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[Resolved] Staff Complaint - NanakoAC

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BYOND Key: Scheveningen

Staff BYOND Key: NanakoAC, Coder

Game ID: Inapplicable.

Reason for complaint: Juvenile belligerence as a member of the development team, extreme social incompetence and behavior unfitting of the image of a staff member, a completely uncooperative, self-serving and nonconstructive attitude as a member of the dev staff team as a whole, forum/in-game/discord/github pettiness displayed through swathes of paragraphs of unsubstantiated unrelated crap in addition to consistent injections of unnecessary, unrelated political crap into concurrent server development issues at-large, I could go on but I'd be stretching even a paragraph long. There are many things that are wrong with Nanako being invested with the power as a dev staff member than there is anything right with them being on staff, they are a very unpleasant individual to deal with and that would be grossly undercutting the issue here.

Evidence/logs/etc: This argument created by Nanako is a fucking amazing example of everything I will bring up here, fair chunk of notes that can also be gleaned from the account of the individual, in addition to past behavior on discord, forums, server, any medium they've come into contact with.

Additional remarks: This is going to be prefaced with the fact that this is going to be a lengthy post in spite of any possible efforts I will make in keeping things brief. I am not proud of having to post this.

Rule number one: Don't be a dick, especially to the people who you work in tandem with as a team, with very little exception to this rule. Awhile ago when I took my hiatus I learned this rule and would later apply it to be an established credo of utmost importance over any other priority in a work setting. Whether for money or no, there is effectively no reason to ever purposefully undermine other members of the team you work with. This diminishes the value of the work that the team as a whole is doing, greatly impacts the overall morale of the team and their desire to keep working, and overall makes a job that people come to do and make people enjoy the fruits of their labor, into a nigh-unbearable chore that people have to be persuaded to do any work for, just because there's someone who will undermine the character and humanity of almost each and every member on the team. Coding is already tedious work, especially for the spaghetti code folks have to work with. It should not have to be made even worse because of constant server politics and that other associated BS.

This is especially applicable to Nanako. It is one thing to have an argument with another person. It is okay to disagree. Not all people will get along 100% of the time. Disagreement among other individuals is healthy in most cases, but the issue with Nanako is that she never ceases to be a 0% agreeable person. She will go out of their way to execute one form or another of verbal OOC conflict with not just other players over menial issues and commit many logical errors in judgement when it comes to argumentation. They pull sweeping generalizations and thinly veiled ad hominems from a sleeve and weaponize it in order to push a personal agenda in the server's development that often drives in the complete opposite direction in which either the development staff or the community at large want to go. This is absolutely not someone that should be trusted with development staff permissions on-server, or any say on what direction development should be going in.

I am invested within the belief that Nanako was definitely a solid choice as a coder back in the day prior to their uplifting into dev staff. They developed meaningful changes and used to be pleasant in their dealings with other community members. It was otherwise fun to engage with them OOCly and nobody needed to argue about what the intention of certain changes was about. They were a good choice especially since we were rather low on supply in terms of devs. That probably hasn't changed a ton since then but the difference is still considerable than from back then. As to now, I am still baffled as to the person that Nanako has developed into and have wondered constantly what exactly went wrong that made their attitude skew from being such a decent, likable person (with mild controversy about their characters but this detail matters little as it was months ago), into a form of character that is spiteful, antagonizing, arrogant and virulent to deal with.

But I would not focus any attention on what caused that. Because it is clear that the only instrument of individual change of any person is the very person themselves. I will attribute to unfortunate happenstance before malice first, though.

This does not mean Nanako should be treated like the victim she thinks she is. She must be held responsible once and for all. A slap on the wrist would not be proper justice for the vitriolic, vile and utterly reprehensible behavior that comes from them. I am fairly certain they've been warned more than one, twice, or three times in relation to their terrible behavior as to the past 4 months minus one month of technical issue hiatus.

Lemme add another point. There was a present risk I would fail during my two month trial as a moderator. For my one chance that I was given to prove folks wrong and that I'd make at least a decent moderator, even with more than a fair few of folks who thought I'd fail, I chugged through and made it, having made a mistake or a few along the way, one notable one that comes to mind I have atoned for and have adopted to memory to never repeat. I was effectively put on a tighter leash than other moderator candidates because, as I will admit, my past behavior was just as reprehensible, toxic and unhealthy for the server if not worse. I forced upon myself that hiatus and I did my damnedest to go out and learn a thing or two about treating others like human beings in a couple months time.

Regardless. If I or anyone else had treated any person like they were subhuman garbage like Nanako has displayed in their interactions with other community members, we would be gone from the staff roster forever and shamed for it. Such an early precedent may or may not exist. I will not invoke any more names. It is not fair for anyone who has put up with the bullshit of Nanako to continue putting up with them for all this time they've been like this. I do feel like some of the staff have not motioned to remove this person from any stature of responsibility because it's become a font of amusement for the lot of us that enjoy petty drama from people who supply a great degree of endless entertainment, as part of the old time tradition for staff to "bait the dummy until they go beserk".

That game is a dangerous one to play especially if the other person being used for it actually intends to stay and hold back the worst of their words. It is a mistake I will admit in having previously antagonized Nanako for their own antagonism and pettiness in the past. Even without my own meddling Nanako still finds ways to pick fights with others on their own and they actually get even snippier than if I stepped in to poke fun at them.

I would have no problem with Nanako being able to submit pull requests and have player-submitted opinions on certain development suggestions, but I do not believe Nanako is either deserving enough or responsible enough to continue holding their position as a member of the Aurorastation staff. If I had it my way I'd boot them from the dev team, tell them to screw their head on tight, permit them to stick around as a player, submit suggestion threats and have their own personal PRs set-up to be approved on the basis of whether the rest of the dev team finds the changes appropriate for merging. I am not that person, but I still believe that would be a better case-scenario than blanket banning them from the server in addition to stripping their rank and disgracing them. I think for the sake of Nanako, however, they should be subjected to a degree of humility and brought down a peg or two to remind them that they are not so above the folks they tend to shame and ridicule on a regular basis.


Gonna post quotes of two local rules while we wait for [mention]Nanako[/mention] to address this. Consider this a reminder if you're going to post here.

Stay on topic, this means that the posts should be constructive and focus on the complaint itself only. Any off-topic post made will be removed and met with a reminder to remain on topic.

Do not use ad hominem. This means do not attack a person's character (character in this case meaning the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual). You are expected to argue the presented ideas, not the person. If someone were to attack you, don’t take matters into your own hands, report it to us.


