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[Denied]Spanishman-Whitelist Head of Staff

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Posted (edited)

BYOND key: spanishman

Character names: Anna Aultman,J.A.I.S,BULLET,STEEL,Spark,Lilly.

How long have you been playing on Aurora?: around 6 months.

Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

I think I am ready to face the challenge that this whitelist may present,as the heads of staff must are an important position that has a lot of weight ingame.

Why did you come to Aurora?: I heard about SS13 and was looking for a good RP server,after trying Aurora (the one with most players at that moment) I decided to stay here, as i found it fun and a good way to burn my unlimited dead hours.

Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?:



Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about:

In my opinion,roleplay is placing yourself in your character's position,while developing the surroundings in a believable way and interacting with them to create a history with other people/circumstances.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

To keep their department in one piece and working,to teach new players how the things works around and to maintain a good roleplaying atmosphere.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

To help players new to the job that the Head is supervising and to promote roleplaying,to set an example of how to play.

this could be done in this character example by guiding lab assistants around Science and teaching them the basics of the job,asking them about what are they interested in working and showing them said job (if they like mechs,show them robotics and ask the roboticist to fill any possible gap in your explanation,leaving them there after that to familiarize with the environment).

Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions.

Character name: Lilly

Character age: 4 years.

Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Lilly is a Shell IPC that worked most of her life doing chemicals for a pharmaceutical company, Welldone Chemicals, the personal project of the owner, Gill Welldone. He wanted an IPC, because they are efficient and good at this kind of jobs, but he didn’t want some crude baseline nor needed the brute power of an industrial chassis, no, he wanted a Shell model in his labs, a worker that did her job well and kept morale high at the same time.

Developing new compounds and mixtures, improving the already existent ones, she was happy with his kind of job, until the company went bankrupt, being a small one, was overtaken by the bigger ones, unable to pay their debts they decided to sold most of their assets to other group, choosing Nanotrasen.

Being sold to Nanotrasen, she did the same that always, more scientific work, this time in a different environment,knowing that having this new ultra-modern equiptment would allow her to work better and faster, she was reprogramed and learned about the Science department workings, she had two objectives, to make a great discovery and to learn more about humans, with that in mind, she escalated positions in Nanotrasen, trying to get to Research Director, knowing that it could help with both objectives.

What do you like about this character?:

I like that she is really interested in her work,always finding new things to work after the research leveling and the upgrades for robotics,I also like that is a good character to go out and socialize if i feel like it.

What do you dislike about this character?:

She may be considered "Not robotic enough" (THIS IS BEING WORKED ON,please,i dont need another player complain about a problem i am fixing) and if i feel under the weather in that moment may not show its full potential.

What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?:

After being Interim Research Director a few times,I feel like she meets the requirements for it,also because of her IC goal of making a great discovery, I think that she would want to be RD to get all the help possible.


Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions.

How would you rate your own roleplaying?: 7/10 someone,get the LOOC out of me.

Extra notes:

All feedback is appreciated and recommended.

Edit: Backstory was changed,i think it makes more sense this way,I also changed some answers too.

Edit number 3.141592: Multiples changes here and there,thanks too all the people that is giving me feedback,I feel like this is helping me in a lot of ways.

Edited by Guest

-1, the backstory is kinda lame and your answers are weak. I’d put a little more effort into them and try to make them sound more concrete.

Not to mention I get a pretty serious snowflake vibe when I see your characters in game.


Spanishman has earned the Interim rank in terms of both CMOs and RDs, and I only had pleasure working alongside them in medical and engineering.

They know enough about Research to not have any trouble with supplying their workers with assistance, and teaching them if something was to occur.

I strongly disagree with Butterrobber’s comment about being “snowflakey”.

I believe that between snowflakey and unique is a thin line, and I fully believe that Spanishman’s characters are on the unique side. The characters have some uncommon, defining qualities, but they are not being shoved in anyone’s face by the player, neither are they extremely blatant, much like Lilly, who struggles to understand human emotion as an IPC, and will sometimes misunderstand sarcasm and the likes.

Has my full support.



This is a very, very barebones application. I'd really urge you to expand on your answers, as currently your character's biography is 4 lines, which is barely anything. I'm not going to -1 as I do enjoy some of your characters, and I think your OOC attitude is pretty good. But the app seriously needs some more things written, don't be afraid to expand on things. Part of a command application is showing that you're capable of creating a character that is suited for command. Simply tell us more about Lilly, who made her? How did they treat her? How did the company she worked for go bankrupt? How did that affect Lilly? Why is she suited to be an RD when her main experience is working in a prosthetic shop? Just tell us more.


