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Elohi Adanvdo

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Everything posted by Elohi Adanvdo

  1. I have a similar complaint to add to this that does not relate to the situation reported, but follows the same exact pattern of behavior that is being discussed: Selective communication, or lack thereof. For some basic background: On a yesterday, the game ID being bTJ-a02I (if you wish to look further into it), I was playing Sid as an undercover cultist. Something happened to where a lost assistant managed to get into the engineering lobby, in which case Security was alerted to so they can reprimand the guy and let him off with a warning or something. The Detective PDA'd me about it, which was cool. Then the CSI, Alan Grimm PDA'd me and obsessed over the minor case, even threatening me with charges and acting like THE LAW, demanding that I get to the lobby immediately or else. Now, the round was being hectic and my character had everyone breathing down his neck for power to the station because of a complication that he was doing his best to resolve as fast as he could. Not wanting to deal with the harassment any longer and dealing with enough stress on my plate, I comm'd the rest of security to get their CSI off my back, they all agreed with me that the behavior was shitty, it was taken care of, all was good. Now, we get to the part where Kato Zane enters the scene. He arrives on the station, and I guess Grimm immediately went to tattle on me to their HoS. Next thing I know, I get a PDA message from the HoS. To summarize: He had only spoken to Grimm and had sided with the CSI, and not consulted with the accused or any observers that were involved, which was the entirety of the security department, and immediately (although a minor punishment) issued a warning of slandering a member of security and reporting a falsehood (both claims of which were false) without launching a proper investigation. Here are the PDA messages shared between Sid and Zane. I did not AHelp it because it was an IC thing, and it was clearly handled. The guy even apologized after realizing that he had made a mistake, and I think it followed more of an in-depth investigation by them, and had hopefully learned his lesson. I was fine with that. I found it odd that the HoS didn't know better and to actually further investigate the incident and get stories from all sides involved or gather the evidence that was on my PDA, the conversations between me and Grimm. There was no communication except for between him and the CSI, and then the PDA message of an official warning from Zane. Yes, the issue was resolved and corrected in the end and I do appreciate that, but the wayit was handled was poor. tl;dr A Department staff is supposed to know regulations and procedure, as well as coordinate with their team to handle and resolve issues within their areas of expertise, and side with the station for it's well-being, not just the department. Although the latter is the least of the worries here, I had observed the same disappointing lack of communication the day before. There could be good potential with having K0NFL1QT play as HoS. But from what I see considering my experience and the one reported by Tbear a day later after my IC incident, this is a repeat behavior that could use some work on correcting.
  2. And to others, please note that other species have restrictions on jobs as well. Vaurcae have the worst of it. This would only restrict one position from Dionaea, but may end up to two in the end in another suggestion I make regarding EMT/Paramedic roles. It's not restricting them from the entire department. Just one role in it, besides the pre-existing Departmental Head positions.
  3. [mention]Sharp[/mention] To make it easier on everyone, I would like to change Security Officers into a species-restricted job. I apparently wasn't understanding what you were saying earlier in how you would like this to be enforced, and as it turns out, there was an easier solution for it to be enforced: why have the position open for them if they shouldn't have it in the first place?
  4. I've not the clearest idea to as of why G2Is would be allowed the role, but they make for excellent wardens. It could also be the fact that they are intentionally used as tanks to siege against antags, but I am uncertain. It's just odd. But like everything else: "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should." Edit: As I've stated before, officers IRL have to go through tests during their training, which also tests their physical capabilities. You don't have to be Ursain Bold. Just reasonably fast enough to respond based on an average.