Another thing. Another administrator who commented privately inquired if I would like to see prime examples of anti-social encounters between Nanako and other server staff.

The complaint is largely to seek discipline on a staff member. Not a crucifixion. But if other people demand evidence or if other staff members or players would like to contribute their experiences with this staff member I would implore them to post.

The majority of the administrators (and some of the moderators) are, for example, well aware of this particular instance:




While I'm sure context would be helpful to better define what this kerfluffle was about, I'm starting to wonder whether Nanako would be better off if the context wasn't explained, as I'm certain there's not much that can be said to excuse the outburst. Telling a fellow coder to fuck off is one thing, telling head staff to fuck themselves sideways is absolutely another.

If these were isolated incidents I would not be addressing them, as everyone has a bad day, sure. I'm not sure what to say for someone who seems to have a bad day everyday.

I would rather not get even remotely started on the "hispanics are a plague" comment in pol-trashcan, as that is politics I am absolutely not interested in hearing excuses for. But if that wasn't indicative that Nanako has a serious inhibition with either critical or moral judgement, then I would say the eye of the beholder may have very low standards for intelligent discourse.

Posted (edited)

oh boy

Well lets take it from the top

Discussions in the dev team have often been heated, i'm hardly the only participant. We do regularly have large arguments about seemingly mundane points of creative difference, and infact i've always thought of it as a reflection of the community. Long before I joined staff, i saw the same heated debates and arguments regularly here on the forums. IIRC Jackboot once said that the aurora community picks something new to have a moral panic about every week. We're all passionate people, and we care, too much sometimes.

@schveningen, since this thread is about me, ill try to refrain from talking about you too much, although we both know we've never seen eye to eye, and at one point you quit the aurora community after a rant about some mistaken belief of me taking over the dev team. Since your return, and becoming a staff member, our interactions have been fairly minimal except for that one incident:

The political conversation you mention, was a case where you got offended over something that was said in the politics forum, and you came to me in private messages demanding an apology. I stonewalled you because i wasn't about to apologise for expressing my political beliefs in the designated containment area, and I advised you not to frequent that channel if you're thin skinned. Skull largely supported me on that statement. That conversation between us was entirely sober, I have full memory of it, and zero regrets for anything I said to you that day. I consider it a personal disagreement between us that had nothing to do with staff issues, and trying to get me fired over it was pretty petty of you.


Political debate is one of my most passionate hobbies, and It's one i've been happy to enjoy alongside the aurora community in our politics channel, here i've communicated with many likeminded folks, and some opposed. Senpai jackboot for example, is a pretty staunch liberal, but also a good friend, and we've quite often enjoyed political banter. I have kept my politics seperate from my work though, never coded anything political. And i absolutely reject allegations that my politics are affecting my code work.

I am acutely aware of the dangers of undermining coworkers, and it is something I strive to avoid by respecting the decisions of people in their assigned specialties. The word of skull or a head administrator has always been final, and I respect that. The PR you link above about ladders - I am at this moment working to implement the changes skull has ruled upon, including excluding constructs from them. He's made a decision and it is final.

Public undermining among the dev team has been a small problem in the past, and skull has made sure people are aware of what not to do. For example, one of the golden rules I'd say i've followed pretty well, is to not use the community to try to overrule someone, eg: by creating public polls about controversial things. We have a couple PRs internally that are sitting in limbo that may or may not be invited to public debate in future. I don't drag our dirty laundry into the public, and i keep our debates within development channels. Though i'll admit i forget sometimes that github is publicly viewable, as it is still largely only looked at by developers.

I've held the position of developer for a year and i don't believe we've had any significant problems with my having server powers during that time. I'm hardly some new and risky prospect. Sometimes a minor ticking off from alberyk when i did stuff he'd rather I ahelp for (like manually spawning a mice a few days ago, when mouse spawning was broken due to a config error). I've never used my powers to harm aurora, and I never would. Not intentionally, because I wouldn't do that. And not even unintentionally, because I understand most facets of the code in intimate detail, and know what not to touch. I'd think a year's experience is evidence of that. Sometimes serious bugs have sneaked into live code though, and on the occasions that's happened, i've worked overnight to figure out and fix the issue

In that time i've seen several other developers, spriters, lore staff and members of the moderation team come and go. I've stayed here, loyal to aurora, and put in thousands of hours of work helping to build this community. I'm sorry that you only see the bad side of things, but it's an incomplete picture. I've made plenty of nice friends and aquaintances here, and recieved countless thanks for some of the neat things i've made. You might be percieving some friendly banter in an unintended light

I have in fact, recieved a formal warning once. Skull has a warning system that works on a three strikes rule. I recieved a warning for removing whitelisting requirements from diona nymph evolution, due to a misunderstanding on my part of who the authority to make that decision actually rested with. This warning has expired now.

Now there is one very major problem that i have, and I need to work on. And that is alcohol. This is a major personal failing of mine.

I drink maybe once or twice a week, its not excessive in frequency, but I have a tendancy to overindulge, to a large degree. I get blackout drunk, my brain switches off but my body keeps going, and typing. I've said some horrible shit to people and apologised the morning after, and quite a lot of it I didn't remember. A lot of it didn't even make sense. The image you linked in your second post for example? I have no memory of that conversation.

I'm not contending it didn't happen, i'm sure it did But I didn't say those things in a sober frame of mind, and I wouldn't, it's not how I feel about anyone. I've gotten along pretty well with shadow and I honestly had no idea i'd said those things to him. FWIW the things I say while drunk are not "things i always wanted to say but never had the courage". Most of it is completely nonsensical and doesn't at all represent my true feelings about anything.

@Shadow I want to extend a personal apology right now for those words, and any other insults i've thrown at you in the past. You've done pretty well in your job and often supported me on controversial issues. I have a lot of respect for you

I have a problem with overindulging in alcohol and its started to affect my professional relationships negatively. I need to get that under control, and I am working on it.

However, I don't use github when intoxicated, nor do i code, or play at all. It has only ever affected my conversations on discord, and it can often be noticed by a rapid uptick in typos and generally slurred writing. I sincerely apologise for anything I've said to anyone while drunk. And if you've had a particularly vicious interaction with me in the past, I invite people to PM me about it for clarification. There are likely quite a few people i've said horrible things to, that i have no memory of, did not mean, and will humbly apologise for if i find out.

There are a mix of issues at work here

Edited by Guest

As long as my entire professional history is on trial, I'd like to also reflect on some happier moments. A year passes by before you realise, and it's easy to forget the things accomplished in that time.

