Brightdawn Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 BYOND Key: Brightdawn Staff BYOND Key: OneOneThreeEight/Scheveningen Game ID: N/A Reason for complaint: Rude/Poor/Aggressive Behavior as a member of staff to me and other members of the community Evidence/logs/etc: The majority of my complaints came from a previous thread which I posted in incorrectly. I'll be posting the logs of which here: The image in question: This was later found out to not be delta I'm including this for transparency's sake. Additional remarks: Sorry if I've left anything out or put in anything twice I'll provide a link to the thread where it happened: Big thank you for Nursie for providing the screenshots!
hivefleetchicken Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 I am ready to die like Jesus on the cross and be truly delet if my post is out of place and must be removed, do so if necessary and I won't complain (unless you try to forumban me lol) This just looks like a big misunderstanding to me? I of all people know that Delta can be a massive conversation total war jerkface who digs as hard as he can right off the bat but I see you doing a lot of the same. The fact that a huge part of this entire fiasco unfolding between you two is a big misunderstanding makes me wish you two would just quit your bickering. What's the shame in being diplomatic, Brightdawn? Can't you take a few punches and learn from it instead of what you're doing currently, blocking people who disagree with you and, well... Forgive me, but the word is whining. Whining massively. What's the shame in holding some punches, Delta? You seem very intense when you come up to bat in pretty much anything. Literally 100% of the times we've had slugfests you've come to say "haha y'know what that was really not a big deal both of us are good people and us fighting is pointless" on discord, but why have a necessity to do that? Just take a chill pill.
Garnascus Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 this is not going to turn into a shit show. First off i would be extremely pissed if someone came at me with unfounded claims in a complaint they should not even be posting in. Sure i might not call you a "fucking degenerate" but you would earn some choice words. "fuck off" being some of them.
Brightdawn Posted July 7, 2017 Author Posted July 7, 2017 this is not going to turn into a shit show. First off i would be extremely pissed if someone came at me with unfounded claims in a complaint they should not even be posting in. Sure i might not call you a "fucking degenerate" but you would earn some choice words. "fuck off" being some of them. I feel like you're doing something I pointed out Delta was doing in that very post though. I pointed out how that was only one small part of the complaint I had and yes I made a mistake but it wasn't the whole thing. Concentrating only on that one small thing doesn't serve anyone any good and only really exacerbates the problem as people won't want to complain about the other things on here as they were dismissed because of one mistake that was immediately corrected. This isn't an isolated incident with Delta this isn't something that's only happened one time Look how he treats people in other threads: Delta didn't just act rude and argumentative to me in that complaint he has a long running history of it. Those three things I got you are only from the forums and from a 1/2 week period. He doesn't act like a moderator should at all constantly acting rude or dismissive of other people and refusing to take what they say on board. I'd be very disappointed if you ignored his history of doing similar things to the logs provided in the complaint because of one small mistake I made and admitted too. The mistake I used was an example it wasn't a sliver bullet or some smoking gun. And as I just displayed not only in the complaint but just now There are plenty of examples out there that show my point anyway.
VoltageHero Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 Kamusta. Time to break character once again and actually be serious (I know, right?). Before someone complains about me speaking on this matter even though I no longer use the forums, this still impacts me due to my lurking of the forums and use of Discord. I'll also try not to repeat Hive word for word. So, onto the actual issue at hand. Like Delta said (but in different phrasing) this seems much more like a personal squabble than anything that should be brought up to the general community. Yes, Delta is a butt, but he knows what he's supposed to do as a moderator. I can't recall if he was still on the Staff during the time period that I was, but if he was I don't recall him doing anything negative in terms of his position as a staff member. At the end of the day, this is what this post should be, a highlight of what Delta has done negatively as a staff member. The only thing I've seen you claim as the actual "complaint" is him being rude, which in itself needs you to be looking at it in a different perspective. Calling someone out, and basically trying to say "you are a horrible person" is going to get backlash from that person, so I don't understand why you seem to be upset that it came back at you. The phrasing was bad, and it just overall wasn't something that needed to be said where it was. In the end, like stated before, this seriously looks just like two people who are upset at each other and nothing more.
Garnascus Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 i think your evidence is tone policing at best. Delta rarely lets it affect his decisions. Sorry but you do not get to bait someone with false evidence and then go "but look at all these OTHER examples". I do not think any action is needed. I am going to shelve this in 24 hours.
Brightdawn Posted July 7, 2017 Author Posted July 7, 2017 Kamusta. Time to break character once again and actually be serious (I know, right?). Before someone complains about me speaking on this matter even though I no longer use the forums, this still impacts me due to my lurking of the forums and use of Discord. I'll also try not to repeat Hive word for word. So, onto the actual issue at hand. Like Delta said (but in different phrasing) this seems much more like a personal squabble than anything that should be brought up to the general community. Yes, Delta is a butt, but he knows what he's supposed to do as a moderator. I can't recall if he was still on the Staff during the time period that I was, but if he was I don't recall him doing anything negative in terms of his position as a staff member. At the end of the day, this is what this post should be, a highlight of what Delta has done negatively as a staff member. The only thing I've seen you claim as the actual "complaint" is him being rude, which in itself needs you to be looking at it in a different perspective. Calling someone out, and basically trying to say "you are a horrible person" is going to get backlash from that person, so I don't understand why you seem to be upset that it came back at you. The phrasing was bad, and it just overall wasn't something that needed to be said where it was. In the end, like stated before, this seriously looks just like two people who are upset at each other and nothing more. That's not really the point of this at all though? The main issue is both how Delta acts in an official capacity as staff, how he treats people within that and the fact he doesn't seem to learn from his mistakes. There are huge issues with how he acts being rude to multiple people and treating them badly I at no point called him a horrible person or insulted him in anyway the only things I ever questioned or commented on where his actions and how he acted as a moderator. The fact this comment keeps coming up is something that worries me. I'd like to please just stress for you to read the entire post. The only person actually insulting the other persons character in it is Delta. He's a member of staff he Should be held to a higher standard I'm not calling for his rank or anything like that what I'd really like though is for him to start considering his actions and how they effect people. Considering how he makes the server look because of the position he's in and for him to learn how to accept and apply criticism he gets. I know people have been commenting "You're just as bad" And for them I ask them to create a player report. This is about Delta's actions.