  5. - Security Officer: Too slow - Detective: This is fine, as they should not have to actively chase suspects or respond to emergencies. That is an Officer's job. "Why do they have a gun then?" Because of noir detective films. - Security Cadet: This is fine. They just have to leave the heavy-duty stuff such as emergencies and chases to Officers like most cadets should. - Shaft Miner: This is fine. Shaft miners are slow because of their gear. They don't have to run after anyone or respond to emergencies. The only reason why they can't do anything right now is because of lighting. - Xenoarcheologist: See above. - CSI/FT: Same as Detective. - Electrician: This is fine. They don't have to chase after anyone. The only emergencies that they have to respond to are broken doors, a broken APC, etc. Which typically isn't life-threatening. - EMT/Paramedic: This should defiantly be restricted. If you're not able to respond to an emergency and arrive on-scene in a timely manner, what are you being paid for? They also have to go through physicals as well, I believe. - Head of Security: This is already restricted. They have the role of basically all of security, including Officer and Warden if the situation calls for it. - Captain: This is restricted for several species for several reasons, mainly ethics. They also sometimes have to take up the role of HoS when the position is vacant in emergencies. - Head of Personnel: I'm actually going to try to get this to be allowed. This role is not one that has to chase after people or respond to emergencies like Medical or Security does. I honestly don't know why you thought all of these jobs shouldn't be preformed by Dionaea. Only highly demanding security and medical roles should be restricted due to the need to respond to an emergency in a timely manner. None of the other positions have to do so. Edit: Further discussed with Menown via Discord and got the reasons to as of why they viewed the other roles as affected, and were unrelated to speed as much as they were about mechanics and possible lore-related issues, which will be addressed in other posts, possibly.
  6. Like I said before, they are tanky, yes. But realistically, you have to pass physical tests to join the force irl. If you cannot respond to an emergency, what are you being paid for? It also takes up slots in the game. In all honesty I feel that the Industrials in security is a bit of a joke as well, but only ever seen one or two at the most play as Officer. The other one plays as Warden, and they do a pretty good job at it. In addition to my earlier muse about Cadets, I was thinking that they could be used to do the ones you suggested with a few additions. They would be restricted from following an officer on patrol and responding to emergencies that involve a fast response and/or a chase, but the can do paperwork and other errands for the department like any other cadet, shadow the Detective on their job, guarding an area and manning a checkpoint (I've seen Cadets do this before and it's reasonable) and reporting things where they're posted. Handling antags outside of supervised transportation or otherwise shouldn't be allowed unless there's absolutely no choice- what if they break free and make for an escape? Guess who can't chase after them? As for EVA, as long as there's not much of a rush or no other choice, that sounds fine. Overall, they would be in a Cadet position with some minor restrictions, and should be treated as such.
  7. I have a lot of things to add into the wiki and further explain, but yes, Dionaea are capable of experiencing emotion. Lone Nymphs, especially new ones, start off with basic raw emotion minus sadness and disgust considering the nature of the way they live, and use these emotions to survive. With age comes wisdom of course and they are capable of learning different emotions and experience them when they have the leisure to do so and acquire them through learning. The biggest reason why Gestalts (namely older ones, the younger ones are still prone to immaturity of course) act so serene and slow is because they take the information and process it among one another and reach a consensus on what to do with it, the end result is them all choosing a more thought-out and appropriate reaction, which is typically, calmly. There's no reason to overreact to things when it could simply worsen the situation for all involved. When a singular Nymph, they act like any other organic, but as a Gestalt they act more reasonably. That doesn't mean that they aren't capable of taking other's emotions into account, they're simply more collected. As for enforcing: I would like to warn players beforehand of the change so they can adapt accordingly, deciding for themselves to make IC or OOC changes about their character- whether playing it off as new policy that was installed, or a simple redaction and change in who the Cadet assisted. This would probably be done in the game's welcome-screen news, and through forums/Discord. Actual enforcing can be done by other players though ahelps, kindly letting the player know through LOOC, or staff doing a cursory check once in a while if a cadet Dionae comes on board. Of course, I will be floating around too to check in and make sure our happy tree friends are playing well with everyone. After a while, everyone will hopefully get the hint and we won't have to monitor as much if for some reason there was ever such a need in the first place.