+1, while I do agree there needs to be a little more in their app, they definitely are ready for the head white list, i've worked with them plenty of times before, and they've put in good effort icly and oocly with their work.


[mention]Butterrobber202[/mention][mention]Worthy[/mention] I edited the Backstory,please tell me about it and if i should change anything more.


Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

Because it looks like the most logical next step in this character story,as they want to make a great scientific discovery and may need all the power possible,not limited by the Scientific job.

I don't like this as a reason, though I suppose that's more a personal bias thing than a legitimate complaint. Scientists aboard the NSS Aurora are, make no mistake, still the top of their field. Research Directors are just, y'know, the top of the top. Commanding the frontier of phoron research in the galaxy. I don't like the idea that part of a characters development needs to be promotion to a chief position, but that's just me.


Character name: Lilly

Character age: 6 years.

Important to note that as far as IPC frames go, shells are some of the youngest. IPCs came about only 20 years ago, and this character would likely have been made either slightly before or soon after the invention of shell frames. Just thought that was important to note.


Lilly,a simple Shell IPC that worked most of her life doing and installing prosthetics in a shop at Mendel, having a monotonous life until the company entered in bankrupt,when the owner and her creator decided that Nanotransen was a good place for her to develop and become better at both her job and life.

Already, I've got a few questions:

  • Why was a shell frame employed for this purpose? They are the most expensive form of shell available, rife with controversy, employed for a job that is not exactly customer service. Quoting from the wiki, "Exactly where the advent of Shells came from is yet unknown, but the controversy surrounding them has resulted in them being rare, and often unnecessary additions to society.".
  • Who designed her? Is it the company she's working for now? What's the name of said company? You said the 'owner and her creator', the grammar leaves it unclear. Are they one in the same? Was she being rented to this shop? Why does her owner still own her, instead of just selling her outright?
  • Why are her creators interested in her best interests? IPCs, until recently, were regarded purely as property, and now they're still on that edge between cheap labour and machinery. It's entirely possible an owner would have some vested interest in the livelihood of an IPC, but it needs to be explained why.
  • On that note, how did her creator procure the funds to create a shell frame? They're incredibly expensive just to produce. Was it part of working for a company, and the IPC would be used for corporate purposes? Did that change? If so, why?


Now she spends her days trying to find something that can be considered a big discovery,improving chemicals and different mixes,in an attempt to find something useful and understanding herself as a person,because of this need of discovering,she decided to aspire to RD and do all at her reach to get her goal.

  • Why does she do this? What gives her the drive to find this 'big discovery'? Was it hard-wired by Nanotrasen, by her creator/owner, was it developed in herself? What sparked this? Does she have any other hobbies or interests?
  • Where did she get her knowledge of chemistry? Was it programmed in by Nanotrasen? This is a costly process. Was it pre-programmed? Why was she not put to use in a research lab sooner? Did she learn it manually? How, and how long did it take?
  • So she is interested in progress for her own reasons. What about her owner? How do they feel about this? Why would Nanotrasen hire them for this position? Exemplary leadership? The shell frame would definitely be an advantage, but not reason enough on it's own.


What do you like about this character?:

I like that she is really interested in her work,always finding new things to work after the research leveling and the upgrades for robotics,I also like that is a good character to go out and socialize if i feel like it.

I'm glad to see that you're interested in continuing to work after you've done the mechanical side. It's immersion-breaking when people say "I've finished research" for a myriad of reasons, and seeing people actually go off and launch experiments (especially dangerous ones) is great to see. Got to say, though, that 'go out and socialize if i feel like it' implies that if you don't feel like it you'll not interact with people. May want to change the wording on that if that's not what you mean.


What do you dislike about this character?:

She may be considered "Not robotic enough" and if i feel under the weather in that moment may not show its full potential.

RED FLAG. IPCs that act overtly human, or rather, non-robotic, are hazardous, because they often show no signs of acting like a human at all. If I can't identify that you're an IPC without the tag after ten minutes of conversation, you're probably doing something wrong. IPC's are whitelisted for a reason, because their racial traits are supposed to be used to promote roleplay. It's like saying that a vaurca is 'too human', or a skrell is 'too human', or a dionaea is 'too human'. If it's not a member of the 'species' it's in, it needs to be improved.

EDIT: Wait, shit, you changed it. Now I gotta change mine. Gosh darnit


... Got to say, though, that 'go out and socialize if i feel like it' implies that if you don't feel like it you'll not interact with people. May want to change the wording on that if that's not what you mean.


Sometimes I do not feel like going outside of Research,or whatever place I am,its just an IRL problem,I will interact with people,but i am more prone to cryo that round.


Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?:

I think I am ready to face the challenge that this

forgot a bit


Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs):

Lilly is a Shell IPC that worked most of her life doing chemicals for a pharmaceutical company, the personal project of the owner, Gill.

Gill who? What's the name of the company? Little things like this make a big difference in interactions with people. Is the name of the company printed on it's frame anywhere?


He wanted an IPC, because they are efficient and good at this kind of jobs, but he didn’t want some crude baseline nor needed the brute power of an industrial chassis, no, he wanted a Shell model in his labs, a worker that did her job well and kept morale high at the same time.

Did he design it himself? If so, where did he get the funds to do this? Personal taste can account for quite a bit, but for the price difference between a baseline and a shell, it seems a small reason to upgrade.


Developing new compounds and mixtures, improving the already existent ones, she was happy with his kind of job, until the company went bankrupt, being a small one, was overtaken by the bigger ones, unable to pay their debts they decided to sold most of their assets to other group, choosing Nanotransen.

Always happy to hear about NT fucking things up. I like this, because it gives reasonable grounds for a personal project of that expense to be transferred.

Being sold to Nanotransen, she did the same that always, more scientific work, this time in a different environment, she was reprogramed and learned about the Science department workings, she had two objectives, to make a great discovery and to learn more about humans, with that in mind, she escalated positions in Nanotransen, trying to get to Research Director, knowing that it could help with both objectives.

COMMA SPLICE. Raises the following questions:

  • Reprogramming an IPC is a very expensive task. Was this done specificially with promotion to RD in mind? That would make the most sense, but it seems that's not the case.
  • Learning more about humans seems like a strange goal for a machine that was specifically designed to 'keep morale high'. Wouldn't she have been programmed with that in mind?
  • How did she react to changing positions? Surely being sold from your owner against their will would breed some kind of resentment, or at least some reaction. Were they happy to get access to more resources? Angry that suddenly their slavery is more damaging to them?


Please read my other post too, a lot of the feedback there is still relevant. Keep at it, you've got good feedback on your playstyle, you just need to write a more coherant character and I'd be happy to support your application. I do heavily support shying away from more 'humanoid' IPC's, at least without obvious quirks.

Edit: Also, the company is called Nanotrasen, after it's founder, Xavier Trasen.


Reprogramming an IPC is a very expensive task. Was this done specificially with promotion to RD in mind? That would make the most sense, but it seems that's not the case.



I spoke with Cake about reprogramming IPCs a little while ago. According to him, IPC reprogramming isn't especially expensive, or difficult. It's just like any other AI.


Reprogramming an IPC is a very expensive task. Was this done specificially with promotion to RD in mind? That would make the most sense, but it seems that's not the case.

I spoke with Cake about reprogramming IPCs a little while ago. According to him, IPC reprogramming isn't especially expensive, or difficult. It's just like any other AI.


From the wiki, "No more than two jobs can reasonably be undertaken by any IPC, with sparing exceptions (such as cooks/gardeners/bartenders, or xenobotanists/xenobiologists/lab assistant and so on). [...] All synthetics are manufactured for a purpose, and any modifications to their core programming to change this purpose would be costly, not to mention time consuming and often needless."



Is the name of the company printed on it's frame anywhere?

No,it isnt printed anywhere.



Did he design it himself? If so, where did he get the funds to do this? Personal taste can account for quite a bit, but for the price difference between a baseline and a shell, it seems a small reason to upgrade.

Is a pre-designed chassis,with some minor changes,like the colour of the eyes and other minor changes



Learning more about humans seems like a strange goal for a machine that was specifically designed to 'keep morale high'. Wouldn't she have been programmed with that in mind?

She is designed to "keep morale high",being RD means more interactions,and with that more opportunities to learn about human,the more she learns,the best she can do that job.


Edit: Also, the company is called Nanotrasen, after it's founder, Xavier Trasen.

Fixed,I swear to god i will learn the name some day.


I've played with Spanishman plenty of times in security, and the only thing I can say is that he is a good player, taught me quite a few things, very kind.



Honestly I'm against Lilly being a scientist, let alone a research director, they have the critical thinking and self expression abilities of a teenager, with emotional decisions over logic.

I see no reason why they'd be a scientist, let alone one who's supposed to direct other scientists and hold them to standards, and keep an eye out for bias in scientific reports.

Even after the complaint my interactions with them seemed needlessly passive aggressive at times and human in silicon all the time.



After taking in consideration this feedback and the whitelist team feedback, we have decided to deny this application. You are free to apply again in some weeks.

Application denied.

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