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Replace the gamemode uprising (cult+rev) to uprising (traitor + rev)

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Honestly, I think we don't have enough traitor and too much cult in the mixed secret rotation. Why do we have cult and rev on the same gamemode anyway? Cult will and always will overpower the rev when everyone has to fight a blood cult in maintenance instead among themselves. Traitor and Rev would to me, make a more interesting mix.


I can get behind this. It seems like the revs just find themselves outmatched in both firepower and urgency. You want to take over the station? They want to use blood magic to summon an eldritch abomination from another dimension. Traitor-rev makes at least slightly more sense. +1


Makes more sense, in my opinion. There's not a lot of synergy between revolutionaries and cultists, if you're a rev-cultist your priorities are to Nar'sie first and foremost. Which ends up just being a large-scale cult round and not an actual revolution.


Yeah traitors working to Rev to take over the station seems a whole lot more likely than cult and rev working together to even get a glass of milk. I fully support this idea and hope it is taken under consideration, even if it's not something that will be immediately acted upon.


I definitely think traitor/rev could work really well. It could get very interesting with, perhaps, syndicate agents there to start a revolution, or maybe a traitor sides with the loyalists, or maybe they are just there to take advantage of the chaos. There are a lot of ways this could play out, and I'd be happy to see it exist.


I think the presence of traitors could really amp up revolution rounds. Almost every rev round I've seen fizzles out before it gets started because the revs don't have something to rev over, and the loyalists don't have anything to react to.

But with traitors, just imagine. Maybe revs will protest the prison conditions once the traitor is caught, if they scream for help on the radio. Maybe the traitor will abduct people, and the revs will uprise because CC didn't even notice people missing. Etc. this is a great idea.

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