  8. So, this is being brought up simply because as it stands now, it makes zero sense in the realm of realism which is: Dionaea should not be Security Officers. The role of Security Officer is to be able to respond to emergency calls and arrive on-scene in short order, which involves running to the location. Now, in the academy, they do physicals and test your ability to not only run to a situation, but also run from it. If you can't take cover or get away from any danger to avoid it, you become a liability. You also have to pursue after suspects. And I'm pretty sure everyone here knows how much it would suck to let a mass murderer escape. Sure. Dionaea can be pretty robust. But by all means, they are not fit for duty as an officer. What I'm asking for here is only a restriction on the species playing as anything that involves running to and from a scene, and chasing after suspects- namely, more or less Security Officers. However, they can still play as Warden and Detective-roles as they shouldn't involve running about much. Wardens get to stick around in the brig and able to move short distance somewhat fast if they shuffled their feet a bit faster, and for detectives, realistically a Dionae should be able to read a scene and people much like Sherlock- they're a rather intelligent species, and if you've lived for a long time (to those that apply), it would come as second nature if you specialize in the role for so long. I was thinking on asking on a restriction for Cadets to be included in this, but there are some cadets that get to shadow the Detectives or even the Warden, so maybe just have officers recline on taking them on and handing the Dionae over to the detectives/warden. So perhaps just make it against protocol to shadow an Officer/HoS as a liability issue and enforce it as such? If a second suggestion thread is needed for it, let me know and I'll make one. But with this role being taken away, access to a new position is being suggested to balance this request. Edit: This is a species whitelist role restriction request.
  9. To balance my wanting to restrict Dionaea from being played as Officers in another thread, I would like to give Dionae the ability to play as Head of Personnel. Now, Dionae are able to play as every civilian role and do very well at it. The position focuses on social skills and the ability to coordinate the civilian services department, making sure that their department is running smoothly and able to support the rest of the station as it's backbone- cargo and food-related posts are very important to keep the station running as well as mining, so if the Civilian department is, so should the rest. A wel-fed, well-supplied station is a happy station. Now as I stated before, Dionae are more than capable of preforming civilian positions: able to live for thousands of years and quickly gather knowledge for occupations in a department that are simpler in comparison to the rest, additional education to lead those occupations and learning of financials, interviewing applicants, etc should be a reasonable and achievable next step. On top of that, they are a species whose entire existence is not just based off of their high learning and intelligence capabilities that can be used to make excellent reasoning and decisions, they are also the definition of complex symbiosis. In a Gestalt, each nymph works with one another to coordinate a single form up into the millions and beyond, and by applying social knowledge and training that one could learn, could easily work as a team with other species and coordinate with them as they already display. Additionally, HoPs don't do much other than walk around and inspect/interact with the departments, see if everything is up to par and making sure everyone is happy with both the people and equipment, there's also a lot of paperwork... which quite frankly is everything a Dionae is definitely capable of preforming like their other head roles and allow them OOCly an excellent RP role. Edit: This is a species whitelist role addition request.
  10. No one posted feedback But that's fine, as it is not necessarily needed in the end. The time has come for me to make a final decision. I see that you have definitely read the lore, and you have a very solid character here. Although I might not have RP'd with you much at all, your storytelling abilities tell me that you are capable, and are willing to admit that like everyone else, you have some off days. Thankfully, Dionae are a slower-paced species and experience a relaxed but HRP playstyle and are perfect for the times when you need to take things easy. There's not much else here to say except "welcome aboard". Application Accepted.
  11. I can completely understand that. I was just curious because honestly it seemed like too good of an idea to resist. The species itself doesn't have too much on it for now and can sometimes be simply summarized in a sentence or two, and the background you chose was a bit limiting because the origin of the nymph was a character that wasn't yours. Although there isn't too much information in this application that displays knowledge of their lore, there is just enough here to convince me that you did in fact read it. Additionally, I've had the pleasure on several occasions interact with you in-game, and lurk watch you RP in an Aurora-based RP Discord. As you've stated before, despite their origins and nature Dionaea and IPCs seem to share an odd resemblance to one another in several aspects, and with only a few minor adjustments made to make the shift from synthetic to organic, I believe that whichever character you choose to create first, I'm confident that you'll be able to play them as well as the rest of the gang. Application Accepted.
  12. Of course you'd +1 it That aside, I see nothing wrong with the name in all honesty. Their names can be long and whimsical like a poem, but bits and pieces taken out from it or condensing it down into something short like a book title as an adaptation for ease of use by other species. And like a book, their names are more or less ways to hint at the knowledge inside. Some titles have mystique and are abstract, but others can have more scientific names, just like books.
