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[Accepted] LordFowl - Mapper/Coder Application

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Ckey/BYOND Username: Lord Fowl

Position Being Applied For (coder, mapper, spriter): Coder/Mapper

Past Experiences/Knowledge: Some slight dabbling in DM code, rudimentary first-year collegiate education in programming, experience in innumerable map editors over the years including the native BYOND map editor.

Examples of Past Work:

Code related: A few of the Vaurca changes I made are currently live on the server. I once coded a neat little puzzle box. Mostly coding immersive items and such, not a great deal of experience or success with more complicated and arcane systems coding. I guess the best archive of past work would be the github; https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pulls?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Apr+is%3Amerged+author%3ALordFowl+

Map related: I guess images would work best for this. Warning; some of these are pretty old.

1: A vessel I constructed when there was some contention concerning replacing the nuke ops vessel. Ultimately it proved to be too large to actually work as a shuttle, but I quite liked it anyways so I kept it saved. Note the custom hologram map in the cryosleep room where the nuke operatives would spawn, indicating some skill with spriting map objects, as well as the placement of spawn event objects such as the nuke spawner and the operative spawner and the plasma bomb spawner. ((May need to open in new tab))



2: A mockup of a new psychiatrist office I developed. Notice the rug, which really ties the whole room together. It also serves as an example of familiarity with how to network buttons and levers to shutters, conveyors, turrets, and etcetera.



3: Finally, a dilapidated motel structure that I constructed as part of a nuclear winter fallout style map. Notice the keen aesthetic detail. Each shard of glass is placed with an artist's eye. The redundant SMES system is typical of 2077 era power storage technology. Notice the custom sprited motel sign, and the custom sprited asphalt tiles, and the chain link fence too. The coniferous trees retain their needles even in the face of nuclear fallout. ((May need to open in new tab))



Also I helped a little bit with the current map live on the server.

Preferred Mode of Communication (Skype, Steam, etc.): Discord.

Additional Comments: When I first left in June-July I tried to make it as undramatic and professional as possible (Big shocker for this community, I know), because I had the feeling that I would be back. My hiatus was partially to retrospect on my accomplishments with the new map in the capacity I served, as the unofficially official project lead, to try and evaluate the various failures and successes of the megaproject. I also conveniently had to to leave for college and prepare for the semester long indoc phase of the military school I selected. Of all the evaluations I made, these three are the most important I think;

1: It is important to involve the community in substantial community-affecting projects, to keep them updated, but it is equally important to not involve them too much and to carefully meter your interactions in an official capacity.

2: It is essential to know that as much as you might want order and bureaucracy, a purely volunteer-based system like ss13 will always trend towards entropy. Trying to design a tightly layered bureaucratic system will at best only result in policy suggestions and never policy rules come a few weeks later. Better to work at what you can do then futilely struggle for what can't effectively be done.

3: It is absolutely critical to never get involved in a land war with Asia.

I have a few large-scale mapping projects in mind as well as some small scale ones in line with my idea that this server would benefit from a constant mapping team that consistently produced new content as well as moderated old content. In regards to applying for coding, I've realized that it is pretty much impossible to accomplish exactly what you want on this server without wearing as many hats as possible. I'd apply for spriter also except then I'd disappear into the gulag or wherever those people go a week after their application gets accepted. All that said I have no desire to presume my old unofficial-official map team leader position, largely because I don't think it was a great system and only necessary because the map team was collapsing at the time of my coup d'etat.

Also apparently this is my first actual developer application, despite me previously being a map-dev, a code-dev, and a lore-dev! :roll:

  • 2 weeks later...

I have known Lord Fowl a bit a long time ago. From current experience, on github he seemed to have done a lot of coding. I think he will contribute well to the dev team, so +1.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Marlon Phoenix

Fowl is without a doubt a productive developer, but he can also be rather mean spirited when interacting with people he does not want to respect. If he doesn't feel you deserve his respect he can be extremely condescending. If he meshes well with his team then he's a positive addition, but he can be very feisty. +1 otherwise.


What can I say. One of the main artificers of the new map, and former Lead Mapper. Decent coder and one of the best meme-producing machines we've ever had. I can only support this re-app. +1.


Fowl is someone I try (and fail) to emulate the productiveness of. To see his return to the team would be a wonderful addition to our otherwise excellent dev team! +1

  • 2 weeks later...

This feels like a no brainer to me. Fowl is worth accepting if a slot is open, in my honest opinion. But I second that he can be a bit brash at times.

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