I've spent countless thousands of hours of my life coding for aurora. It has, quite literally, been a fulltime job, and i've frequently worked eight hour days and seven day working weeks. Entirely as a volunteer.

In my tenure here i've made 170 pull requests, which is something close to 1.5 a day on average. Some were minor/irrelevant things, but i've presided over quite a few larger projects, such as:

The Diona Overhaul. My first real work, i tore apart the diona species and remade all their code pretty much from the ground up, under the guidance of their lore master. I took what was once a buggy and poorly made species, and rebuilt them into something solid, more full featured, and generally something to be proud of.

Animals: Often the subject of memes, and earned me the reputation of mouse queen. I've generally overseen all development involving simple animals, deepening their simulation and AI

Events: I've done plenty of work on, made several new ones, overhauled plenty others. I made the bluespace bears, which i'd contend are still the most challenging NPC creature in the game

Beekeeping: I overhauled several times to make into a generally well rounded and interesting sub-job

Sprinting: Another system i added that has a major effect on many aspects of gameplay

Cargo Stock: Probably the thing i'm most proud of so far, I gave cargo that vast library of random content that spawns every round, making at least one small corner a more interesting and vibrant place to be. I noticed a major uptick in cargo playerbase since then, and it seems to have remained

Sudoku: I made that, a game within a game, coded from scratch

Nanacooking: The biggest one in recent memory, i spent pretty much all of january 2017 working on this 6-8 hours a day. I overhauled cooking to be deeper, more intuitive, and less tedious. I've gotten thanks about this constantly.

Pylon turrets are the most recent one, the new mechanic that gives the cult a defensive edge. I made nice shiny audio and visuals for that.

At present i'm working on several future projects, including the new research system, that i expect to be groundbreaking new features and drive future player retention in aurora, by giving people broader purpose. and a remake of the whole genetics/mutation system. I'm pretty excited about where things are headed


I'll forego a length wall of text. You can find my summarization of issues I have with you in my final post in your PR. It is constant and despite the fact that we had a heart-to-heart over this somewhere in the first quarter of 2017 (I forget the exact month tbh, uni makes the time become a blur), you've returned with little change.

Your second post, as I mentioned, is wasted breath. No one is questioning your contributions to the community, nor your apparent commitment to it. It's great, fantastic, all of that, truly. But that doesn't remove the underlying issue that you are the developer least capable of functioning within our development team. You were away for a good couple of months, but I implore you to look at the archives of #developers in the mean time. What you'll see there is a general lack of massive wall-of-text style arguments, minus the short occasional bout I have with Fowl. So I resent the argument that developer chat has to be filled with arguments, it doesn't. The very unfortunate, but very real fact is that the team can function amazingly smoothly when you are not present.

You are an individual. You want to do your own thing your own way. Generally speaking, this is fine. Under specific circumstances, it is commendable and useful. But, as the team grows, there are more than just Skull and Head Admins to pay attention to. And remaining an individual will lead to trouble with maintaining reasonable relations with your colleagues. Which will lead this issue creeping up again and again in one form or another.

Speaking of repetition. How many times have we had to discuss this? Like ye, you've taken unnecessary shit back in 2016. But have you honestly not noticed a pattern here? I was actually hopeful that we had managed to put a stop to this back in February/March, when we, as a team, had a chat with you. But the current prospects are not looking good. Granted, you've only been active for a week, but wew. The signs are not good.

final post in your PR.


Most of the issues with the comments in that PR can be attributed to my frustration with lord fowl. I dont have personal issues with anyone aside from him in the dev team. I feel that he has a consistent pattern of ignoring feedback on his work. Not just debating it, but refusing to acknowledge it. And when it comes to his comments on other work, he is a champion at filibustering, that is talking it to death until a PR comes to a standstill. He does not give an inch, he will not compromise, he just demands and demands the same thing repeatedly until I give in. I was actually considering making one of these threads about him. And after taking a long walk to clear my head, i opted for that long reply on github instead, perhaps that was the wrong decision. That was me hitting a limit and refusing to give in to him anymore.

I did make an attempt to defuse the tensions, I made a sincere plea not to let it degenerate into another extended argument. And he plowed ahead anyway using inflammatory rhetoric to drag me into an argument:


He started that fight. He had a chance to drop it, and the man just cannot let go.

You acknowledge yourself having some spats with him too, he's a strongly opinionated person. Perhaps the two of us are just too bullheaded to work together on the same team, i don't know.

I didnt reply to him at all since you started posting, not least of which because he's just parroting the same thing he posted three times already.

Maybe he's too used to being in charge, given the position of designated authority he has over a specific sphere - ie, mapping.

I've been saying for a while, that we need to establish a process of resolving disagreements. Duking it out until someone higher up (like yourself) intervenes doesn't seem to be working out. I would be happy with any kind of formal protocol that can force a decision to be made on controversial things

I'm not saying I can't work with him, but i cannot continue working with him the way we currently do. We have had creative differences in the past, we are still having them, and will continue to still have them in future. I believe we could work together well if we had a binding process to resolve disputes, and to live with the outcome. Maybe a public vote requiring X number of voters, or a majority vote from five other staffmembers

Or maybe fire me. I can't pretend that's not a viable option for you. I certainly believe it'd be a mistake, and a loss to aurora. But maybe thats your easiest choice


As much as he could have backed off, so could have you. This specific instance is the pot calling the kettle black. But as far as the general, fuck-off long argument count goes. You're well in the lead.

You're pretty much doing what you always do in situations like this, deflecting. It doesn't work well when the subject of the discussion is you and your actions, not those of Fowl. Further, the idea of establishing protocol to solve disagreements is unfortunately laughable to me. It should be simple: if something goes too far, back out and go to superior. I have told you this verbatim at least twice. Probably a whole tonne more. Votes are arbitrary and stifling to the creativity of the team: they force conformity instead of encouraging active problem solving. It's an agreement of, "We're stuck with either implementing this shitty solution, or not solving the problem." When the viewpoint should actually be, "What's the third option we're not seeing?"

Public votes will for minor ass shit will not become a thing anyways. You know my views on this. And discussing them will exceed to bounds of this complaint.

I suggest you focus on the actual subject matter here. As per the rules, stay on topic. You cannot deny the fact that you've had large, often needless and bullheaded arguments with members of the development team other than Fowl. You cannot deny the fact that they find those arguments draining and pointless, rightfully so. You cannot deny the fact that this is not positive for the team's ability to function. Surely you cannot deny these things.

