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Character Feedback Thread

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Fuck it, Winston Carton?


To be perfectly honest, we don't interact enough when you're "just" Winston for me to get a read on him. Seems like pretty normal security dude, which based on what I know of him is pretty much the case. You REALLY shine when you're playing Winston-as-Stein though, and knowing the motivation for his severe aggravation towards the station (incompetent and often abusive co-workers) just makes it all the more interesting.

I don't have suggestions, really. I like how he's played, and it's probably one of the most human and reasonable traitor motivations I've ever seen on Aurora.

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What does everyone think about Victoria Benjamin?

Vicky is a really good character, interacts very openly and has a balanced personality. She's fun to be around, yeah.


Shayla Roberts: Only problem is her attitude.

Winston Carton: Great guy, shows how much stress working with incompenent crew can be.

Now, how do you all feel about Imraj?

  • 3 weeks later...

Casting level 6 necromancy and sacrificing 2 virgin white girls to inquire what people have to say about Talia Varick.

In addition, I still haven't seen feedback on Vira. I've been enjoying Talia a lot more, recently, yet I've been having some thoughts on bringing Vira back.

Though, really? I'm not sure.

So, shoot. Past experiences, thoughts, criticism, primarily of Vira. Convince me to even bother bringing back a character I stop developing after I got my whitelist stripped.

Casting level 6 necromancy and sacrificing 2 virgin white girls to inquire what people have to say about Talia Varick.

In addition, I still haven't seen feedback on Vira. I've been enjoying Talia a lot more, recently, yet I've been having some thoughts on bringing Vira back.

Though, really? I'm not sure.

So, shoot. Past experiences, thoughts, criticism, primarily of Vira. Convince me to even bother bringing back a character I stop developing after I got my whitelist stripped.


Talia needs to get more pro at Xenobio.

I know I never actually give you proper lessons on it, but the lack of a Slime-Based Hindu Batwomen Science Wizard is a serious problem.

I think I'm doing too good a job at teaching people responsibility.

ProTenenza-tip: It's not breaking the law or SoP if you don't get caught.


I was crying pretty hard earlier today due to ChrisCa leaving two adult slimes in a cell, starving. When told to remove them and attempt to space them. They nearly murdered me. It was irradiating the maximum level of electricity and it got pissed off by the Diona xenobiologist on top of that, somehow.

While I don't usually like to place fault upon other people in an open forum, GODDAMN IT, CHRIS, THIS IS WHY WE CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS.

Anywho. Find the time to teach me tricks tomorrow. It'll be fun.


Meanwhile Diona xenobiologist walking through slime hordes like it ain't no thang, regenerating 40 brute damage in seconds.

Speaking of, thoughts on Two-Birds-Beaks-Together?


My only complaint was that you split his sentence structure into individual say logs.

I was mostly just like, "Okay, take your time, whenever you want to get on with it," as you were typing. Heh.

Speaking of, thoughts on Two-Birds-Beaks-Together?


The slowness is certainly RP'd in a unique way. It's funny, at first, but for long sentences it becomes somewhat tedious. Perhaps if this becomes a problem, you could find another way of giving the impression that you're speaking slowly, without breaking it up into single word segments? (Hey, talking is hard when you have to deliberate amongst hundreds of other people about what the next word to say is. Perhaps he has a particularly argumentative consensus.)

My honest opinion, though? Take a hint from the Ents of old Earth's stories; Anything worth saying is worth taking a long time to say. Sure, it's tedious, but that's an IC problem. Andy will never lose patience.

Speaking of Andy, does anyone have anything to say about him?

Well, I was trying to accomplish the most Dionaea attribute (slowness) in the most irritating way possible.


You succeeded. It was very, very, irritating. (In a good arpee way)

But...can you speed it up just a little?


Andy is one of my favourite synthetics - adorable, inquisitive and truly unique... Sure, I didn't have too much interaction with him, but all of them were memorable.

Anyways.... Hartam Belorin, Cylia Tuvies, Raymond Tanner, Garry Milders, Terry Paulson.

I noticed you said there's more than one Andy.. Do you mean Android? He's the only one I've actually met.


If you mean the mention of another Android on my Moderator Application, I previously had another character called "Android". It was a generic NanoTrasen Android, and every round it was a new one. It was my way of getting into the server. It was never Andy, however.

However if you meant my mention on a different post about another android named ANDY misbehaving or however they were acting to get a slightly bad reputation, I never met that one either, but a few people assumed I was them.


ANDY and Andy are different. They are not the same.


Lastly, if you meant my mention of multiple Androids named "Android" roaming around, I've activated a few posibrains on Andy. One of them took Andy's name because they wanted to be like him, and one of them took his name because he told it that names are what other people call you, and he had called it "Android" before it had picked a name.


I wasn't aware there were numerous Andys around. Huh. The more you know! Not that I'm any smarter for it

Anyhow, The Andy is brilliant character. I've told you this many times before, so I'll try different phrasing this time... he actually makes people who had got to know him compete for his favor.

That alone says something.

I noticed you said there's more than one Andy.. Do you mean Android? He's the only one I've actually met.


If you mean the mention of another Android on my Moderator Application, I previously had another character called "Android". It was a generic NanoTrasen Android, and every round it was a new one. It was my way of getting into the server. It was never Andy, however.

However if you meant my mention on a different post about another android named ANDY misbehaving or however they were acting to get a slightly bad reputation, I never met that one either, but a few people assumed I was them.


ANDY and Andy are different. They are not the same.


Lastly, if you meant my mention of multiple Androids named "Android" roaming around, I've activated a few posibrains on Andy. One of them took Andy's name because they wanted to be like him, and one of them took his name because he told it that names are what other people call you, and he had called it "Android" before it had picked a name.


I should make that character a permanent character. Continue the Android legacy.

Posted (edited)

Garry Milders was a nice character, I remember interviewing him for People of NT. Penny thought he was nice.

Penny Islington and Camile Crafter. I'm expecting, if anything, a lotta shit for Crafter and her antics. Phooey.

Edited by Guest

I must say, I adore that crazy chaplain Feros Cornilious. Him and his silly satanic ways.

He's the comical relief in a serious situation. Everything he's done always made me chuckle.


Yes, Feros is my favorite chaplain. Crazy bastard that he is XD

I'd like some feedback on Ziva Mo'Taki and the Katana AI systems (It's essentially the same AI as a station ai, borg, ipc, and pAI)

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