  13. To be frankly honest, it would be a shame to not have this character played. They have come from a Gestalt with a caring personality, transferring that personality to the nymph who opted to dutifully stick around and complete the Gestalt's wish, which became it's own. From there, it learned how to work with others different from itself and learned excellent teamwork and social skills in a symbiotic relationship between flesh and steel. After it's mission was complete, it finished it's growth with others of it's kind- and possibly very well being chosen as the "central node" because of it's ability to work with others so well. The others may very well miscommunicate with one another due to their rather young age as well, but your base nymph it might keep them together as a mediator. I actually applied for an IPC whitelist for my character, R.I.P. Clav, who's actually two personalities in one chassis due to an incident: R. Clav, the base, and R.I.P. the alter. And like an alter does, although it may possess the same values as the base, it's as opposite as it could get from their positive counterpart. They work excellently as a team when they have a scalpel in their hands, but when they're not dealing with an urgent case, they may squabble about a few menial things between one another. So, while we wait a little longer for the processing time to end and allow anyone else to give some feedback as I make a decision: if you had the whitelist, why not make them an incredibly social, helpful assistant? The nymphs would all be young and the Gestalt new, so they'd be able to explore the vast new world with their boundless curiosity, dabbling here and there and learning how to work with one another as well being educated until they decide on their place in the world? I'm not one to try and sway decisions, but it would make for an excellent, unique character with a large chance for equally unique RP with others. That sounds like a pretty good gimmic to me.
  14. It is not sabotage-proof in the least, and can be incredibly easy to use to really fuck up the station. Please note that this doesn't necessarily refer to gas already in the chamber. It also includes the canisters itself. And the easiest way to seriously damage the station? Besides delamiating the SM in several ways that can more often than not take even intermediate players difficulty in handling- and trust me, you can get real creative- the simplest thing is to open up the chamber doors, or just a valve on a canister. It happens sometimes to even engineering regulars; please refer to my first post for the full story on that one. Basically, phoron, in a canister or used in the engine, can massive potential hazard. No one should have easy access to it, period, and should have to work to get to use it. If you want an intermediate replacement which I have had no trouble with using before (again, it's in one of my earlier posts to as of how/why), CO2 makes an excellent replacement with a decent capacity, only a little maintenance, and meets the power demand for the station well enough. Eve could probably back me up here on my claims, as I've discussed it with them a few times and they've also seen it in action in-game.
  15. The applicant has edited their original post in response. I'll let it sit a little longer where it can hopefully gain some feedback (although not necessary), and make a decision later today. Thank you for the update, Calion!
  16. Beep boop I really love the concept of this character. Not only is it's origins unique (and personally, touching), but it's also the continuation of a story- there was too much potential, and you didn't want that to go to waste. But like [REDACTED]'s, there's some mildly important details missing. Because of this, I will shamelessly copy-paste the same questions I asked them for some clarification. - What were their interests/passions? What did they want to learn the most about? For Dionae, experiences shape who they are. - Did the other nymphs have the same interests? When you start your application with an individual Diona, you've actually got to handle up to five others (unless you don't mind them missing a limb or two). - Where did they go to earn their degree, and what do they major in? Although they might be educated, they still have to prove it like everyone else and have to be tested on the knowledge to prove that they can back up their claims and apply said knowledge, especially for NT. - What occupation have they applied for to work as aboard the Aurora, and why NT? - What is their age? The game will ask you to apply an age, and it also contributes to how much knowledge they may have accumulated over the years. From what it sounds like, they'll be around a year old. And like the other whitelistee, I'd like to see some feedback here from other players. Although I have interacted with you and your characters, I would like to hear a little of what others may have to say. But personally, I can see that you play synthetics well, and there's not too much of a difference between synthetic and Dionae personalities. I would also like to see a little more on why you like this character. Is it their behavior? Their endeavors? The vision of a better future of ruling the universe as literally Glorsh 2.0's right-hand treeman??
  17. To be honest, isn't a Maintenance Technician responsible for the upkeep of the station? I can see a MT being merged with the Janitor role in such a case, and possibly even the electrician occupation (although they are the best to wire the station, solars, and setting up of the Tesla, so it's debatable). They would be responsible for fixing lights, annoying vending machines, keeping the halls clean... it would be specialized like an Engine Tech, or Atmos Tech. It sounds reasonable enough, wouldn't you think?
