LordRaven001 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 (edited) Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: LordRaven001 Character Name(s): Zohjar, Rasateir, Uelak Eul, Shibi-Xhetook'Qeri, Xhei-Qer'Zaill, AI Name(s): Station Control Unit, Automated Assistance Unit Preferred means of contact: Discord is fine. Age: 19 Timezone: MNT When are you on Aurora?: Basically all the time because I have nothing else to do, I also play quite a bit on deadhour when there are only one or two staff. Experience How long have you played SS13?: 2 years How long have you played on Aurora: 1ish year How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I know most if not all the mechanics used in Aurorastation, excluding the newmap ones. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes.. I was an Administrator on Archangel before it closed down, I was also a former trial mod for this server and I am currently a CCIAA. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: Not that I can remember.. I took a long break so I could have been banned and not even known about it. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I used to play SS13 to have something to do and have a competitive game to win on, But that was the old me, I now play SS13 to just chillax and have fun.. Why do you play on Aurora?: I'm a roleplaying nerd, Its true. Aurora offers the perfect balance in my opinion of memes, roleplay and combat.. I think that's what makes it a popular server, the community and not just the roleplay. What do moderators do?: Oversee the game, handle problems and situations as they arise, make sure everyone is abiding by the rules and overall enforcing a fun roleplay environment. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: In short and concise terms, They are here to make sure the cogs of the machine turn smoothly. You may be thinking "Aren't developers the ones who do that" in a sense yes, The entire community is like one big machine, one little bad boy cog can ruin the entire machine.. Moderators are not here to punish they are here to.. moderate.. They shouldn't interact with the round using their official capacity unless its required, and being a moderator is not a fancy badge you should wave around saying "lmao look at me, i'm cool dudes, mod status".. Why do you want to be a moderator?: I want to be a Moderator to help.. I've always been a helper and I think being a Moderator would allow me the opportunity to help a wide range of people on a server I am passionate about.. I'm a bad Coder and a decent Spriter. So I would like to become a moderator to give back to the server that has given me so many hours of entertainment. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I think I'm pretty understanding now, calm, mature, levelheaded and overall just a good person, In my opinion at-least.. I've learned to view other peoples viewpoints and not just one singular one and really investigate into issues instead of looking at them with face value. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I've really improved a lot since my last stay here, I haven't got salty once nor have I gotten angry and I am a much more happy and passive person, I now go by a philosophy that the other players on the server are not just 101010's on the screen but actual people, and instead of being an asshole rude dude like I was to respect them as I would respect someone I was speaking with in the real world. Anything Else You Want to Add: I know I've made mistakes in the past but I can assure you I've changed.. I took a long break and really reflected and I believe I would be a great help.. I'll hopefully get some player feedback to prove what I'm saying as I'm obviously not the most liked person about, So I really hope you will take me at my current face value instead of reviewing my first trial as.. Lets be frank.. That was atrocious, and I sincerely apologize for that.. As always I appreciate any feedback you may have, thanks for reading. Edited June 4, 2017 by Guest
Shadow Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Please note that you can't be a moderator and ccia at the same time. They are mutually exclusive.
Skull132 Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Shadow's buerocratic bullshit aside. In short and concise terms, They are here to make sure the cogs of the machine turn smoothly. You may be thinking "Aren't developers the ones who do that" in a sense yes, The entire community is like one big machine, one little bad boy cog can ruin the entire machine.. Moderators are not here to punish they are here to.. moderate.. They shouldn't interact with the round using their official capacity unless its required, and being a moderator is not a fancy badge you should wave around saying "lmao look at me, i'm cool dudes, mod status".. This says relatively little if not anything at all about what you think they do. You say that they are cogs. Okay, but each cog has a purpose. What is it for Moderators? What do they "Moderate"? Why are they necessary, what would happen if they're removed/shattered? Beyond that. Your last application failed to pass trial. Can you run a show of self-analysis and point out why it did so, and how you've improved upon those issues so that they will not be repeated? You can also post about stuff you think you did well. Basically, compose a review of your last application process, the good and the bad, and how you've improved upon both. Since you do claim to have improved.
DatBerry Posted June 3, 2017 Posted June 3, 2017 Beyond that. Your last application failed to pass trial. Can you run a show of self-analysis and point out why it did so, and how you've improved upon those issues so that they will not be repeated? You can also post about stuff you think you did well. Basically, compose a review of your last application process, the good and the bad, and how you've improved upon both. Since you do claim to have improved. if other people's feedback count, I've noticed they've managed to improve their OOC conduct a lot since their trial, I can't put my finger on it exactly, but he does not get agitated as much, he is not as salty as before and manages to recognize his mistakes and accepts them.
