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  1. moving medical care to difficult to carry items makes medical care for response and antagonist teams more of a hassle
  2. armor needing maint mostly affects those who cant get more armor, probably hits heisters very hard
  3. I support this suggestion as there is not much utility to anything the private devices have. It's pretty difficult to reconfigure something considering it requires someone to play a job that maybe one person actually plays with no real other purpose but to swipe laptops. Perhaps the separation would be warranted if private devices actually provided anything interesting, but they're pretty barebones, unless you e-mag them I guess. Plus, it's not like workplace productivity means anything in SS13.
  4. Yeah
  5. I will lock and archive this in 3 years if nobody has any further comments to make.
  6. Emagged drones can be incredibly annoying but also cost some effort from the antagonist in question and "AI can detonate them" would make them essentially useless, as drones provide camera and could not avoid being detonated.
  7. good idea on kaed's crawling while injured thing, i think it would be cool if it acted like you being dragged for a tile or something
  8. Recently, the price of the mining RIG was raised with the amount in stock changed to 2. This penalizes latejoiners and forces them to rely on a department that may or may not exist to get one of the effective tools (mesons+material, hardsuit jetpack, etc)
  9. This solution prevents you from lying mechanically, which introduces the same metagaming issue as this feature not existing.
  10. Mercs, raiders, TCFL etc can have off-worlders on the teams, but people usually have to ahelp for fitting gear. A crate could be shoved in a corner somewhere with braces and RMT and such.
  11. i like this idea-- how would it interact with the faction system in place? would new factions need to be created for just this job?
  12. PDA - one on one convo NNet - literally never used, costs a sizable chunk of some jobs' credits so have fun ordering anything from cargo Talking in person - jobs that get majority of interaction from radio are physically isolated Req Consoles/mail/fax/letters - very formal, slow to get a response, inaccessible from many areas of the station i suppose holocalls would be the best solution to be honest but they're kind of clunky and you have no real way to know if there's someone on the other end
  13. i play jobs where you don't get interaction with anyone except over the radio. all this change adds is i now get no interaction unless it's someone in my department who wants something from me
  14. Recently, I attempted to make a milkshake with hakhma milk and was very disappointed when it did not work.
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