  18. I've been expecting you. So, right off the bat you've engaged in story-mode and created a background with origins. Check. It's also clear you've read the lore due to the use of the newest addition to said lore, which I'm very happy to see. However, there are some details lacking: - What did the nymphs discover at the outpost? Depending on the knowledge they had accumulated thus far, it could shape their personality and what they further wish to pursue. - What did their Sage teach them? - Where did they go to earn their degree, and what do they major in? Although they might be educated, they still have to prove it like everyone else and have to be tested on the knowledge to prove that they can back up their claims and apply said knowledge, especially for NT. - What occupation have they applied for to work as aboard the Aurora? - What is OoD's age? The game will ask you to apply an age, and it also contributes to how much knowledge they may have accumulated over the years. - Will OoD be missing a "limb"? In-game, a "proper" Worker-Gestalt is made of six Nymphs. Now, don't quote me on this, I'm horrible at math, but last I checked eight minus three is five?? Last thing, I would like to see some replies here from other players if you could. I haven't really observed you in-game much if at all as your characters sound somewhat unfamiliar to me, and I can't make a solid judgement just off of storytelling abilities alone. What you say and what you do are two different things, so go out there and advertise like Billy Mays. You gotta work it, man. Sell it!
  19. Edit to my first post: it was clarified that the player is whitelisting for a Drone and not an Unbound. The Backstory got me confused and sounded like it was otherwise, and was clarified via the main Discord server. Whoops! Edit: Additionally, Jam is right. As you told me, you're aiming for a Bound. These applications are meant to display your knowledge and capabilities of following more complex species lore- asking for a Bound right off the bat cuts that out of the proccess. Be prepared for the Vaurca maintaner or the Head Loredev to ask you to chose an Unbound as a character to apply as, and have a backup story on standby. It shouldn't be too difficult as an endeavour- and after you get the whitelist, you can make your Bound and play as them! The whitelist gives you freedom to play as many different characters of the species as you want.
  20. The backstory has nothing of sustenance. It's just the character's view on day to day activities- and Unbounds are not that simple. You write it as if they are bound. Unbound have feelings, conplex thoughts. They are a person. This more than likely will not do. What a backstory is, is sort of like a biography. You're supposed to talk about where they come from, what their old life was like, what made them decide to come to NanoTrasen and why, how they got their position, and what their hopes and dreams are. I highly suggest you take a look through the accepted applications in the archives and see what got the others accepted- to see what the maintainers want to see in an applicant. After, you're more or less going to have to do an overhaul of the background story. So please take the time to do just a little more research and fix up your application for better consideration. Edit: Your understanding of Bound is also pretty harsh like the user before me stated. Although they act cold and robotic, they aren't 100% that unnatural acting. Additionally, Vaurca exposed to reality, especially after having lived in it for so long, don't always have such a slanted veiw at first or after a while. Views change. But both of those topics are just personal opinion from how I know them. And it might do you good to look at the way they name individuals. Your naming goes against their lore.
  21. Actually, that is exactly what I've been contemplating. Would this mean that you'd move the Supermass engine down to the sublevel, and move the incomplete Tesla engine up to the main? It'd be interesting, giving both "Engineering Departments" their own engine to deal with. (and actually encourage it) If the Tesla was "complete" and not completely buggy, I'd be all for it. But the next best thing is to simply give atmospherics access to the engine. But this change would definately give the techs more to do- engine techs and atmos techs both deal with gasses and sit and watch the screen all day, so why not?