Brightdawn Posted July 7, 2017 Author Posted July 7, 2017 (edited) *I accidentally posted too fast here* Edited July 7, 2017 by Guest
Brightdawn Posted July 7, 2017 Author Posted July 7, 2017 i think your evidence is tone policing at best. Delta rarely lets it affect his decisions. Sorry but you do not get to bait someone with false evidence and then go "but look at all these OTHER examples". I do not think any action is needed. I am going to shelve this in 24 hours. I'm sorry I'm going to call something into question here. Did you read the first post at all? I know that's a big accusation to be making on this but if you did you'd see that the mistake I made was as I keep saying not that important to the majority of the post I made. The fact you're not even taking that into consideration and going "Oh Dawn made one mistake clearly this isn't right" Is really poor admining. On top of that I can provide examples of the very same thing I was complaining about in that post. Hell I did in this thread. Garn Please re-read the first post. Re-read all of this before you lock it. The fact you're putting undue importance on something that was not only not very important to the argument but I then immediately apologized for and moved on back to the issue at hand really makes me feel as though you haven't read what I wrote.
Skull132 Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 I, too, read it. I've also been tracking you and Delta on Discord, so I'd like to think I'm up to speed on what's going on. And I concur with what Hive (ew), Voltage, and Garn have already stated. The main misgiving about Delta as a mod, for me, is that he tends to push a little too much when the effort isn't required. So as Hive said, he should take a chill pill and lower his guard. However, this doesn't really make this complaint actionable, as the primary conflict between you two is the fault of both of you. Bright, you are incredibly snide in discussions/arguments and resort to veiled ad-hominem, passive-aggressiveness, and deflection the moment you are required admit you're wrong. There are only two strategies for dealing with people like you: pull the ejection lever on the seat and leave the conversation, as the opposition has no good will and thus the conversation is poisonous; or fire back. Guess which one Delta does, within the confines of the rules. (And I do mean, within the confines of the rules: were this not the case, both of you would be gone.) It is not required for staff to be paragons. We meme, we curse, we get heated. We act like humans. There are lines, yes, but they're not as strict as you wish them to be, nor do they protect you from consequences of your own actions. Generally speaking, staff are allowed to get heated in debates and discussions. Staff are allowed to call people out on their bullshit. In doing so, staff are not ever required to sugar coat any of it. Be respectful if acting in official capacity, yes, but this rule is not commonly breached by Delta (toed, yes, but not actually destroyed as you make it out to be). Understand that respect is a two-way road. TL;DR: Delta needs to chill when responding to complaints and bans in certain cases, you need to realize your own actions and stop using it as leverage against people. As has already been stated.
Bygonehero Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 As someone who has had more than a few bouts with Delta, I disagree with this complaint against them. I'm reiterating what skull said here, but effectively admins do this stuff for free. Attempting to nitpick at virtues someone may or may not have is stupid. They aren't becoming a priest after all. It is understandable for someone to have any number of failings especially when you regularly deal with people lying to you, yelling, etc. I have many failings myself. In particular, this case it is only when these failings affect their job as an administrator that it becomes an issue.
Scheveningen Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 Breaking the terms of my hiatus just for a brief moment. This needs to be said, Brightdawn. If you want to bring an issue to me to light, don't lie about it. There is nothing more that I detest than both a liar and a hypocrite, and I'll be the first to chew you out personally before I even begin to self-reflect. I have zero obligation to answer to someone who outright lied in a complaint and broke the rule on only posting when involved in the situation. It has never been part of my personal policy to pretend that people lying is something that is okay, and it is absolutely insulting when I have to endure false evidence being hurled at me in a complaint by someone with a reputation for ban-baiting and you instigate conflicts on purpose in order to get an excuse to open complaints on other people that you have negative interactions with. You pretended to be a girl to get Rusty permanently banned from the server in the past, and that is a ethical failure I will never forget, because you deceived me as well as I was one of the players that lobbied for his permanent ban. And that is something I regret, because you abused my judgement to push your own agenda. You show up months later claiming to have changed, you admit all of the lies you told in the past and you get your one chance to start anew, and here you are, being true to your character being deceptive and baiting people into conflicts for your own purposes. I have quite literally zero obligation to listen to someone about morals when you've made worse judgement calls than I have. I admit I made mistakes in handling the UM complaint. I will not admit I was wrong in calling you out as a liar. You are wrong to try and question me about morals. You are the last person I will ever speak to when seeking advice. I do not regret anything I said about you. You act horrible and you pretend to be surprised when I call you out for it? No, I will not apologize to you, it is not me that needs to apologize for anything. If you cannot take the punches from me, do not throw them in the first place. Don't reply, I don't plan on being around until the next two weeks to get shit settled IRL. Especially you, Brightdawn, I quite literally do not want to speak to you ever again.
hivefleetchicken Posted July 7, 2017 Posted July 7, 2017 Jeez louise, delta, I think you had enough support and backing to just calm down and take things slow... I dont think that sort of fervently vindictive reply was very necessary.
Garnascus Posted July 8, 2017 Posted July 8, 2017 Locking and archiving. This complaint is not actionable.
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