This whining of, "I don't have the right tools to solve this issue!" is stupid, considering just how many times we've gone over all of this before. Need I remind you that I went over conflict resolution with you, one on one, some 4 months ago? I outlined precisely what to do and how to do it.


Double posting because continuity. Might I add that the aforementioned developers that you have these arguments with otherwise handle themselves just fine. And did for the month or two that you were away. Even where Fowl is concerned.

Again, I highly suggest reading over the day to day business of #developers to see how it was.

You cannot deny the fact that you've had large, often needless and bullheaded arguments with members of the development team other than Fowl. You cannot deny the fact that they find those arguments draining and pointless, rightfully so. You cannot deny the fact that this is not positive for the team's ability to function. Surely you cannot deny these things.


True. Most of the time those arguments arise when some proposal contradicts with my longterm plans, and i have to let it go. I remember very well computer locking down, tablet computers, the rat king, diona light stacking, paid custom items, making custom things public, lordfowl's overpowered blobs, making the armory non random and a slew of other issues. For the most part ive had to let them all go, and accept these things were someone else's domain now.

I remember them all, ive dealt with it. My memory is pretty long, and i don't hold grudges about any of these. All those arguments are water under the bridge now

I think longterm, you know that. When i'm embroiled in an argument about some seemingly small thing, its not about that small thing, its about how it changes the big picture, and the problems its going to cause for future designs. I'm always thinking a year in advance, and have a slew of major projects lined up and prioritised. I have a grand vision for making aurora greater in most areas

I remember, after our very first dev meeting, you remarked that we seemed to lack a visionary. I took that to heart, i suppose. at that time i was still kind of settling in and hadn't really started on realising grand visions. I'm working on that now. Design lead is how i tend to operate, my personality type is INTJ

I'm definitely a bit of a bulldozer in design. i have big plans, i want to see them through. But i don't believe i'm uncompromising or unreasonable. See the discussion over here for example: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/2160

I heavily adapted the design and attempted numerous compromises, including the final one which partially sacrifices the core design goal of that PR in the name of satisfying realism.

The Zlevel PR that's sparked this has me attempting plenty of compromise too. I made the ladderclimbing selective to satisfy LF's criticism of it being a blanket ability, and I offered to have varying climb rates and failure chances too.

Or how about over here, where i've accepted an offered compromise on an idea i was initially opposed to: https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?p=78671#p78671

I nerfed this controversial PR in response to feedback, https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/1845#issuecomment-282607067

And i removed so many sprites from this that i wanted to keep: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/1518

And i did the extra collapsing feature that lohikar wanted for this, cost me a couple more hours https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/1392#issuecomment-270335826

I am sincerely trying to adapt and work with people. Maybe i've got a ways to go yet, but i'm making an effort, i'm doing my best to find agreeable ways around problems


Let me give you a little example of my thinking.

I made the sudoku minigame when modular computers were first released, and before arrow decided to really lock them down. And while it sounds like a harmless fun thing, it had a broader purpose.

In our workplace simulator, our computers have a lot of use. Engineering has their power monitors, security has their cameras, medical has their crew monitor, and cargo has their ordering computers. In theory, the station runs smoothest when people are at their stations, doing their jobs. However, sitting in place doing nothing is simply not fun for a player, and feels like actual labour. Ie, boring. Which leads to people leaving their station, and going in search of something fun to do.

I coded the sudoku game as part of a grand strategy of solving this problem that I perceieved. The idea is to alleviate the boredom of sitting in one place, and give you - the player, something to do, while your character sits at their computer waiting for a problem to present itself. Because this is a game, fun seems like the best way to achieve a goal that, in the real world, would be done with rules instead (IE, stay at your desk or you're fired). The idea is that you'd have two windows, one with your monitor watching for problems that you peek at occasionally, and one with a game to keep you occupied. And in time, we'd collectively add more games and programs to increase the immersion and make these ingame computers really fun to use.

Now this plan that I had in mind, is why arrow locking down computers into work and personal versions caused me such a problem. By removing the ability to have sudoku (or any games really) on a supposed work computer (and the ability to have useful work programs on a personal computer), he destroyed with one stroke my plan to give people a reason to stay at their computers. And now, a couple months on, i'd say the result is as i predicted. People don't use the computers very much, they still spend most of their time roaming around looking for fun, workstations are left largely empty, and the bridge plus command offices are generally ghost towns.

This issue caused arguments for days, my attempts to explain this plan fell on deaf ears, and it was the primary reason for me simply not having anything more to do with the modular computer system. I put it out of my mind and just resolved to focus on other areas i could make a difference

Sure long arguments are draining, but they often serve a purpose. This was my perspective for that argument. It wasn't simply an ideological concern, it was watching the collapse of a longterm plan that i really felt would make aurora better.

Now there is one very major problem that i have, and I need to work on. And that is alcohol. This is a major personal failing of mine.

I drink maybe once or twice a week, its not excessive in frequency, but I have a tendancy to overindulge, to a large degree. I get blackout drunk, my brain switches off but my body keeps going, and typing. I've said some horrible shit to people and apologised the morning after, and quite a lot of it I didn't remember. A lot of it didn't even make sense. The image you linked in your second post for example? I have no memory of that conversation.

I'm not contending it didn't happen, i'm sure it did But I didn't say those things in a sober frame of mind, and I wouldn't, it's not how I feel about anyone. I've gotten along pretty well with shadow and I honestly had no idea i'd said those things to him. FWIW the things I say while drunk are not "things i always wanted to say but never had the courage". Most of it is completely nonsensical and doesn't at all represent my true feelings about anything.


Wow. Among all of the things that could've been admitted I didn't think Nanako would admit to being an alcohol abuser. This stretches into extremely sad territory that would've been more adequately explained as not knowing how to communicate with people, but this evidently boils down to an even worse situation.



Do you honestly expect people to not be offended when you go out of your way to insult them? Do you expect people to just put up with the constant harassment, disparaging comments, purposeful racism and other things I will not post multiple paragraphs about twice?