  22. Actually, that is exactly what I've been contemplating.
  23. Hello, Minty! I see you're rather new to the community, so let me welcome you to Aurora! I'm glad to see you're enthusiastic to become a part of the community and becoming further involved by chosing to go for a Diona application, no less! And right off the bat, I can tell you're pretty dedicated and a good writer. There's no need to give a tl;dr version- this shows that you've put in a lot of thought into your character, and just how much it's more or less grown on you. And clearly, you've spent the time to read their lore. You have good writing, and I really like how the Dionae would be showing apprehension and caution towards others- it's a rarer sight to see for one to act anything other than passive and calm externally. However, there's some trouble with the backstory, namely the trouble itself: there's far too much violence for it to be realistic in Aurora-lore. To keep it short, there's no way the station would survive that many attacks and yet still somehow be a target again and again in the future, and zero chance for the surviving Skrell to be able to live. We try to keep all antagonistic encounters to a minimum. Also, I have yet to correct in the wiki in how Diona grow, their need to eat, and languages they can mechanically access in-game, but I will explain here until then: A single nymph cannot sprout another unless it was through a seed, in which each form of Diona will release only one a year. Otherwise, planets would be overpopulated by Dionaea, and that poses a massive problem with their need to eat, which they do actually have. They also can't heal or move well without- to be able to heal faster, more energy than what is processed by the light is needed. And sadly, as a mechanic, you won't be able to hear or speak the Skrellian language with the code as it stands now (however, that may be fixed). And lastly, your account is rather new- too new, to the point where no one really knows you and can provide any feedback to as of who you are as a player, so despite your good writing, I'm going to have to decline your application for now. But there's an easy fix- I'd like for you to take a week and a half, maybe two weeks (or longer if you'd like), to play in-game and build a reputation with the community. During that time, fix up your story to something that's a bit more lore-friendly and acceptable to the Aurora-verse, and re-submit it when the time comes. And to help get those reviews make sure to advertise your application by posting a link to it in OOC channels and maybe in our Discord. Don't forget to say what the link is for- not a lot of pepple are willing to click a random link. An of course, don't be afraid to contact me for any questions and the like. Hope to see you re-apply when the time comes! Application declined.
  24. Name: Uwasv Sidanelv Species: Unathi Age: 27 Date of Hire: 03/26/2451 Job Title: Station Engineer Preferred Contact Info: uwasid@NTmail.com
  25. I agree with the others. Believe it or not, yes, phoron is a more advanced setup simply because of the sheer danger that comes with working with the gas. Remember Sid? Imagine me playing him two to three years ago when I was new to the job, game, and server. Now imagine him as an apprentice pressured by the rest of the crew to set up the engine. Now imagine him accidentally opening the valve on a Phoron canister. A cannonical accident happened, and it was a pain to clean, but he thankfully pulled through without much in the way of harm or damage. It also caused him to never use Phoron again in the hot loop, thus his 3 CO2 Hot/ 3 Phoron Cold Mixed Setup was born. With anyone else, it could have been a full-on catastrophic disaster that involved a massive fire and a Supermatter delamination. Not fun. Additionally, Atmos techs are rare quite possibly because some people might find their role useless. What's the point in making a tech when an engineer can and will do your job anyways? It's incredibly frustrating. With a tech on board, they can be asked for the cans, and have them refilled and supercooled. They have a job then. Otherwise, it's just staring at a screen all shift, waiting for an alarm to pop up. Woo. Fun. The last thing we need to do is make them obsolete. It's unfair. And last but not least, yes, Nitrogen can be useful but is not suggested as a fuel often because of instability. However, we can meet halfway and instead put in CO2, Sid's choice of fuel for the hot loop. From the Wiki: "CO2 is slightly better than Nitrogen, due to it's 50% larger heat capacity. This means engine cooled by CO2 transfers heat to TEG's more efficiently - resulting in slightly lower operating temperature and higher power output. It has no disadvantages over N2." It's also a good fire retardant, which Phoron is blatantly not. A good, basic mix setup with CO2/N2 would be two CO2 in the hot loop and two N2 in the cold, maybe three, leaving one or two left over depending for cooling. All that's left to be done is to change the filters, and give it about fifteen or twenty shots or so, give or take, and you've got a decent engine that ocassionally needs to be checked up on instead of constantly babysat. Plus, it's safer. That sounds like a good compromise, right? Of course, with four Nitrogen and two Carbon Dioxide in the room, players are free to choose the basic Nitrogen setup, learn to do a safe Mixed, work with an atmos tech to get Phoron, or get it themselves. Please note that Phoron is dangerous and I am implying that it should be worked for to obtain. With such options, it allows for learning as well as risk/reward. #MakeAtmosiaGreatAgain
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