course, I'm not an authority on the matter in any capacity; As to Cadmus' behavior, it's fine to an extent, he's made an interesting and quirky character, but he kind of needs to know where to stop at some times.
UnknownMurder Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Lads. This is Cadmus' personality. It's just simply put. I meet my resolve by giving Cadmus the 'Golden Rule' that he hates to follow if he keeps up with his personality at me. Veradox, people doesn't like Cadmus because his personality being an obstruction... An obstruction I overcame. How? Roleplay.
Wolfwood88 Posted July 11, 2016 Author Posted July 11, 2016 Lads. This is Cadmus' personality. It's just simply put. I meet my resolve by giving Cadmus the 'Golden Rule' that he hates to follow if he keeps up with his personality at me. Veradox, people doesn't like Cadmus because his personality being an obstruction... An obstruction I overcame. How? Roleplay. He should still not be inserting himself where he doesn't belong and interrupting other people's RP. There's no excuse for that, him working, acting , talking and yelling in departments he does not belong genuinely ruins roleplay for other players. Maybe some people didn't want to have to overcome Cadmus's personality through roleplay for the 6th time in the same round in a department he is not supposed to be in to begin with. Him coming in to medical and yelling at the cloned HoS that he got decapitated is a clear example of him doing this.
Dreamix Posted July 11, 2016 Posted July 11, 2016 Lads. This is Cadmus' personality. It's just simply put. I meet my resolve by giving Cadmus the 'Golden Rule' that he hates to follow if he keeps up with his personality at me.Veradox, people doesn't like Cadmus because his personality being an obstruction... An obstruction I overcame. How? Roleplay. That's the shittiest logic, ever. Racism/shittness/rudeness should be subtle and discrete, not blatantly obvious to the point where you question if CC cares about their employees/units. And don't bring up the DO's, that's not how it should work. The player should have some decency to know who's/what's shitty enough to not be employed/deployed on-station. Also, there has to be a line between what's allowed, and what's not. And would a new/bald guy be allowed to do this? And let me tell you a story. A long time ago, before we moved to baycode, borgs were allowed to know every module. They could switch with the help of robotics. But, modules were extremely specialized. An engineering borg could construct lots of walls, do repair, all the engineering stuff, and not a lot more. Crisis borgs were absolutely the best at keeping the patient alive with inaprov and tricord, while giving them some bandages and shit, and they couldn't do a lot more. And chemistry? Any borg could find a crewmember who would move beakers between machines, while the borg was 'pushing' the buttons. And borg could, because they had the knowledge to do so. Everyone was happy, there was roleplay. But then, Baycode happened. Research borgs, who could essentially use every item in the game they wanted. IMHO, research module shouldn't exist for balance reasons, and because borgs shouldn't really do any creative work, they should be machines designed to follow laws and HELP the crew, not do shit instead of them. Also, whatever fuckhead added a way for janitor borgs to do chemistry (by adding the gripper for every module, I think? I didn't really play borgs since the code change). TL;DR: Don't too shitty. Borgs are more OP than on old-code, Thanks Baycode.
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