I care not for your wide range of accomplishments, as that is not the crux of the issue here and Skull has already informed you that you churning out PRs like a good soldier is not the problem. It is that you, apparently, have a very hard time getting along with anyone and you will get incredibly vitriolic and it is you that will not give an inch. You will not apologize for anything unless not apologizing for it would be an end to your position here on the server. You never hold yourself accountable. You never accept responsibility. You never give anymore than a half-hearted non-apology. You act vile and go out of your way to argue with people over inane unimportant crap. The second note is particularly reflected in our discussions with you on how to actually roleplay properly as a low-importance rodent. I don't give a fuck about what Fowl does, if I had a problem with Fowl I would talk to him to resolve it, and failing that, the complaint would be about him. This is about you. You should be flattered for once that I raise an issue that is entirely centric around you for once, for often you seem to struggle to inject yourself and your very important opinions into most subjects.

My problem is that you effectively act like a bad person on purpose, whether for irony's sake or not this remains to be seen. But it is outright disturbing to hear that your only excuse for any of this is that you are a chronic alcohol abuser and this is what happens when you have too much to drink. I was a corrections academy cadet for a short time before graduating, and having dealt with many such cases dealing with people on parole and rehab because of booze, it depresses me to hear that a staff member here is within the early stages of overcoming alcohol abuse. In spite of that, I can only empathize for an abuser of the bottle so much, especially since I have absolutely no idea how to judge when you're piss-drunk or just being Nanako, contrasting with real people I dealt with whom I could smell the stench on their breath. Once again, the accountability factor becomes much harder to enforce in this case if we just let go anything you say you did under the influence.

I'm going to have to see past it. Regardless as to whether you've been a characteristic irresponsible person under an amount of inebriation that would, evidently, not only affect your already poor ability to have intelligent discourse without turning it into an argument, as outlined in that PR for example, it would appear you should have to be held accountable whether you're a chronic drunk or not.

It absolutely stuns me to hear that the dev team were effectively able to be better off working with Nanako away on forced hiatus due to technical issues. There are very few cases where losing a person to not be able to work with the rest of the team is actually better for the team as a whole, and I've been in the unfortunate position to have to fire people who were not fit for working as part of a team before. I've had to make these decisions before, and it's fallen to me to take a lot of heat for making the toughest ones. It is no small thing to remove someone from an active team, but it ends up boiling down to whether the good of them staying on the team outweighs the multitude of character flaws they inherently possess.

There is always a right way to do things. I will not accept a member of dev staff imagining themselves as a bulldozer, as the worst image comes to mind in the form of a completely inebriated individual operating an industrial C.A.T. shouting obscenities to those on the ground and wildly piloting the vehicle. And this is not a good image to have. Staff members are not expected to be bulldozers. Not even I, as a moderator with their own style of doing things, imagine themselves as an unstoppable, confrontational force. I am not so deluded to think that is the right way to be doing anything. The one thing I learned as a team leader in the past, is that cooperation trumps confrontation until it is clear that cooperation will fail.

I'm not convinced by any of Nanako's recent excuses. I will be adamant in maintaining this complaint.


Strong words. I have a bit of a problem with alcohol, sure. but its not that common. I don't have any memory of the above image, although i'd say most of the insults we trade are sober. You and I have a long history of unfriendly banter, delta. Its no secret that we simply don't like each other, i can't remember when or how it started

You paint a colorful image, although what you will or won't accept isn't really relevant. I have nothing to prove to you. Though we are technically part of the same company, our professional interactions are largely nonexistent. This is really more of an issue between myself and other developers, I don't see how it involves you or gives you any right to press ahead with a complaint.

And people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Maybe we should make peace someday. A year of fighting has grown tiresome


I hate to butt in, but I'm seeing two people I respect fight. You are a bit of a bulldozer yourself, Delta. That is what I admired when you made some impassioned defenses when I had some incidents arise. You see bad judgement, and you push through it. Nanako is likewise trying to push through what they see as some bad judgement. I looked at a recent, innocent little PR for the codebase. Lets let mice, facehuggers, corical borers, and all nature of critters, cult constructs, space bears, xenos, etc go up and down vertical things like ladders and pipes.

You would think Nanako had just overturned Roe v. Wade by the level of argument this brought up.

All of this seemed tremendously moot; a mouse can climb an iron pipe and a bear, let alone a space bear, can climb a tree. Video documentation was even provided, this argument went so far into the weeds. But by some strange line of reasoning all of these climbing-capable things should be forced to use the large, brightly lit elevators to traverse Z-levels. What do you do if you are a xenomorph or some other odd mob in an event round and you need to go to the sublevel? Take the elevator, I guess. What if you are the last remaining cult construct and you want to be stealthy? Well, cult constructs aren't stealthy, we're told by fiat. If someone gets staff-of-changed in certain rooms they may as well ghost. Arguments abounded in the PR to a total of several hundred lines, including ladders being rare. Why are ladders rare? Because they are. I've expressed interest in mapping in ladders, like I expressed interest and then submitted an overhauled atmospherics department, but ladders are to be rare. Its fiat. There's no real reason why, and some levels can't be reached if the power goes out, and the elevator code is a bit touchy with regard to doors losing power, and people get splattered every round. But adding ladder access to each individual sub-level department simply shall not be, by fiat, just because.

If Nanako is a bulldozer, it is because there are stone walls to push aside. The development subculture I've seen from my little window to it is keeping me from engaging more out of fear of wasting countless hours debating just to get a few hours of harmless changes in.

I also do not feel Nanako's personal vice, having been shared in a personal expression of a human frailty they are working through and err from, is exactly fair game to pile on about. It does not do you credit, Delta, to go for low-hanging fruit bowed lower as a peace offering.





Actually I will apologise for this one, because it was unsolicited, and that's shitty of me. I was likely intoxicated at the time, but it was still bad and i shouldn't do this shit. Its like poking a hornet's nest. Sorry, this was uncalled for

Anyways i'm not a friendless loser, i suppose nikov coming to my rescue provides some evidence of that. I'm polarising, and i've always seemed to divide people around me unconsciously into loyal friends and hated enemies. That's got nothing to do with alcohol (that's a recent problem), its just the way I am.

As trite as it may sound, this page pretty much describes me perfectly : https://www.16personalities.com/intj-personality

INTJ is my personality type, and that reads like an abridged story of my life. I plan, i design, i'm not great with people, and certainly not great at convincing them of anything. I seriously invite you to read it, it'll give a lot of insight into how my mind works.