LordRaven001 Posted June 3, 2017 Author Posted June 3, 2017 This says relatively little if not anything at all about what you think they do. You say that they are cogs. Okay, but each cog has a purpose. What is it for Moderators? What do they "Moderate"? Why are they necessary, what would happen if they're removed/shattered? There are two main points why I think the Moderators are necessary and what I think they do. Moderation: One of the things Moderators do is moderate, They attempt to enforce the rules the best way they can and know how and attempt to maintain a fun role play environment for everyone who is currently playing the server. For example if a Joe Jibberjabber were too construct a welder bomb without being an antag with the intent on blowing up a vital piece of the station, lets say the HoP's Office. A moderator would go over there, disarm the bomb, and speak with them about it, asking them if they understood what they did wrong and to put fourth a judgement about the player in question from the evidence and viewpoints they are given. Help: The second thing I think the Moderators are for is help.. Seeing as how we do not have a mentor role like on other servers the responsibility of directing new players and teaching people about the game mechanics falls to them, You've always been able to ask ahelp if you have a question about game mechanics or something about the round (As long as its not like, whats the round type or anything else that would relate to metagame like behavior). What would happen if Moderators were removed would essentially be a rule free server, where there are no rules and no one to enforce them.. The Moderators keep order. Without them griefing would run high, people would metagame, I'm positive most if not all incidents where an antag has you cornered would be entered into OOC and it would just be chaos. Beyond that. Your last application failed to pass trial. Can you run a show of self-analysis and point out why it did so, and how you've improved upon those issues so that they will not be repeated? You can also post about stuff you think you did well. Basically, compose a review of your last application process, the good and the bad, and how you've improved upon both. Since you do claim to have improved. Sure. My attitude has changed one hundred and eighty degrees, When I first applied for trial I was playing the game to win, I was a salty pardon my language, shitlord, and I got angry at literally everything.. That has all changed.. I play the game to have fun, I haven't got salty or angry once in my entire time being back and I treat players as people rather then 1's and 0's on the screen that I can just be an ass too. I think my Moderation Style has changed quite drastically, when I first became a Trial Mod I didn't know how to do anything, I didn't know how to Moderate and didn't know how to treat players when I moderated, I ignored their viewpoints and focused purely on my own salt filled rage, especially if someone did something against me.. As I mentioned before that has changed greatly, I focus on other peoples viewpoints now and look at the entire box instead of just one side, I've learned how to Moderate due to my extensive time administrating on Archangel station before it closed down, And I no longer have those salty toddler level hissy fits. I also remember one key thing I said way back when.. "The letter of the law is how people convict other people." The Moderation team is not here to "convict" people and every situation is different, I need to look at each piece of the puzzle, and put together a conclusion instead of going exactly with what the rules say 100% of the time, no room for error, you just fed someone water, 3 day eor grief ban.. And finally my drama.. I was known to be quite dramatic I use to cause problems with fellow Staff and CCIAA agents alike because I was immature, very brash and never wanted to be wrong. that has all changed, I no longer go around looking for a fight to pick and I accept my mistakes if I commit them Because overall everyone is here to have fun..
UbrPzMaus Posted June 4, 2017 Posted June 4, 2017 +1 helped me figure out how the supermatter engine works
SleepyWolf Posted June 4, 2017 Posted June 4, 2017 Lord has been a great person to be with on the server, and I think he can be a great addition to the staff team because of his previous experience in bad behavior. I think that if you've broken the rules once and never do it again, you can spot others more easily with that same mindset. And Lord is an amazing person.
TrickingTrapster Posted June 4, 2017 Posted June 4, 2017 Here's Lordraven's interview. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:05 PM Alright then. This is an interview regarding your application as mod, and as such I will be asking questions related to mod work, and how you would handle situations if you were a full mod. Should you have questions regarding what a mod can or can't do, or want more clarification on the situation described, feel free to ask. Ready? LR001 - Today at 6:09 PM Yup. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:10 PM Alright, first question. A player joins with the name "Barack Obama", a bald 30 year old assistant. The records show this is their first session playing, an account of 0 days old. What do you do? LR001 - Today at 6:13 PM I would shoot them a pm, asking them if they were new to the server, if they responded with yes they were new to the server I would inform them of our name rule and ask what name they wanted their name to be changed too, if I felt they were new to SS13 after the conversation I would ask if they wanted or needed any help with the game mechanics and such, if they responded yes I would post some links to guides and tell them that if they ahelp we can awnser any questions they might have. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:14 PM Alright. Next question. As a mod, you're going to have information about the round that others do not, while playing. How will you handle this? LR001 - Today at 6:16 PM Its hush hush, I won't reveal it to anyone at anytime, If people are asking if so and so is an antag, I will respond with "Its valid" and not "Yeah they are a traitorlingmanwizard" Ckeys are also hush hush. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:18 PM I see. Next question. A CE ahelps in all caps angrily that they have been killed by a mercenary that was holding them hostage. When you investigate, you find that the mercenary was holding the CE at gunpoint and told the other engineers to back off, but one of them decided to play hero using a wrench and both that engineer and the CE died. How do you rule this issue? LR001 - Today at 6:23 PM I respond to the CE telling them that it will be investigated, and I speak to the Engineer who charged at them and ask them about the situation, asking them to explain their part in it, once they get to the part about charging at the heavily armed and armored mercenary I ask them why they did that and review their notes, If I determine that the Engineer wanted to play hero and brazenly ignored fearRP I would check his notes, If he had a previous history of this before jotted down and it was extensive I would give him a warning.. If this is the first time an incident has been commited by this player and they understood what they did was wrong I would jot it down as a note.. I would then respond back to the Chief Engineer telling them its been handled and the situation is valid. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:25 PM Alright, next question. You're just playing on a round as the only mod. The people on discord are unavailable, and suddenly a ton of attack logs appear about two guys shooting eachother in the bar with lethal weapons. No previous banter was made about it as far as you know. What do you do? LR001 - Today at 6:31 PM I'd wind them both to stop the fighting, and ask them why they were shooting one another, I can see this situation branching off in two directons, one direction is that they had no reason and they were just here to muck about if their attitude and the way they are dispositioned towards it gave me that impression I would give them a warning and watch them for this or any other type of griefing like behavior.. The direction would be that they were new or didn't understand what they think they did wrong, which is common, I would explain the rules to them and point out the one they broke and ask them not to do it again, I would jot this incident down in their notes.. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:32 PM As it turns out, they had been RPing on the server for quite some time and were RPing out a grudge they had built up over several rounds, ICly of course, resulting in a duel to the death. What do you do then? LR001 - Today at 6:38 PM As long as proper escelation was used anything is possible, But I would ask them what the character(s) previously did and judge it based off that. If they just stole eachothers lunchboxes that doesn't warrant a duel to the death, but if they did some serious stuff against eachother that may? People do interesting things to eachother, I've learned this from shadowing an Emergency Physician. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:41 PM Alright. Next question. A traitor ahelps that the AI, which he subverted, is not doing what it is supposed to. When you check, the law states that the AI has to listen to anything the traitor says. When you ask the AI, it responds that the law only states to listen, but that they don't have to act on it. How do you handle this? LR001 - Today at 6:44 PM I would inform them that we do not allow law lawyering here and direct them to the rule, If they had questions about what law lawyering was I would explain it to them and jot it down in their notes.. If they had a history of this I would escelate the notes to a warning. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:45 PM Next question. An ahelp pops up, but an admin takes it before you can. You follow the exchange between the player and the admin, but you don't agree on the final verdict the admin gives. What do you do? LR001 - Today at 6:47 PM I ask them politely if they can explain why they took that action so I may better understand it.. Its not my place to question other staff members judgement, unless its somthing severe like spawning in lord singuloth for no reason.. The only other scenario I could think of is if I was handling a Staff Complaint and it was literally my job to question their judgement. I got into some deep trouble last time I was a tmod for questioning other peoples judgement.. I've learned my lesson I think. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:49 PM Right. Next question. What, in your opinion, is the most important aspect of a moderator? LR001 - Today at 6:50 PM I think Moderators were originally created to do two things, maintain order and help, the most important aspect of being a moderator is helping in my opinion.. The reason why I think this is because SS13 is quite a confusing game, every server has their own wiki and each server is different then the last and everyone needs a bit of help once in awhile. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:52 PM Next question. What cases would you defninitely NOT want to handle? LR001 - Today at 6:53 PM Atmosphereic grief, people requesting items, people asking for a respawn, antag switcheroos.. Basically anything that falls into the Admins domain or a situation where I cannot help, I shouldn't handle them.. As I may dibs that adminpm from someone who can actually help and no one wants that. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:54 PM I see. What do you think is the most important part of roleplay on our server? LR001 - Today at 6:55 PM I personally think its having fun.. We all come onto this game to have fun it is a game after all.. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:56 PM In what way do you think antagonists should apply this idea to roleplay? LR001 - Today at 6:57 PM Including everyone or attempting to include everyone, and remebering that the players are not just pixels on a screen but actual people.. Treat them how you would want to be treated, You wouldn't want someone to jump out from the shadows and successfully decap you and space your head. Tricking Trapster - Today at 6:58 PM One final question. If there was one thing, anything, you could change about teh server, from the community to the mechanics to the staff, what would it be? LR001 - Today at 6:59 PM I would remove changeling and give the antags more options to include the crew.. Changeling is a game where you literally take people out of the round forever, and thats not fun. I would most likely replace changeling with a better gamemode.. Like a new species crash lands and attempts to learn information.. Or somthing like that Tricking Trapster - Today at 7:01 PM Alright. That concludes the interview. Do you have anything to add? LR001 - Today at 7:01 PM Nope.. I think that about concludes it.. Though I am sorry for my last trial mod experience and I promise to do better if I get this one. Tricking Trapster - Today at 7:02 PM Alright. Do you mind if this whole interview is posted on your app, including the last bit? LR001 - Today at 7:02 PM Nope.. Post away. Tricking Trapster - Today at 7:03 PM Alright then.
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