As mentioned, inability to let go of arguments and compromise is something i'm working on, and i did provide a few recent examples of making strides in that direction. Though throughout life i've rarely had much luck appeasing people, and found the most successful method for me is to just be useful and sufficiently hard working to become indispensible. There's a balance to be struck somewhere here, and i'm not quite getting it yet, but i'm trying


You will note every staff complaint save one was still ruled in the favor that the decision I made was valid. The single mistake I made was taking bait from another upset player in a complaint and posting a mocking image macro in reply to their attempt at bait. As they always have, any member of the community has the invested right to open a complaint on anyone they wish for any reason and it will be reviewed accordingly. I believe in justice and moral adherence to the rules, as abiding by those helps shape better interactions between players. Understandably, people get pissed when they feel targeted, people also get pissed when they get caught, and others are given the personal impression they can get away with doing things for the wrong reasons and claim they had a different reason in contradiction for the severity of the action being taken. They have a right to be pissed, but that by itself does not make them right.

Having a vice that directly affects a person's judgement and how one person treats other people is actually a heavy point of why I'm still maintaining my continued position of prosecution. If this was as simple as Nanako being in a frustrated state and needing to simply being told off for the absolute final time, then this issue would be as good as resolved by now and I would not ask for anything further beyond accountability. This issue with Nanako's behavior is now proportionally much more complex to deal with because it ends up boiling down to a person being physically and mentally unable to regulate their own personal filters because they're engaging in a dangerous vice. If they cannot moderate themselves in consumption of alcohol and they do something under the influence, they should be held responsible regardless. As they do in real life, by the will and whole of the law.

Likewise, if your drunk self goes out to pick stupid fights with other people don't be surprised when people are calling for you to be held responsible as soon as you sober.


[mention]Nikov[/mention] The trouble with bulldozers is a hidden one. Myself, Alb, Fowl, and Nanako could probably duke it out for days on end and none of us could give half a shit. We're all roughly in the same boat when it comes to opinions and zeal. But the issue within the development staff arises from the fact that there are developers other than those four on the staff. Printer, Arrow, Lohikar. All of whom actively contribute to the project, both gameplay and systems coding. For others, Nanako's attitude ends up being hostile, grating, and obtuse; considering the fact that according to her own admittance, she likes to dream up extensive longterm plans, without communicating them to the rest of the team mind you, and protect said plans when another developer dares start touching a related matter. The fact that I have woken up to see logs of Nanako vs another developer in altercations that follow, to the letter, what I laid out and require me to make a harsh call of, "We're doing it this way, fuck off and pipe down," is ridiculous and unnecessary. And if continued, it will result in developers who lack the extremely thick skin to handle this shit to leave.

And believe you me. I do not want them to leave. Nanako may be a prolific coder, but not only do we now have other coders who match her work in quantity while exceeding it immensely in quality, a larger team of less prolific coders is able to cover a whole lot more ground as long as projects are properly organized. And as can be seen with our handling of the multiZ project, we're slowly heading towards a good level of organization and project management. (Yes, issues exist, to include the one you, Nikov, told me about this morning, but those are growing pains and will be solved.)

There's also the fun fact that hostility breeds hostility. The more Nanako pushes, the further she gets pushed back, and so the harder she pushes. It's merely human nature, plain and simple. But, once again, the most unfortunate fact about this whole ordeal is that in her absence, the team functioned exceptionally well and coordinated, internally.

What's more unfortunate is that I have been a little too forgiving in my assessment of the situation. A major internal discussion regarding attitudes and team cohesion, in January 2017. Considering the fact that the admins have been, over the past few days, posting snippets from #developers to me dating to March and February showcasing continuation of the same-old shit. Idno, has there been any change in your conduct, Nanako? You tell me.

One thing should be understood when reading all of this. What I speak of here is never really publicly shown, as it happens on staff discord within closed doors. Not even Delta is fully aware of this, because he has no right nor need to be. Internal and external standing can be two very separate things, and while someone might be a shining star outside of the community, addressing feedback and developing projects with the community, them being a complete reverse of that internally will lead to only one outcome: dismissal for failure to function as a member of the team. It is something which has happened to a short list of moderators and administrators in the past, and has usually benefited the team, and through that, the community, in the long run. If this continues, and Nanako does not change her attitude nor outlook, then the only other possible outcome is loss of other developers as they are unable to continue working in such an environment. Which will raise Nanako's busfactor and make the team easier to topple. The lower the busfactor of individuals, the better.

Also, re: [mention]Scheveningen[/mention]. You're off key. Read what Nikov stated. The complaint as you have started to pursue it will amount to inaction, as it's literally falling apart into dribble due to the fact that you have an inherent bias against Nanako and focus on her vices which only form like a few instances and on their own, matter for naught.


Then allow me to respond to him in full since I'm evidently obligated to by your own assessment.


I hate to butt in, but I'm seeing two people I respect fight. You are a bit of a bulldozer yourself, Delta. That is what I admired when you made some impassioned defenses when I had some incidents arise. You see bad judgement, and you push through it. Nanako is likewise trying to push through what they see as some bad judgement. I looked at a recent, innocent little PR for the codebase. Lets let mice, facehuggers, corical borers, and all nature of critters, cult constructs, space bears, xenos, etc go up and down vertical things like ladders and pipes.


Frankly, Nikov, while intent is absolutely important as part of my job in making judgements on most cases, there is an extent to which the defense "I intended for something different from the outcome" becomes much inherently weaker based on how malicious the means of pursuing that end were inevitably used. There are, yes, some cases were good outcomes can excuse the wrongs used to attain it. And yet, ideally, it is necessary to make a concerted effort to ensure both the outcome and the means to attain it are both equally justified. No one should ever make it a point to do otherwise in common situations.

The discussion being undertaken in the PR was simple. Nanako made their case. Fowl and Alberyk made their opposing cases. Nanako voiced their incredulity and then effectively just threw their hands up and claimed Fowl/Alberyk were being obstacles specifically to screw with Nanako. Cue the absolutely unnecessary argument afterward, but with Fowl driving a good point that the issue with Nanako's defensive nature being as prevalent as it is. Regardless of what Skull has said in terms of me not having current access to #developers, this still doesn't change what I've been told already that this was a sort of cycle of development in-fighting that occurred on a regular basis within dev staff channels, prior to their hiatus. I want to put trust in Skull's assessment that it is not Nanako's fault alone that this sort of dev staff conflict is ongoing.

Certainly, I can believe that, what with the butterfly effect being well-substantiated in many social and natural scenarios. The problem, unfortunately, is frequency and severity of problems being created by this person's presence on staff and their dealings with their team and other community members.

Call me biased, Skull, but do you really expect me to be so naive and pretend that when problems occur and are created by certain people, that I'm supposed to just... what, shut up and reassess the situation to what it isn't, because Nanako is too valuable for you to lose right now? Does the idea of firing people being toxic and awful to other people, regardless of their value to the team, screw with your moral compass? I have already held off this sort of complaint for a fairly long time. The timing could not have been better, no, this is definitely a headache to drop on your desk to deal with. But, consider: Nanako immediately returns from their hiatus and starts a hissy-fit on the public github where everyone can see the coderbus gagefight unfold. Even after, I assume, you've had to speak with this person on your team at least twice to screw their head on and stop being stupid. Fine, sure. I imagine they were dealt with. In a manner nobody but you and Nanako is able to see in terms of what kind of a leash is being worn.

So, Nanako's only excuse they have right now is that they were conveniently drunk and don't recall effectively every scenario I've cited where they've been a complete asshole picking fights with other people? This could be true or untrue, but it's still bull-crap as a defense and does them worse. You two see why I was poking at the vice thing? Because it's still pretty unreasonable to suggest people can't be held accountable for something just because they drink alcohol sometimes. That is why that defense does not work.


If Nanako is a bulldozer, it is because there are stone walls to push aside. The development subculture I've seen from my little window to it is keeping me from engaging more out of fear of wasting countless hours debating just to get a few hours of harmless changes in.


It is rarely ever necessary to be a bulldozer, Hayden. Since you claimed I was one, take this as perspective: You only need to push when other people aren't aware they need to be pulling. There are times when it's appropriate, and where it is absolutely not. It is about proper timing, handling and a dash of finesse, and doing the right thing for the right reasons as much as you can. I can't stress enough how important it is to be using the right tools for the job. Mistakes can be rather disastrous.


I also do not feel Nanako's personal vice, having been shared in a personal expression of a human frailty they are working through and err from, is exactly fair game to pile on about. It does not do you credit, Delta, to go for low-hanging fruit bowed lower as a peace offering.


I'm know you have good intentions and you hate to see Mum and Dad fight, and it is admirable to see you but in regardless to defend the idea of moderate common sense here, but I've enough exposure with the crap I had to put up with Nanako in more than just a few instances to recognize that any attempt at a peace offering being issued now, barely constitutes as a sincere enough apology for me to immediately forgive them for each their failings in conversations. The line in the sand was drawn more than a couple times now and I'll admit I'm getting a bit sick of the lack of inherent interest in someone not wanting to deal with it. I was around even for the times when Nanako was a generally ok and nice person, and any of the controversies that surround them now would've been baffling to hear if we went back in time and told people that's what they'd be like. I would be crucified if we jumped to past and I had to tell people that. Nanako was very sweet, and despite her impression and perhaps the impression of others, she was not the reason I left. When I initially left to run a kitchen and pursue academia, Nanako wasn't even half as aggressive, belligerent and overtly political as they are now. I'm very curious as to what caused this.

I'm not going to flatter myself in relation to the topic of empathy, but if I was uninvolved and someone else in Nanako's position was doing the things she's known for now, I'd go and figure out what the problem is and put an end to it. Hopefully not by any means necessary, but when someone responsible for oversight chooses not to do any meaningful oversight because they believe being forgiving is the way to deal with hostile community attitudes, it really begins to disrupt my moral compass.

As usual, it is up to Skull to decide whether he wishes to do anything.


For the benefit of transparency, regarding the topic of their political opinions. While it is fine to voice your opinions of beliefs, it should be clear of bigotry, insults and should still have some level of tact. They have been warned of such and dealt with appropriately with the incident in question and haven't done it again since.

Posted (edited)
For others, Nanako's attitude ends up being hostile, grating, and obtuse; considering the fact that according to her own admittance, she likes to dream up extensive longterm plans, without communicating them to the rest of the team mind you, and protect said plans when another developer dares start touching a related matter.


Would it help if I were to start making extensive use of the private developer forum to lay out these things ?

Though some instances, like the stuff with modular computers, and multi z, were kind of ad hoc, those are/were new features and everyone suddenly starts building their own plans around them. New systems can often be a point of conflict

I don't need to see my plans through to the letter, things are mutable. With the multiZ PR i'm now interested in pursuing other reasonable ways for constructs to move between floors Ladders arent a critical part, just seemed like the best option at that time

I'm also quite open to interim solutions. A lot of arguments have been solved with the agreement ill overhaul things in future as part of a larger project, but theres nothing wrong with a quick/shortterm fix. Seeing that someone else has their own plan helps too - since our argument about the ladders, LF has gotten moving on his own plan of making flying more significant and i support that.


The fact that I have woken up to see logs of Nanako vs another developer in altercations that follow, to the letter, what I laid out and require me to make a harsh call of, "We're doing it this way, fuck off and pipe down," is ridiculous and unnecessary.

Didn't you say earlier in this thread that you should be settling disputes anyway? Is the objection just that we didn't call you before you stumbled on the issue?


And believe you me. I do not want them to leave. Nanako may be a prolific coder, but not only do we now have other coders who match her work in quantity while exceeding it immensely in quality, a larger team of less prolific coders is able to cover a whole lot more ground as long as projects are properly organized.

Everyone walking in lockstep doesn't necessarily mean the troop is headed in the right direction, though. Conflict is the driver of innovation, and a check on things going too far in one way. Nikov has remarked upon his general agreement with my side regarding the ladders in the MultiZ PR. He, as well as myself, viewed it as a matter of making things work consistently and meeting user expectations. How many others in the community might feel the same way, and who else is representing them?

As i mentioned previously, the aurora community was always heavily divided, long before I joined the dev team. If the developers always agree, then we can't possibly be representing the community accurately, and will end up alienating people.

And If things were calm in my absence, i'd attribute it to the effect of removing one of two big fish from a small pond. And you might see the same effect if lordfowl took a break and I were still there. We're headstrong personalities and often don't agree, I don't want to believe that that just means "This town aint big enough for the both of us." We just need better management. It also takes a while for people to settle in and truly flourish, some of the newer people may prove to be controversial in time, too.

Didn't you appoint arrow as a team manager, a while back? Where's his input in all this. I figured it'd be the job of a manager to help resolve conflicts and tensions among the team. He's a levelheaded guy who knows how to listen and find compromises, His influence in dealing with these situations would be invalueable.

The argument on the multiZ PR was a result of tensions between me and LR reaching a boiling point. Both of us, not just myself, made the decision to try and duke it out instead of getting a superior involved. And that situation could have been avoided if we'd had some way to work out those tensions in an independant setting, instead of over the context of every new controversial issue.

A while back you had everyone do performance reviews on me, and that worked out well. I said at that time, we should start making them a regular thing, and have everyone do a quarterly review of everyone else.

I know i have a difficult personality. There are some aspects of it I'm working on. But this isn't the first team i've worked in. I've been part of small development and modding teams, two administration teams, and worked with real people in several fulltime jobs.. I don't always have these issues, and I resent the implication that i'm solely responsible for our troubles

Clearly something isn't working here. I don't think that means removing someone is the answer. When you're running an organisation that relies on volunteer labour, dealing with difficult people is a hazard of the job. Nobody's being paid enough to put aside their personal desires and fall in line every time. We're all here for our own reasons. A sense of accomplishment, emotional validation, work experience, socialisation, maybe free education. It takes all colours to make a rainbow, yadda yadda.

I think we, and I, need better management, to handle problems before they boil over, to resolve conflicts, disagreements, and defuse building vendettas.

And I think you can provide that. As you've said, the team is growing. And not just devs, how many moderation staff and admins do we have? Their job is literally dealing with people, thats their specialty. Why not get someone to moderate the team. A little HR department. Aurora is a relatively large, and growing organisation. You must have close to 50 staffmembers by now, between development, writing and administration teams. Growing pains are inevitable

Functioning together in harmony is not the natural state of people, especially not mature adults. Every company, as it gets large enough, has to employ people just to deal with its own people. Social graces are not everyone's forté

Edited by Guest

I am so very tired of dealing with Nanako's bullshit.

Minor disagreements exploding into multi-hour arguments; medicore, untested code that has broken the live server at least once if not more; the sheer futility of trying to come to any kind of amicable agreement during any kind of argument, etcetera.

Dealing with Nanako has become a chore at best, sanity-rending at worst, and is impeding my ability to contribute to development.

The few weeks when Nanako was out of commission due to technical difficulties felt more productive than any before them, and the development channel was calm, aside from one or two minor squabbles that were later solved without further conflict. The longest PR comment-wise was (probably) portable-ladders, and the majority of the comments were requested changes. Within a few days of Nanako's return, we had a PR reach 53 (!) comments, with numerous comments being walls of text.

Why must it be this way.


I see you took advantage of my absence to sneak in changes you knew i'd oppose https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/2570

You even left in my comments explaining the real world basis for those values, while changing them. And arrow pointed out similar real examples in response to that PR.

I thought we were past this passive aggressive stuff lohikar. We've had our differences in the past but it was resolved, i've got nothing against you, even though you've erased my work and replaced it with your own on at least three occasions now. I've argued with you specifically on many of them because you often felt compelled to push through minor changes that overwrote something else.

You're a technically minded guy, and i'm more design oriented. I've always thought we worked pretty well together when we avoided stepping on each others toes. And you've done well at tackling a lot of the underlying systems that nobody else really thought of. Almost every argument between the two of us was when you decided to change something that I made, and couldn't understand why I cared about something i configured and intended to work a specific way. I mean you really couldn't understand, you seemed genuinely confused by the concept

We've all let big bugs through on a few occasions. Whenever I did it, i stayed up all night immediately to fix it, hours spent on testing various cargo items to find the exogear that was causing a startup loop. I'd like to say i've been pretty good at taking responsibility for my messes and cleaning them up


Functioning together in harmony is not the natural state of people, especially not mature adults.


I am partial, actually I am adamant with saying that this statement acts no more as a filler in your wall of text due to simply how untrue this is. If this is truely how you believe it is, from experience, then I believe you should rethink the kind of people you work with. The whole point of being mature is to know what's right and wrong, and being able to determine it properly even when you're subject to that.


Every company, as it gets large enough, has to employ people just to deal with its own people. Social graces are not everyone's forté.


You're correct, social graces is not everyone's forté, but if you act like that is your excuse, to me it is not a valid one. Infact I believe a team should have the proper chemistry to work together well as opposed to repelling each other.

Your attitude be it within staff or even in the public discord to me is simply unacceptable and I've voiced it as such. I may have already said that you've been warned for being untactful when it comes to spouting your opinions but that still doesn't excuse posting the following.




I don't think this was acceptable then and it gives off a good idea on what you consider alright and how your filter works when sharing opinions. I won't even go on to touch the disagreements between other developers as its already been touched.

I'm not going to say you haven't done good work as a coder/developer. Be it small or big, at the very least some people enjoyed your work. That's not what is being questioned here. The question here is why are you so socially repulsive? Where you're driving people off? All staff are volunteers here, we do it out of our free time and will for a plethora of reasons. But the fact we are volunteers, doesn't mean any of us want to deal with any form of toxicity, outlined by people in this thread or in other occasions.


I see you took advantage of my absence to sneak in changes you knew i'd oppose https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/2570

You even left in my comments explaining the real world basis for those values, while changing them. And arrow pointed out similar real examples in response to that PR.

I thought we were past this passive aggressive stuff lohikar. We've had our differences in the past but it was resolved, i've got nothing against you, even though you've erased my work and replaced it with your own on at least three occasions now. I've argued with you specifically on many of them because you often felt compelled to push through minor changes that overwrote something else.

You're a technically minded guy, and i'm more design oriented. I've always thought we worked pretty well together when we avoided stepping on each others toes. And you've done well at tackling a lot of the underlying systems that nobody else really thought of. Almost every argument between the two of us was when you decided to change something that I made, and couldn't understand why I cared about something i configured and intended to work a specific way. I mean you really couldn't understand, you seemed genuinely confused by the concept

We've all let big bugs through on a few occasions. Whenever I did it, i stayed up all night immediately to fix it, hours spent on testing various cargo items to find the exogear that was causing a startup loop. I'd like to say i've been pretty good at taking responsibility for my messes and cleaning them up


No shit, you were absent. He had to fix what was wrong with your code! All he did was fix your grammar and increased both power efficiency and its ability to warm

up so it doesn't take fifteen minutes for the cook to do his/her/xer job. That's like, multiple amazing changes! Why would you be opposed to that? And if Lohikar's other comments are of any indication, you seem to be responsible for a fair bit of the recent spaghetti code. Even Moondancer was performing more meaningful changes with less inherent experience and time with a development team, majorly because Moondancer was at least six times more cooperative with their peers! They received the hilariously apt nickname of Budget Nanako for the full time Nanako was not actually present.

So it seems Skull was wrong and Nanako's busfactor value is not that high as he was implying, now is it?

Nanako is only being apologetic now because there is the very real threat she could be removed from staff, and I'm pretty sure that scares her more than what the dev team either internally or externally thinks of her.

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